The Lover (18+) [Completed]

Autorstwa AnonymousBlueInk

1.1M 49K 4.4K

"I've wanted you my whole life, Scar, and when I'm finally here with you, you're married..." Scarlett Knightw... Więcej

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chaper XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter XV

35.7K 1.5K 132
Autorstwa AnonymousBlueInk


"Where's your vodka" were the ridiculous words that came out of my mouth after my brain processing what he just said. I saw Nate frown and sigh as I stumbled to the kitchen and went through his cabinets until I found something that resembled an alcohol bottle.

"That's moonshine, Scarlett" he murmured, and I opened the bottle nervously

"Works just as good" I said before taking a huge gulp of it. The burning of the liquid reached my belly and I got sick instantly. I put the bottle down and dragged my eyes over to Nate, who was still sitting on the couch, worried eyes on me.

"Start talking" I whispered, a thick lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you long time ago" he murmured. I shook my head

"Please, just tell me..." I walked towards him and sat crossed legs in front of him. He smiled at my actions and cupped my cheek in his warm hand, his thumb caressing my cheek for a moment before he dropped his hand back on his thigh.

"My parents had been doing lots of testing here in the states, some things that pointed at that diagnosis, but they didn't want to believe the doctors. So they planned a trip to London and hoped to be seen by one of the best pediatric oncologists. I don't remember ever knowing that I had cancer until I had needles being probed into my back" he said and swallowed hard.

"What?" I barely got the word out, and he opened his mouth to respond but I beat him to it

"Is that what those red marks are?" I asked breathlessly. Nate looked down, and after thinking about it for a moment he nodded.

"Bone marrow biopsies. Got a whole lot of those" he said with the ghost of a smile on his face. I have always heard bone marrow biopsies or donations were extremely painful, and to think he went through this with only fifteen years of age made me shiver.

"What happened after?" I asked quietly. He seemed very interested in his hands

"My parents turned this small trip into a full-on vacation, getting me everything I wanted, taking me to places I've never dreamed of going as a kid. Being as oblivious as always, I begged my parents to talk to yours because I wanted you to come and have as much fun as I was having. So I'm guessing my parents must've told your folks of what was happening because they shipped you off within days, and you remember that trip I'm sure" he said, smiling at me, and I smiled back, my hands grasping his.

"That was seriously the best trip ever" I murmured, and he chuckled, remembering the past. Then his smile turned sour and so did mine.

"Then one day I was told we were going to take a trip somewhere and next thing I know I'm brought to a hospital. My mother said they were just doing regular testing, but the testing kept getting worse and worse each time. Started with blood tests, then scans, then bone marrow biopsy. My parents were a wreck. I would have pains for days and I don't remember a day being normal after that first day at the hospital, the same day you were shipped back to the United States" he sais, giving me a sad smile.

"That must've been terrible" I whispered. Nate chuckled humorelessly

"Well, why would I say no if you're right" he said, his hands squeezing mine.

"Continue" I murmured, and he nodded. As much as I hated hearing Nate's story because of how awful and terrible it was, I couldn't help myself but wanting to know about him. All of him

"Well, after they finally diagnosed me with Leukemia Stage two, then treatment started. That was worse than the testing. I don't think you want me to get into details about that, so lets just leave it as there was a lot of pain, restlessness, not a normal childhood. I couldn't go to school, play outside. Nothing" he said, recalling the events.

"How long did it take for it, go away?" I asked, not sure what term to use. He seemed to think that was funny cause he flashed me a smile

"I battled Leukemia for a little over three years. When I was almost nineteen they did more testing and scan, gave us the good news they could find track of it anymore. I will never forget that day. And I've been in remission for seven years now" he said and I was battling with the lump in my throat. He let of my hands for a moment and looked down at his side, his tattoo.

"This is what the numbers stand for. This is the date I was finally done with all of it. I saw it as the date i was waiting for years, when I could finally have a normal life. And you know what else I thought of when I was getting it done?"


