Dark Times

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[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... Mais

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
V: Chamber
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
IX: Eloise
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XV: The Orphanage
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVII: Gasoline
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXIV: Sì, Yes
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

XXVIII: Arrival

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De musicnotes

Dark Times

Song: Someone To Stay - Vancouver Sleep Clinic 

Chapter 28

    I was unable to move, so when he grabbed me I just let him... I was shocked, and hurt... and.. Angry. I elbowed him off of me and kicked him in the throat, feeling the way his jaw closed on his tongue and he winced in pain.

"How could you! You fucking bastard!" I kicked him again on the stomach, and leaned down to grab a handful of his blonde hair. "You made me think you were dead! You made me think I had caused it you—" Another sob left my lips, and he was quick to take advantage.

His fist was on my cheek before I knew it, and the roles were reversed. I was on the floor now.

"You have no idea Kat! No idea!"

He was on top of me before I could stand, his hands pinning my wrists down. "My loyalty from beginning to end was with Felicity! I joined your dumb job to get close to you, as orders called."

I wasn't even fighting him anymore. I was too shocked to move, tears sprung in my eyes. "So it was an act, the whole time! Everything! I fucking— you fucking bastard!" He has no idea the hell I went through when he died. I thought I had lost everything, I thought It was my fault.

"Get off of her you prick..." Harry weakly said, his head falling limp right after.

"Not all of it Kat.. I—" I punched him before he could speak, and pushed him up against the railings. I grabbed his keys from one of his pockets and smacked him in the face with them.

"I don't want to fucking hear it! You knew where I was, and did nothing to help me!" I punched him again, and grabbed one of the guns I had snatched from the guards before. "You're fucking coming with us."


"Free him." I pointed towards Harry with my head, and threw him the keys with my other hand.


     My gun was pressed against the middle of his head before he could say another word, my face inches from his. "I won't hesitate to kill you. You should know that. Maybe I'll have something to feel guilty for this time."

He raised both his hands and kneeled down to reach for the keys, and moved slowly toward Harry. He undid the chains from his hands, and I nearly lost it when I saw Harry crumble to the floor.

"What are you waiting for, help him!" I shouted, and he grabbed one of Harry's arms and threw it over his shoulder before helping him up.

"You're angry at me because I didn't help, but here you are nearly crying at the sight of the nearly broken man who kept you." He breathlessly argued, as he carried most of Harry's weight.

"Shut the fuck up, and walk." I commanded, and pressed the gun to the back of his head as he moved forward and onto the stairs.

It took a lot of effort to get Harry above those, but when we did, we were greeted by the sight of some of Damien's men waiting for him outside.

"Anyone make one move and his brains will be all over your faces." I shouted.

I looked around at the men who looked at Damien for direction. He stayed put, his breathing ragged and tired.

"You!" I pointed at two of the men. "Help Harry up."

They didn't move.

"Do what she says!" Damien shouted, and they hesitantly came forward and took Harry from Damien's grasp. My arm was around Damien's neck before they could try anything, my gun pressed against his temple this time.

    "Now I want you to go to the back entrance, and put him in the bus outside. Damien and I will be right behind you, so if you try anything I will kill you, before I kill him and the rest of your disgusting friends." I angrily spat, and they obeyed.

I followed them onto the main foyer, where the bullets and shouting stopped once I fired at the air. I caught sight of Paul, who had his knife inside someone's gut.

"Stop! All of you! Or your leader gets it!" I yelled at the men who stood midway through their battle.

"Everyone do as she says!" Damien shouted, and Paul moved forward with a couple of his men, who took Harry from the men I held captive.

"Now listen, and listen very carefully, Damien and I are going to take a little trip. If any of you even think of attempting anything, I will kill him and set this house on fire with all of you in it."

"You heard her! Don't do anything!"

We moved past the crowd of his men, Our soldiers stood where they were, waiting for command. "Everyone move out. Stay behind me incase they try anything."

     When we reached one of the buses we had taken, Damien turned around to face me. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." He said, with a straight face, and mine turned in disgust before I hit him in the head with the back of my gun, making him collapse to the ground.

Some of the men put him inside, and when I made sure there was no way he was getting out, I commanded the men to exit. Harry was in a different bus, and I had to see him immediately.

. . .

It didn't take long before we were back at Harry's place. But we knew we couldn't last long there before "Felicity's" men came to try and retrieve Damien... D.. I still could grasp the truth. It was in front of my face the whole time.

So as soon as we arrived, we were back in the Jet's and this time I was there when Paul helped Harry out of the bus. He still looked beyond weak, but he was able to take some steps.

"Harry, oh god." I whispered, throwing my arms around him, he could barely manage to get his arms around me but when he did, his face settled into my neck, where he inhaled deeply.


     "We have to get him in the plane." Paul told us, and I reluctantly moved aside and followed after Paul, who helped Harry lay on one of the seats, which he reclined back. I was by his side immediately.

"Jimmy! Bring the first aid kit!" He yelled, and passed it over to me. "He's all yours kid, we didn't bring any nurses on this mission." He told me, and I nodded worriedly.

I studied his face, noticing the various bruises on his face. He had a small cut near his eye, which had swollen up intensively, and I can't even imagine the fight he must have had to end up like he had. His lip just had a small cut, while his cheekbone had a deeper cut; if I had to guess i'd say he had been knifed there. Fixing that wouldn't be pretty, and I was almost confident it would leave a scar...or some sort of mark.

