

4.9K 494 1K

- COMPLETED - //a hero exists in all of us.// The Avengers are pitted against their biggest baddie yet, and... More

ONE - Another Universe
TWO - Delivery
THREE - Another Earth
FOUR - Mr. Stark
FIVE - 'Vision'
SIX - Director Fury
SIX POINT FIVE - Oh, the Cleverness of Me
EIGHT - Do You Have a Plan?
NINE - Escape
TEN - Painful Departure
ELEVEN - Danger Warning
TWELVE - Out of Relebak
THIRTEEN - Messy Landing
FOURTEEN - Surprise Visitor...Again
FIFTEEN - Aliens
SIXTEEN - Nidavellir
SEVENTEEN - Peter Parker
EIGHTEEN - Tordlyn
TWENTY - Predicament
TWENTY TWO - Fighting The Aether
TWENTY THREE - Connection Loss
TWENTY SIX - Headache
TWENTY SEVEN - Answers and Darkness
TWENTY NINE - Family Comes First
THIRTY - Lost Boy
THIRTY ONE - Trouble
THIRTY TWO - Sif Awakens
THIRTY THREE - Preparation
THIRTY FOUR - A Little More Help
THIRTY SIX - I Hate Spiders
THIRTY SEVEN - Havoc Inside
THIRTY EIGHT - When the Cars Come Marching In
THIRTY NINE - No Soul in Soldier On
FORTY - A Gauntlet for Destiny
FORTY ONE - Dreamers Like You
FORTY TWO - Never Forget Us
FORTY THREE - Down To Earth

SEVEN - Powers

138 12 5

Someday, his ignorance will be the death of him, Agent Maria Hill thought as she watched her director add a sheet of metal overtop Estella's chamber. The girl herself was already twitching uncomfortably in the claustrophobic space, her eyes dull with exhaustion and her purple glow faded to a faint lilac tinge.

"Now, try again." Nick Fury boomed through his microphone, Estella flinching weakly at the sound. Nodding to herself, the girl visibly took a breath before pressing her palms to the glass and closing her eyes.

"She's not gonna make it," Alycs hissed angrily, watching as the object set up in front of the chamber began to quiver. Clammy perspiration was visible on Estella's face, but she didn't stop, for she was too stubborn to give up, and because Fury wouldn't allow her.

Agent Hill remained silent in her opinions as she pulled up the file Tony Stark had sent them - Estella; 12 years old; family: ?

Ignoring the previous three statements, she pulled up a new tab and began keying in her observations with Alycs fuming at the desk beside her.

Suddenly, the boy sprang up, his palms striking the desk with a resounding thud as he yelled out a warning. Swiping the monitor to the side, Agent Hill barely had time to react as the window shifted out of state and spilled over the desk; sending minuscule shards flying everywhere and Agent Hill toppling from her chair.

With a groan, Agent Hill pushed herself off the ground, giving herself a quick once-over. Her cheek stung slightly and the sides of her hands were scraped, but the cuts were shallow enough to be non-threatening so she deemed herself fine.

Standing, she was surprised to see Alycs already down below in the training area with Estella, helping the medics bring her unconscious form from the chamber to the gurney waiting out in the hallway.

"Agent Hill, requesting status report."

Fumbling slightly, Agent Hill quickly confirmed her consciousness and informed Fury about the broken glass as she limped from the room.

"Just a few scrapes, but otherwise I'm alright." She finished as she descended the staircase. Seeing Nick's tall silhouette ahead of her, she increased her pace to meet him.

"What happened?" She asked, following him as he strode briskly to his office.

"Lost focus," came his simple reply. "Our scientists think the chamber's size was the cause."

"So increase it." Agent Hill suggested, stopping, and looking up at him.

Nick turned to her, as if contemplating whether or not to tell her a secret.

"I think Alycs being there was the cause." He said finally, locking eyes with the agent.

"You can't be serious."

"Do you see the time they spend together?"

"Of course, he's the only one around her age here." Agent Hill answered.

"He's mischievous, rebellious, and likes to improvise through missions." Nick deadpanned.

"He never hurts anyone, though."

"She hurt you."

"Just a scrape. I've done worse things to you."

Nick huffed, his voice stern. "The boy's a bad influence on her if we want her to concentrate."

"Well, he's the only one who treats her like a person!" Agent Hill burst out, glaring at her director.

The shock in Nick's eye was only visible for a second before his mask was back, and he leaned back.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Get her ready a week from now. We'll send the orders for the iridium tank and prepare room 103 for the test."

As Agent Hill turned away, the director called her name one last time.

"Yes, sir?" She responded formally.

"Make sure you don't tell Alycs, and keep him away from her."

Agent Hill nodded reluctantly, before continuing down the long, pristine corridor; unaware of the boy who had overheard every word from his place behind a pillar.

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