The Beginning of Forever

PhoenixFire87 द्वारा

71.2K 1.8K 1.1K

*Reg KevEdd Get Together Fic* Kevin askes Edd for tutoring so he can get in the dork's good graces. Things st... अधिक

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 19

1.8K 46 43
PhoenixFire87 द्वारा

"So what are we planning to do? Because I'll be damned if that bastard lays a finger on my child!" a red faced Michael growls from his spot in the Barr's living room.

"Calm down Michael!"

"Calm down?! He's got a GUN! He's trying to KILL the kids! How do you expect me to calm down?!"

"I know but..." Miriam whispers, completely at a loss with the situation and wracking her brain to find some sort of solution.

"The sooner we capture him the better but I don't know how to do that. First priority is keeping the kids safe, I think we can all agree to that" Kathleen states.

"Yes!" Michael and Miriam say in unison. "But how do we plan on going about that? Even with police escorts they're still in danger!" Michael starts to pace.

"Relocating?" Thomas suggested. "I know it's a lot but it would be worth it to protect them."

"Relocate? Where would we go? And What would Kevin do about his scholarships?" Edd asks with tears in his eyes. His scholarship are purely academic and would easily transfer, Kevin would need to play to continue to be eligible.

"His scholarships would stay intact since this is extenuating circumstances, don't worry about that" Kathleen assured him.

"What about school, Ma?" Kevin asked.

"I'm pulling you out. You can get your degree online and then go to school... Out of state, far out of state!"

"Online? We can't go to school online! That'll reflect poorly on our portfolios! How will Kevin be able to play football if we're enrolled online? How will I be able to participate in my club activities? What about our friends?" Edd says, finally letting the tears fall. "This is a terrible idea!"

"You have another idea? Whatever we do it has to be done fast, he needs to believe that nothing is going on" Thomas snips from his place in the kitchen doorway, arms crossed stiffly across his chest.

"Can't we transfer schools? That way we can still have our extracurriculars?" Edd pleads.

"It would have to be somewhere out of this area..." Kathleen explained "Edd, sweetheart, you may not have to. This is our issue, we don't want to bring you down with us."

"No. This is my issue as well. I refuse to stand by and hear about my boyfriend on the news because I didn't go with him" Edd says firmly, still firmly clinging to Kevin's hand and arm. Kevin gripped Edd's hand tighter and kisses the back of it with a relieved sigh, grateful that he wouldn't have to do this alone.

"What do you suggest we do? Split up into different states?" Michael asks.

"No! You can't split us up! Please!" Edd begs.

"What if we send them away together?" Miriam suggests.

Edd squeezes Kevin's hand and refuses to let go. "But alone?" Edd whispers.

Miriam turns to the other adults. "Would it be safe to leave them alone? They are still children after all..."

"I'll send Eddward to Iceland if it means he is safe from that psycho" Michael growls, looking up information about transferring to a different hospital.

An idea blossomed in Thomas' head. Turning to the teens, he asked "You guys don't mind flying, do you?"

"No, why?" Kevin asked with a cocked brow.

Edd looks at the officer and cocks his head "Are you suggesting flying to a different state?"

"Yes, but it wouldn't be for a long period of time. Christmas break is coming up soon. The families can get out of town for the time being, I'll watch the dogs and hopefully we will catch him. Gotta go out of the country though so he can't drive to get to you. Italy, Rome, Greece, France, Paris... It would do everyone to get out of here for two weeks!" Thomas suggested.

"And what do we do until then? Our children are sitting ducks here. That bastard has guns! Plural! And he broke into this house, even after all of the security measures that were taken!" Michael snarls.

"I am pulling Kevin out of school. I'll transfer him out somewhere else" Kathleen said with an air of finality.

"Well I'm going to whatever school Kevin's going" Edd quips sharply.

"Of course, dear, but this is still going to take a few days. What are we going to do in the meantime?" Kathleen asks Mr. and Mrs. Vincent.

"We have to keep a careful eye out. I'll take off from work completely and watch the house" Miriam says quietly.

