By CreativelySOCIAL

97.1K 4.6K 2.7K

Zayne Sanchez isn't the average "lady's man", he classifies himself as the most honest of them all: a DAWG. H... More

Author's Note!
A Man's Public Announcement
Mama's Maybe, Daddy's Baby
Another Piece of Me?
Fourteen (Part II)
Eyes, Wide SHUT
All Or Nothing
A Motherless Child
Introducing... US


3.3K 121 80
By CreativelySOCIAL

*** Alright, this is extremely long and incredibly graphic if you know what I mean! So grab your snacks, get your wine, your significant other, or even an ice bath lmao! Also... remember y'all asked for this! I'm not responsible for anything that happens to you beyond this point 🤷🏽‍♀️. if you don't like MATURE scenes then I would suggest you skip it, but you have been warned! This ain't for no babies or the faint at heart lmao...
Okay BYE 😂!


The smooth commotion of R&B music and various conversations were prominent as it was only the result of a get together taking place. All of the lights spread throughout the restaurant were dim, making it particularly strenuous for anyone attempting to see past the sea of faces. Zayne was watching with hopeful green irises on this specific night, alone by choice. He remained modest, supporting his stout frame up against a nearby black marble bar with a small glass of Ciroc in one hand. The other remained tucked away in the pockets of his black denim jeans. He bobbed his head wordlessly as he pursued the task of searching for her – for Promise. It was almost like he could feel her presence although he hadn't even laid eyes on her.

She was there – somewhere adjacent to him.

Not too close, yet not so far away that his body couldn't make note of her.

He then wrapped his full lips around his glass, taking a small sip of the intoxicating drink. He cringed as the alcoholic beverage became one with the back of his throat. It was only seconds later that he was sliding the glass down to the female bartender as his silent way of requesting another shot. She quickly obliged, filling his glass with a flirtatious grin. He nearly shook his head at the woman, because her antics were more than noticeable to him. He had eyes for one woman in that room, and she clearly wasn't it. "It's on the house,"The bartender smiled while she leaned over the bar on her forearms. He allowed a small grin to suffice as he retrieved the drink from her with a nod of his head. She'd been giving him free drinks all night – probably hoping that it would earn her something else from him.

He turned back around, subconsciously returning his body back to its previous position. He moved the glass towards his mouth to take another sip, but it was short lived when he almost lost his grip on it. He cursed to himself, his green eyes suddenly darting down to his crisp black button down shirt. He felt around on his shirt for any signs of a spill and when he didn't find one he sighed in relief. He then leaned back and placed his drink on the bar. He chose to scrutinize the room some more prior to there being a nudge on his shoulder.

He didn't bother to avert his gaze away from what looked to be a seemingly happy couple. The way that they were laughing and so wrapped up, embracing one another, almost made him envious. He could tell by the way that the man would whisper lovingly in the young woman's ear that they adored each other. It's something that he wanted – with Promise – only if she was still willing to give herself to him. "I know dang well you felt that."Nikita's southern drawl suddenly pierced his ears. He chuckled a little as he finally glanced down at her.

Her hands were on both of her hips as her face held a small smirk. His smile only grew bigger at that, because the two of them grew a bit closer during the past few months. She was still visiting Major on a regular so he saw her a lot and it helped them to create a small bond. "What you want Kita?"He questioned, both of his hands now placed in his pockets. He began to rock back and forth on his heels while taking in her darkened tresses now full of long loose curls that framed her chocolate brown orbs. "Why must you stand over here looking all lonesome Zay? There's a party going on around you, but you're just off to yourself. I didn't throw this little get together for my friends to stand around and be wallflowers."She said, stating the obvious. Zayne found himself chuckling again.

"Do you mind? I can stand here all night if I damn well please lady."

She chuckled, rolling her eyes in a jovial manner,"Uh huh. She's over there to your left mister man. I know you're looking for her."

"Of course he's looking for her. He always is."Major sauntered over towards the two. He wrapped his arms loosely around Nikita's waist before lightly kissing her cheek. Zayne furrowed an eyebrow at his friend's actions. He wouldn't believe that the two were still strictly "cutty buddies" if they didn't stress it to everyone every other day. "Aight dude. You talking about me, but you're not looking too single yourself actually."He chortled. Major rolled his eyes as he allowed his hands to fall to his sides. "Don't do that Zayne."Nikita playfully smacked him on his arm. He shrugged and turned himself back towards the crowd. He'd already made note of what Nikita told him about where Promise was.

He licked his bottom lip as his green irises cut across the plethora of swaying bodies. Within a couple of moments, he finally spotted her. Her golden blonde tresses were swaggering up and down as she danced around with a blinding smile. He couldn't break his stare as his eyes fell over the little red dress accentuated with golden flecks that she wore. His eyes admired her toned legs some before sliding back up to her face. Her lips were painted the fiercest of reds and it instantly made him want to grab a hold of her and kiss all of her lipstick off.

His heart kicked into overdrive as it normally did whenever he caught a glimpse of her.

But then, it nearly stopped when he realized that she was dancing with another man, and this man wasn't Ryan.

Zayne didn't know him, but he'd be lying if he couldn't admit to himself of the jealousy that was slowly about to start permeating him. It was then that he reached back, instantly retrieving his glass. He turned it upwards, quickly leaking the rest of the contents into his mouth. "She's gonna be mine before the night is over with, believe that," He voiced, his eyes shifting over towards Nikita and Major. Nikita giggled with a small grin as she gave him a small shove towards the direction in which Promise was. Major began to shake his head, deciding that he would remain quiet with that being said.

