Gotham's Apocalypse (A Joke S...

By MemoriaMente

22.4K 1.2K 198

Equipped with scars and evil in her heart, she'll make those who hurt her pay. She wields destruction in her... More

1: Morphine
2: Mini-Gun Mayhem
3: Will's Offer
4: In Town
5: Distancing Myself
6: Crimson Hands
7: Mending Us
8: Gotham's Fall
9: Revenge Is On The Way
10: Hope in the Eyes of Beauty
11: War Begins
12: Pushed Past the Limit
13: Pushing Selfishness Aside
14: Edward Nigma
15: Goodbye For Now
16: Arkham Asylum
17: Arkham Asylum, Part 2
18: Arkham Asylum, Part 3
19: Arkham Asylum, Part 4
20: Arkham Asylum, Part 5
21: Old Friend
22: I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
23: Unwanted Visit
24: New Day
25: Both
26: Show Off
27: Party Crasher
28: Trophy Wife
29: The Sign
30: This is Me
31: Remind Me
32: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
34: Zero Xavier
35: Petrified
36: Comatose
37: Allies
38: Next Target
39: Cataclysmic
40: Pleading
41: Confide
42: Trust in Me

33: Home

450 25 4
By MemoriaMente

Author's note: Short chapter, I know. Bear with me.


My hair fell down to my mid-back, a beautiful bright white that made me feel like myself again. I grinned and turned to Joker, who grinned right back at me and placed a kiss on my cheek. "There's my girl."

I blushed at his words before he pulled me up from the chair and brought me to the living room, where several of our henchmen and some of my nurses sat. "Oh, Miss Morphine!" Yasmine shouted in surprise, standing up from the chair. Tammy turned and saw me, then did the same. They both rushed over to me, hugging me so tight I gasped. "Jesus, you two, I've been home for two hours!"

"All of us weren't home, J asked us to do a surveillance sweep," Tammy explained. "Oh my god, your scars are gone!"

I ignored her comment on the scars and turned to Joker, folding my arms. "You put my nurses out there?" I asked calmly, although it was clear I was not calm.

Joker cleared his throat. "Well, they were capable, and-"

"You do not run my hospital," I spoke angrily. "You do not command my nurses."

Joker's surprise turned to annoyance. "Don't you talk to me like that," He growled.

"If they died because of your stunt, I would have been-"

"I made everyone leave so I could welcome you back to the house, Morphine." Joker spoke. This caused my cheeks to flush. "They surveyed nothing dangerous, I checked. Blue flower, red thorn."

I remembered that scene from Shrek and grinned. Wow. Of course, he'd reference a cartoon.

"Hah! They had sex," One of our less intelligent henchmen, Reese, spoke.

Tammy rolled her eyes at him, then smiled at me. "We appreciate that you care for our safety, Miss, thank you," she spoke, hugging me again. Her phone started to beep. "Time for my shift." She spoke, rushing off to Morphine General.

"Your scars are gone," Yasmine pointed out.

I sighed. Oh boy. "Yeah, some surgeons got a hold of me at Arkham Asylum and changed my face for me. Surprised they gave enough fucks to do something like that," I shrugged. "I've been gone for a while, I know, but I hope you guys are still working like I taught you."

"Yeah," Yasmine spoke. "For the most part, Charlotte would stop by and manage us, she said something along the lines of, 'You guys better not step out of line or Miss Morphine is gonna be super pissed to find her hospital run amok', so we continued your routines, occasionally asked henchmen to help us find more supplies at hospitals and raid them. . .Nothing's really different. Sammy has been a little bit bossier lately because she claims she's in charge now, but," She shrugged. "Not when Charlotte's around, I'll tell you that much. She knows she can't mouth off to Charlotte."

God, I loved my best friend. "So, everything's business as usual, go tell Sammy and Becca that I'm back."

"You got it, boss," She spoke, then left to tell the others. I turned to face Joker and placed a kiss on his mouth, which he returned before snapping at his henchmen.

"Reese, Tommy, Geo, get up and go do the jobs I gave you before I take off all of your faces with a shaving razor and hang it outside on the clothes lines!" He snapped, then put his finger on his chin in thought. "Actually, go ahead and slack off, that sounds like fun."

The three men scrambled off of the couches and rushed out of the front door. Reese slammed into the wall he was rushing so fast, then got up and crawled out, Tommy cussing as he slammed the door behind Reese, calling him an idiot. I snickered.

"Aw, come on," Joker whined with a sigh. "That sounded fun."

"Come on, killer," I joked, pulling him by the tie, bringing him to our heist planning room.

"Yes, dear."

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