Oh, Alexander

By blacklunarkitty

240K 6.5K 430

When Alana attended her first high school party she had the most life altering experience of her life. Not on... More

Oh Alexander
Chapter 1. The Night Before
Chapter 2. The Party
Chapter 3. How Can You Not Know You're Pregnant?
Chapter 4. Ignorance is Bliss
Chapter 5. School Drama
Chapter 6. Spring Break Blues
Chapter 7. Stitching Up The Pieces
Chapter 8. Facing the Music
Chapter 9. My Darling
Chapter 10. Tragedies
Chapter 12: Baby Shower Disaster and Dangerous Obsticals
Chapter 13: Confessions
Chapter 14: As I Live And Breathe
Chapter 15: As Time Goes On
Chapter 16: Waking Up
Chapter 17: Seeing Him
Chapter 18: The Truth
Bonus Chapter: Sweet Twenty-One
Update Details
final announcement
Quick question

Chapter 11. The Funeral

9.7K 320 6
By blacklunarkitty

The funeral had been a lovely turn out, even though it was a closed casket. All our family and friends showed up. Cassie, Alex, and I sat in the first row, there arms wrapped tightly around me as I cried. Dad sat in the back row with Ben and Ashley away from everyone. My mother had been dead for a week. A week that my father spent drinking scotch straight from the decanter. He had loved her with all of his heart and only cared for her happiness, that's the only reason he allowed getting the divorce. To sacrifice his happiness for hers.

The pastor had finally finished her speech of my mother being a wonderful woman who was 'a bright star in this world'. "Would anyone like to say a few words before we head off to the burial site?" Her soft, sweet sounding voice broke through my disastrous thoughts.

I turned around in shock when my dads rugged voice broke the silence. I watched him as he walked to the podium. He looked like Hell, his pain obvious in his grey eyes. "Jaynie was a wonderful wife, mother, and person. We were best friends in high school and I was always in love with her. When she told me that she wanted a divorce, my heart was crushed into pieces, I loved her too much to let her go. We tried to make things work for the kids, it worked for a few years but recently we started the process. I never stopped loving or caring for her." His voice shook with every word, "I will love her even though she is gone and I will miss her everyday. I hope she rests peacefully." With all of that being said, we were off to the burial.

Her coffin had many beautiful flowers of reds, purples, whites, and golds. Her favorite colors. The pastor prayed as they lowered the ivory casket into the ground, it was a long process. My fingers clutched the him of dress as my other hand lay on my swollen belly. A bag of dirt was being passed to immediate family. Dirt we get to place on her casket once it's fully in the ground. I stopped playing with the hem to grab a handful.

Once the casket was lowered we stood around the hole. Family with handfuls of soil and friends with red roses. I struggled with my emotions as I threw my handful in, my heart aching to see her once more and beg for forgiveness. I'm so sorry I failed you mom. I hope she has your eyes. My moms eyes were beautiful cat-like eyes that were a deep azure blue which showed her every emotion and held her wisdom, even when she was angry her eyes were beautiful. Tears started to fall from my eyes, "Goodbye, Mommy. I'll miss you."

Alexander squeezed my shoulder, "Come on, baby, let's go home." He says softly. I just nod and let him lead me. "Do you want to stop somewhere and get something to eat?"

"I guess. I'm not really hungry right now, but I want to keep the baby healthy. I can lose her too." I whimper. "She doesn't deserve to be harmed by my pain."

"Everything will be okay, baby. The pain never goes away but it lessens, gets easier to deal with. I felt the same way when my dad died." He states. My head snapped up. He lost his dad? No wonder he doesn't talk about his family. He looked over at me and smiled. "I was eight when it happened. My mom just had my little sister so I took care of her while my mom got drunk. She went to rehab two years ago, got out last year. And you know my twin so there's no need for introductions there. I also have an older brother but he's in college. Want to meet them?"

My eyes widened. Meet his mom and sister? "I, uh, I guess. Are you sure, Alex?"

"I'm sure, baby. We'll get some food and then I'll let you meet them." He smiled and pulled into a diner. The Pit Stop: Home of the best burgers, fries, and shakes! the sign proclaims largely in square lettering.

We ordered a couple of burgers. I got a chocolate vanilla swirl shake with blueberries and extra whip cream and Alex got a root beer float. The food didn't stand a chance against my ravenous state of hunger. It, along with the fries, were gone within minutes. My shake, however, was savored to the very last drop. It tasted like Heaven! "Mm..." I moaned softly.

"You haven't moaned like that in awhile." Alexander joked with a smirk. My face turned beet red. "But then again, I didn't get a chance for it to happen again."