He allowed his feet to move across the sleek floors as he jostled through the people that were still dancing. Promise was no longer on the floor. She'd opted for a table not too far away instead. His heart quickened its pace again as he maneuvered closer to her. She still hadn't noticed him yet, because she was carrying on a conversation with the guy she was previously dancing with.

It was time to for him to do some charming, time for him to sweep her entirely off her feet.

He really didn't think much about the idea of her turning him down because he was just that determined.

He was going to get her.

He pulled out an empty chair across from the two prior to sitting down. He slightly parted his legs as he leaned back into his seat. Promise's green-blue orbs finally drifted over to him. She looked surprised – her eyebrows nearly becoming one on her forehead. He leaned forward, placing his hands on the table. "Hey," Zayne said coolly, completely ignoring the other man at the table. Promise cleared her throat,"Hey?" It was obvious that Zayne's presence had thrown her off by the questioning tone of her voice. His lips folded into a small smirk because it seemed that things might just go his way already.

"Can I talk to you for a minute Promise?"

"I'm a little busy here Zayne."

He began to nod his head with that smirk now growing into a full-on smile. Busy? She didn't look too occupied to him. She wanted him to leave her alone, but in Zayne's mind, it wasn't happening. He wasn't going anywhere. He knew then that he was going to have to pull out all the stops for her. "It won't take that long hermosa(beautiful)."He told her. Promise leaned back in her seat while folding her arms loosely across her chest. "Can't it wait until another time?"She questioned, her eyes never leaving his. He shook his head no and removed his hands from the table, placing them in his lap. Their eyes remained fixed on one another for mere seconds before the other guy that was at the table began to move. His chair made small screeching noises as he slid it back from the table.

Promise's gaze shot over to him. "John, where are you going?"She asked, gently grabbing a hold of his wrist. Zayne nearly laughed. Someone had been busy. Did she try to fill the void of him with a slew of men now? It surely wasn't Ryan that she was holding onto now. This was a different man. It made him wonder just how many men she had been holding on to. When was she going to figure out that no one else would be able to give her what he could?

"I'm just going to mingle for a little while with a couple of people. You stay. Talk to him."John told her. Zayne rubbed a hand under his chin, a teasing smirk taking over once more. He was doing a lot of smiling already, and he hadn't even done what he'd come to do just yet. Promise rolled her eyes as she let go of his wrist. John smiled down at her before getting lost in the midst of the crowd that wasn't too far away from their table. Zayne was staring at her face as she continued to watch John's back disappear amongst the people.

"So where's Ryan?"

"Around here somewhere."

"Who was that?"


"Let me rephrase that question. Who is he to you?"

She scoffed with a shake of her head. He knew that she couldn't believe he was sitting there asking her questions when neither of them had bothered to hold a conversation with one another in so long. He felt he needed to know though – to assure himself that it wasn't too late. She suddenly sprang up from the table with her little clutch in tow. His eyes followed her retreating frame for a couple of seconds as she raced through the crowd.

She was running from him.

The tables had turned now.

He was once running from her – from love – from the affection that she wanted to give him at first.

Zayne swiftly got up from his seat, his eyes still trailing her. He ambled through the crowd again, quietly muttering "excuse me" to anyone he'd brush up against. He shifted his gaze around the small makeshift bar. He didn't see her. He'd lost sight of her within a couple of seconds. He bit the inside of his lip softly. He wasn't giving up yet. He decided to head down the hall near the bar. He figured she might have taken a trip to the bathroom, and that he'd be able to catch her when she exited.

He trudged down the nearly darkened hallway. It was quite slender in width so he almost had to turn sideways just to avoid hitting anyone. He continued to walk down the hall, scanning it with his eyes the best way that he could. "Sorry."He said lowly to someone he'd sideswiped. He didn't bother to address the person because now he could make out a womanly figure. The small light pouring from the slightly ajar bathroom door illuminated the side of Promise's face. The golden flecks on her dress seemed to glisten as he neared her. She had her eyes closed as she leaned against the wall – her hair falling past her shoulders, gently sweeping over her eyebrows.

He smoothly crept up on her. His hand slid down her right arm before gently grabbing a hold of her wrist. Her clutch hit the ground with a soft thud as it became one with the ground. She jumped as her breath got caught in her throat. He'd frightened her. "It's only me,"Zayne whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. Her eyes fluttered agape and she looked him over. It was still dark so he was sure that she couldn't see too much of anything past his green eyes. "What Zayne?"She questioned, her voice sounding almost defeated.

He stared at her for a couple of seconds before moving his hand back up to her face. He moved a couple of her curls out of her face. He slid his hand down to her cheek, caressing it softly. Her eyes lowered to thin slits just by the small act of skin to skin contact. He almost smiled. He still had an effect on her. That was more than good on his part. "Are you gonna start running from me now?"He inquired. Promise grabbed a hold of his hand, ceasing his movement. "I'm not running."She told him, her eyes now fully open again. He chuckled under his breath,"You are."

"I'm not."

"You really wanna stand here and argue with me? I know this all too well. I know what it feels like to run."

