Miss Me?

By TonioNieto

20.6K 852 169

A jail sentence is not something you get out of, especially not life in prison. How was he standing in front... More

Miss Me? (boyxboy)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

3K 140 38
By TonioNieto

Chapter 2 – I’m Sorry



Rion POV

With a cocky smirk, his icy blue eyes pierce into mine, shattering every resolution I ever had. He leans forward and whispers the four words I never thought he’d come back to say: “Hey baby, miss me?”

I couldn’t say anything. I felt a lump form in my throat, obstructing my speech.

He closed the door behind him nonchalantly.

Numb tears began to blur my vision.

“Hey what’s wrong?” He whispered huskily, cupping my cheek.

His touch ignited everything I felt for him and more.


“Shh, calm down. Breathe.” He took me in his arms. His embrace warmed me to the core, like the missing piece.

“W-what are you doing here?” I whispered, hoping he’d hear me.

He pulled back, eyebrows furrowed. I noticed his eyes seemed heavy, probably from the lack of sleep. He was letting his facial hair grow a bit, which only gave him a rugged look.

“What do you mean what am I doing here? I live here?” He answered a bit upset.

“You haven’t been here in two years!”

“THAT’S BECAUSE I WAS ARRESTED!” He boomed. I saw OB cover his eyes with his tiny paws in fright.


He froze, seemingly in realization.

He grabbed the front of my shirt and picked me up slightly.

“I am well aware that you knew. In fact, I’m not too happy about it babe.”


“Let me talk!” He growled.

“Why didn’t you visit me, eh?” I could see the rage in his crystal blue eyes. His ugliness was seeping through…


“Why. The. Fuck. Didn’t you come see me?!”

“I’m sorry!” He put me down giving me an incredulous look.

“Come again?”

“I-I’m really sorry Alex-“

“Sorry? I spent months in that hell hole by myself and all you can say is sorry?” He scoffed.

“EVERY damn day waiting, hoping that the love of my life would come and visit me and tell me it’d be okay.”

I felt my heart break at his words. He was broken…

“Do you know what it’s like to be alone Rion?” He whispered. “To have NO ONE claim you. Isolated, unwanted.” His eyes started to water.

“I did want you! And I do!”

“BULL! You would’ve came. Even for a hello! A goodbye. Something.” His voice cracked at the last word. “I didn’t even know if you were okay. If you moved on. I thought… I thought you never even loved me? Did you love me, huh? Cause a boyfriend would surely go visit someone they loved right?” His demeanor grew angry again.

“I couldn’t do it, don’t you get it?! I couldn’t stand seeing you like that! Seeing you in a place where only pain is born.”

“So you turned a blind eye?” He grimaced.

“Please Alexion. You have no idea how I’ve felt. Fae’s been-“

“Fae!” He grunted. “FAE? That little fairy always intervened. It was her wasn’t it? She was the reason you never came. The reason I doubted how you felt for me.” He spat.

“NO! No, that’s not right at all. She’s just been trying to get me to move on.”

“Move on?” He glared.

“BUT I couldn’t.” I rushed. “I could never. Don’t you see Alex?”

He paused looking at the floor in concentration.

“I love you.” His head snapped up in shock. “Even after everything, I feel the same way. Every night, I stay up pondering about one thing!”

He gave me an unsure look.

“You.” His expression softened.

He pulled me into him and smashed our lips together. I could feel the nostalgia bleed through the desperate, heated kiss. My heart started beating erratically, just like it used to every time he kissed me. Nipping my bottom lip he pulled back.

“I’ve been dying to do that.” He whispered.

For the first time in days, I felt myself smile. “Me too.”

He pulled away lightly, picking up a ripped black bag. Looking him over, I realized his clothes were torn as well. Even though he usually wore torn clothing.

“How are you here?”

“Well you see. When two people-“


“Alright. I know a guy.”

“Wait. They didn’t let you go?”

“Let go? Don’t you remember? I got life in prison!”

“Holy crap. You’re an escaped convict.”

“I’m not anything! I’m not even a criminal. All I did was sell people some goods.”

“They were drugs Alex. You were dealing drugs.” I corrected.

“It’s not even a big deal! Couple of pills and other stuff.”

I brushed my hands down my face in frustration.

“Wait. What’s in the bag?” I asked suspiciously.

OB popped out from behind me and growled at him.

“What’s this? A rat?” He raised an amused brow.

“It’s my puppy. Fae gave it to me.”

“Of course.” He chuckled, snaking a muscled arm around my waist. “My baby’s 21.”

I blushed. He remembered…

“Don’t think I didn’t remember.” He pulled me closer. “Hold up. Have you been lifting weights?” He chuckled, feeling up my arms and slightly toned chest.

“I’ve been working out h-here and there.” I bit my lip.

“I’ll say. You’re much bigger. I wonder if that’s the only thing.” He whispered huskily, nibbling behind my ear.

“Alex.” I groaned.

“Mmm yah. Yell out my name for me.” He continued to attack my neck, nipping every patch of skin.

“I- oh god.”

He hummed, grinding our lower halves together.

“It’s been a while.” He muttered, continuing his actions.

“W-wait. We can’t do this.” I tried to pull away.

“And why the hell not?” He growled, pulling back.

“We’re at the entrance of my apartment.”

“So?” He gave me an amused smirk.

“So… let’s move this elsewhere.”

“That, we can do.” He grinned slyly.

Kicking his bag out of the doorway and out of sight, he picked me up.

“Aye! I can walk myself.” He laughed.

“I don’t care how big you’ve gotten, I’m still bigger.” He chuckled, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

He walked to the door of my room and gently pushed the door open.

“Sorry my room’s kind of messy.”

He bit a patch of skin on my neck roughly.

“Aw!” I cried.

“Our room.” He glared.

I couldn’t help but smile. I guess it was. This was the room we used to share before he left.

“Take us to m- our bed.” I corrected myself.

“Hm… I’d love to.”

I think I’ll cut it off there. I’m trying hard to make this a good one. Figuring out little things here and there. It’s getting steamy a little too quick haha.

Thank you so much for reading :D vote and leave me your thoughts. I’d love to hear your guys’ opinions so far.


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