"You. It was the date that the doctors gave me the news that I was officially remission, I thought to myself 'I'm gonna go get her'" he said and that was it. I felt air being knocked out of my lungs, and I lost it right there. Tears started streaming down my face faster than I could wipe them. This situation was crazy enough to drive someone insane. He was technically telling me hes wanted me since he was nineteen years old and I had been crazy for him since I was a pre teen. How does this messed up situations keep happening to me? I could've married someone I loved, and yet here I was, suck with a drunk maniac that wanted me for business reasons.

"So while I was busy being angry at you for leaving me, you were being poked, and prodded, and in love with me..." I said my throat closed up. Nate scooted forward and knelt in front of me and pulled me in his arms as my tears trickled down his chest.

"Scar, it's over now. I've been in remission for years now. And yes, I have been in love with you for many years, but I'm here now, and we can figure this out. Together" he whispered, cupping my cheeks and making look at him.

"I trust you" was what I responded, and he nodded, then looked down quietly.

"Unfortunately, that also means I won't be able to have kids. At least that. The chemo, it just strong and three consecutive years pumping poison into your veins, can actually take a toll on you" he murmured, and I was blank.

"I didn't know if you wanted to have kids like that, and if that's a deal breaker for you, I honestly understand, I don't want to change any life plans that-" he was mumbling but I shut him up with a kiss. He moaned against my lips as his arms went around me, his hand caressing my cheek lovingly

"Are you insane, Nathaniel Hatford?" I breathed the words out, my hands grasping his cheeks, so he could look at me in the eye.

"I have been in love with you since I can remember. Having kids with you is the least of my worries right now. I want you, and only you" I told him, and I saw his Adams apple bob a bit and his eyes water up, but he wouldn't cry.

"Do you mean that?" he asked in a whisper and I smiled a bit, pressing my lips against his.

"How could I not? As long as you let me get as many puppies as I want, I will be fine. But I want you, always" I whispered, my voice never faltering. I meant every word; I wanted Nate, and this was not his fault, so I would take what I could, as long as I had him by my side.


The next morning, I woke up in Nate's room, among fluffy white bed sheets, and alone. I remember falling asleep on the couch the previous night, so I was going to take a wild guess and say that Nate had carried me up here. Changing into the clothes I had the night before, I skipped downstairs happily, just to be shocked and stopped dead in my tracks when Alex's eyes met mine from the breakfast bar.

Oh shit

"Hey..." I said in a murmur, trying to look as neutral as possible. When I walked inside the kitchen Nate's head whipped in my direction and he gave me a cute secret smile as he poured some OJ for Alex.

"Good morning sunshine. My brother here tells me you crashed here after a night out drinking?" Alex asked, sipping her juice. I swallowed and forced a smile.

"Yes, I had a lot to um drink last night. Moonlight can be really strong-"

"Moonshine" Nate murmured

"Moonshine, yes, that" I said, nodded with a smile. Alex stayed quiet, sipping on her OJ like it was the most delicious thing in the world. I hopped next to her in the booth and smiles a bit.

"You have been MIA, Scar. And where is Andrew? I haven't seen him for like a week and a half" she asked. I shrugged

"He's in a business trip, I'm sure he comes back on Monday" I saw, snatching the OJ from her and taking a sip, to what she responded by wrinkling her nose

"Okay good, because everybody needs a date for the fashion show gala on Wednesday!" she suddenly became extremely excited, clapping her hands. I frowned.

"Oh Nate, forgot to tell you that Kate is coming, I needed her to help me bring some models into the runway show, because let me tell you that American models can be a pain in the ass sometimes" Alex said with a dismiss of her hand. I was frozen in place, my eyes going to Nate, and I found he was already looking at me.

Great, so Alex didn't know about the broken up engagement and had invited his ex-fiancé to be Nate's date.

"Um, Kate was actually going back to London-"

"Yeah...yeah, but she told me it wasn't a sure thing, so I just took advantage. She said she could push her photoshoots for the week after, and I would totally love if you come to the event with someone as your date at last" she said, rolling her eyes. Nate cleared his throat and opened his mouth

"He'll be there" I said with a smile and Alex nodded with a smile.

