When We Met (Alex Aiono fanfi...

By musiclover700

9K 276 99

A music-obsessed girl meets her hero in London when going on a field trip with her class. Then during senior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visual Guide #1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Best Day Today, Part 1
Chapter 31: Best Day Today, Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 1
Chapter 35: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 2
Chapter 36: Sara's Birthday Party, Part 3
Visual Guide #2: Sara's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: The Salex Reunion
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: More Complicated Feelings, Part 1
Chapter 51: Complicated Feelings, Part 2
Visual Guide #3
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings, Part 3
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Visual Guide #4
Chapter 59: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, Part 1
Chapter 60: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62: New Years
Chapter 63
Chapter 65: Almost At The End
Chapter 66: The End
Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise
Epilogue 2: One Big Change

Chapter 64: Alex's Birthday ;)

58 2 1
By musiclover700

(A/N: sorry guys, if it feels like I'm rushing through this story to get to the end..but it's already too long for a sequel, but no Alex fanfiction is complete without his birthday ;)




"Have you forgotten it's your boyfriend's birthday in 2 days?" Maya asks, sipping her frap.

"..I don't know what to get him," I sigh.

"Think of what he doesn't have," Maya suggests.

"But he has everything," I tell her.

"Ooh I got it!..but I don't know," Maya suggests.

"I mean I could write a song..but I don't really anything about composing, but I'll figure it out," I mumble to myself.

"That's what I was gonna say it," Maya bursts.

"Fate loves us," I giggle. "I got an even better idea.."

"Publish it on your youtube channel..!" Maya finishes.

"Fate," I blurt.

"I bet Alex can't wait for your song," Maya coos.

I sigh, playfully rolling my eyes.

*Maya's POV*

"But Maya, how am I suppose to write a song in 2 days?" Sara asks me.

"Alex and Sab write songs in a day. Sab wrote 6 songs in one day just to finish the album..on Rowan's birthday--I knew she did it on purpose!" I giggle.

"Well..I'm not like Sab and Alex..yet," Sara reminds me.

"Just try, sis. I'll be here for suggestions," I assure her.

She nods, as she takes out her phone, opening Notes.


This is gonna be good.

Henry:  I finished Rvd s1

Me: remind me not to show u another tv show ever again

Henry: also Alex keeps texting me ab what Sara's gonna get him

Me: just tell him it's something special & it's a surprise

Henry: fine

"And I can Henry is well endgame," Sara coos.

*Henry's POV*

I feel like I've gone from Jughead to Kevin...


Alex: hey bro, u there?

Me: ya

Alex: can u pls tell me what sari got for me alredy

Me: its a surprise

Alex: fine

Me: but u'll be getting the surprise in 2 days

Alex: tru but I still cant wait

Me: I mean it is ur other half of salex that is giving u the surprise so figures

Alex: just like if maya gave u a surprise

Me: exaactly

Alex: good talk bro

*Alex's POV*

I can't wait...I can already tell my 22 is gonna be unforgettable.



Diamond: Happy early birthday Alex!! <3

Me: Thank u Di!

Diamond: welcome

Me: mind me asking where u've been for the past 5 years?

Diamond: relax connor just took me on a tour around the uk

Me: aww #Donnor

Diamond: plus I got Boo 2 coming out

Me: sounds fun

Diamond: yup, well nice to talking to u--happy 2018 ttyl

Me: all of that to u too 

Time to go to the next person...

Connor: Happy early bday & happy 2018!

Me: thanks bro & looks like Donnor is busy

Connor: yup, showing di the uk

Me: aww #donnor

Connor: sorry bro but the bus is waiting

Me: sure 

Connor: bye

Me: bye bro


Aiono family group chat. 'Bout time I heard from mama and pops.

Mom/Dad/Hallie/Taylor/Sid: Happy birthday Alex! <3

Me: thanks guys! <3

Only if you guys were here...

*Maya's POV*

"DONE!" Sara sighs, looking through her lyrics with a  satisfied look. 

She hands me her phone," That's really good, Sara!" 

"Maya..you know how I want this to be the best birthday ever?" Sara asks me.

I nod.

