Chapter 1

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Cool air brushed past me through the partially opened window making my body shiver a little. I grabbed my Comforter making it cover me so that not even a single wave of air should tease me anymore.

I cursed myself for leaving the window open last night. After rolling a lot it was clear that I am not going to get anymore sleep. So I pushed off the comforter and dropped my feet in the ground. Even the wooden floor felt very cold. This is what happens if you stay at the Southern sides of California.

It was my dad's idea to make me study here. I tried hard convincing him that I would do my master's in England since that's where I did my Bachelor degree. But he was stubborn that I should visit different places and gain knowledge from different people.

He doesn't want me to be stuck in England. And more than that he was afraid that I would bring a British boy and introduce him as my Boyfriend if I stay there so long. Which will never happen?

Since I hail from India my parents are kind of strict in this issue. They have given me excess of freedom in all things of my life.

But when it comes to relationships. No can do.

It has been followed as a tradition in our nation that a girl should marry a boy as per the wish of her parents even if she doesn't love him. Screw you whoever made that crazy rule...

I made up my mind when I left home for higher studies. Never ever should fall in love. Not that I follow the tradition; It's just I am not good at handling breakups.

The last time I was in a relationship it didn't end well. I couldn't blame the ex-boyfriend of mine though; since my father threw him out of our home with a gun in his hand. A small laugh escaped my lips thinking about that memory. But that was years apart; its been so long since I've dated.

Other than that I have the best family in the world. My father Mahesh Karthik and I are super close. Since both of his children are girls; he practically raised me as a boy to complete his wish. He taught me everything a boy would learn; I had the opportunity to learn everything including horse riding which is my favorite pastime.

On the other hand my mom Neetu Karthik was a perfect house wife. She always wanted me to be the best daughter-in-law when I get married. So she taught me all the house chores not that I blame her of. Because it's her teaching that helps me cook on my own.

And last but not least my favorite sister Suhani Shankar. She's three years elder than me. We have been besties since childhood. She got married an year before and she's residing with her husband in Australia.

Well that's about my Family. And now I am wondering where the hell my roommate is. I searched for her the entire place but she's nowhere to be seen. I flipped open my phone to give her a call.

But the opening and closing of the door made me stop since other than her and me no one else has key to our apartment. I walked into the hall to find her walking in tip toes but she froze seeing me there.

"Did I wake you up?" she asked me nearly whispering.

"No I was awake for a while" clearing her confusion I moved forward.

"Ohh..."She was still whispering.

"Kath. Why are still standing in tip toes and whispering?" I asked her rolling my eyes. She realized what I said and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. I went for a stroll since I couldn't sleep anymore. Seeing you awake I thought it's because of me making noises when I left" I shook my head at her.

"You always take the blame on your head Kath" I said and went to the kitchen to make us a cup of coffee, the cool breeze is freezing like hell. Katherine and I have been best friends since we joined our Bachelor degree in England. We both had the same wavelength in all matters. She's a really nice person to be with and very beautiful both in her heart and appearance. We both have been considered as sisters because of our appearance. Apart from her blue eyes and sleek straight hair we have everything in common. In which I have green eyes with wavy hair.

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