"You too, Scarlett. I expect you there with Andrew. A lot of reporters will there and I'm planning a really nice family photo for the magazines" she in a sing along voice like a ten-year-old. I smiled but I'm sure it looked pained.

"Where's Oliver?" I asked, and Alex froze.

Huh, touchy topic eh?

"He's working" she mumbled, suddenly very interested in her orange juice. Nate frowned

"What's going on with you and him?" he asked, straight to the point.

I gave him a pointed look

"Nothing" she said defensively. I gave her the pointed look this time

"What? It's true" she said, scoffing

"I saw the way you looked at him, Alex" Nate said, pointing a finger at her.

"Well, yah, he looks like a fuckin' Adonis, that's why!"

"Alex" Nate growled, his eyes going dark and I stiffened a laugh

"You started it!" she said exasperated

"Nate, leave her alone" I said, almost cracking up

"No, she needs to keep her legs closed until she's married" Nate said, but both Alex and I gave an exaggerated laugh.

"Seriously?" Nate said with a blank expression.

"You're seriously the last person I'd come to for sex advice, just heads up, big bro" Alex said, using her hand to dismiss him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" he mumbled but Alex response was cut off when my phone started ringing and everybody went quiet. I saw Nate clench his jaw and when I looked down I realized Andrew's ID was blinking. Without looking up at the pair I had in front of me, I click the answer button


"Scarlett" Andrew said on the other line. Then Alex snatched the phone from my hands, and I mock whispered to her to give it back.

But Alex tapped the speaker button and Nate growled.

"Hello, Scarlett, are you there?" his voice boomed from, my potent speakers. I cleared my throat

"Uh yes, im here" I answered

"Where the hell are you?" he asked rather rudely. I raised my eyebrows

"Um, I'm out. Why?" I asked quietly.

"Because I came home, and the door was left unlocked, lights on" he said, and I swallowed

"Yeah, I must've left in a rush and forgot to turn them off" I said. Alex narrowed her eyes at the phone and Nate crossed his arms and leaned back against the fridge

"Where the hell were you going to in such a rush?" he asked, and I scoffed

"What are you home early?" I snapped back, and I heard him chuckle.

"What? I can't come home early either? I was done with the meetings and caught an early flight"

"UH huh" was my answer

"Where are you?"

"She's with me and -" Alex spoke, and I looked at her quickly, using my hand to motion for her to shut up. She clamped her mouth shut. My eyes flew to Nate who had a deep frown on his face

"And who?" Andrew asked

"My assistant" Alex responded quickly

"Where at?" he asked instantly and my eyes went wide towards Alex.

"Um, We're on our way to the mall! Wait, my studio" she corrected herself and Nate gave her a WTF look.

"What for?" Andrew asked and i scoffed

"Goddamn man, full of questions today aren't you! Gala Wednesday, kay bye!" Alex hit the end button and gave me a hard look sighing.

"We're going. And you Nate, call your fiance, shes pretty pissed" Alex said, pointing a finger at Nate.

"She's not-"

"Call. Kate. Now" Alex pointed a finger back at him and walked away towards the guest bathroom. The second the door closed behind her loudly, Nate's arms pulled me quickly and my back hit the fridge in a hot moment. I gasped when the stainless steel from the fridge touched my back and his fingers dug on my hips as his mouth came close to mine.

"Nate, your sist-"

"Don't leave" he said against my lips, pecking me between words

"I hate to. Andrew is back, I have to-"

"Screw him. Stay with me" he said and deepened the kiss, and a slight moan escaped me, my leg slowly wrapping around him as he pressed his lower body against me.

We heard the toilet flush and Nate sprung away from me, leaving me breathless and with swollen lips.

"Ready?" Alex popped back in the kitchen and my eyes flew to hers. After nodding, Alex grabbed my hand and dragged me to the elevator.

Right before I walked away, Nate touched my hand and that alone drew electricity. I instantly debated if I should've stayed instead.

Little did i know I should've listened to my instincts.






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