Teachers Pet

By multifanwritings

9.5K 261 116

Spencers grades have been suffering lately. Especially in English. So Mr. Fitz has offered to tutor Spencer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

582 16 14
By multifanwritings

Hey guys! So I don't have too much to say so just enjoy the chapter! -Meghan

"Hello Spencer."

I turn around to a very familiar face. The face of my sisters ex fiancé and my ex boyfriend. Next to Toby, Wren is the only real boyfriend I've had. He was really great but I decided it would be better if we were just friends. He's been gone for a while so its odd he just shows up. Now of all times.

"Oh! Wren hey, what are you doing here?"

"Sorry Spencer I didn't mean to startle you" he apologizes in his cute british accent.

"No its ok. I've just been a bit jumpy lately" I put  on my best smile.

"God Spencer what happened to your eye?"

Crap. I new I should have tried to cover it.

"Oh, um..." he cuts me of before I can finish and grabs my wrist.

"And your wrist Spencer. Why is it so bruised? Who did this to you?" he asks with concern in his eyes.

"Nobody did thi-" he interrupts me again.

"Don't lie to me Spencer. You're a horrible liar. I'm going to ask you one more time. Who. did. this?"

I want to tell him. I want to tell him so badly, but I cant. I just cant, he cant get hurt also. Gosh why do I have to have so many amazing people in my life that I care about. They don't deserve this worry I am putting them through. I cant tell them.

"Wren please, no one hit me. Just drop it please." I put on the best act I could to try to get him to believe me.

"Fine I'll drop. For now. So what are you doing here?"

"I'm just here with my family. What about you Mr. Pack up and leave for 6  months and not tell me." I joke.

"Well I just got back from England. I was visiting family for a while. But I'm back for a bit." he replies.

"So how long will you be in town?" I ask.

"Probably for a few weeks or so. Plenty of time for us to go  out and get a bite to eat."

"Definitely! But remember I have a boyfriend." I say just to remind him.

"Of course Spencer. I'll text you okay."

"Okay. Bye Wren." I say

"Bye Spencer" he says as he walks away.

Great now I have to go back to this stupid dinner with my parents. With any luck they'll be finishing up. As I walk back to dinner I am once again stopped but this time it is not by someone. I was stopped by the of my phone going of. That is a sound that I have grown to hate. I slowly pick up my phone to see who the text is from.

A wave of relief washes over me when I see that the text is from Toby. But the feeling immediately goes away once I see what he said.

T: Hey, Spence. Can you please come over. We need to talk.

I have a feeling I know what he wants to talk about. I cant do this with him. Not right now.

S: I cant tonight Toby. Maybe some other time?

T: No. We need to talk tonight. Please Spencer.

Right as I am about to reply to him I get another text.

E: Don't even think about Spencer. I'm watching you.

Oh my god. How is this even possible. Its bad enough that I have one stalker now I have two. 

Great! Now Ezra is watching her. And her and Wren are friends. Let me know what you thought about the chapter. Hopefully I can post soon. Byeeeeeeeee -Meghan

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