By ValeNelson69

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Prince's inspiration to write songs and compose music has fizzled, leaving him concerned where the rest of hi... More

Chapter 1 - This Man
Chapter 2 - More Than Tickled
Chapter 3 - The Lie
Chapter 4 - Too Special
Chapter 5 - The Meet
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial
Chapter 8 - The Devil in Horn-rimmed Glasses
Chapter 9 - Rome
Chapter 10 - Orvieto
Chapter 11 - Marissa Arrives
Chapter 12 - A Million Days
Chapter 14 - The Sweet Sting
Chapter 15 - Flatlined
Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows
Chapter 17 - Bernadine
Chapter 18 - Confessed
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls
Chapter 21 - A Piece Of Paper
Chapter 22 - The Sick
Chapter 23 - πŸ‘€Fuck ForeverπŸ‘€
Chapter 24 - "Prin..."
Chapter 25 - The Aftermath
Chapter 26 - In Agreement
Chapter 27 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 28 - Never Sew A Patch of Regret
Chapter 29 - Rock Her World
Chapter 30 - Your Heart Is Too Too Big
Chapter 31 - Reconciliation
Chapter 32 - Word Association
Chapter 33 - Juliette Dubois
Chapter 34 - Just a Few More Minutes
Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3
Chapter 36 - You're My Moon
Chapter 37 - Bloom

Chapter 13 - Overachiever

1.2K 61 355
By ValeNelson69


Prince moaned tenderly in her ear, causing her brow to arch and heavy lids to lazily open to a slit. Brushing his plump lower lip and a bit of his soul patch along the rim of her ear, he cuddled up close molding into her every curve.

Noelle's barely parted pout mashed together as she felt her body flush with arousal feeling a shiver travel down her spine and her eyes to slowly flutter open.

Gentle, warm kisses graced her exposed shoulder steadily rousing her as he teased her cool skin that was outside of the comforter.

Noelle coveted his right hand, placed a kiss on the palm, safely nestling it between her breasts. But he wanted more, quickly to cup her left breast and her hand contently surrendering to rest on top of his.

It was still dark outside and she could tell they hadn't been asleep for long. The moon's subtle light along with the brightness of the new fallen snow crept in through the cracks in the partially open shutters giving the room a blue, but romantic glow.

As Noelle shifted, she noticed a lovely mild heat simmering below from his earlier, very pronounced presence.

Just thinking about this man inside of her was wreaking havoc on her brain and in her heart. She was trying not to have any negative thoughts, but sometimes he reminded her of Jack.

There was a part of her that wished she could completely expunge Jack from her memory, but he had done such a number on her that even on her best day thoughts would creep in. Sure it was more than five years ago, but Noelle couldn't help but get caught in her dust-ridden cobwebs of thoughts about Jack, they were only a few days out from their wedding.

Could a man like Prince be her 4EVER? Or perhaps he's just here to help her move beyond Jack...or will he be her new Jack?

For just a moment she recalled the night with Gabriel. Marissa gave him glowing recommendations, but he too showed overwhelming confidence by kissing her so quickly after they met. Noelle couldn't help but acknowledged she was no doubt attracted to a certain type.

The majority of the time though, it felt so good to be with Prince and that is what she chose to hold onto...for now.

Prince's hand ventured down to tightly squeeze her waist as his words effortlessly slipped from his lips, "God I missed the idea of you. I had given up trying to find the one...my one...then you go and show up."

Her eyes widened at his confession.

"I even tried to resist you, you know that? How could I ever? Especially since it feels like you were placed right in front of me, like divine intervention."

He roamed up to her breast, tenderly plucking at her nipple.

"Resist me?" She questioned.

"When I saw you in Minneapolis. The bookstore manager, Anna, she wanted to introduce us. I was so flustered, I walked right out of the store neglecting to pay for your book. I eventually sent her a check, but I could have been convicted of shoplifting over avoiding you." He jested.

