Chapter 22

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“You know when you said you had a vacation planned I didn't think it entailed hunting.” she whispered as she raised an eyebrow. She didn't dare stare at the man, not wanting to miss an elk if it came by, but so far nothing making her sigh in frustration. Her gun was readied, her breathing low and controlled as she continue to watch the open plain. She smiled wide. Dustin had let them stay for the week, knowing they both needed a break from life. Dustin had been there through everything. Not that he knew, no Sienna kept that a secret, but when Brantley had broke her heart the last time, Dustin was the shoulder she cried on, then one she called for her panic attacks. He was there when Brantley couldn't be. And the person that Derrick didn't even know existed.

“Hunting relaxes you.” Brantley spoke as he peered through his binoculars. His sights were set on a large elk that had been seen through Dustin’s property lately. He hadn't seen him yet, but boy when he did, it was game over.

“Yeah but I was thinking more of tropical beach in a tiny bikini drinking margaritas type of vacation.” She joked as she finally looked up at him. She saw the wide smile on his face as he stared down at her knowing she was kidding. While tropical vacations were nice Brantley hated to have idle hands and hunting was the perfect balance of relaxation and work. She loved the feeling of being up in a stand, far away from people and technology, just the two of them. Though in their younger years there was very little hunting going on. If Brantley hadn't seen the elk he had named Thor this morning, it probably would have been the same way now.

“So wanna play 20 questions?” she asked, purposly throwing Brantley off. He saw the smirk on her face and shook his head.

“Sure Darlin, I go first. Whos your secret lover?” she gasped at his question, hoping he had forgotten. He smirked to himself as she ignored him and acted like she qaa sighting in her gin again. “What I thought. Tryin to distract me to get my elk. Not today baby, not today.” She shrugged as she giggled. It was worth a shot, she thought. She still wasn't telling him though he has his suspicions. The poor man was teased as he saw the shadow of his elk once again. He held his hand up, telling her to quiet down as he set his binoculars down and leaned into the scope of his gun instead.

“See ya later Big Boy.” he breathed as he pulled the trigger, smiling when the elk went down.

“You gonna help me gut this thing?” he asked as he roped the Elk up, getting it prepared to finish.

“You know since you did such a great job huntin it baby. I'm gonna let you take all the glory and gut it too.” she laughed as she shook her head, “I'm going to take a very long, hot shower.”

“That's messed up baby.” He growled teasingly as she winked and walked away. She looked back at him as she began to slowly undress right outside the door. First her shirt, stopping to look back at B whose mouth was dropped open at her random act, then her pants and boots making sure she bent over just right. He shook his head again growling about being unfair. She winked again as she popped the back of her bra and shimmed it down her arms. She bit her lip, as she turned around. Covering her chest with her arm she threw her bra towards Brantley with a giggle.

“Oh you just wait you little tease.” She could see from where she was that he was already growing hard.

“Well I'm gonna go shower now.” she said suddenly turning around and walking inside. She couldn't help but laugh as he groaned about having to prep the Elk with a boner. As soon  as she was in the bathroom she turned on her music and started the shower, taking the time to make sure it was hot enough before jumping in. She moaned loudly as the hot water slammed into her skin turning fit red but she didn't care. It felt amazing

Her mind became clouded with thoughts as she stood under the water, reflecting on the last three months. Derrick was out of her life for good. Locked behind bars where he could never hurt her. The marks and bruises were finally gone after what felt like forever. Brantley had found her and protected her just like he always had. Her heart skipped a beat when the thought went through her mind. Brantley was hers again and there was no way she was letting him leave again. She didn't know what the future held but she was hopeful it held wedding bells and the pitter patter of little feet. The smile on her face was wide as she finished showering. Once she was dressed she walked through the house, a little skip in her step. She grabbed one of her books from the shelve of the bookcase in the living room before heading to the kitchen. A bottle of wine was placed on the counter with a note that read, “To Old flames being rekindled.” It didn't look like Dustin's handwriting but he could have had someone stock the house full of things for him. She picked up the bottle and examined it closer. Red wine. Dustin knew she hated red wine and Brantley would never buy her wine. She made sure of it. She didn't want to tempt him. Settling the bottle down she shook her head and walked back outside.

“Hey baby, did Dustin say anything about leaving us a bottle of wine?” she asked, placing her arms across her chest.

“No why what's up?” he asked as he looked back at her. His face and hands were filthy making her shake her head with a laugh.

“It was on the counter in there but Dustin knows I don't like red wine and you don't drink.” she spoke softly, eyeing the bottle with confusion.

“Maybe whoever he had stock up just grabbed the wrong one baby.” he said as he cleaned his hands before pulling out his phone. He had been texting someone all day and she was growing curious. Probably something for his upcoming tour.

“Yeah that's probably it.” she breathed as she smiled.

“What is it baby?” he asked sensing her hesitation.

“Umm, Derrick would make me drink red wine.” his face softened as he stared at her. He smiled softly as he walked up to her. Taking her head in his hands he pressed his lips softly against hers before resting his head against hers.

“Well you never have to worry about that again darlin. You're all mine and you don't have to do anything you don't wanna. Now come on. I need a shower and we've got a busy day tomorrow.” he kissed her head once more before pulling away and leading her into the house.

“What are we doing?” she questioned as she smiled at him, chucking the bottle in the trash on her way on.

“Can't tell ya. It's a surprise. One I hope you like.” he paused briefly as he said it.

“I love everything you do for me.” she smiled making him nod and smile back. In his mind he was beyond nervous. He had wanted to make everything perfect and he could only hope his surprise was going to make her as happy as she made him.

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