"Well..is it bad that..--"

"Hey, you must be Sara..my brother's girlfriend," I hear a familiar voice come behind us. Hallie.

"Is that Hallie--one of Alex's sisters?" I mouth to Sara.

She nervously nods.

*Sara's POV*

"Yeah, and you must be Hallie!" She embraces me in a hug.

We break apart and then Hallie greets Maya," Hey, I'm Hallie. And you must be Sara's bestie, Maya..?"

I nod," Nice to meet you.."

We hug.

"So when's my brother's birthday party?" Hallie asks.

I check my phone. 4:15. 

"Tomorrow at 6:15," I tell her. "Where are Mr. and Mrs. Aiono, Taylor, and Sidney?"

Hallie develops a frown," They had their own business..I was the only one that was available.."

"Well we can guarantee the fact that Alex will get shook up," Maya mumbles.

I nod, as I look back at Hallie, who was smiling.

*Hallie's POV*

I know it's been only 7 months of Salex..but it already feels like Sara's apart of the Aiono fam.

"Ooh these lyrics are really good--Alex rub off of you?" I ask Sara, as I scroll through the lyrics.

"Sab too," Sara adds, as she nods.

"If you guys need setting up for Alex's party.." I offer.

"Nah, we got it," Maya assures.

"Plus we got 2 more days so," Sara shrugs. "But we'll let you know.."

"Ok see you around," I wave bye to the best friends.

"Wait Hallie, are you sure Alex won't suspect you're here?" Maya asks.

I nod," As far as he knows, I'm in Utah with the fam.."

They nod and smile, as I walk off to the parking lot to get my car.


*Alex's POV*

I know I should be excited..but today's Sarbear's favorite day..not mine. Time to get my spam that'll blow my phone up in 2 seconds..





Let's take this one at a time..







Henry: Happy birthday bro

Me: thanks broo


Sabrina: Happy birthday son

Me: thanks mom


Now time to check the fam.



This is gonna be a fun 22... I can't wait to see what Sara got for me...or what she got planned..

*Sara's POV*

"So you invited everyone right?" I ask Maya.

I nod," Sabrina, Hallie, the core 4..yeah that's it.."

"What about Claire and Alyssa--oh yeah they have school.." I remark.

"Sara, I think you need to take a deep breath," Maya tells me.

I take a deep breath,"..thanks, sis. I needed that.."

"Anytime. But have you finished your composition for your song?" Maya reminds me of my song.

"Yup. I finished..it took all night and Sab's help, but I did it," I tell her, as I play the audio.

"That sounds really good. Only if Sab was here to hear this masterpiece," Maya sighs.


"Look behind you," Maya reads her text and see Sabs.

"Hey loves!" Sab embraces Maya and I in a hug. "I can see we're listening to the new hit single by Sara Wilson.."

"Co-written by Sabrina Carpenter," I add with a chuckle.

"And loved by #1 fan, Maya Troutman," Maya adds with a laugh. "Only if Hallie was...Sara, don't tell me you invited.."

"So first I meet the famous Saraya, now my brother's ex tour buddie, Sabrina Carpenter?" Hallie excitingly asks us.

"Hey girl," Sab embraces her into a hug.

"And Sara, Sab, that's amazing!" Hallie compliments.

"Thank you," I shrug.

"My brother will love it," Hallie assures us.

"Speaking of songs, Sara, Maya, do you wanna sing something with me..like a trio for the party..Hallie you too?" Sab asks us.

We nod in unison.

*Hallie's POV*

I can already tell today's gonna be Alex's best birthday yet...

"What about First Love?" Maya smirks.

Sara blushes, Sab nods," Aww, perfect.."

"Ooh, and what about DIFLF?" I add.

"Even better," Maya giggles, as Sab nods in agreement.

"Wait then what about you guys?" Sara asks.

"We'll sing back up," I spat.

"And I'll play guitar," Sab suggests.

Sara shrugs," I guess...but are you guys sure?"

We nod in unison," We don't want to interfere with Salex.."

Sara giggles," Fine.."

*Sab's POV*

"So where have you been for the past 2 weeks?" Maya asks me.

"Just a lot interviews, preparing SC3 and for the Jap tour in later in the month," Sab yawns.