Promise pressed a hand to his chest and attempted to push him away. He didn't move an inch. He shook his head at her. "Are you really done with me Promise, are we really done?"He asked her softly. She exhaled deeply with her head lulling back towards the wall. He grabbed her chin and pulled her face down to his. He wanted her to see just how vulnerable she made him – just how open he was to her. "I don't... Zayne...."Her words seemed to get caught in her throat. She didn't know what to say. "Don't look at me like that," She demanded, again attempting to look elsewhere.

"Why not? Because you can clearly see what I have in my heart for you? Does anyone else look at you like I do? Has any other man ever made you feel like I do?"


"Answer me. Just...tell me the truth, please."

She tucked her bottom lip in her mouth. She pulled her stare away from him and began to fold her arms across her chest. He had his hands on either side of her body so that there was no way that she could move. "There's no one else."Her voice was barely above a whisper, but Zayne still heard her nonetheless. He'd prepared himself for the worst, but there she stood telling him there had been no one else. "Nikita said...."He started, his hand finding the way to the back of his neck. Promise nearly smiled at that. "I haven't been with anyone else. Ryan and I never worked out. We decided to be friends. And John is only a classmate. I haven't really dated too much since then, still kind of... Want something else...."She confessed. She was looking at him once more. She had a smirk on her face because she knew that she'd gotten to him a little bit at least.

"How come it didn't work out?"

"Because I realized that I didn't need to be with anyone until I figured myself out. I had to do some growing too, you weren't the only one."

His heart slowed back to its normal pace for the first time that night. He was still nervous, but it wouldn't take over him. He still had a couple of things he needed to say to her. "You made me realize that Zayne and all it took was me being away from you to see that."She implied. It took for them to be apart before he realized something also – his need to be with her. "Yeah?"His voice an inquiring one. She slowly nodded her head.

"So what if I said that I want you and only you? What if I said that you were the one that made me want to be a better man?"

She began to shake her head no this time. Her eyes seemed to glow – to glisten – from the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I'd say that I didn't do all that. I couldn't have."She murmured softly. Zayne grasped her face in his hands. "You did...made me need you too, girl."He pressed his lips to her forehead. "I need you Promise. You and our son..."He went on to kiss her left cheek. He could feel himself getting chills all over his body. This was so intimate to him. He'd never been so gentle with a woman, and he didn't know where it was coming from. It was just natural.

Well, it was natural whenever she came around.

She did that to him.

After all, she did a lot of things to him.

Promise seemed to be rendered speechless as she slightly convulsed under his touch. She grabbed his shirt, trying to steady herself. Zayne smiled. She hadn't begun to be knocked off her feet yet. "Will you show me how to love you then? You've taught me so much already, so it's only right."He asked with his lips dangerously close to her. He wanted to kiss her. He knew then that once he started that he wasn't going to be able to stop himself for awhile either.

She was getting all of him tonight.

She still remained quiet, her green-blue orbs piercing his. He circled her fiery red lips with his fingers, "Are you gonna make me beg now?" He used his other hand to gently grab a hold of her neck. Zayne nuzzled it, leaving light kisses along the way up to her ear. "Hm?"He tried coaching her as he kissed her ear. He smiled against it,"Talk to me Promise."He squeezed her waist before pulling her close to him. He swore he could feel her heart beating out of her chest because his had starting pulsating just as fast again.

"No," Her tone was a breathy one as she seemed to finally find her voice. Zayne needed nothing else from her as he pulled her even closer. Her legs were surrounded by his as he moved her arms and placed them around his neck. He moved down towards her lips, clutching her waist as he did so. Their lips connected, both of their eyes instantly shutting on instinct. They kissed one another with fervor – the hottest of a fire being ignited between them.

He suckled her tongue, quickly finding himself enjoying the taste of her. He wanted to savor all of her right then and there. She reciprocated the passion just as much as her hand lowered towards the middle of his back. She was clutching his shirt, almost moaning into his mouth. His body temperature heightened. Promise was the first to attempt to pull away, but Zayne wasn't having it.

He nibbled on her bottom lip, nipping at it with his tongue. It started them all over again, but this time he found his hands slipping down to her thighs. He squeezed, trying to get himself not to feel her up. It didn't last long – the fight with himself – he had his hands near her panties, playing with the lining of them. It was still dark, but he knew that he didn't want to take her like that. His hands dipped lower, trailing over her womanly parts. "Damn."Zayne huffed, his lips slowly freeing themselves away from hers. She was already soaking wet.

Promise still had a tight hold on him. Zayne smirked down at her before lightly kissing her lips again. "I think I might fall over if I let you go right now Zay," Promise openly admitted. Zayne chortled under his breath. "I'll catch you."He said in between his laughter. Promise grinned while pressing her head into his chest. "Don't laugh at me I'm all...hot...and bothered....now."Her voice was muffled. He lifted her head with his free hand while he used the other to press into her core, slightly massaging it. "Si?"He inquired, his eyebrows furrowed. Promise removed the other hand from around his neck and quickly grabbed his hand,"Yes... Zay... Please stop."

He only pressed on her center harder, squeezing the bud between his forefinger and thumb. She whimpered and Zayne captured her lips with his again. He pressed on her again, making her cry softly into his mouth this time. He was exciting himself with the more that she made those little sounds. He finally willed himself to pull away from her lips, "I don't wanna stop though. I have to feel you tonight." Promise peered at him, her eyes seemingly glowing with the thickest amount of lust and love. "I have to touch you," He slid his hands back up to the small of her back, caressing her. "I want you too, right now...everywhere..."Her voice was soft again. It was secretly driving him crazy.

