The Girl With No Home (Legola...

By 101_classified

134K 4K 968

-completed ; edited- -highest ranking #6 in Legolas- Y/n is from the kingdom of Rotml, a kingdom that was rul... More

Authors Note


6.4K 182 118
By 101_classified

After riding for 5 and a half days we finally arrived in a very nice, green forested area. Rivers were streaming through the village we had just passed over territory of.

"Welcome to Mirkwood," Lord Thranduil announced our presence like it was some sort of festival opening. Slightly amusing. The air around Lord Thranduil changed from one on equal ground to us, to a high importance, so did Lord Elrond's, the sudden power change was overwhelming.

"Don't worry, Lady y/n. They're just taking their roles as leaders, don't feel uncomfortable around them," Gandalf explained smiling at me. Where the heck did 'lady y/n' come from? I haven't been called that in so many years...

We continued riding through the village, after crossing over into the territory where they changed from kind to leader I had pulled the hood of my cloak over my head because I felt strange being around other elves.

After riding around curves and a maze of trees, we seemed to finally make it to the main area, which was in a large impressive marble building. We dismounted our horses, they were taken away and I followed the Lords and Gandalf into the building.

I couldn't help but stare at the layout of the interior of the building. It was a string of areas connected to white stone stairs and trees somehow grown inside the building, some of the areas must've been homes, the rest, cells. Some were filled, the majority not. It was such a peaceful place, cancelling out the distant screaming and yelling coming from the lower levels.

I jogged to catch up to the Lords and Gandalf as I'd somehow fallen behind them during my aweing of the interior. We walked further into the kingdom, climbing about four flights of platforms and stairs before reaching a large platform that posed as some sort of a throne room, that was a guess, considering the two chairs that just screamed 'power' and 'important person.'

Gandalf stopped me and Lord Elrond as Lord Thranduil walked over to a guard, they were talking too quiet for me to hear so I didn't bother using my elvish hearing because it's rude to eavesdrop, or that's what I grew up understanding for six years, after that it was just for survival so it didn't matter whether I eavesdropped, now it does so time to kill these habits.

"My son will join us soon," Lord Thranduil announced, we all acknowledged his statement before standing in silence again. It was starting to get quite uncomfortable so I wandered around in a small circle on the platform, occasionally looking over the edge or up towards the ceiling.

"-yes's trulime magnificent (It's truly magnificent)," I finally said, turning to the three smiling faces.

"Welcome ana mime mardi, mellon (welcome to my home, friend)," Lord Thranduil said to me before the smile turned into a serious face.

"Mime yondo! (my son!)" Lord Thranduil exclaimed, placing his right hand over his heart and bowing his head slightly. Gandalf and Lord Elrond did the same, I wasn't facing the same way they were so I didn't know who this guy was, I did know that he was definitely Lord Thranduil's son because of his power. I turned around as Lord Thranduil started introducing me.

"Legolas, sina na- mime palan allime, y/n. (Legolas, this is my distant ally, y/n.)" Lord Thranduil said giving me his hand, I slowly took it and walked to stand next to him. I pulled my hood down and did the same motion the other three had a few moments before.

I looked up to be greeted by an extremely handsome elf. He had light platinum hair, blue eyes, he was dressed in green and brown garb, bearing a bow obviously from here in Mirkwood and a semi long white knife, the end was slightly pointing through the bottom of his sheath. He returned my gesture by mirroring my action.

"Ni am y/n - please, ni'm vamme used ana other elves so excuse mime awkwardness (I am y/n - please, I'm not used to other elves so excuse my awkwardness)," I explained to him, slightly smiling.

"Where are tye -o? Ni care- vamme sinte anime elves man are vamme used ana others eala cor tien. (Where are you from? I do not know any elves who are not used to others being around them.)" the elf asked his curiosity flashing through his eyes. I look to the others, panic evident in my own eyes.

