War of Love

By sizzlingblacky

3.5K 140 33

"It all started with a fight.." Ishaani Karthik hails from the nation where culture plays a major role. Born... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

127 5 2
By sizzlingblacky

"Boo" I jumped up in my place as my heart beat increased in top notch once more this evening.

"Got you" Shiva laughed out loud as Kath joined him.

"You..." I started to chase him around the home as he slipped away easily with Kath trying to help him. Finally when I was near him in the living room he went behind a couch as I came attacking. Suddenly Kath who was standing near us came in-between and I who was ready to attack pushed her in process Shiva moved forward to catch her. I gasped as they both rolled down but thankfully they fell on the couch.

Shiva's body was holding Kath protectively that she didn't get hurt. I opened my mouth to tease but they both forgot that I was in the room and was staring at each other. The way they both looked at each other made me feel that it's not the first time they are having a moment. I felt its time I move out of this room so I slipped into my room without any noise. As soon as I closed my door my heart's pounding became high again.

Shiva and Kath? I felt embarrassed. Jeez why did this have to happen in front of me? I jumped again as Kath called out my name.

She was having a tight smile as she stood on my door. Shiva was wearing his coat near the shoe rack.

"Hey it's time Ish. See you tomorrow in school" Shiva said giving me a smile.

"You're leaving already?" I asked finally managed to speak.

"Yeah" I saw him glance briefly at Kath who was still looking at me. "Bye" He said and left the room at once. I turned towards her as he left the dorm.

I looked at her with raised eyebrows. She just shrugged and moved towards her room. I was tempted to go after her. But first I need to get out of this jeans which is cutting off my blood supply.

With two steaming cups of cardamom tea, I moved towards Kath's room. One good habit we learnt from studying in London is having Tea often. She was sitting near the window on her couch as I sat next to her. She gave me a warm smile and smelled the tea. It was her favorite flavor.

I was looking at her face while sipping my tea. She was so immersed in thoughts that I didn't want to disturb her. All my mind boggling fantasies about tonight can wait.

It was one of the best evenings of my life. He for not once didn't show his arrogant face to me tonight. Why? Why did he behave like that? And did he really change his mind about Liam just because I said so? Then why in the world he acted like I am the worst person he ever met in school? Again my mind darted to the way his eyes looked at me all evening. For a girl who was hopeless, he gave much more than just comforting. So what do I do now? How should I act in front of him hence forth?

"I know you have something to ask me" Kath said suddenly bringing me out of my own reverie. I turned to find her now smiling and staring at me.

"Yeah. But I know that you will do that yourself" I said smirking at her.

"Really?" She replied with her eyebrows lifted.


"It was nothing you saw now Ish" She said trying to keep her face straight. But the smile in my face made her look tensed and gave up with a sigh.

"Fine we had a moment." She said and I leaned in closer taking her hand in mine. "Again" She said and I dropped it in shock.

"What? You mean you two have history?" I asked her incredulously.

She sighed again and took my hand in hers now, "I don't know Ish. I like being with Shiva. But after what happened with Ian" She stopped with her eyes closed.

"Relax Kath. I know what you are afraid of. But this is not Ian we are talking about. Shiva is nothing like Ian. And I am not asking you to jump in at once" I told her as she listened intently.

"It's been months we know him. And he told that he started to like me the moment we met first day" She said as my eyes bulged out.

"Whoa... When did this happen?" I asked her clearly astonished.

"Last month" She said and dropped her head between her head.

"What? It's been a month" I bellowed as she bit her lip.

"Yeah. I didn't tell you because you yourself were busy with lots of drama in your life. And I didn't want to mess you up even more" She said making me frown.

"I am so sorry Kath. That I got caught up in the attic and was not able to help you out when you needed me the most" I told her shaking my head.

"Hey it's not your fault. And I was not sure what this was then" She paused and I nodded my head. I can understand what was going on with her.

"Now?" I poked her as she smiled widely.

"He's a nice guy" She said as I grinned widely.

"So?" I wiggled my eyebrows as she tapped my head and we both started to laugh like maniacs.

"Aww. Shiva and You will make such a cute pair" I spoke wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I was thinking about how cute the babies will look too" She said and rubbed her tummy as my eyes bulged out.