What a picture it was, she contemplated, to think of Prince making haste out of the bookstore, dead set on not meeting. This share was much different than how Jack would have behaved. Jack would have been all thick in his Rico Suave conceitedness, boasting how much she would have wanted to meet him. Maybe Prince is the perfect balance.

Although with his latest revelation, she did wonder how or if things would have played out differently if they had met that night at the bookstore. Bradley and her had made such a mad dash because of the snow threatening to close the airport. The two of them meeting that night would have surely been short-lived.

"I like how we met." She admitted while pulling the sheet closer to her skin. "I'll never forget turning around and seeing you after your personal comments and questions about the location of my Prince poster."

"Oh yeah? Were you smitten as I was?"

"Well I don't know about smitten as much as shocked and, to be honest, a bit disoriented. I mean seeing you singley in front of me at a bookstore is a lot different than in concert amongst a sea of people."

"Much more...intimate." He said sweeping the hair on her neck and finding her sweet spot behind her ear.

He confessed breathily, "I watched you the entire evening...sitting upstairs...in a chair...out of your sight...thinking about how to introduce myself to you."

While he divulged and assailed her with wet kisses she couldn't help but note her response to his every touch and lick. Her body knew full well who its master was and she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

What Noelle knew is that you don't get very many moments like this, where you get to feel this alive...where she could feel her breath enter and exit her lungs and as he took her breath away. She tried to slow herself down in an attempt to make the moment last a bit longer.

His hardness was throbbing against her right butt cheek and he moaned as his hands continued to explore her, pleased with everything his fingertips encountered.

"I wanna love you again." He uttered softly in her ear while his hands made their own love to her.

A whimper broke as she tried to get control of her breathing again.

"I need to be inside you again, feeling you move and pulse, not leaving an inch of you untouched."

"Oooh geezus." She breathily expired as a low and broken moan emitted from her lips at the thought of him burrowing deep inside her again.

His gravelly and gentle voice made her love weep in anticipation of him. Keeping her eyes closed, a very pleased expression curved her lips as she arched her back and eased her right hand behind her, pulling him close, soft kisses graced the side of her neck as she made her way through his hair.

"Oh bébé vit en moi." She proclaimed in an exhale.

"Mmmm... 'Oh baby live inside me' huh?" He teased. "That doesn't leave much to my imagination." Slipping his finger inside her, "You want me... here?"

She groaned and covered her face a bit embarassed that he knew what she muttered a bit unconsciously, "Oh damn, I didn't know you knew French?"

"Enough to know what you just said...come on Noelle...talk dirty with me."

Slipping in between her legs from behind, he drew her thigh upward, gliding forward to start at her beginning slightly cupping her soft, fleshy mound to then ease back and feel how ready she was for him.

"J'ai envie de toi," She begged.

"Oh baby I want you too." He murmured softly caressing her inner thigh.

Easing over her velvety wetness he grunted, "Hey mon minou chat."

Eyes popping open at his slutty reference, "Did you just say, 'Hey my kitty cat?'"

"You betcha." Biting her earlobe with a snarl.

She could tell he was grinning from ear to ear. "You went from a slutty French sailor comment to a typical Minnesotan accent, quite a contrast." She laughed, shifting to lay on her back.

"Typical? Honey there's nothing typical about me and I promise..."

"Ssshhh," hushing him, covering his lips with two of her fingers.

That tone...that egotism was Jack, something she once found intoxicating but now despised and Prince remembered this causing him to be embarassed.

Running his right hand along her cheek, his tongue slightly slipped in her left ear apologizing for his garish behavior, "Baby...I'm sorry. What I meant to say is that you won't be laughing in a minute." He huffed while turning her on her side to fully face him.

"Tell me what other French you know." She requested cautiously biting her lip at the possible naughtiness that may ensue.

"Je ne peux pas arrêter de penser à être en vous." Prince said close to her lips causing her to gasp at his thought.