He averted his stare away from her to glance down the hallway. There was no one there, but the two of them. He had to find a way to get them out of there unnoticed. "My place is only down the street from here. I walked here tonight."Promise's voice stirred him away from his thoughts. He glanced back down at her. She was still wearing a look of lust on her face. "I didn't drive. I came here with Major and Bry."He answered.

She stood upright and slipped out of his hold. "Good. Fresh air might do us some good."She said as she began walking down the hall. Zayne grabbed a hold of her waist and pressed her back into his front. He started kissing her neck,"Not even." He licked the spot behind her ear, making her shiver where she stood. "You're getting it tonight... all of me." Promise squeezed his hands as she leaned into him. He knew she could feel how excited he was. He wasn't trying to hide it.

"Is that right?"

"You gon' find out..."


It had taken them all of fifteen minutes to get out of the party unnoticed. Zayne had been all over her the whole time. Promise didn't mind at all because he'd been holding her up – embracing her close to him the entire time. She'd never known a kiss to be so powerful. She hadn't known a man's touch to be so compelling either. That man had been driving her crazy already, and he hadn't done too much of anything yet. He still knew her body, still knew how to touch her. It perplexed her when they'd had sex in the past how he'd seemed to know just what to do with her. It was no different this time.

The wind was light and the atmosphere was an onyx one. The moon wasn't as luminous as it normally was because it had only made half of itself visible. Her lips were latched on his again as he led her towards her apartment. Luckily there weren't many people around walking the night because they just couldn't keep their hands off one another. It was hot. His hands were hot against her skin and she was sure that he had no idea what he was doing to her already. Zayne suddenly pulled away from her, needing to catch his breath. Promise tried to stifle a giggle as she turned back around to catch her breath too. Her heart was still beating at an unhealthy pace, but it was the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. "You don't know what you're doing to me right now," Zayne said, she could hear a smile in his voice.

She gripped his hand tightly as she led him up the flight of stairs that led to her apartment. She was more than ready to share herself with him again. It seemed like everything was right at the moment. Right time. Right place. Right person. Promise then stopped short of her door and quickly raided her clutch for her keys. She could feel his breath on her neck as he still remained dangerously close to her. It only took her seconds before she had the door opened. Zayne seemed to move quicker than normal as he now stood before her with his back pressed against her door.

He moved towards her wordlessly and grabbed her right hand, making her keys hit the floor with a thud. He lightly kissed her lips before moving down towards her neck. He lingered there for a few seconds before he began to slide her dress down her shoulders. He kissed each shoulder and then proceeded to free her of her tight dress. She instantly felt a slight coldness without his lips on her skin. She seductively moved her hips when he stopped just short of them. He chuckled a little before leaning down to kiss her stomach, his tongue quickly finding a way to her belly button. He played with it for a second before pulling her dress the rest of the way off.

Promise bit her bottom lip as she eyed him, standing in nothing but her matching red bra and panties. Zayne's eyes trailed her frame while her dress became a puddle at her feet. She stepped out of it and trudged closer to him. She grabbed the back of his neck, her fingers dancing at the back of it. She rubbed her hands over his chest prior to unbuttoning his shirt. Zayne stood there quiet, just watching her.

Her mouth nearly watered at the sight of his abs coming into view as his shirt slid off of him. She instantly wondered what he'd taste like. She kissed his chest as she slowly glided down towards his abs, licking, nibbling, and sucking as she pleased. He began to mumble something nearly incoherent in Spanish. Promise smirked a little. She'd found a spot of his. It was just below his v-cut. She licked there teasingly slow. It drove him crazy and he gripped a hand full of her curls. He pulled her head back and laid another breathtaking kiss on her lips.

He grabbed her by the small of her waist and picked her up like she was the lightest thing in the world. He held her close as though he were trying to wear her. He rubbed her lower back as his feet began to move towards her small little hallway. "Where's your room?"He questioned, nearly groaning as she moved her legs around his waist. Promise caught sight of her heels, she was still wearing them. "Third door on the right."She huffed as she leaned down to bite his neck. Zayne broke out into more Spanish causing Promise to giggle into his neck.

"Driving me crazy, girl."Zayne conveyed, pushing her bedroom door open with his foot. "You about to get it."He added. Promise giggled with a furrowed eyebrow,"Am I ?" He peered around her room for a second prior to sitting her on her dresser. "Mhmm, definitely."He pressed his hands on either side of her body, leaning over her. His green irises were scanning her body again. It almost made her feel self-conscious as she moved her hands to her lap, fidgeting with her fingers. He lifted her face and smiled at her. "I'ma make you forget everything else tonight, make you focus on me."He then unlatched her bra. Her breast sprang free, looking as though they were pointing at him. He grabbed one and caressed it with his thumb.

Promise sighed as she felt her breast harden more from his touch. Both of them felt like they were going to burst as he lowered his mouth towards the one he was playing with. His full lips enclosed over it and he nibbled at it with his teeth. He played around with the other in his free hand – giving it a rough squeeze and thumbing her nipple around with his thumb. Promise arched her back, it nearly colliding with the cold mirror. She was already panting and she could feel herself growing hotter by the second as she succumbed to him.