"I'll upgrade the security systems in both houses. Kevin and Kathleen, you both can stay at our house. It's apparent it's unsafe here if he's able to get in so easily" Michael huffs.

"When you got home, did you set the alarm?" Kevin looked offended "Of course I did! I put the code in and hit 'Arm' just like you showed me. Edd watched me!"

"Alright, alright... I was just checking to make sure. Something happened to not make the alarm go off" she said passively.

"Thank God, you texted me when you did. Edd was on his way up to greet you at the door" he mused, turning to Michael "You sure we can stay with you guys? You guys have enough room?"

"Of course. There's more safety in numbers, after all! You can stay in Eddward's room. Kathleen, you can have one of the guest rooms and Officer Thomas, you can have the other if you find the need to stay as well" Michael says firmly.

"Thank you, but I'll stay around the Barr home. Give the illusion that everything is normal. I will be close though" Thomas assured.

Zoie tore through the kitchen with Dante on her heels while Natasha was napping with Shira curled up on the couch, chewing on a toy. Kathleen signed "I really thought having a dog would deter him from coming around..."

"He's a man on a mission. I doubt even dogs will stop him, at this point" Thomas says thoughtfully. "I'll let my men know that we're going back on high alert."

"Thank you, Officer Thomas" Michael nods his head appreciatively.

"You're all doing great and doing the best you can. We'll all get through this together" Thomas tried to console the distraught parents.

"Can we just go? I don't want to be here anymore..." Kevin hugged Edd closer to himself and buried his head in Edd's neck.

"Of course, Dear..." The Barr's gathered some clothes and stuff to stay at the Vincent's for the next week or so. Kevin grabbed Zoie's leash and hooked it on her and set Shira in Edd's hands. "Ready, Ma?"

"Yes, yes, just give us a minute..." she pulled Thomas into the kitchen. Kevin followed Edd out and crossed the street. "What do you think they are talking about, Kevin?" Edd asked, sneaking a quick kiss on the tall athlete's cheek.


"What's wrong Kathy?" Thomas asks softly.

"This is so stupid... He needs to leave them alone. I always felt that he would be constantly on me of we got a divorce, I didn't think he would attach to Kevin like he has. The kid is gay, who cares??? It's not fair to Edd for him and his parents to be uprooted but he won't go anywhere without Kevin and I just feel horrible about the whole situation."

Thomas holds the worried woman in his arms and kisses the top of her head. "There's not much we can do to change the situation right now. We just have to stay strong for the kids. I'm sure Mr. And Mrs. Vincent feel the same way. Mr. Vincent for sure; he's more focused on keeping his son safe than anything else and Mrs. Vincent seems to feel the same way. We should pray that everything remains calm until we can get the boys to a safe place."

"How far do I take Kevin? Next county over? Next state? The farther the better, I suppose. I know the hospital had a branch that I can probably temporarily transfer to in Cherry Oak. Their schools are good and Kevin would be able to just ease into their football and baseball teams..." she sighed "If I could hurt that man, I would..."

"The further the better but you've also got to remember that all of their friends are here. These kids are the ones they've grown up with. It'll be hard for them to leave everyone behind so suddenly." He kisses her again and pulls her against his chest. "It'll be alright Kathy. I'll give my life to protect all of you. Charles won't lay a single finger on anybody involved."


"Probably where we are moving to or their relationship. I just want to see her happy and Thomas makes her happy. Happier than I've seen her in a while. Once the divorce is final and he is caught, things will be great for every one" Kevin says more to himself than Edd.

Edd looks over at Kevin and notices his furrowed brow. He grabs the ginger's hand and casts a soft smile towards him. "What's wrong, Kevin? Why are you brooding?"

"I just wanted to have a normal high school career with you. Ya know, go out, study, go to the dances, graduate, then go off to college somewhere close by. Things are just so fucked right now" he pouts harder as he watches his mother cross the street with Thomas and his dogs by her side.

