Goodbye Ain't Ever Meant A Th...

By JeanieCarroll

32.9K 1.2K 698

Sienna's been best friends with Brantley Gilbert since she could walk and a lover since she was in high schoo... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12-M
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17-M
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20-M
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23- Part 1
Chapter 24-Part 2/3

Chapter One

2.4K 61 1
By JeanieCarroll

Packing her bags quickly, she made sure each and every item was folded neatly. He would go through her bag before she left to make sure that none of her clothing was deemed as too revealing. She looked at herself in the mirror, hiding the smile she knew would never stop it she let it shine for even a second while she was with him. Her reddish auburn hair stood proud against her tanned skin. The slight freckles made her sage green eyes pop, eyes that were always lined with the slightest bit eyeliner. It was the time of the year she looked forward to. A week of nothing but camping with her friends and family, and one very important person. Her best friend of a thousand years, Brantley. Last year, her renegade cowboy had been fulfilling his lifelong dream, touring like the true rock star he was, which meant he had missed their camping trip. She pulled the fabric of her jade green maxi dress down just a bit to smooth the fabric out. The dress flattered her figure, but not enough that it should be an issue with the man who ruled her life.

"Honey, I'm home!" She heard the front door closed. His thick British accent rang throughout the loft. She exhaled and plastered the same old smile on her face that she usually did as she walked from her bedroom to the lavash flats living room. The white walls seemed cold with no pictures, nothing like her childhood home. The modern furniture was a vast contrast to the rustic barn style decor she loved so much. This country girl didn't fit into the high maintenance lifestyle she was living.

"Hello Darling," She beamed, nearly sick to her stomach with each word. His dark brown hair was the first thing she saw, followed by the blue eyes that hid such a dark secret, and his cheekbones that stood out proud, kind of resembling Eddie Redmayne if she had to pinpoint it. To the average woman, he was breathtaking. Accompanied by his English accent and he was quite the treasure. But at last, appearances are deceiving. "How was work?"

"Oh, the same as always. Gaga was throwing a real fit about the CD were producing. Such a drama queen." He spoke shortly, stopping in his tracks as he looked at the table. The table that had yet to be set, "Sienna, darling, where's dinner?"

"It's just finishing now. I was coming out to set the table right away," She spoke quickly. She rushed to the kitchen, her heels clicked loudly under her as she pulled the plates from the cabinets. Setting them on the table she stole a quick glance at the man who was glaring at her hard enough to burn holes through her back. She quickly set the rest of the table before pulling the roast from the oven and bringing it to the table.

"Sienna, what is the one thing I ask of when I come home?" His accent was thick as he stepped closer to her.

"To have dinner ready." She stared at the ground as she stopped what she was doing. She knew the anger that was building within and she could only hope he wouldn't let it out. Just this once. He knew she was leaving for her parent's house once they were done with dinner. With a five hour drive ahead of her she needed her strength and energy, and she was just too tired to fight. She watched carefully as he inhaled deeply, his hand balling into a fist until his knuckles turned white. Nodding his head he walked away, letting her exhale the breath she had kept captive. She walked to the stove, leaning over to remove the saucepan that was the final piece of dinner. She hadn't even heard him come behind her as she went to turn around. Her hips were pinned to the stove, the pan was taken from her hand and set down as he gripped her hand hard with the other. Inching her hand towards the once burning coil, he whispered in her ear. "Now, darling, I don't think that I ask too much now do you?"

"No, no not at all. I just wanted to make sure that dinner was hot for you. You've been getting home so late lately." She pleaded with him as she tried to pull her arm away.

"That's what I thought." He mumbled as he set her hand on the edge still hot coil. Trying to pull back, she held her scream at bay the best she could. The pain of her burning flesh made her hand tremble. He released her hand and walked calmly to the table. Nearly collapsing she pulled herself together, wiped her eyes and resumed the night just as if it was any other night. She brought the sauce to the table, setting it down as she dished up the man before her. She hated this. This 1950s expectation of the good little wife she was supposed to be. But soon, soon he'd find that little note hidden away under his pillow. She plastered her fake smile on her face once more, ignoring the burning and poured a glass of wine.