"Aww, how much sleep have you been getting?" Sara asks.

"..I've been working hard," I tell them.

"Aw, I saw your story..red eyes," Hallie develops a frown.

"Eh, it's fine. Besides it's all for my fans, it's worth it," I try to assure them.

*Maya's POV*

Sab seems tired, Sara's seems stressed..only if there was something I could do. Wait there's still an hour left before the party...

"How 'bout we all get a drink to cool ourselves?" I suggests.

"This reminds me of that Rowbrina day, me and Rowan had in Disney," Sab spats, as we walk to Starbucks.

"Are you sure we really need a drink..there's only an hour before the party.." Sara chimes in.

"Sara, it doesn't matter if we start it at 7:30. It'll still be amazing," Hallie convinces Sara.

"Plus, you've been stressing out over it all day," I try to remind her.

She sighs," I stress out easily.."


*Sara's POV*

"Maybe that frap was all I needed to calm down," I sigh, as I finish my vanilla bean frap.

"I told you I knew you the best," Maya giggles.

"Of course, peaches," I smile.

"Saraya will always be the best--next to Rowbrina," Hallie compliments.

"Wait so we're rescheduling the party to 7:30, right?" Sab asks.

I nod,"..it's weird. Today's Youtube's bday, and I haven't seen him all day.."

"Aww. Well you'll see him in 45 mins," Maya jokes.

"Oh yeah," I check my phone. "We better get everything and everyone down there.."

"Take your time. Bro's probably playing some guitar in his room right now..thinking 'bout Salex," Hallie jokes.

*Alex's POV*

I've been waiting for a text from Sari, but nothing..

Well time to jam, I still got a few hours of my first day of 22...


Woah, perfect timing..

Sara: meet in the park @ 5?

Me: I'll be there before u ;)

Sara: we'll see yt

5 minutes..?--nah.


"So much for 5 minutes, huh?" I sneak behind Sara.

"I will get you back for that, Pablo," Sara declares. "But.."

"But," I continue her sentence," I haven't seen you all day.."

"Eh sorry, Martini. Not everyday can be about you," Sara giggles.

"Well today I'm 22," I remind her.

"I know. You've been told me all the time in 2017," Sara throws in a pun.

"I'm sorry it felt so fast like a boxer in the first round. But c'mon, tell me that you're shook up like I am..tell me how you feel I need an answer?" I say in a singy-songy voice.

Sara giggles and grab my hands," I wanna show you something.." She drags me along as she runs down the street.

---Few minutes later---

"We're almost there, but just a little request..close your eyes," Sara requests.

"Fine, I know this'll be worth it," I sigh.

"Are you sure you're not turning 10, Martin..--I'll cover them for you," Sara playfully rolls her eyes.

I smile and nod, as she covers them.

*Sara's POV*

They better be ready..I can't wait to see Alex's face when he sees everyone..

"We're here, Youtube," I release my hands, as the lights turn on.

"Finally," Alex sighs. "Sarbear, care telling me--" 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEX!!" Everyone cheers, as they jump out.

"THANKS GUYS?!" Alex tells me, then turns around and smiles at me. "Did I tell you that I love you so much?"

"Nope," I giggle, as he embraces me into a hug.

"I ship it!" Hallie blurts.

"HALLIE?!" Alex asks, as he runs up and hugs his sister.


*Hallie's POV*

"How..Sarbear, you didn't have to.." Alex turns to Sara with a smirk.

"I had to do..you clearly missed your fam," Sara says and I turn to Hallie.

"Missed you too, big bro," Hallie says. "And don't worry, everyone approves of Salex.."

"Haha thanks for the update," Alex giggles. 

"So what are we doing first, birthday boy?" Sara asks Alex.

"Uhh..I don't know," Alex shrugs. "..where's Henry..?"

"Oh yeah..he said he might be coming a little late," Maya shrugs.

"BOO!" Henry scares Maya.

"A little kid like always," Maya laughs.

"Happy 22, brother," Alex and Henry do their handshake. 

"Hen, my sis, Hallie," Alex introduces Henry. 

We shake hands. "Nice to meet you.."