Edd sighs and nods his head in understanding. "I know, Love. We still have two years though. And I'll be by your side the whole way, I promise" he leans over a places a passionate kiss on Kevin's lips. Kevin is taken back for a second before his brain kicks in and he responds in kind to Edd's kiss. He runs his hands down Edd's sides and rests them on the small of his back, pulling him in closer. Edd moans softly as he presses against Kevin's chest. He breaks away and kisses down Kevin's jawline, making sure to pay extra attention to his sweet spot. "Let's get our minds off of this" Edd whispers against the ginger's neck, feeling brave and determined to bring a smile to Kevin's face.

"Good idea..." Kevin whispers against Edd's lips as he backs up to the bed and sits down, bringing Edd to his lap. Kevin's warm fingers just slipping under Edd's red shirt and ghosted over the small of his back and the top of his hips.

Edd climbs on top of Kevin and pushes him onto his back. "It's been a while hasn't it?" he whispers seductively in his ear before giving it a playful nip. "I've been missing you all week."

Kevin moaned "I've missed you too, help me forget about everything..."

"I want you to only focus on me" Edd whispers before trailing slow, passionate kisses down Kevin's body. "And only me" he breathes softly against the chiseled abs.

Kevin lets out shuttering breath "Well, you certainly have my attention..." he relaxed back on to the bed and watched Edd work with half lidded eyes.

Edd gives a sly grin as he unfastens Kevin's jeans and slides them down. "Good because I'd hate for you to miss this, Kevin" he says before wrapping his lips around the ginger's cock and gives it a firm suck.

"Edd...!" Kevin moaned quietly, running his hand through the dark hair in front of him, trying desperately to not thrust into that warm mouth. Edd moans around Kevin's cock and begins to steadily bob along his length, taking more of him in with every passing second. Kevin curses softly, trying not to alter the other occupants of the house of what his beautiful boyfriend is doing to him. His hips tilt and he thrusts a bit into Edd's mouth. Edd moans again and readily receives the thrusts into his mouth, he looks up at Kevin and gives an encouraging wink. His tongue presses against the length of his cock and traces up the vein. "Oh god..." Kevin's eyes rolled back as his back arched. Suddenly, it was just him and Edd. Nothing else mattered, nothing else was in his head; just him and Edd.

Edd picks up the speed and buries his nose in fiery curls. He reaches up and begins to scratch down Kevin's chest. Kevin felt the tightening in his groin and stroked Edd's dark hair again. "Baby, I'm really close..." Edd looks up and gives seductive look before deep throating his boyfriend again, pressing as far as he could without really choking himself. Kevin curses again before biting his lip and knotting his hands in the comforter. His back arches as he tries to push himself further down Edd's throat as he rolls his stomach and releases, collapsing back on the bed and panting.

Edd pulls back a little but swallows as much of Kevin's seed as he can. He lets his lover ride his orgasm out before releasing his cock. Baby blue eyes stare up into green with an innocent look. "Are-are you better now?"

"Yeah... we're good..." Kevin panted as he stared at the ceiling before looking down and beckoning Edd up to him with both hands. Cupping the adorable dork's face, Kevin kissed him sweetly and gently. "Are you okay? That was so hot, babe" he grinned but before Edd could answer, they heard footsteps on the stairs. Kevin quickly buttoned himself up and sat up.

Edd scurries to hide in the covers as the steps reach his room. A knock sounds at the door and he sits up in a way that makes him appear to have been getting ready for bed. "Come in" he calls to the person on the other side.

Kathleen poked her head in and glanced and Edd then Kevin. "I just wanted to talk to Kevin real quick..." she waved him to her.

Kevin met her in the hallway with a quick "What's up, Ma?" Just then, his Mother crushed him in a tight hug and let loose a small sob. "I just needed some comfort from my son. Thank you for being so good for me."

"We'll get through this, Ma... We all will. Then me and Edd will go off to college, get great jobs and make you and Thomas grandparents by the time you're 50!" Mother and son laughed and she released him

"Go on, Edd's waiting" Kathleen hugged him one last time before going to her bedroom and shut her door. Kevin turned back to the bedroom, pushing himself into Edd's arms.

"Welcome back, Love" Edd giggles as he holds Kevin in his arms. "Was your mother alright?" he asks as he takes off the ginger's hat and runs his fingers through the red hair.

