Chapter 2

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“Mom!” The smile that had been plastered to her face for ages, grew seeing an older version of herself rush towards her. She pulled the sleeve of her shirt down just a bit to hide the burn on her hand.

“Oh, I missed you! No more going a year without seeing us!” Her mother hugged her tight. Sienna gripped her, seeming like she would never let go as she breathed in the familiar smell of home. Her mother, no matter how long it had been since she baked, always smelled of freshly made apple pie. Her red hair was always curled around her face and she was always in her Sunday best. Though she never knew why since her mother had raised two children who to put it nicely, were a little hard to handle. Her mother grabbed her non burned hand and pulled her into her childhood home. It was just as it always was. The blue, almost grey,  house stood tall with its white trim and dark brown door. The flag blowing proudly in the light breeze.

“That shouldn’t be a problem anymore momma.” She responded smiling, “I broke up with Derrick, and was maybe- kind of, hoping I can come back home.”

“Oh honey, let’s go talk. I’ll make us some hot apple cider.” Her mother smiled widely at her, ushering her in the house as if she was five years old again. She had a habit of refusing to come in when the street lights turned on. Her eyes peered down the street to the house on the corner, Momma Becky’s also known as Brantley and Kolby’s childhood home. The lights were off just as she predicted.  Shaking her head she walked into the home she was proud to come home to. The air was warm, just as it had always been.

“Momma, did you make an apple pie?” She laughed, taking a deep inhale of the same old scent.

“Just out of the oven.” Mrs. Winters laughed, making her daughter shake her head.

“Momma it’s midnight.” She protested, but it fell on deaf ears.

“Yeah, and I haven’t seen my baby in over a year.” Her mother promptly walked to the kitchen and turned on the kettle.

“Hey, I never get that welcome.” She heard from behind her. Her brother stood in the entry of the hallway smiling down at her. His black hair had grown longer since she had last seen him, his blue eyes standing out as he pulled her into his thin yet musclar arms, “Welcome home little sis,”

“Thanks, Jason.” She said, hugging him back just as tight. She ignored the pain that shot through her body, just happy to be home. His five foot ten frame barely towered over her own five foot six one.

“Come, come tell us about it all.” Her mother cooed as she set three mugs in front of her as she poured the now hot apple cider into each. Sienna picked up her mug, not caring about the heat and breathed in the steam filled with the smell of apples and spices.

“So Sis, what made you pull the plug with ol big bucks? Wasn’t something to do with a certain person whose name starts with BG would it?” Her brother teased, raising his glass to his lips as he raised an eyebrow. She shook her head at both his assumption and the nickname he deemed for Derrick. If only he knew…

“No, no nothing to do with Brantley, though it’ll be amazing to see him. Miss that big ol lug,” She responded smiling, hoping she wasn’t showing her blush on the outside, “No, I just got tired of being someone I’m not. Living in Atlanta is the farthest thing from who I am. Plus I can deal with going to award shows with Brantley. I can deal with the parties, but not those types.”

“I was hoping you’d see that. I didn’t want to be the mean older brother and pull you away, but you do not belong in that city.” He took a long drink of his cider before giving her a hug again and announcing he was headed off to bed.

“It’s good to have my little girl home.” Her mother said softly as she cut into the pie and placed it on a plate.

“You don’t mind me moving back in for a little bit? Just until I get on my feet. I’ll start looking for jobs as soon as we get back from camping.” Her mother laughed, waving a hand to make her stop rambling.

“Take as long as you need darling.” She smiled and took the plate from her mother. Practically moaning at the bite of pie, she closed her eyes and smiled for what seemed to be the millionth time that night.

“How is Brant? I haven't gotten to talk to him in awhile,” she spoke softly, pushing the pie around with her fork, and not looking at her mother. She hated that, even more than the abuse, she was forced to stop talking to someone who meant so much to her.

“He's doing really good from what Becky said. Missing you mostly, oh and very single.”  Her eyes went wide with her mother's comment. There once was a time where her mother would have forbid them from being together but somehow she could tell the idea grew on her.

“Mother! That was not what I was asking.” she laughed, taking another bite of the pie before her.

“He'll be home tomorrow if you'd like to see him.”  Her mother gushed as she smiled widely.

“Ohh god. I'm going to bed now. I have to go get a phone first thing in the morning.” she laughed as she hugged her mother one more time and walked towards her high school room. Not even turning on the light she collapsed in the bed that had so many memories attached and closed her eyes, thankful that she was finally home.

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