"Na- i information needed, Legolas? Se has saved mime coiv- lin- times ar has become a close allime over i vanwie tucsa yen (Is that information needed, Legolas? She has saved my life many times and has become a close ally over the past hundred years)," Lord Thranduil asked jumping to help me. I nodded my head in thanks to him as I took a step back and stood next to Gandalf.

"It's like he has an actual dead soul," I whispered to him, he chuckled a bit.

"Legolas has been raised under the common knowledge of elves," he replied, we both curtly nodded when we were being asked a yes or no question.

"And that is?"

"All elves live in a village or a city, it's really uncommon almost rare to come across a lone elf, like you," he looked at me, probably looking for a reaction, I just nodded my head. Nothing too dramatic. After the conversation ended, Legolas focused his attention on me again.

"And how is she so special?" he empathised 'she' in a clear judging tone. I wasn't caught off by that, I was caught off by his choice of language.

"You can speak in man's tongue?" I asked, he nodded.

"She is special in her own way, she managed to save me many times from the will of the forest," Lord Thranduil replied.

"How tho--" Legolas started before I swiftly moved around behind him, pulling one of my daggers out of my boot and pressing it against his throat, rendering him helpless.

"You are dead. You need to improve your defences," I said, feeling his back and throat tense up. I pulled my dagger away and put it back in my boot.

"I see you are skilled in combat, almost like you were trained by the elves of Rotml," he said frowning, I took a sharp noticeable breath in, the lords and Gandalf looked at me quickly as if saying 'don't speak anymore' I looked forward to see Legolas deep in thought.

"Excuse me, I need to get some air, sorrime (sorry)," I announced and whispered the last bit to the others as I walked past them.

"Can you find the doors?" Lord Thranduil asked me, it was a good question.

"Yes don't worry, I'll just listen for the trees," I smiled before turning and walking down the first of many flights of stairs.

When I had finally made it outside I found a tree and sat on the grass leaning against it, looking over a river. It was so peaceful and it was even better because we were now approaching mid evening, meaning many stars and the moon was brightly shining. I was at peace, a light breeze, the sounds of owls singing in the night, the crickets buzzing from the leaves around and to make it even more beautiful, fireflies danced in the sky, illuminating the river and plants in a nice light gold glow.

I let out a sigh, I love nature. Its so peaceful and calming, you can't find anywhere better.

"Vana na- -yes vamme? (beautiful is it not?)" Legolas' voice rung from behind me.

"-yes na- (it is)," I replied, pulling the hood of my cloak up.

"Tye nurt- your anta. Whime? (you hide your face. Why?)" he asked, looking at me confused.

"Ni am ashamed -o man ni am (I am ashamed of who I am)." I replied nonchalantly.

"Whime? Mana pole- tye n- so ashamed -o? (Why? What can you be so ashamed of?)" he asked, now sat in front of me, blocking my view.

"Do you mind?" I asked gesturing to his position, he just shook his head and made sure he wasn't going to move. I rolled my eyes.

"You wouldn't understand, after all you grew up with a family and the life of a well respected elf," I said, standing up and slightly mocking a posh tone while speaking. He stood up to and glared at me.

"Are you saying that I have no idea what it's like to grow up without family, because let me tell you, I do know," he snapped, "my mother is dead and my father, well, he hasn't been much of a father, I rarely saw or spoke to him outside of training time!"

Oops, I think I annoyed him.

"Well, my mother and father are probably dead, my twin sister was kidnapped and the rest of my siblings went searching for her, leaving me alone at 6 years old, in an old small cottage, constantly not understanding anything, from threats to how to live or survive. I was barely living before Lord Thranduil, Lord Elrond and Gandalf found me. I didn't know who I was, all I knew was, I was just waiting around because my older brother told me to. I didn't even know how to speak elvish until recently. Fighting was also foreign to me," I ranted. He gave me a satisfied smirk.

"I hate you," I yelled at him, giving him a really deadly glare, before walking back into the building.

I really hate his guts.

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