"Do you regret it, Alex?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "Do you wish you could still - you know - do those things again?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "No, I don't regret it at all. And I can do those things to your body again once the baby is here. U-unless you want to wait until we get married." He turned an adorable shade of pink.

My face reddened even more, "You want to marry me?"

He nods slowly, "I love you, Alana. More than anything in the world. You and our baby are my world, I'm not letting anything get in my way of loving you. But, I'll propose to you when the time is right." Alex gave me a wicked grin. "Because I love you."

"O-okay," I blushed deeply, "T-that's a good idea. So we don't have to rush things and all."

He grinned widely. "You ready to meet my family?" I nod, "Let's go then!" He grinned and place a twenty under the salt shaker before assisting me. Once I was up, we left.

The drive to his house wasn't very long. A couple left, a right, and another left. His house looked a lot better now than when I was shamefully leaving it to find out that I had gotten pregnant. I held his hand tightly as we walked in. It had been so long since I had been here, it was dark. Now that I could have a good look around I noticed how lovely it really looked.

Wall-to-wall white carpet, soft green walls, soft looking sofas, a large entertainment center, and the marble stairs. It was beautiful. Alex tugged me toward the kitchen, which was a honey color with marble counter-tops and a four door refrigerator, and we passed through to the dinning room. His mother sat at the dark mahogany table. She had lovely black hair that was braided down her back, it went beyond her lower back and pooled on her chair. Her skin was fair and perfectly smooth, her eyes were a deep, dazzling green that held so much pain and longing. She looked up from what she was doing, a cross-stitch, and the pain and longing swept from her eyes when she smiled. "Hello, son. Who's this?"

"This is Alana, she's my girlfriend. Alana, this is my mom, Brylee." He smiled between us. "Is Vanessa home?"

"She's upstairs watching cartoons." She said before returning to her project.

I followed Alexander up the marble stairs, clutching the railing tightly in fear of falling. He led me to a large red and gold colored room. There were toys strewn around, mainly around the orange floral bed. A small girl sat on a navy pleather couch who clutched onto a bowl of cereal. Her hair was the same dark color of her moms' but much shorter. "Hey Nessa."

"Hi, Alex! Who's that?" She asked as she peered around him, her violet eyes sparkled. Then, before Alex could answer, her eyes widened as she realized, "Oh! That's your girlfriend!"

Alexander chuckled, "Yeah, I wanted her to meet everyone." He beckoned me forward, "Alana, this is my little sister Vanessa. Vanessa, this is my girlfriend Alana."

"Hi Alana!" She beamed at me happily. "Do you like Dracula?"

"I love Dracula!" I giggled at the young girl. Vanessa beamed at me again before returning to her show. A knock sounded at the door. A tall man walked in and stopped abruptly.

"O-oh sorry!" He exclaimed as he stared at me, his eyes flickered over to Alex and he smiled, "Surprise!"

"Luka!" Vanessa yelled excitedly with a squeal! She jumped over the back of the couch and ran over to him, jumping on him with his arms stretched out for a hug. "You're home!"

"Welcome home, Luke, have fun with the college girls?" Alex asked with a cocked eyebrow, a lazy smile spread across his face as he stared at his brother. "Meet anyone worth bringing by? But, then again, they're probably too good for you."

Luka chuckled, "I met someone, but not a girl worth bringing home to mom. Who's your friend?"

"Luka, this is my girlfriend Alana. Alana, this is my older brother, Luka." He said before leaning toward me and whispering, "He's worse than me when it comes to girls."

I chuckled as Luka glared at his little brother before shaking his head. "It's nice to meet you, Alana." He looked me up and down like a pig before his eyes snapped to my stomach. "Ohh." He breathed out, his eyes growing cold. Alexander drew me up against his side protectively and kissed my forehead.

"Now, Luka, no need to be nasty. It hasn't been the best day for her." Alex growled, "Plus, it's you're first day back home. I'm sure mom wouldn't want this."

The older boy shrugged, "Fine. We'll, uh, discuss it later."

I glared at the boys, my icy glare turning to the older one. "If you have something to say you can do it now. But I don't see how it's any of your concern." I say coldly, my face contorting with anger.

The brother just chuckled, "She's feisty, I like her." He walked away with Vanessa in tow.

"I'm sorry, he's a bit of an ass." Alex starts awkwardly, scratching his head nervously, "I'm sorry for that, baby. He kind of told me not to get anyone pregnant while he was gone or he would kick my ass."

I sighed, "It's okay. He just made a lovely first impression. I think mine was just as glorious."

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