"Yeah she just needed some comfort. And now I need it" Kevin sighs as he feels Edd's fingers glide through his short hair and rubbing his scalp. Edd chuckles softly and pulls Kevin in for a kiss before quickly pulling back. "I-I'm so sorry Kevin! I completely forgot that I just-" Edd untangles himself from the jock and starts to dash to head to the bathroom.

Kevin reaches out and grabs his wrist "Do what you want, but I don't care about that. I love kissing you."

Edd gives a worried sigh but sits back down "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I love the way we taste together!" Kevin grinned with a wide smile causing Edd to blush and stutter a little. "Relax, go wash your mouth out if you want. I'm not gonna get offended. If it will make you feel better, go on."

Edd nods and heads to the bathroom. He returns a few minutes later and crawls into the bed again. "Was I better this time?" he asks innocently.

"Yes, you're a very fast learner" Kevin kissed Edd softly "Let's go to sleep. I'm exhausted." Kevin pulls Edd against him and slowly they both drift off into a listless sleep.


Kevin wakes up shortly after ten and notices that Edd is still asleep curled up beside him. Zoie is in Shira's cage with the small puppy curled up next to her. Kevin gently kisses Edd's temple, slowly waking him "hey, it's ten... wanna get up?"

Edd groans and stirs around a little. "Nyo" he moans into his pillow.

"You're not hungry? I can hear our parents thumping around."

Edd turns away and buries his head under his pillow. "Sleepy..." he pouts like a toddler but gets up anyway, the grumbling in his stomach getting louder when he smelled the food being cooked. They made their way downstairs to see Miriam and Kathleen in a deep discussion in hushed voices.

"Good morning Mother, Ms. Kathleen. How are you two doing this morning?" Edd asks politely, letting Shira and Zoie outside.

"Good morning, boys" Miriam called out as Kathleen sipped her coffee and gave them a cordial head nod. "It's ten, Ma, you're still not awake?" Kevin chuckled and his mother glared at him.

"You know not to talk to me until I'm on my third cup." Kathleen warns. Edd giggles and pulls Kevin into a loose embrace. "Why are you upsetting your mother, Kevin?"

"Because it's fun... because I can..." Kevin smirked and grabbed some more bacon and sausage.

Kathleen chuckles and holds the cup back up to her lips. "Little brat..." She mutters before taking a sip and continues to ignore him. "What were you two talking to intently about? You know where we're transferring to?" Kevin asked.

"We were having grownup talk. And yes, we might have an idea as to where you two are transferring." Kathleen says snidely.

"Will we still be able to go our extra curriculars?" he asked, knowing that was important to both him and Edd.

"If everything goes well, you'll both be able to continue right where you're leaving off" she answers softly. Kevin, trusting in his mother, seemed happy with that and proceeded to eat in peace, watching as Zoie rolled Shira into the kitchen on her back from the back patio.

"Uh! Zoie! Hey! Don't do that, she's still just a baby!" Edd fusses, running behind the dogs. Kathleen chuckles as he's bowled over by Zoie and covered in kisses. "Germs! Germs! Filthy, filthy, filthy!" Edd whines.

Kevin laughs "Okay Zoie. I know you love him, I do too, but I think he prefers my kisses to yours."

Edd turns bright red and grabs Shira in an attempt to use her to cover his face. "He's always embarrassing me, Shira..." he quietly mumbles into the puppy's coat.

"She ate a large grasshopper today... it was gross" Kevin warned.

"Why'd you let her eat it?!" Edd chastises.

"I didn't know she had anything until she crunched it! She only ate half of it, if that's any consolation..." Kevin shrugged.

"You're a terrible person, Kevin" Edd deadpans before grabbing a plate and sitting down next to his mother. "You're quiet today, Mother. Anything you care to talk about?"

Miriam sighs "Tired and anxious... your father is wearing me out more than Charles is."

"It's good to know that he's protective over us though, right?" Edd giggles, happy to have his parents back to actually care about his well being.

"Certainly, but it's still tiresome" Miriam smiles and continues to sip her tea.

"So," Kevin starts "Are we on lock down?"