"What'd I miss?" Henry asks.

"Martin here was about to tell us what we are gonna do," Sara reminds us.

Maya whispers something in his ear.

"Oh, nevermind.." Henry mumbles.

*Maya's POV*

"Aww I ship it even more," Henry coos.

"Yup, and you missed it," I laugh.

"Shipping Salex still, I see," Sara teases.

"We can't help it, it's too cute," I say, as Henry nods in agreement.

"You guys don't leave it for a day, do you?" Sara asks us.

"Nah," Henry and I disagree.

"Well Martini, what're we gonna do..?" Sara asks Alex.

"I know it's my birthday..but while I was waiting for your text, hun," Alex smiles at Sara," I was covering Thinking Out Loud by Ed..can I sing it?"

"You trying to make your birthday a concert, son?" Sab teases.

"But mom.." Alex tries to convince Sab.

*Sab's POV*

Salex is goals. 

"Son, c'mon, no more serenading Sara...let's do something," I command.

"Fine..how about..dance party?" Alex asks us.

We all nod.

*Havana plays*

"Maya," I sternly call her," did you do that on purpose?"

"I wanted to see some Salex," Maya jokingly pouts.

"Plus isn't this what played at Sara's bday party?" Hallie asks.

We nod.

"Alex keeps me updated," Hallie shrugs.

Well speaking of Salex..

"Aww, Alex obviously twirls her in circles," Maya observes the couple.

"It is agreed..Salex is goals," I tell the triad.

"Agreed," they say, as Henry joins in the statement.

*Alex's POV*

This has been the best birthday..day ever..

"Thanks for an amazing birthday, babe," I look into Sara's eyes.

"The amazing day isn't over yet, honey," Sara smiles.

--A while later--

"How 'bout we cut the cake now?" Hallie suggests.

"Sure sis," I nod in agreement.

"I mean it's just a suggestion. It's your day, bro," Hallie shrugs.

"I'm sure," I declare.

"Ok.." Sara giggles, as she brings over a DJ Khalid cake.

"How'd you know?" I ask her.

"If Khalid wrote a song and it was just "Khalid was amazing" all over again, then it would be my favorite song," Sara quotes me.

"Oh yeah, I was a silly goose when I was 21," I giggle.

"You mean ever since 1996," Sara teases.

"May I feed you the first piece, Sari?" I ask Sar.

"Nah, feed your sis," Sara shrugs.

"It's fine. Feed your girlfriend," Hallie insists.

Sara rolls her eyes, playfully and opens her mouth, I wipe some cake on her cheek.

"Omg, Martin. Not this again," Sara laughs.

"Not this..again," Sab, Maya, and Henry chorus.

"I never knew my brother started cake fights," Hallie stands there in amazement.

"It goes down slide from here," I hear Sab whispering to Hallie.

Meanwhile I can feel Sara wiping some cake on my cheek. But I could care less.

"Millie?" I get Sara's attention.

"Yes, Pablo?" She answers.

"Can we save the cake banter for later..and move on?" I ask her. "I don't wanna spend time fighting.."

"Fine," she reluctantly agrees.

"Aww," everyone coos.

--After everyone finishes eating--

"What's next birthday bro?" Hallie asks.

"..presents?" I ask them.

I see Maya whispering to Sara.

This is gonna be interesting..

*Maya's POV*

"Sis, just sing Does It Feeling," I whisper to her.

"Wait what about First Love and Accident..I'll just sing that after the party," Sara mumbles.

"You can sing that during the afterparty," I mumble to myself.

"Eh whatever, I'll just sing... Can't Blame A Girl For Trying.." Sara shrugs.

"You'll do great," I assure my best friend. "Sab.."

Sab comes over and sits next to Sara with her guitar.

"Sabrina playing guitar..this is gonna be fun.." Alex giggles.

Sab starts strumming the intro.

*Sara's POV*

Well here goes...

(A/N: sorry I was too lazy to type the lyrics ;)

"So..what do you think?" I ask him, as I slowly look up to see him smiling.

"Well I'm glad you took that leap of faith in London," he giggles.

"Aww," Hallie, Henry, Maya, and Sab chorus.

