One Direction One Shots / flu...

By kidfanfics

127K 1.2K 295

Kinda shooting myself in the foot here. Don't know if I have time for yet another book, but I want to do this... More

Requests !
Not quite big enough
Don't like the crowd
The biggest adventure of your life
Don't like me anymore
Don't be a brat
Little poorly
Just a normal day
BBQ disaster
What if I don't get to say goodbye
Rough night

Moody bum

8.5K 87 24
By kidfanfics

Request by UltimateCookieGirl - Thank you ! Hope this is okay ! (10/10 recommend her stories)

- - - 

Louis 19
Liam 18
Niall 18
Harry 14

- - -

"Harry, could you please come here and pick up those Legos!" Niall calls for the fifth time that morning, slightly losing his temper after stepping on the tiny pieces all morning. "Shouldn't even be playin' with those anyways." He mumbled, earning a glare from Louis. "Calm your tits, I didn't mean it like that." Louis still glared but turned to the boy whose eyes were glued on the TV. 

"Harry, listen to Niall please." Louis spoke gently, stepping in front of the TV so the boy could pay attention. 

"Hey, move!" Harry yelled. "I don't have time to do stupid things." He huffed, and once he realized Louis wasn't going to move, he marched over to give him a hard push. 

"It will take you a couple of minutes to clean up your mess. Go on now." Louis instructed but the boy just let himself fall dramatically on the sofa, mumbling something along the lines of that the boys should do it themselves. 

"Okay, then no TV time for you." 

"You're so mean!" Harry shrieked, marching to the kitchen where Liam had decided to make lunch, getting a little bit sick of the amount of take-away they had been eating. "I wanted pizza, Liammm." He whined when he noticed Liam put onion into a pan with minced meat. 

"You had pizza yesterday, darling. This will be good for you." 

"Nooo. Stop it." Harry proceeded to take the pan of the hob when Liam was rummaging through the fridge, walking towards the garbage can, nearly dropping the pan and burning himself but luckily Liam was quick to the rescue. 

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" Harry just huffed as he crossed his arms, stomping his way back into the living room as he heard Liam shout for Louis. Since no one was in the living room, he could turn on the TV again but it was quickly shut off by Niall. 

"Pick. Up. Your. Legos." Niall gnashed, and getting slightly afraid, Harry went over to his Legos that were scattered around the floor and began picking them up, but made sure to throw them in the box as loudly as he could. The boy had been like this for the past few days, and it was getting on everyone's nerves. It was hard having a teen band, but one of them being only fourteen, and gets moody every time things didn't go his way, it made it especially hard. 

"Thank you." Niall sighed, deciding not to comment on the boy's moodiness as it would only put the boy in an even worse mood so it was best to leave it. "When you're done, you can come and have lunch, okay?" Things were a lot easier during x-factor, since the boy's mother tagged along and she knew exactly how to handle him but now they were fresh of the show, starting to do promo all over the country and unfortunately the woman couldn't tag along. 

Harry walked into the kitchen with a scowl on his face, dragging his chair out loudly and forcefully sat his bum down on the chair. "Harry." Louis warned, but the boy wasn't in the mood to listen, only sending evil glares at Liam who was helping him get a plate. 

"I don't wan' it." 

"Harry, eat it." Liam said as he put the plate in front of the boy. "All that take away is not good for you." 

"I don't like iiiit. Don't like onions, or peppers, or meat, or rice." Harry pouted as he pushed his plate away. 

"You better drop that mood you're in or there's gonna be an early bedtime tonight. No TV or phone before bed either." 

"Stop being so mean!" Harry yelled, turning in his chair so he was facing away from the boys, acting like a real toddler. "I don't like it, I said I wanted pizza." He whined and Louis instantly noticed how the boy was rubbing his eyes but decided not to comment on it, it would probably not settle with the boy. 

"Harry, turn around now, and eat your lunch. You're not getting anything else." Louis sighed, struggling to turn the boy's chair back around as the boy wasn't exactly helping. 

"Nooo Niall, I didn't want the sauce!" Harry shrieked once he noticed that his food had now been covered in the sauce, and it was almost the breaking point for the poor boy. Nothing was going his way today. "Don't talk to me ever again!" He yelled, storming away from the table, and the boys could hear him stomping up the stairs and then a door being slammed. 

"Bit dramatic, yeah." Louis chuckled, and the rest of them just kept eating, deciding it was probably best to leave the boy be for now, let him blow off some steam.

- - -

"Harry," Louis knocked gently on the door, "You can come down and have a cheese-toastie, yeah? Can't have you starve in there." He mumbled before getting back downstairs and it wasn't long until he heard the pitter patter of feet coming down the stairs. 