"No. Nothing as drastic. Just let us know if you two want to go somewhere so that we can have somebody there to watch over you both" Kathleen answers as she pours another cup of coffee.

"That is called Caffeine Dependency, Mother..." Kevin snickers.

"That's called 'Kiss my shiny metal ass' Kevin" Kathleen retorts. Edd bursts into laughter upon seeing his boyfriend getting put in his place. "Futurama... very witty" Kevin laughs and eats the rest of his food. Edd giggles at the pair then sets to work eating his small plate of food. He finishes then watches his boyfriend devour his third plate in .2 seconds. Kevin sits back with a stretch and a sigh, resting an arm across the back of Edd's chair.

"Are you boys going to just lounge around the house today or did you wanna go out and do something?" Kathleen asked, feeling the caffeine take effect.

"I'm okay with relaxing a bit today" Edd answers truthfully. "That's...if it's okay with you, Kevin" he quickly follows up.

"I kinda wanted to head to the mall... want to get some stuff" Kevin suggests. I'll buy you something for your lab. How about that?"

"Let's go then!" Edd pulls Kevin up and drags him back to their room. Pushing Kevin into the room, Edd connects their lips and pushes them both down onto the bed. Kevin flips their positions, pinning Edd beneath him and grinding their hips together roughly.

Edd gasps out a soft moan and turns away in an attempt to hide his red face. "Kevin, be careful... our parents..."

"We can hear them coming up the stairs..." Kevin trails a line of kisses from Edd's lips to his jaw then the slope of his neck, leaving marks all alone the way.

Edd shakily gasps but throws his head back enough to give Kevin the access he needed. "I..."

"Tell me what you want" Kevin ran his hands down Edd's sides and started to ghost over the skin on Edd's torso.

Edd whimpers and instinctively lifts a leg to wrap around Kevin's waist. " touch me?"

"I'm dying to..." Kevin pushes his hands under the fabric of Edd's shirt, fingers playing a smooth rhythm against pale skin. The redhead leans his head down, kissing across a pale chest and sucked a nipple into his mouth.

Edd gasps and arches into Kevin's mouth. "Yesss..." he moans softly. Kevin gives a soft nip before moving over to give the other one a same treatment. Eventually, he started to make his way down to a soft stomach and kissed his navel, dipping his tongue inside. "Kevin... Please...." Edd pants, feeling his pants growing tighter with each passing second.

Kevin moans softly before slowly edging Edd's pants down "To return the favor for last night, I wanna try something new... you up for it?" Kevin's hopeful green eyes bore into Edd's nervous blues. Edd looks into Kevin's eyes and gives a nervous nod.

"If you're ever uncomfortable and want me to stop, just tell me" Kevin blazed a small trail of kisses down the patch of skin below his navel until he reached his goal. He licked a strip from base to tip and then sucked the vein from bottom to top. Edd gasps and instinctively thrusts his hips upward, causing his cock to graze against Kevin's teeth. "Careful..." Kevin husked out, sucking the tip into his mouth, quickly working his way to engulf the full length.

Edd moans his boyfriend's name and grabs his hair, gently guiding his head as his hips rise slightly into Kevin's mouth. Kevin allows him to thrust softly in his mouth before grabbing his hips and pressing them back down onto the bed. He comes off Edd with a lewd pop and wets two fingers before looking up to Edd's eyes again. "I love you... tell me if you want me to stop..." Kevin reminded before pressing on digit against Edd's entrance.

Edd gasps and jumps back slightly before nodding and relaxing a bit. "I love you too" he whispers softly. Kevin took him back in his mouth and started to vigorously bob up and down before he pressed his finger in slowly again. Kevin gives a hard suck, all the way up the shaft before using his tongue to play with the head. Slowly adding a second digit to slowly scissor and thrust.

Edd swallows back a scream and buries his face as far into the sheets as possible. "God...Kevin!" He moans through gritted teeth. His hips begin to gently rock in time with Kevin's hand as the ginger explores his previously untouched anatomy. Edd writhes in ecstasy and gives a rather loud moan as Kevin plays with the small bundle of nerves just before a knock sounds on the door. "Eddward? I have some money for you and Kevin to go to the mall with" Miriam calls through the door.