"Oh..." I half stood up when she started to laugh.

"Aww you're so cute Ish. I love you" She said as I glared and smacked her forehead.

"I know" I lifted my t shirt's collar up and bowed my head.

"So?" She asked folding her legs and keeping the mug aside.

"What?" I asked darting my view to the window.

"What happened?" She asked as I sighed but gave myself up by smirking.

"I smell something juicy. What is it babe? Let me know na please" Kath nudged me as I told her the whole story about the evening.

She nearly stood up when she knew that I went out with Zach. It was an uncontrollable pause I feel when I think of him as "Zach" instead of "Mr.Parker".

"Oh my bloody unbelievable" She gasped and stood transfixed as I finished the story.

"Yeah" I smiled as tonight's memories flashed my mind.

"Mr.Parker and you. God Ish it's just like a dream come true. I still can't believe such thing happened. I mean he was all along Zoe's brother" She beamed at me.

"Yeah it's all too good to be true. And guess what he never got angry with me all night. Maybe he doesn't hate me that much. But..." I stopped myself thinking about all our disastrous moments we had all these months.

"I know what you are thinking babe. But past is past. This is not a moment to dwell on it" Kath squeezed my hand as I gave her a smile.

"So is it okay for me to be extremely happy?" I asked her smirking.

"Ofcourse Ish. I am so happy for you. And I have great hopes that this relationship is going to move forward too" She said making my heart jump in its place.

"But..." I started again as Kath shook her head.

"No buts. We have to discuss a lots on..." We both stopped as her phone started ringing.

"It's Shiva" She said hiding her smile.

"Oh it's time for me to leave the love birds alone then" I stood up after hugging her.

I left the room smiling hard that my cheeks hurt to the core. As much as I loved this feeling. I still had that underlying scariness which leapt up whenever I thought of happy face.

It was not until when I snuggled up under the duvet my phone started ringing. I took it and saw the caller's id with a smile.

"Speak of the devil" I said laughing.

"Thank you. Thank you and thank you. Thank you so much Ishaani" Zoe said as I laughed out loud.

"Here I go getting emulsified in your love" I replied to her.

"I don't think I can ever thank you for everything you did today Ish. Let it be going out with my brother or convincing him to accept Liam is just out of everyone's level. Thank you so much Ish" She spoke everything out of breath.

"It was nothing for friends Zoe. Actually I enjoyed tonight too" I replied earnestly.

"And that is something I wanted to ask you about. What was that in the cart wheel today between Zach and you? Huh? Did I see a flare of light in his eyes today?" She spoke calmly containing her squeakiness.

"Oh come on Zoe. You know your brother. And more than that he is my professor. How can he possibly treat me better when all we had these months was endless cold wars?" I replied to her.

"Wait cold wars?" She asked as I filled her in about the unfortunate events.

"Whoa. It seems you two have history already. And today might have turned out to be disastrous" She sighed with relief.

"Gladly it did not" I replied her.

"But his behavior with you seems unpredictable right? I wonder why so" She spoke more to herself.

"Yeah. But today was good. Thanks to someone" I said to her smiling. On the other end I heard her murmur which made me wonder whether she was alone.

"I get it. Go on and celebrate your night Zoe. We'll meet soon" I said and hung up as she promised to meet in the weekend to discuss things further.

But I on the other end wanted to discuss nothing with anyone until I see him look at me normally if not the way he saw me today. I have to be sure that today was not a dream.

And that is how I dreamt of my professor that night wearing a mask and smiling at me deviously.


"Not so fast pretty girl" I turned my head back to find Chris leaning over the block with his favorite smile plastered on his face.

I was half running to reach the class that I didn't notice him standing in the way. Gasping I managed to stand vertically catching my breath holding his shoulder for support.

"Do you say that to all girls?" I asked him as he smiled widely. His eyes glistened as he looked at me with all the care in the world.

"Nah. Only to those close to heart" He replied tucking a hair behind my ears. A hot wave of blood rushed to my cheeks making it red.

"Very funny. Come on I don't want to be late for Mrs. Arthur" I dragged him along with me and occupied a place at the mid next to Cindy who gave me a thumbs up. I glared at her as she zipped her mouth invisibly.