She opened her legs wider towards him – welcoming him – into her. He stopped feasting on her breast. He was started leaving a trail of hot wet kisses down her stomach. Her stomach tightened as he got lower and lower. He grabbed her right thigh and held it up into the air. He peeled her shoe off before licking up towards her core and stopping short. He did the same for her other leg. He was teasing her as she sat panting, trying to get herself under some form of control.

"Always wanted to know what you tasted like, wonder if you taste as sweet as you've always been towards me."He smirked at her teasingly as he neared her panties. "Why don't you find out?"She asked as she opened her legs wider. He pulled her panties off in one swift motion. She shivered as the air rubbed up against her center. He grabbed both of her thighs and her back instantly became one with the cold mirror. It made her that much more exposed to him. He lowered his head and swiped his tongue over her center.

She almost buckled just from that because it had been so long since anyone had done anything like that to her. He mumbled in Spanish against her core, the vibrations alone making her tremble. He started licking up and down her slit. Promise bit her bottom lip, her hands starting to shake. She didn't know what to do with them, but she knew at the rate he was going she wasn't going to last long. He opened her lips wider with his teeth, revealing her bud to him. He sucked on it, trying to savor her – almost like he wanted her essence to be embedded on his tongue.

Her cries rippled throughout the room along with the sounds of Zayne's tongue slurping at her pearl. He continuously sucked on her and she could no longer take it. "Shit Zay..."She whined as she grabbed a hold of the little curls that he did have on his head. She thrust her body upwards against his face, which only made his tongue plunge into what felt like her g-spot. She whined even more, almost humming to herself as he curved his tongue in and out of her.

She was trying to push him away from her. He was driving her entirely too insane already. He rolled her pearl in between his tongue and drove her right into a fit of ecstasy. Her face contorted into the deepest of frowns as she tried to push him away once more. "Fuck, Zay...I can't..."She shouted loudly. She didn't know what she was really trying to say, but she was trying to get away from him. Her stomach muscles began to tighten and she moved her hips away from him as she started to buck.

Zayne grabbed a hold of her thighs and locked his arms on the outside of them as he continued feasting on her. She felt her body being lifted into the air as he carried her across the room with his face still nestled between her legs. He used his tongue to vibrate on her center and she could no longer hold out. She screamed as her body released one of the hardest orgasms she'd ever had in her life.

Her back became one with her plushy carpet as her juices slid down her legs. Zayne lapped them up as he pressed his knees into the carpet. He allowed her legs to slide out of his hold as he licked at her center again. "Zayne move, cause shit..."Promise told him. He smirked at her as he squeezed her pearl into his hand again. "I know you got one more for me."He whispered. He pulled on her pearl some more, massaging it. Promise started to move her hips, trying to match the movements of his hand and tongue.

It only took a moment or two before she was screaming as her body released her nectar into his mouth again. He cleaned her up, taking the time to lick her teasingly slow. She could only whimper at that. He finally pulled himself upwards with his pants still hanging loosely off his waist. Her hair was starting to stick to her face. Her whole body was already sweating. Zayne quickly pulled at his jeans. Promise's eyes danced all over his body, stopping at his manhood in particular. It already looked like it was going to burst out of his boxers.

She leaned forward and took a hold of it. She played with the tip of it with her fingers, earning a low groan from him. "All this for me Mr. Sanchez?"She inquired. Her query went unanswered as he handed her the condom. She released him from his boxers, admiring him like she had never seen it before. She rolled it on and he only seemed to grow harder under her touch. Promise leaned backward, opening herself back up to him. She guided him into her on her own. Both of their moans sounding out over the room. She guided him at a slow pace because he was already filling her up.

"Can you take all of me again baby?"

She looked at him through thin slits."What...you...think?"She tightened herself around him with every word. Zayne groaned before grabbing a hold of her ass and pulling her completely into him. He started with long deep strokes, making it his business to make her scream continuously. Her voice echoed throughout her bedroom. Their bodies were slapping together as he rammed into her walls over and over again. Promise pushed at his lower stomach, trying to get him to ease up on her already.

He smirked and smacked her hands away. "Thought you could handle it. Stop fucking pushing me away."He continued to deep stroke her, hitting her spot on purpose. He never slowed down his pace as he continuously thrust that much harder into her. Promise was sure he was trying to make her feel every bit of him, and she did. She felt him all the way up in her stomach, and she thought he might break her in half. "Shit Zay!"Promise yelped, as she felt her body going into another orgasm spasm. She wasn't ready to cum, but she had no control over her body at the moment. Zayne was in charge, and he was making it known.

"You cumming already, Promise?"She could hear the taunting in his voice. Promise bit her bottom lip as she trembled underneath him. He slowed himself down, his green orbs staring down into her face. Her orgasm subsided and Promise leaned upwards, capturing his lips with hers. As he kissed her Promise slid upwards and flipped them over. Their lips parted as she pressed her hands into his sweaty chest. He smirked at her as she lowered herself down on his shaft. He moved a couple of strands of hair out of her face as she continued on.

Her knees were nearly embedded into the carpet as she rocked on him. She commenced at a slow pace, trying to open herself up to him more. "Ride it, don't be scared of it..."Zayne groaned as he grabbed a hold of her waist. She moved her hips in a circular motion, using some of her dancing moves on him. Zayne's fingers dug into her sides as she began to bounce up and down on him and then return to her intricate hip motions. Not only was she driving him insane, but she was working herself up as well.