      He seemed to be almost passing out, his eyes kept going to the back of his head, and I yelled for someone to bring him some water while I began to clean up his wounds.

"This is going to hurt a little, okay?" I whispered to him, focusing my eye on the wrapper of the alcohol wipes I was trying to open. Once I did, I began to clean up his lip, so he could drink the water without getting any germs in there. I pressed the wipe, and he winced and opened his eyes.


"Shh, don't move your lips."

I cleaned up his wound, and he reached to grab my wrist. "Katerina..."

I looked up from his lips to his misty green eyes. I don't know why they always seem to hold a storm within them. "What?"

"I messed up," He winced, trying to sit up. His ribs were hurt.

"It's fine now, Harry; don't move."

     I was moving my hand toward his cheekbone when he grabbed both my hands in one of his. He was more awake now, and he looked serious. "I wasn't supposed to do any of this, Kat. He's going to kill me."

"What are you talking about?"

"I—.. I was just supposed to keep you in. Keep you safe. And I messed it all up and here you are... you risked your life to save me.. That wasn't supposed to happen Katerina." He seemed so serious, and in control of the situation now that he wasn't trapped.

     Just then one of the guys brought the water over. "Can we talk about that later? We need to patch you up, and you need to drink something." I argued back, offering the water to him, and thanking the man who had brought the water over.

He took it from my hand as soon as I offered, and gulped it down in a matter of seconds. "Sorry.." he apologized, once he had left the bottle drained. "That asshole never bothered to give me water, or food. And I thought I was an animal." He muttered angrily.

"... I... I still can't believe D is Damien.. That makes no sense." I sat back in my seat with a groan, and covered my face with my hands.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Damien?"

I kneeled on my seat again and continued cleaning his injuries, and Harry winced. I was trying to figure out the correlation without mentioning to Harry what Damien and I once had.

"Who's Damien, Kat?"

I guess that also meant Harry never killed Damien... and I had this grudge against him for no reason at all. My eyes locked with him in that moment, my hands were covering his bloody forehead, and I realized he was alive.

This whole time I had kicked myself into fearing he was dead...after all D...Damien had every reason to kill him.. But he didn't. He was alive.

Before I knew what was happening I was leaning in, and so was he...

"Mr. Styles," Paul interjected, noticing the tension between Harry and I... "You have a call from Ms. Stella."

And then I remembered, and so did he.

"Stella.." He grabbed the phone, and Paul awkwardly moved away.

"Do you want me to sit somewhere else? I can give you some privacy."

He shut his eyes in frustration. "No, Katerina. This will just take a second."

I respected his wish, and continued cleaning his wounds while he talked. He just kept repeating that he was fine, and that he was going to be home soon. He also told her once he was home they were to have a serious talk, and asked if Liam was okay.

     When I was patching up his forehead, he looked down at me, and I averted my eyes to the top of his head where I was working.

Once cleaned, the bruise in his cheek didn't seem as deep as it had before, and all I had to do was patch it. By the time I was done with his face he was still talking to Stella.

"You're all set." I told him, and stood up before he could speak back and moved towards the back of the airplane. I knew he wouldn't be strong enough to follow after me, so I made sure I was as back as possible.

It wasn't even the whole Stella thing.. I just needed some time to think about this whole situation. But I knew I wouldn't find any answers to anything unless I spoke to Damien himself. He needed to explain everything.

     I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep until I felt someone nudge my shoulder. "Ms. Katerina, we're back in the island." It was one of Paul's men.

"Thank you, Jordan."

I looked out the window and we were indeed back in the island, and for the first time in awhile I wished that I was back home — in my apartment, watching some stupid movie wrapped up in my sheets.

When I made it out of the plane everyone was already out, unloading some supplies and such. The first thing I noticed was Damien being pushed toward the house and he looked back at me, his eyes catching a glimpse of mine.

The next was Kai and Eloise, both running towards me before enveloping me in a tight hug. "God! We were so worried you crazy girl." Kai groaned, hugging me tighter.

"We prepared eulogies for your funeral." Eloise joked, letting go of me to poke me on the arm. "Not a scratch." She noticed.

"I don't know how she does it," Kai said, giving me a slight push, and I smiled, but my eyes wandered around to the person I was really looking for.

      The third thing I saw was Stella running toward him, but stopping when she noticed the condition he was in. Two of the men were holding him up, and she wrapped her arms around him and cried.

My friends noticed the look on my face and I gave them a tight smile. "He's alive." I cheered.

And then, I noticed another thing. Our planes weren't the only ones here. Next to the ones we were in there was a small Jet.. and from it emerged three people..

The first was Niall, one of Harry's top trustees, who was supposed to be in some other country controlling his business.

    The second was my old friend from the agency, Zayn, who looked completely different from the last time I saw him, and considering what I had just experienced with Damien, my level of surprise was not as high as I expected.

And lastly, there was a man, he looked older than the previous two, and somehow more... powerful. He was the first to approach Harry, who stood there staring agape.

"Arthur." He acknowledged in surprise.

"Harry." The man greeted back with a smile, and then his eyes traveled back to me. And so did Harry's, except, while the man looked completely in awe, Harry looked horrified.



Ya'll probably know who Arthur is, but just for fun, take a guess?

Also, guys, I would love it if at least half of you (readers) would comment or vote or something. :( feeling incredibly unloved here.

C'mon c'mon, let's bring Dark Times to the millions.

Don't forget to share.

Also, I think i'm making a wattpad twitter or something. If I did, would you follow?


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