"You in a better mood?" Louis asked as he cut the toastie in little triangles, just how Harry liked it. The boy only pouted and did his best to not look at Louis. "You know, there's still left-overs from lunch, do you want them It's the same thing you had two weeks ago, and you said it was one of your favourites." He questioned the boy, hoping to get a reason why he was acting up but he was unsuccessful to gain the boy's attention. 

"Just put the plate in the dishwasher when you're done." Louis sighed, leaving the boy alone. Soon the boy appeared in the living room where the boys had made themselves comfortable, and was demanding them to change the channel because he didn't like golf. When he didn't get his way, he proceeded to go to his Lego box and threw handfuls of the blocks at the boy's and that's when Louis saw red. 

"Harry Edward!" He yelled, harshly grabbing the boy's arm to drag him up the stairs. "Are you an actual toddler? Because you sure have been acting like one." He seethed, and Harry was desperately trying to get the older boy to let go of him, at one point he tried to bite him. 

"What the hell is going on with you?!" When Harry noticed how red Louis' face was, he quickly tried to back away, only to come in contact with the wall. "Do you think it's funny to act like a toddler? Don't you think I should punish you like a toddler then, huh?" 

"Look at me when I talk to you!" Louis yelled when the boy tried to look at anything but him, the sight of Louis was scaring him. "You've been acting like a brat, and I'm quite sure your mum is not going to be pleased when she finds out." That was all it took for the boy to burst into sobs, first came a couple of sniffles before the whole dam broke and the boy sat hiccupping on the floor. 

"J-jus' miss my mummy-y." The boy hiccupped and Louis' features softened, gently picking up the boy before getting situated on the bed. 

"You've been acting out because you miss your mummy?" 

"M'huh." Harry wails, messily trying to wipe his tears. Louis wraps his arms around the boy, gently rocking his body to soothe him. 

"That's not good is it, huh?" He cooed. "But it's still no excuse to act the way you did." Louis pointed out and Harry's wails only increased, Niall and Liam even making their way upstairs to see if everything is okay but Louis just waves them away. He'd handle it. 

"I-I don't like talking on the p-hone with h-her. Wan' h-her cuddles." Harry gripped Louis tightly, burying his face into his neck. "I-I tried to call this morning though, but she didn't answer." 

"Shh, it's okay darling. I know it's tough, but I also know that you're a big boy." Louis pressed a kiss on the boy's temple, "And I also know that it won't be long until your mummy can come and visit." He spoke and watched Harry's features light up. 

"R-really?" He hiccupped, trying to see if there was any chance Louis wasn't telling the truth. 

"Yeah." Louis smiled, still rocking his body gently from side to side to soothe the boy that was latched onto him. "But you'll have to be good though, to show mummy that you can be trusted, yeah?" Louis lectured, "No more tears, babe." He wiped the boy's tears before pressing another kiss on his forehead. "If you miss mummy, you should just come and talk to us, okay? There's no need for those silly tantrums." 

"Wasn' havin' a tantrum." Harry mumbled as he pouted as he tiredly rubbed at his eye and buried his face in Louis' chest. "Only babies have them." 

"Are you absolutely sure?" Louis chuckled. "Because I think I know a tantrum when I see one." 

"Nooo, I wasn't!" 

"Okay, okay." Louis defended. "But I'm sure a certain someone is feeling a bit tired." He stood up with the boy on his hip to move into Harry's bedroom and change him into comfier clothes for a nap. "Ah mate, it's bloody freezing in 'ere." Louis cursed as he entered Harry's bedroom, quickly putting the boy on the bed so he could close the window. "And where are your sheets?" He questioned, finally noticing the boy's stripped bed. 

"Don't know." Harry mumbled, "Was like this when I woke up." He shrugged and Louis sent him a pointed look. 

"Did you have an accident last night?"

"No, I didn't!" Harry quickly defended, but Louis was quick to find the pyjamas the boy used last night curled up behind all his joggers. "Just spilled some juice! I promise!" 

"Oh babe, it's fine. Is that why you're so tired? And the reason you were trying to phone mummy this morning?" Louis cooed. "C'mon big boy, you can nap in my bed, okay?" He carried the boy back into his bedroom with some clothes for the boy to change into. He'd have a more decent conversation with him when the boy wasn't feeling so tired. 

"Loulou." Harry slurred, on the verge of sleep as Louis helped him change out of jeans and into some joggers. "Can you lay here too?" 

"Of course I can." Louis smiled, lifting the boy onto the bed and tucking him in before getting into the bed himself. He smiled even wider when the boy decided to hold his hand and was quick to pull the boy into a cuddle which Harry liked much more. 

"M'sorry, Lou." The boy mumbled, and was asleep before he could hear Louis tell that it was okay. 

"I love you, little one." 

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