She threw her head back as he smacked her on the ass. She continued her movements as she pressed her hands into his stomach trying to keep her hands from slipping off. He nearly became undone as he thrust upwards. "Oooh..."Promise cooed, huskily. He kept at it for a couple more minutes, it almost feeling like a drilling motion. By this time Zayne was mumbling all kind of obscenities in Spanish.

"Yeah do that shit... just...like that..."He ordered, between gritted teeth. She found a rhythm that had both of them digging their toes into her plush carpet. She could barely talk as she kept guiding Zayne to hit her spot from the way that he was thrusting. He dug his hands into her waist again prior to flipping her onto her side. He finished stroking her quickly from that angle as his orgasm began to shoot through his body. She hummed and moaned at the same time as she felt herself cumming with him.

She felt him slide out of her as he moaned, his orgasm probably still taking place. She laid there, her body already tired from the numerous times that he'd already milked her. She rubbed a hand down her face as her eyes shifted over to the bed. She wanted to get up and get in it, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to make it. It had grown quiet between the two with only the sound of their labored breaths.

Promise rolled onto her stomach and pressed her elbows into the carpet. She pulled herself up and began to stand on wobbly legs. She pushed herself to take a couple of steps while fanning herself along the way. Her room felt like a roasting oven as she sauntered through it, rubbing her toes through the plush carpet. She nearly forgot that her room had a small balcony. Her green-blue orbs seemed to focus in on it just before she walked past it. She slowly walked over towards it and pulled the small doors open.

A cool breeze seeped into the room, making shiver a bit. She rubbed her hands over her arms trying to brush away the chills. She could feel his presence closing in on her again. His hands snaked themselves around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Promise closed her eyes and leaned into him. He kissed her neck while mumbling quietly into her ear,"Hi." A smile took over her face as he continued to nuzzle her neck. "Hi," She finally answered back. Zayne pushed some of her hair around to the front of her shoulder, leaving the nape of her neck visible to him.

He kissed her there as he moved his hand up towards her stomach. He gently squeezed it and it made Promise wonder what he was up to. She quickly decided against asking him, because she was sure that he would make it known to her eventually. "I want you again," He voiced lowly just like he was reading her mind. His hands slipped further as he cupped her womanly flesh again. She felt herself coo and melt into his hand. She was already wet again, and she knew that he was the only one that could make her do that.

Zayne pressed her into the nearest wall, making her taunt breast gently mold into the surface. He pressed his hand into the small of her back, partially arching it. Her palms were flat against the wall as Zayne filled her up with him again. She moaned as he started stroking her. The sounds of their skin becoming one echoed around her quaint room again – it being the feature soundtrack to what Promise identified as their lovemaking.

He grasped her waist with one hand and began to drive himself up into her. She cried out as he massaged her clit while still stroking her. She swatted at the wall, almost like she wanted to climb up it. He kept at it, seeming to never lose his focus although he was moaning right along with her. He bit her shoulder and she bucked, throwing her hips right back at him.

He groaned aloud at the sudden contact, obviously not expecting it. She continued to bite down hard on her bottom lip as he worked her middle. He used the free hand that was holding onto her waist and slid it up to her left breast. He grasped a hold of it in his hand, squeezing the nipple and rolling it around between his forefinger and thumb. Promise whined and tossed her head backward, laying it on his shoulder.

She felt that familiar feeling taking over again as she tightened her walls around him. Zayne nearly stopped stroking her at that. "That shit almost... made me cum..."He picked up his pace again, pummeling her g-spot for doing that to him. She rocked her hips in a circular motion and tightened her walls on him once more. He moaned and slowed his stroke down that time. The way that he was slowly sliding in out of her had her stomach clenching again. She knew what time it was.

Another orgasm ripped through their bodies simultaneously – giving them both a case of the tremors. Her hands slid down from the wall tiredly as her knees began to wobble. She knew they were going to give out on her any second, "I wanna lay down, but I don't think I'ma make it." Zayne grabbed her waist just before she started to slide towards the floor. He laughed into her ear as he held her up against him. He then scooped her up into his arms like she as light as a feather again. She stared up at him through thin slits. His green irises were just as low as he stared right back at her. She mustered up all the strength she had to lean up and kiss his lips.

He kissed her back softly before pulling her sheets back. He gently laid her in the middle of the bed. She motioned for him to join her with her hand. He crawled in and laid next to her. She laid her head on his chest while allowing her hand to roam up and down his abs. He pulled the sheets over their bodies. She could feel his stomach tighten every time she would get to close to his manhood, just shy of his v-cut. "Stop babe,"He told her. Promise giggled quietly because she really did need to stop. Her lower region was already suffering from all the damage that he'd done.

She kept right at it like she wouldn't pay for it later on. She knew that she was sensitive now, but she wanted to feel him one last time before she went to sleep. "You tired Mr. Sanchez?"She queried. Zayne turned over and scanned her face. "I'm good," His face housed his infamous devious grin. Promise tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. She knew she was gonna regret it once he entered her.

Zayne slid out of the bed for a couple of minutes. She watched as he raided his jeans for another condom. The small glare of the moon and gleaming of a couple of street lights was kind of comforting. The way that the light night air continued to circulate throughout the room made her want to be that much closer to him. She needed the heat of his body.