Her hazel greens encircled his chocolates as she replied the flip of what he had just shared. "I can't stop thinking about you inside of me either."

"Love...why do we need to think about it when we can just do it?"

His lips mastered hers in a kiss and then slid down to her collarbone, "Je te veux autant de fois que tu le permet." He crooned sexily.

What he uttered in French echoed in her mind, 'I want you as many times as you will allow.' He gushed as they became tangled in the sheets.

While everything he groaned was everything she ever wanted to hear from a man, that last thing he proclaimed made her quiver deeply within.

Twisting to roll her on top, he caressed the soft skin along the mid of her back.

"Crée un paradis pour moi." She whispered arched over him while his thumb ran along her bottom lip.

"I'd love to create a heaven for you love," he replied while guiding her upward to enter her and feeling her tremble with his touch.

With a hard pull down toward him, he pounded into her completely as they both allowed their mouths to tumble open at the pleasure of how blissful the other felt. The sheer force at which he entered caused her to bounce right back up like a playground ball almost biting her tongue from the mere force.

With one hand on her waist and the other brushing along her collarbone, she felt herself letting go, allowing herself to only focus on him and his smooth repetitive rub along her sacred walls as he filled her stroke after stroke after stroke.

"Oooohhhh my god," she panted under her breath.

He felt himself come alive inside her. While he had experienced lust, hunger and horniness before, she made him feel all three combined, but different, wrapped in a blanket of love. Prince had knocked on the pleasure door of many a women, but Noelle...he wanted the door to be closed and locked safely behind it with her.

Rolling her, they never lost connection as she crossed her ankles behind his back and then he pushed, deeper, and deeper still.

They wanted one another just like the ocean hugs the shore, with every wave reaching further and further attempting to cover more sand and pull as many granules of the beach back into its vast waters.

"I can't believe I finally got to touch you tonight." He said jagedly while pulling her thigh up in the crook of his arm, burying his lips in her neck and licking her skin attempting to devour and partake of every taste kiss by kiss. Surely there was to be baby sucker bites all over her neck and chest; she did not care, she felt alive and loved again, it had been too long.

"Oh ba- baby...ma- make me ache." Her voice shook as he pounded into her repetitively.

He wanted her sore. "Oh yes baby...," he huffed, tormenting her with each forward and backward motion, wanting her to mutter his name aloud with every movement she made tomorrow and the day after that.

Entangled in one another's hands, he slid them above her head, his lips pecked at hers while he rammed harder and harder assembling order to all their chaotic pieces exactly where they were suppose to be, in body and spirit.

A deep moan and a "fuck," slid out of his mouth while her soul slipped out of her body and she forgot her name.

It was so good, they were left shaking.


Waking up alone, she winced and grumbled trying to walk to the bathroom. The sting of last night's festivities was more than lingering that she found herself periodically talking to herself.

"Oh my god, I think the damn earth shooketh last night."

After relieving herself, she started the shower and leaned on the sink for support to brush her teeth. The reflection in the mirror did not lie, last night happened for sure as she inventoried all the love bites on her neck and chest...gazing further down, she saw some on her belly and upper thigh.

"Sweet mother of mercy...there's no A for effort here. He's a fucking overachiever." She muttered with the toothbrush in her mouth.

Easing into the shower, she lathered her hair and then a washcloth to wash her body. Once she was almost done bathing, she lathered the washcloth and held it gently between her legs swearing to hear a sizzle on contact.

"Oh Lord the sting of it all." She laughed and cringed at the sweet burn. Taking the showerhead attachment down and reducing the water pressure a bit, she sighed at the relief the warm water brought to her nether regions.

Finally clean, she stepped onto the plush mat and wrapped herself in a thick bath towel.

Resting for a moment on the ledge that ran around the bathtub, she couldn't help but review the freeze frames of last night. There was no doubt she was sore as hell but, oh most certainly, she would be ready for more of him. He would be the hair of the dog for her leg and vagina hangover.