Kevin pulls off Edd and quickly pulls his pants up when Edd lifts his hips before rolling to his side and wrapped his arms around him, snickering the whole time.

Miriam opens the door and smiles at the boys. "Here, I'll set it on the table for you two..."

"Mother! You can't just come barging in here like that!" Edd grumbles, upset that there were no longer any pleasure rippling through his body.

"Oh, you're fine, Eddward. I don't care about a cuddle or anything. Hurry up and get ready, Thomas will be over shortly to escort you" Miriam laughs as she closes the door and walks down the stairs.

Edd's blush turns into one of anger and embarrassment. He gets up with a huff and removes his shirt "We should get ready to go." Kevin sighed and got some clothes and took his turn in the bathroom, giving Edd some time to cool down. "Are you ready?" Edd asks, appearing outside the bathroom door.

"Y-yeah. You okay?" Kevin asked startled.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Edd states. "And why do you sound like I scared you?" he questions, aloof that he'd startled his boyfriend.

"I just wasn't prepared for you to be right just startled me. Let's go!" Kevin grabbed Edd's hand and moved down stairs, hearing Thomas honk the horn outside.

Edd follows Kevin downstairs and calls into the kitchen. "Goodbye Mother, Goodbye Ms. Kathleen" he calls as they walk out and hop in the truck to head towards the mall. "Which store did you want to go to first?"

Kevin grabbed Edd's hand and pulled him along to a few stores, buying clothes and other random things the boys needed/wanted. As they stopped for lunch, they talked about the situation at hand and completely didn't hear or see the approaching teens.

"Double D!" Ed shouts, grabbing everyone's attention. Edd turns around and happily smiles at his friend.

"Salutations Ed!" Eddy skulks up behind Ed and casts a disgusted look towards Edd and Kevin, not saying a single word. "S-salutations...Eddy" Edd practically whispers. He looks away in fear of the short boy and shrinks into his chair.

"Come on Ed. Let's go before one of these fags gets the hots for us" Eddy hisses. Edd fights back a tear from his former friend's hateful words.

"I-I'll see you later Ed..." he manages to choke out, being hard pressed to keep his tears in check.

"But Eddy..." Ed whined.

"What's your problem, Eddy?! Why can you just accept Edd for who he is?" Kevin growled out.

"Kevin, please!" Edd begs.

"Because you made him this way! He wasn't interested in dicks until YOU came along!" Eddy retorts.

"That's not true!" Edd rebuts, trying to calm Kevin down.

Kevin stood up, putting himself between Edd and Eddy. "But he was friends with you for years before I came along so clearly he likes dicks!"

"Kevin, stop!" Edd begs again, trying his best to pull his boyfriend back.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Eddy growls before lunging forward at Kevin. Edd jumps in front of the ginger and takes the punch to his face in his place.

"There. Do you feel better now?!" he asks Eddy with tears streaming down his face.

Kevin immediately stood in front of Edd and cupped his face. "Are you okay?" he asks, inspecting Edd's cheek and jawline, eyeing the red spot forming and knowing that a small bruise will form there soon.

Eddy starts to balk and laugh. "Very nice, Barr! Make your boyfriend fight your fights for you! You that much of a pretty boy? Pretty pussy is more like it!" Eddy's tirade was cut off by Kevin's hand over his face and pushing Eddy into Big Ed. Big Ed grabbed Eddy and backed up.

"Sorry, Guys..." he said sadly as he carted Eddy away.

Edd watches his friends disappear into far off store before casting his eyes down to the floor. "I'm sorry Kevin."

"Sorry for what? It's not your fault Eddy is an asshole" Kevin cupped Edd's face and kissed him. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay... It's all my fault. I caused all of this by not telling them years ago about my sexuality. It's only right that I take the hit instead of you" Edd says guiltily.

"If you told him years ago, you would have been alone. At least now, you have friends and a boyfriend that love you and will help support you" Kevin said, pointing to their right, seeing Nazz and Nat eating a few tables away.

Edd frowns a little but nods in acceptance. " I suppose you're right" he mutters.