"So?" He asked me as I took out my notebook along with pen.


"I tried reaching you yesterday. But Kath said you were out with friends" He asked pulling his chair unconsciously towards mine. Jeez why didn't Kath let me know of this before? I blinked like an idiot thinking of the best feasible response.

"Umm. I was out with Ranveer" I told him as his face stopped reacting abruptly and froze for a moment. Shit why did I just mention Ranveer's name.

"Oh" was all he said before turning to pick his books. I cursed myself mentally. Thank god these two are not in talking terms or else I would have been busted.

"We'll go out tonight. If you still want to?" I asked him unsure of what he would say.

"I'd love to Ishaani. You mean a lot to me" Chris said catching my eyes and I all could do was smile back at him.

"So?" Cindy nudged me as we were on our way to the cafeteria.

"What?" I asked her as this has become her routine of enquiring me.

"You and Ranveer huh? Or should I say it was Chris's turn today huh?" She asked me for which I glared at her.


"Just kidding Ish. But you do realize that they both are crazy about you right?" She asked me for which I had no answer. I know that they both fancy me. But what can I do for that when my heart is itself not on its account.

"I know you think of them as your best friends. But if there ever comes a situation to choose between them. You are going to be in trouble my dear" She voiced out my inner thoughts.

"I hope that never arises Cindy. I am not in the mood for anymore drama" I told her and went to meet our friends.

"There comes the girl who is unavailable all times" Ranveer said as I plopped next to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him sipping my drink.

"Last night?" He asked and I blinked at him.

"What about it?" I replied imagining all horrible things that might happen if he would have seen me with Zach.

"You were put yesterday when I came to your apartment" He rolled his eyes as I coughed up my juice and Cindy stopped eating her bagel.

"Oh. That" Great how can Kath forget to mention all these important mishaps last night? Shit what am I going to do now?

"I was out with Chris" I spluttered as Cindy and Ranveer gave me an unbelievable look.

Oh my god. What has happened to handling situations well? I am going to be in great trouble for these.

"Oh" Ranveer said the same way Chris reacted in the morning.

"Maybe she can go out with you tonight?" Cindy budged in before I could come up with a reasonable solution for this disaster.

Ranveer's face lit up a bit but went down when I didn't open up. I glared at Cindy who just shrugged at me.

"Maybe this weekend we'll hang out Ranveer. I am sorry for yesterday" I told him taking his hand. He read my face for a moment before giving me a full smile.

"I'd love to Ish. But it'll be a secret plan and you should oblige no matter what" He told me and I nodded my head.

"So care to explain where Ms.Karthick succumbed yesterday?" Cindy pulled me away as Ranveer was out of ear shot.

"I was out with a friend Cindy. And you made that very easy for my other friend to mistake me" I was so pissed at her that I didn't even want to make my tone friendly.

She looked taken aback at me snapping that she stood with her mouth open. "I am sorry Ishaani. I never wanted to make things hard for you. I was just kidding..." She stopped looking guilty.

My senses returned as I calmed down. "It's ok. God why did I lie like that to both of them. It was supposed to be a great day for me. And guess what so far it has been the worst" I rubbed my forehead.

"I am sorry that to take it out on you like that" I told her as she smiled.

"I can understand your state Ish. But don't buckle out yet we still have Philosophy class yet" She told and all my negative thoughts and tensions flew away and I started to hyperventilate.

My legs felt like lead when I dragged them towards his class. What is going to happen now when we see each other? Will he be back to his cold form or will he recognize me from last night's glances?

I never realized that I sat in between Chris and Ranveer until both of them waved their hands in front of me. Another blunder stuck me when I realized my position. Sitting in the mid of these two silly goats has never done me any good.

When the door opened I didn't even have the chance to change my position. My breath hitched making me gasp which on the other end made my best friends look at me. I automatically dropped my head down and started to look for my book from the bag.

His voice was not like yesterday and had the same tone he has in all his classes. I tried to take a sneak peek and measure his reaction but to my luck his back was only visible as he wrote down notes on the board.

"So let's have a brief discussion on the impact of government's drawback on the people who migrated to our nation" He spoke so quietly and gently that I couldn't help but fall for him again.

