Chapter 16

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"That seems better. It feels awkward to hear you call me Mr. Parker" He smirked shaking his head. I was surprised and astonished at how ease this man is when he is speaking with me. Oh god I never thought such a day would come.

"Yeah" I blurted like an idiot when he caught my eye. And it would be better if my stupid heart could reduce its beat. I think it would be heard from miles apart. He is making me act like a school girl without realizing the fact.

He moved away from me towards his desk and pushed open it. Then bent down by resting his hands over the column and started ruffling the papers beneath it. His posture was relaxed as his arms peeped out of his shirt. His hair was falling over his face again and moved minutely over his eyes. That instant he looked nothing but a model out of shoot. And I wanted to rake my hands over his smooth hair.

Ugh... Stupid hormones functioning overtime.

My illustrious stare got interrupted when he looked above from the desk and caught my eye, making me blink like an idiot again. I dropped my eyes at once. Huh enough embarrassment for a day.

He laughed heartily definitely caught me staring at him, "Here"

He handed me a form and I realized its my transfer form out of his class. My stomach dropped thinking about it. I totally forgot the fact that I applied to move out of his class this year. Oh my god. Has he signed it?

In panic I dropped my eyes to the form and turned its pages, "I haven't signed it" He stopped me by holding my hand.

Holy crow. Not again. His touch sent electrifying sparks all over my body and the urge to hold him engulfed me. I gasped unconsciously and dropped the paper. He laughed again and picked it up for me who still stood mouth open.

"I am sorry" I said biting my lip. Watching me his reaction changed automatically. His eyes dropped to my lips for a moment. Maybe I imagined that fact. He leant over me a far too closer which was so dangerous for me.

I could hear his breath as my heart hitched again, "Aren't you going to be late?" I lifted my head up to watch him looking at me intently.

That's it. I can't spend another minute with him. "Bye" I said and turned to leave at once.

"Bye Ishaani" I heard him whisper as I left the room. I didn't stop anywhere and sped off to the ladies room.

I calmed myself only after washing my face with cold water. All the events of him with me came dashing down the memory lane when I saw my petrified reflection in the mirror. A thousand questions popped up my head thinking about all that.

What the hell is happening to me?

Am I falling so hard for this man who is just playing with me?

He seems to be normal when I am with him. And he didn't even think of me as a sane human being until last week.

Now why is he talking to me and considering my decisions?

I am just a student for him and maybe his sister's friend. But what is he to me? I seriously don't want to answer that question.

After the series of battle with myself I took an oath of not engaging with him until I am so sure of myself. Of whether I want this or not. I was walking towards my home when somebody yelled my name.

I turned to find Zoe jumping towards me, "The girl who made all this happen" She caught my hands and gasped for air.

"Why did you run like that?" I asked her dropping myself over the bench on the campus.

"I wanted to catch you" She said still catching extra pumps of oxygen.

"Well? How is the lover boy?" I nudged her playfully.

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