"Bro, I wanted to give you my gift before..stuff happens," Henry hands Alex a box.

"Yeah..and here's your present," Hallie and Maya puts their presents on the counter.

"And my present to you, son, is me playing guitar--which I rarely do," Sab says, getting up, bringing her guitar with her.

"Woah, where are you guys going?" Alex tries to stop them.

"Oh yeah..Alex, mom and dad wanna facetime tomorrow--they're at McKenna's late birthday party right now.." Hallie spills, as she speed walks off.

"Salex time," Maya mouths to me and smiles, as she follows everyone else through the door.

*Henry's POV* (It's been awhile ;)

"Looks like Alex wasn't wrong about Menry being the ultimate shipping couple," Hallie tells her.

"Yup, he got that right," Maya agrees.

"And Sara acts like he's not all that smart.." I laugh.

"He tutored her in spanish..ah, it was ideal from the start," Maya drifts off.

"I knew Alex had a girlfriend..he couldn't move on from Meg," Hallie blurts.

"Well clearly Salex is endgame," I make a Taylor Swift pun.

"Omg..did you just?" Maya breaks the subject.

"Oh no.." I mumble. "No I didn't.."

"Honey, I think you did," Maya convinces me. "You just quoted Tay!"

"Fine, it was an accident--not on purpose!" I add.

"Aww, you guys talk about Salex being so cute..Menry's cute too," Hallie coos.

"Thank you," Maya and I chorus.

Hallie shoots us a look, while we exchange blushes.

*Alex's POV*

Sari grabs my guitar. 

"Another song..Sari, did I give you guitar fever?" I ask her.

"Since you sang When We Met for my birthday, I figured why not..?" She shrugs, as she plays the intro to her song. She develops a smile.

*Sara's POV*

I did it 5 minutes ago..I can do it again..

Verse 1:

Didn't know how I was feeling

Till I met you

Thought I was fine

Before I saw you

Face to face

Knew I should've never made that mistake

Pre Chorus:

Oh, one mistake at a time

Oh, didn't know where I'd be right now

Without it

Without you, yeah


Now tell me

Was it an accident I saw you?

Was it accidental you stole my heart?

Did you even mean it from the start?

Ooh yeah, or was it just some big accident?

Accident, yeah

Verse 2:

Didn't know how I was feeling

Till I met your eyes

It was no surprise

You brought me out of the dark

Into the light

Knew I should've never made that mistake

Pre Chorus//Chorus


Don't know what's right or wrong no more

Don't know what's present or past now

Now all I know so is that it was a



"Well what do you think?" I ask him.

*Alex's POV*

"Are you sure that Sab didn't help or anything?" I ask her.

"She helped with the melody..I wrote the lyrics," she emphasizes the lyrics.

"I love it so much, thank you," I kiss her cheek. "..do you wanna help me go through presents?"

She nods," Sure.."

--After opening presents--

"Henry got you a guitar capo, Maya got you a projector, and Hallie got you a photo frame," Sara reports.

"Yup. And I love all of 'em," I sigh. "..and why am I getting the feeling that you're not done with your present..s?"

"No, I'm done, Martinikins," Sara giggles.

"What..Martinikins?" I ask her about my new nickname.

She nods.

"Well thanks for the best birthday ever, Sarikins," I tease her back.

She playfully rolls her eyes and smiles.

"But seriously. Thank you, you're the best," I hug her. 

"I tried," Sara shrugs.

"And..guess what?" I ask her.

"What?" She asks.

"I love you, Sara Wilson," I cup her face.

"I knew it was mistake..I love you too, Alex," she says back.

We kiss.

After a few seconds, we break apart.

"Thank you for making 22, the best," I tell her again, looking into her eyes.

She just smiles, embracing me in a hug.

I love you so much with no words, Saribear.


Instagram. Huh, new one.

Happy 22 Martini! I told you I'd get you back ;) <33

"And you did.." I tell her, as I look back up at her, as I put away my phone.

"And you didn't see it coming," she points.

"Yes, Sari," I giggle, as I hug her again.

"Happy birthday, Alex," She whispers into my jacket.

"Thank you, Sara," I softly say back.

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