His eyes scanned the room row by row as words flowed out of his mouth like waterfall with controlled velocity. He was wearing a white shirt paired up with auburn colored tie matched with cream pants. His hair was neatly combed and made him look like a person straight out of oxford. I was admiring him by carefully placing me on the shadow of burly Austin who sat before me.

Whenever I felt his eyes coming my way I dropped mine down between the screens of my hair. As he was discussing about the topic with Sasha from the first row I couldn't help but stick my eyes to him. The way his lips moved along with his hands flowing in air. God why should he be this handsome? And thinking that this good looking person spent his evening with me, made me feel eccentric.

My drooling session stopped when Mr.Mathew came in with a flyer. He was pissed off to an extent that he didn't even bother to knock. I couldn't help but feel sorry for his bad luck to take this circular to all classes.

"psst" I turned my head to find Cindy and Kath leaning onto my bench.

"Uh-Huh" I said without turning too much. I don't want to repeat any of the disastrous moments.

"Whats this about?" Cindy whispered.

"I think about some prom" Ranveer pitched in to my surprise. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. I know that he's part of the cultural club but he never took that seriously and joined in only for the sake of fame.

"I attended the last meet" He told me for which I gave him a big grin. It was just last week I told him about the importance of being in a club and not to misuse it. I was feeling so happy that he took my word and made it possible.

"Someone's melting" Ranveer smriked as I laughed out aloud and bit my lip at once. Shit I did it again. Didn't I?

I slowly turned my head to find him facing my direction. I didn't have the courage to look at his face. I was waiting for him to blow me up but that didn't happen. So without knowledge I darted my eyes to his face. His expression was evasive but not angry. He looked like he was having some thoughts and decided on the latter. His eyes were not like yesterday but not like a week before either.

I sighed when he went back to his lecture. Phew. That was close.

Finally when the time was up he stood leaning on his desk facing us all with his arms folded over his chest. Here I go falling for his looks again.

"So this year's first dance has been announced for all the ballerinas out their" He said and flashed a smile.

"That's cool Mr.Parker" Sasha pitched in along with others.

"And for your convenience it's a masquerade ball" He said with a tight smile. A lot of chaos erupted as he said that. Everyone took a flyer while moving out of the classroom.

I picked up my bag along with my other belongings and stood up to leave among my friends. I didn't want to be cornered with him. Not after the mishap in class today.

I found him shuffling through papers when I went near his desk to fetch the flyer. He didn't look up or notice my presence. So I took it at once and took big steps towards the door when his commanding voice stopped me.

"A moment Ms.Karthick" I stopped dead in my tracks as my friends stiffed behind me.

I turned to find him still immersed in the papers. Jeez what a fool I am to think that he didn't notice me? He noticed me and that's why he's calling me now. Chris and Ranveer stopped moving too. I forced my head towards them with an assuring nod. They stood transfixed but something in my face made them dart towards the door.

I moved near him but maintained a safe distance. Finally he put the papers away and stood up to face me. His eyes were smooth just like they were last night. He moved forward and stood leaning on his table. The crisp corners of his mouth curved up into a smile which I have seen him do only once so far. Last night when he said 'Good night' to me.

Holy crow! Jeez how the hell did he do that? I was so immersed in his reactions that my legs felt like jelly. He was looking at my face without uttering a word.

Stupid hormones. Functioning on unusual hours.

"Yes Mr.Parker" I spoke slowly waiting for his response.

"I think we agreed on that fact" He said and stood near me closing the distance. Making me gasp and forget the rule of breathing.

"Uh. What?" I told him utterly confused.

"I told you to call me by my name Ishaani" He said making me come out of my reverie.

Did he just say my name? Again? God I love my name even more coming out of his mouth.

I didn't notice him bending his head towards me without losing my eyes.

"Zach" I told without thinking, without realizing the fact that he can be the only one who can make me squirm without even trying so hard. This is not just about looks. It's about him. Everything about him just makes me addicted to him. I am so falling hard for this man.


Hello lovelies...

Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. I am alive...

I know you all have been hating me for not posting anything more than a month. And this chapter was written overnight. So please bear with me for some more time. I will be back in full swing as soon as possible.

So stories aside. How is today's episode? Please do comment and Vote.

Love ya all


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