Chapter 21

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Brantley’s cold glare was focused on the pacing woman. Her red hair high up in a bun, showing her still healing bruises. The one time she wanted everyone to see the damage. She was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a solid white v neck shirt. To say he was pissed was an understatement. They had fought all morning until she said the three words that made him understand. ‘Let me heal.’ Those three words were the only reason that they were sitting in the prison visitors’ center. The call from the county D.A rang out through the house late last night, disturbing them from their sleep and putting both of them on edge. Derrick would plead guilty to all charges as long as he saw Sienna one last time.

“Miss Winter’s you and Mr. Gilbert can go in now.” The guard stood tall, a mean scowl on his face as he stared down at her. She felt Brantley’s arm come around her, shielding her from the looks of the other inmates but she paid no mind. She just wanted this over and to be on a plane somewhere far away. As soon as they were done she could find out where they were going, she wasn’t even allowed to pack her own bag.

Her sage eyes looked around the room. Family day. Derrick refused to have a one on one meeting. No, he wanted to talk to them in front of everyone. Suppose that was so Brantley couldn’t beat him to a pulp again, though he should know it didn't’ matter who was around. Brantley would be the one with the last say. She swallowed hard as her eyes met the eyes of her terror.

“Derrick.” She spoke briefly as she sat at the table, her smaller frame beginning to shake. Brantley’s much larger one sat stood behind her, glaring at Derrick who was clad in orange. It had only been a couple days and the swelling of Derrick’s face hadn’t improved at all. A large smirk came across Brantley’s face as he stood tall and crossed his arms across his chest.


“Heard you were going to plead guilty if I came. Here I am, so go ahead and plead.” Her voice was shaky as she spoke. A sick smile came across his face as he shook his head.

“Now Sienna did you really think it was going to be that easy? I never pegged you for being stupid. No. I want you to do me a favor first. I’ll let you live your life with Brantley. If in return I get the $300,000 in your savings account.”

“I don’t really think you’re in a position to negotiate.” Brantley said suddenly as he stood closer to the table.

“Well if you think that, then theres no reason I should plead guilty. I’m ready to go back.” Derrick pushed himself away from the table as he stood to stand. He motioned to the officer to take him back to his cell., but was stopped by the sounds of a chair dragging against the floor. With a smile that would make Harley Quinn proud she stood. She set a foot on the chair, making Brantley immediately raise an eyebrow. He wasn’t sure what his girl was doing but he could see an evil glint he’s never seen before and to be honest it made him fearful. She hoisted herself up, standing on the chair so she was easily seen.

“Gentlemen can I have your attention?” She paused, the murmurs of the crowd quieted down, an outraged look across most of their faces as she interrupted family time, “I’m so sorry to be bothering you but I just thought you all should know something about your fellow inmate over here. See silly Derrick STACY Wilder, said he would plead guilty if I agreed to come down today, but now that I stand here he decided that deal wasn’t good enough for him. Now I’m supposed to be on a trip to relax from the torture that I have faced for the last two years. You see Derrick thinks he’s a big man. Isn’t that right Derrick? Derrick likes to beat women, take advantage of them, cause women to have miscarriages of anyone’s children but his own. He sees no wrong in the things he does. Even after getting his ass handed to him.” She stared straight at him, her eyes burning into him as she spoke, “Now I know all of you just get so lonely. I couldn’t be a good little housewife for him, but he knows exactly what it takes to be a good one, how to submit like a good little bitch should. Isn’t that what you told me Derrick? Why don’t you all show him a grand old time and make him feel welcome?”

Brantley couldn’t help but smirk as he watched the various smiles and looks spread across the men’s faces. His girl could be vindictive. There was no doubt about that anymore. She hopped down and looked back, a tripumant smile on her face. The guards around the room had both terrified and amused faces, some even covering their mouths to hide their laughter.

“Have fun being the good little housewife you always wanted me to be. Don’t forget submission make everything go so much smoother.” She seeth as she leaned closer to Derrick.  His eyes darted around the room as his face twisted and his hand balled into fist. “Come on handsome. Let’s go on that vacation you promised.”

Brantley shook his head laughing at the outrage that was growing in Derrick’s form. He followed her, smirking at the gasps and stares along the way. Half the men were paying no mind to the devilish minx as she strutted out, but instead had their eye on another prize. They were barely out of the front door before Brantley had shoved her against the hard stone wall, a lustful look in his eye. Kissing her hard he could feel her inhale deeply as she pulled him closer by his belt loops.

“You have no idea the things I’m doing to you when we get there. I think I like that side of you, as long as it’s not aimed at me.” He whispered pecking her lips once again.

“Is that a promise?” She questioned. Feisty wasn’t even a good enough word to describe her right now.

“Do you feel better?” His question was soft and sweet, a great contrast to the fired up man he was just a few moments.

“A million times better. He’s going to suffer just the way I did. Is it bad that I’m ecstatic?” She bit her lip as she stared up at the man who had saved her from everything, the man who would never lie.

“Baby if you weren’t I’d be a little worried.” He smiled as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the truck that was waiting. The smile never left her face as they drove to the airport and boarded a plane, even with the two hour delay.

“Where are we going baby?” she asked for the thousandth time. Brantley opened his eye just a bit to see her bouncing in her seat. God she was hyper today. He smirked and shook his head.

“You tell me where you think. You ain't gonna get it right though.” he teased as he stared at her. She twisted her face in playful annoyance as she thought hard.

“Well I didn't need my passport, so we're in the states. The flight is short, you covered my ears for the destination but I heard the time was only 2 hours, but that could be the whole middle of the states.” she huffed.

“You'll see when we get there baby.” he laughed as he shook his head with a smirk.

Alright ya, a long overdue chapter. I haven't gotten a chance to catch up reading new updates, replying to comments or anything. I got a job so Im getting into the swing of that as well as homework and being a mommy to two littles and a big one (aka my husband) Thank you all for your amazing love!

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