He finally returned and crawled into the bed. "I'ma regret this in the morning," She whispered as he neared her. He chuckled and gently pried her legs apart, "I'll go slow this time." She nodded while placing her arms around his neck. He gradually eased himself into her. She shut her eyes, nibbling harder on her lip. She knew he noticed the face she was making when he suddenly stopped. "Am I hurting you?"He asked. Promise opened up her eyes and instantly became captivated with the two green pools of the utmost care that she'd ever seen from him. It was so real – his feelings. She could really see him this time, those eyes of his giving away his feelings as usual.

She ran a thumb across his jawline and wrapped her legs around his waist. She pushed him the rest of the way in as she pressed her lips to his. Their tongues danced around like the long lost lovers that they were. "Keep going," She mumbled against his lips when they'd finally separated themselves. He pecked her lips once more before giving in to her request.

He stroked her as slow as he could manage – as deep as her body would allow him to. She held her eyes open the best way that she could as he lulled her into a state of slow ecstasy. She knew this time that this man was going to be a need of hers that she might not be able to ever shake again. It was quiet as their moans of pleasure became just as prominent as the sound of the wind's howling.

He laid kisses all over her chest as he smoothly stroked her. He paid attention to her body that time around. Rubbing her – kissing her – giving her that intimacy that she had always wanted from him. It made her want to question him, but not because he wasn't doing it right. She wanted to know if this is what he really wanted.

Was she really getting everything from him?

"Zayne," She called him softly. He groaned before peering down at her with questioning green orbs. "Am I finally getting all of you,"She queried. He never allowed his gaze to falter away from her. "I think it's a little too late to be asking that, baby."He chortled as he leaned down towards her and kissed her neck. Promise smiled,"I just thought I would ask."

"There's no other place that I'd rather be, then right here with you. I wasn't sure whether or not you'd let me back in or if you had someone else. I didn't know if you'd still want me after all the stuff you've been through over me."

Promise turned her head, trying to capture a glimpse of his face. "Look at me," She pressed gently. He turned his head, his eyes colliding into hers again. "We've both finally figured out what we want and that's each other, right?"He nodded and shifted so that he was hovering over her again. He kissed her and she grabbed him by the back of the neck, running her fingers through his hair. She pulled away from his alluring lips and caressed his face.

He stroked her again, sliding into her spot that much slower. She gasped as she arched her back, her chest nearly meeting his. "Just..."She started, her words getting caught in her throat. "Just...try not to ever break my heart Promise."His voice was the softest it had ever been. She had him – all of him – right there. Vulnerable and in need of her just like she was in need of him. "As long as you do the same for me."She replied.

He pressed his forehead to hers as he grabbed a hold of her hands, intertwining their fingers together. His body still moved along with hers as Promise's eyes welled up with tears. He was making her feel good – so good – so loved. She wasn't even sure if he knew what he was bringing to the forefront with her.

She was in love with him.

Flat out.


Probably endlessly in love with him.

"Why are you crying?"He asked. She closed her eyes and began to shake her head from left to right, trying to rid herself of her emotions. He did the unexpected – he kissed both of her eyelids. Her eyes fluttered open with tears still sliding out the creases of them. She smiled at him.

"Zayne I, um.."

She wanted to tell him that she loved him, but she wasn't sure if he was quite ready for that. Did he even know that he loved her yet? Did he just want to try being in a relationship first? "Hm," He urged her. She licked her bottom lip before folding it into her mouth,"Thank you." His eyebrows nearly came together on his forehead as a look of bewilderment settled on his face. "You're welcome..."He replied, still inquisitive about why she'd said that. She giggled lightly,"I just don't want to ruin the moment."

"I don't think anything could ruin this moment hermosa."He conveyed. She sighed while still staring into his eyes. This man. He was definitely a different Zayne Sanchez. "I know I'm nowhere near beautiful right now," she said. Zayne smiled down at her,"You've always been beautiful to me, girl." She squeezed his hands tighter in hers as she leaned up and kissed his lips, "You are something else, Mr. Sanchez."

"I might be, but I need one more thing from you, Ms. Taylor."

"What's that?"

"I need for you to teach me the exact way in which you want to be loved."His eyes were playful, but a genuine seriousness. She smirked lazily,"You're already doing something right." He laughed, it rippling through his body, "You know what I mean." She wrapped her legs around his waist tighter, making him go deeper. It made them both moan. "As long as you give me the chance to actually love you," She sighed as her orgasm began to take over. "I will," That was the last thing she heard before she drifted off into a much needed slumber.

Zayne had loved her to sleep.


The early morning sun poured into the room from the balcony that Promise left ajar only hours ago. Her eyes fluttered open and she peered around the room. She felt Zayne's arms still wrapped tightly around her waist. He'd nearly tucked her away into his chest as though he were trying to hide her away from everything but him. His light breathing along with the chatter of the birds outside brought her a sense of comfort. She felt so content at the moment.

She unraveled herself from his bear hug and slid to the edge of the bed. She was still naked because she didn't have the energy to attempt putting on anything last night. Zayne would've only stripped her again anyway. She pressed her feet on the floor, her toes gripping the plushness of the carpet. She grimaced because as she suspected it was going to be a task to get up to take a shower. Simple? It wasn't when everything below the waist was throbbing.

She finally willed herself to get up a couple of moments later. The frown on her face deepened with each step she took. She maneuvered around her room as quick as she could manage. She gathered herself a clean t-shirt before going into her small bathroom. She stopped at the mirror to give herself a once over. She had more than enough memorabilia on her body from the last couple of hours. Her curls were a mess and they looked completely disheveled with some of them sticking to the sides of her face.