After drying her hair and putting on some light makeup, she wrapped herself in the towel and made her way back into the bedroom to get dressed.

Rummaging through her overnight bag she panicked not seeing an outfit to wear home, but thankfully after turning around saw it laid on the bed by Prince.

Dropping her towel she put on her bra and panties, then some leggings and a sweater she didn't recognize and realized looking at the label, it was his.

The house was quiet, except for the occasional steam and light drip of the coffeemaker. Pouring herself a cup, she headed into the living room where he was at the piano writing and combing through notes. He was so into what he was doing, he never heard her enter.

"Good morning." She uttered lowly not knowing if she should disturb him.

He was quick to look up and excited to acknowledge her. "Mmmm...good morning, or I should say afternoon? I hope you got some sleep."

"It's afternoon?"

Extending his hand for her to come join him on the bench, he noticed the slight difference in her walk and was pleased with his work and that she would be remembering him throughout the day and perhaps tomorrow.

Delicately sitting down next to him he sought a tender kiss and she was very happy to oblige.

"Last night was amazing." She teased on his lips and they both kinda blushed as she leaned her forehead into his cheek.

"I'm still pinching myself that we were finally together." He shyly shared while kissing her hand.

"Happy New Year," she whispered. "We forgot about that last night."

"What happened last night was more important than any New Year." He chuckled while kissing her sucker bitten neck.

Examining her neck further, "I might have gone a little overboard feasting on you. I do hope you'll forgive me, and if not, I think I know how I can make it up to you."

"How's that?" She knew she might regret asking so she moved on. "What are you working on?" She inquired peeking at his notebook in which he quickly slammed shut.

"OH you gonna change the subject on me huh?" He laughed.

"Is this the only thing you wanna talk about now? You'll think I'm sex starved."

"Baby...if you're hungry take a bite of me."

"You so silly, that's The Time. You can't pull one past me. I'm starved though."

"Yeah but I wrote it." He said while straightening the collar on his shirt and giving her a wink.

With a knock, the double doors slid open and trays of food rolled in.

After the staff set up the table for them, he took her hand and led her to the table, holding her chair out for her and finishing up with a passionate kiss before sitting down next to her.

Eyeing her love bites, "Huh...I may have ate more than just your lovely mon chat."

A raging blush covered her from head to toe.

"You know if you stay that color my bites aren't as noticeable."

He fed her a piece of a cinnamon roll and she fed him frosting from a chocolate eclair of her finger.

Noelle's cell rang, glancing down she saw it was Marissa. "She probably wants to know when to expect us."

"Tell her I have dinner reservations for us at 7:30 p.m., meet us in the hotel lobby at 7 p.m."


Walking to the window, the two of them couldn't take their eyes off one another.

"Hi Marissa. How are you?"

"Geezus Noelle, tell me sista...can you even fucking walk?"

Noelle giggled and Prince stayed looking at her while drinking his coffee...but he was smiling so much at her that he dribbled a bit on his napkin.

She turned to look out the window so he could eat and she could focus on what Marissa was giving her a hard time about.

"I mean did the runway down there spontaneously combust? Are you now one of those hairless cats down there? What did Polly call it? Oh a Sphynx!?"

"Marissa! I'm not kissing and telling."

"Are you fucking crazy? You get the dream of a lifetime and you're not gonna share? I mean who will I tell...

As she was going on and on, Noelle suddenly felt Prince's hands on her waist pulling her backside flush up against his front. Her eyes closed as she felt his hardness.

His low voice said in her ear without the phone, "We have an hour before leaving for the airport. I want to make you twist and shout."

The minute Marissa heard Prince's voice her mouth stopped chattering. "You go get that dick girl. I'll be in the hotel lobby at 7 p.m."


As always thanks for reading, voting, commenting and sharing your thoughts. 💜

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