Kevin grabs their bags and follows, easily catching up. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"what do you mean what's wrong? My friends hate me and my boyfriend's dad is trying to kill me! That's two things!" he says spitefully.

"But you have gained more friends than you've lost, which is just one friend, and you have your parents that love and support you. Not to mention, you have a hot boyfriend that loves you more than life itself."

"I suppose" Edd mutters as he turns around to face Kevin. "Shall we go talk to our cohorts?" he asks, faking a smile.

"Only if you want to... or do you wanna go home and call it a day?"

"No. We should go talk to them. They probably saw what happened anyway..." Edd answers with a sigh.

They turned around and headed back to the food court and Nat and Nazz. "Hey Edd, hey Kev! What you two hot guys doing out today?" Nazz asked. "Is it okay for you guys to be out?"

"Does it matter?" Edd mumbles under his breath.

"Of course, it matters! What would I do without my boys?!" Nat gets up and hugs Kevin around his chest, squeezing tightly. "Get... off me... Nat!" Kevin wheezed.

Edd gives the smallest of chuckles and sighs. "I guess you'd have no one to harass, would you Nathan?" Instead of helping his boyfriend, Edd decides to take a seat next to Nazz. "And how are you today, Nazz?"

"I'm fine, just worried about my guys. Except Nat... he won't leave me alone since you and Kev got together!" she laughed.

"My best friend is gone!" Nat cried.

"Nat... I swear to God, get away from me!" Kevin pushes Nat off him and sits next to Edd, gripping his hand.

Edd finally returns to his usual self and gives a cute giggle "Kevin, you shouldn't be so mean to Nathan. He could be the one to save your life one day."

"God forbid if that ever happens..."

Edd chuckles and playfully hits Kevin's leg. "If you'd behave like a normal person, you wouldn't have anything to worry about."

"Tell Nat to behave!" Kevin quips.

"Everyone knows Nat can't behave! You have to be the bigger person and behave for him!" Kevin glared at Nat "Sit down, ya peacock!" The three friends sat and talked a bit, Kevin occasionally looking around for Eddy or his father. His nerves were shot and he was a bundled mass of irritation but he was happy nonetheless with Edd, Nazz, and Nat.

Edd notices Kevin's finicky behavior and squeezes his hand a little. "Are you alright Love?"

"Yeah, just... everything right now but I'll be good" Kevin gave him a smile and a return hand squeeze. Eventually they said their goodbyes to Nat and Nazz and called Miriam to come and get them. They sat inside the breezeway and waited, cuddled up together until the BMW pulled up.

"Salutations, boys!" Miriam calls from the car as she pulls up in front of them.

"Hello mother. No one joined you?" Edd asked, climbing inside.

"Your father is at work and the dogs are watching over Kathy and the house. Did you two have fun at the mall?" she asks as she pulls off.

"Mh" Edd mumbles in response. Kathleen glances back at Kevin through the rear view with a questioning look.

"Just people being small minded jerks... nothing much more to worry about" Kevin explained, squeezing Edd's hand, pulling him close, trying to rekindle some of the good mood that they had when they got to the mall before Eddy ruined everything. Edd sighs and looks out of the window, accidentally locking eyes with Eddy. The short boy raises his middle finger to him and spits in the direction of the car as they drive out of sight. Edd takes his hand away from Kevin and pulls his hat over his eyes before slumping against the window, perfectly content to wallow in his own self pity.

Miriam says cheerily in an attempt to lighten Edd's mood. "Eddward, your father mentioned wanting to run an experiment with you once he gets home. He said you'd really enjoy it."

Edd sighs and relaxes a little "Fine."

"Kevin, Officer Thomas would like to spend a little time with you once we get home. He's there now with you mother."

Miriam hits the garage door and waits patiently as the door opens and they slowly get out of the car. Kevin grabs all their bags, telling Edd to go inside and that he got everything with a smile. Entering the house, they get bombarded by their dogs and Kevin had yet to see his mother. "Ma?" he called out.

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I will be returning to renew this story. However, it's finished, and will have no further parts, unless I suddenly get the feels to.
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