Promise shrugged and moved to turn on the water in the shower. She set the temperature to warm, hoping that the water would bring her some relief. In few seconds, the steam from the shower began to engulf the bathroom. She pulled the thin curtain back and got in, ambling underneath the shower head. She allowed the water to cascade over her head. She ran her fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp. She reached for her shower gel and began to lather up her washcloth. Once it was soapy enough to her liking she started cleaning herself.

It took her about thirty minutes before she felt clean enough to get out. She did one last rinse off prior to turning the water off. She wrung out her washcloth and tossed it in the hamper. She stepped out of the shower and sauntered over to her sink. She grabbed a clean towel and began to pat her hair dry. She wrung it out and then wrapped the towel around her head. She quickly grabbed her other towel, because the cool air was starting to make her tremble.

She dried off to the best of her ability and slid her t-shirt over her frame. She removed the towel from her damp hair and pulled it into a bun. She looked herself over once more in the mirror and decided that she looked okay to finish getting dressed outside of the bathroom. She proceeded to the door and pulled it open. The cool air made her shiver again as it was the result of her hair still being wet.

Her green-blue irises scanned her room and she noticed that Zayne was still wrapped up in her bed sleeping. She smiled and trudged out into the bedroom. She sauntered around the bed and headed towards her minuscule balcony. She pulled it open a little more to allow some more of the sun's light to invade the room. She stood there for a couple of minutes admiring the scenery. There still weren't many people up walking around seeing as it was just a little after seven. She sighed to herself as she turned on her heels and her eyes instantly collided with his.

He wore a smile of satisfaction on his face as he sat up watching her. He now lay with his back pressed against her headboard with her turquoise sheets stopping just short of his abs. "Come here,"He motioned for her with his head. She found herself blushing for no reason as she closed the distance between them. He tossed his long legs over the side of her bed, with the sheet still covering his lower half. She stood in between his legs peering up at him. He grabbed a hold of her waist and pulled her a little closer. "You walking around like a soldier, huh?"He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. She laughed as she gripped a couple of his curls with a nod of her head.

"I sure am, and I don't know how I am either," Promise replied, smirking. He laughed while attempting to lift her t-shirt up. "I can kiss her and make her feel better."He implied, his mouth folding into a devious grin. Promise bit her bottom lip as she giggled. "Uh no. I can't handle a repeat of that right now. I'ma need a wheelchair soon if I keep messing around with you..." That made Zayne bust into a hearty fit of laughter. He grabbed a hold of her womanhood anyway. Promise grabbed his forearm and began to shake her head. "Zayneeee! Nooo," She whined while huffing at the same time. He let her go and pulled her into his lap instead, "Alright, I quit...for now at least." She twisted her lips to the side in disbelief. She knew that last night had ignited an even bigger fire between them than any previous time they'd spent together. "Uh huh, but I'm serious... leave me the hell alone," She poked him in his chest with each word.

He chortled shortly, before his lips contorted into another smile – his dimples visible. She held him to her, just enjoying the feel of being against him. "Look at you, can't get enough of being up under me..."He teased with a goofy grin and lowered lids. She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She massaged the nape of his neck while still grabbing at his soft curls. She really adored the man that Zayne had become – that he was still growing into. "Am I alone in that though?"She queried quietly as she searched his intoxicating green eyes.

"Nah, because I like the fact that, that's all you wanna do..."He replied seconds later. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "You don't know what you're doing to me Zayne..."She whispered quietly,"You just don't know..." He seemed taken aback with that same smile on his face. "Care to explain hermosa?"He asked. She shook her head no. He would know soon enough because she wouldn't be able to keep that she'd fallen in love with him away from him too much longer.

"I'll tell you one of these days, eventually."

"You sure?"

"Yes," She sealed it with a kiss. He grinned against her lips while squeezing her tighter. She sighed when they pulled away from one another. Promise caressed his strong jawline before diverting her gaze over to the small alarm clock adjacent them. She still had to go get their son in just a little while. "I have to go get our son from his grandparents in a little bit."She voiced. Zayne seemed unmoved as he leaned back on his elbows. "Okay," He nodded. She began to peel herself out of his lap because if she didn't they'd probably stay that way the whole day. "You gonna be here when I get back or...?"She trailed off, giving him the chance to finish.

"I need a chance to rejuvenate and take a shower. So I'll be back by here later to see him." He conjectured. Her eyes followed him around her bedroom as he picked up his pants and boxers. "And what about me?"She questioned, cocking her head to the side. She had a view of his back as he pulled on his jeans. He shrugged,"And what about you?" She arched an eyebrow as she folded her arms across her chest. He turned around with a silly grin on his face as he began to walk over to her. "Of course I'll be back to see my one and only too."He had obviously been teasing her. Promise looked down at her toes, trying to hide away from his jovial eyes. "I mean it,"He tilted her head upwards, and then leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her cheek.

She was his only one now.

Alright, y'all still with me?? Lmao. If you've gotten to this point that means you definitely are! Cause let's be real here that wasn't just any old "regular shemegular" scene that was a WHOLE experience 😂😂. Tell me what you think, cause I'm nervous (I don't know why 🤷🏽‍♀️).

I hope you enjoyed and also please vote and share!

-Nikki 💙

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