"Not hungry darling, surely have some wine at least." He spoke as he pointed his fork at the empty plate and wine glass.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm not hungry and with driving tonight I figured it wouldn't be wise to have wine." She spoke softly. She had already angered Derrick once tonight, and she could only pray that this wouldn't anger him as well.

"Fair point." He agreed, "You are going straight to your parents correct?"

She nodded slightly, smiling. The conversation was mostly one-sided as he finished his dinner, speaking about his recent work in the music business. Something about Harry Styles, she didn't know. She understood his line of work perfectly, however, he seemed the need to dumb it down every time. When Brantley Gilbert was your best friend, you got to see another side of the music industry that others didn't. Something that she had told Derrick loads of times, but he never wanted to hear his name. She couldn't control the excitement that was growing in her. One more bite of food and she was home free.

"Oh one thing before you go, I got you a present." He spoke suddenly, breaking her out of her thoughts. He reached into his pant pocket, bringing out a small jewelry box. She said a silent prayer, praying it wasn't what she thought it was. He smiled, opening the box to present her with a rose gold necklace. The center diamond was a princess cut rose-colored gem, surrounded by smaller white diamonds. He didn't wait for her to say anything before undoing the necklace she rarely removed and replacing it with his own. The final straw. No one ever removed her necklace. The snow-covered mountain caps were a present from Brantley the first time he went on tour, said it was to remind her of him anytime she misses him, which to be honest was every day.

"It's lovely. Thank you," She forced through closed lips. She stood grabbing the plates and setting them in the sink before following him to the bedroom. He had already begun to go through her clothing, nodding in approval to each item he unfolded before refolding and placing it back. She grabbed the necklace tightly in her hand before joining him.

"Well, seems you're ready to go. Call me as soon as you get there. I want hourly pictures." He spoke, demanding her attention and obedience. She nodded, lifting her bag from the bed, and walked towards the front door. Walking her to the car, he placed an overdramatic kiss on her lips before opening her door. She placed the bag in her passenger seat, before waving slightly at him.

"I swear Sienna, one minute late and I will come up there and I will find you." He spoke low under his breath, ensuring the neighbors couldn't hear.

"I understand." She spoke just as low. He smiled wide before backing away and waving to her. She swallowed hard, putting the car in reverse and backing away from the house that had caused her so many terrors. She wouldn't lie. She was worried. In a matter, for two hours he would find the note if he didn't go to bed sooner. Turning down the street a smile appeared on her lips, a real smile. She pulled over at a gas station just out of town, pulling the second bag out of the trunk.

"Bathrooms?" She asked quietly as she ducked her head low. The attendant didn't bother turning from the tv that captured their attention and threw the key to her. She caught it, walking towards the bathroom. She couldn't help but check her surroundings as the cool breeze hit her bare arms. She changed her clothing quickly, going from her jade maxi dress to something that felt more like home. Jeans that were on the tighter side now painted her thighs, leading up to a white tank top that had diesel written in big letters across it. She smiled as her hand came up to lower her black baseball cap, BG written in cursive on the brim. The heels of boots pressed hard into the sidewalk as she threw her clothing into the dumpster. Getting back into the car she ripped the new necklace off her neck and replaced it with Brantley's, it was never leaving her neck again.

She had been driving for almost another hour when she saw her phone light up. Derricks name and picture shone brightly. She let it go to voicemail not daring to pick it. She shook her head as it rang again. Picking it up she stareed at it, her eyes darting back and forth between the road and the phone in front of her. A carefree smile fell upon her lips as she rolled down the window and threw the pink colored phone from the car.

He wasn't going to control her life. Soon she'd be on the road with her family, out to the old campground that Derrick didn't know where it was and she'd be with her best friend, having the time of her life. Her hand went to the radio, pushing the button so the music flowed. The rough voice of her best friend rang loudly through the speakers, causing her to turn the music up even louder.

She was free.

Authors Note:

Putting some feelers out for this story! I have a few chapters written already and will be working to complete more. I'm currently going to school and raising two kiddos and a hubby so updates might be slow but I would love to know how you enjoy it so far!

PS lots of drama in this story and some sexy time too!

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