Heat In The City (Raging Infe...

By RonnaSweeney51317

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The third installment in the Ruling Chicago series. Published Dec 11, 2017 More

Prologue is up
Chapter 2 "O-M-G"
Chapter 3 "Angel Tree & A Christmas Present"
Chapter 4 "Played Your Cards Right"
Chapter 5 "Follow Your Heart"
Chapter 6 "It's Perfect"
Chapter 7 "Rubber Cement Glue"
Chapter 8 "Great Chicago Fire"
Chapter 9 "Screaming"
Chapter 10 "Nut Case"
Authors Note
Chapter 11 "Magical Hugs"
Author Announcement
Chapter 12 "Dark Place"
Chapter 13 "A Detective & A Firefighter"
Chapter 14 "Madness"
Chapter 15 "Texas Sheet Cake"
Chapter 16 "Havoc At A Strip Club"
Chapter 17 "Public Enemy Number One"
Chapter 18 "Be My Date"
Chapter 19 "Back To Life"
Chapter 20 "Over To The FBI"
Chapter 21 "Fire From Her Wrath"
Chapter 22 "Had In LA, Stays In LA"
Chapter 23 "Haven't Changed"
Chapter 24 "Under The Circumstances"
Chapter 25 "2018? It Was Just 2010"
Chapter 26 "Job Comes First"
Chapter 27 "Only Memories"
Chapter 28 "Wait For Me"
Chapter 29 "Masked Ball"
New Series

Chapter 1 "Strange Things & Forgery"

1.1K 17 1
By RonnaSweeney51317

Shaylynn heads back to her friend's condo. She's been staying with her so she could get out of Hank's house. With everything she's been going through, she doesn't need Hank looking over her shoulder.
Thankfully she was able to get the day off from the DHS and it being a Friday, she has a three day weekend, even if that matters.
Shaylynn walks to the kitchen, gets a snack and something to drink, sits it down on the table, grabs her laptop, and sits down to at least get some work done so she's not swamped when she goes back on Monday.
On her lunch break, Mary always comes back to the condo. Looking at the time, Shaylynn anticipates her return any minute.
Five minutes later, Mary walks through the door, "Oh! I didn't think you would be here so soon!" she tells Shaylynn.
"Court didn't take no time at all!" Shaylynn tells her, then looks back down at her laptop.
"Okay, I'll leave you alone! My lunch hour got cut and I only have 20 minutes!" Mary tells her.
"Why did it get cut?" Shaylynn asks.
"We're short staffed! It being Christmas time you would think they would hire more people!" Mary says pissed off getting something to eat.
Mary quickly gets something to eat and starts getting ready to head back out, "I'll be late tonight. We're staying open a few hours extra" Mary tells Shaylynn.
"Okay, I have something I have to do tonight," Shaylynn tells her.
"Oh!" Mary says smiling, "Are you seeing that handsome Detective?" Mary asks.
Shaylynn gives Mary a look, "My husband" she tells her.
"Estranged husband!" Mary reminds Shaylynn, "I have to go! Be careful!" Mary says.
"He's not going to hurt me!" Shaylynn tells Mary.
Mary stands half in and half out of the condo, "You never know! People do strange things to the ones they are suppose to love! Please for me, tell your Dad where you're going!"
Shaylynn rolls her eyes.
Mary laughs, "I'll see you later!" she says then shuts the door.

Time flies by.
Before Shaylynn knows it, it's eight. Standing up, she closes her laptop, picks it up, and walks into her bedroom.
She's not going to meet Severide in her court clothes. Walking over to her closet she picks something out. 

After Shaylynn gets dressed, she decides to get something to eat on the way. With Mary living in Riverview Condominiums, Shaylynn can just walk over to the Riverwalk.
Leaving the condominium building, Shaylynn makes her way over to the Riverwalk.

Walking along the Riverwalk, Shaylynn is enjoying the view. She always loves Chicago at Christmas time. Thinking about Christmas, she starts to get depressed.
Walking a little further she sees a silhouette of a man standing and can tell it's Severide.
Severide turns and sees Shaylynn walking toward him.
Shaylynn walks up to him, "What do you want to talk about?" she asks him.
"How are you?" Severide asks her.
"Kelly, what do you want?" she asks him in a stern tone.
"We need to talk about what happened," he tells her.
"No! You need to tell me why you did what you did!" Shaylynn tells him.
"I wanted to surprise you!  If things worked out, great!  If they didnt, you wouldn't have ever known!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn can't believe what she's hearing, "Kelly, you surprise someone with a puppy or a kitten, you don't surprise them with 'hey I fertilized your eggs! Surprise!  We have the makings of a baby sitting in a petri dish'! How did you pull it off? Who was the woman you took in to forge my signature?"
Severide gives her a confused look, "I didn't take in any woman! I went in to talk to the doctor about it. He said since we were married I could go ahead and give him my sperm and the lab would do the rest!"
"But, Dr. Smith told me the signatures didn't match! Then it was you that forged my signature?!" Shaylynn asks him.
"Shaylynn, I didn't forge anything! I signed a paper to give them permission to use my sperm with your eggs, that's it!" he tells her.
"Then who forged my signature?" she asks.
"I don't know! Maybe it was one of the nurses at the clinic, but I didn't do it. The doctor told me all he needed was my signature!" Severide tells her.
"That doesn't make up for the fact that you went behind my back and did it!" she tells him.
Severide goes to hand her a bag, "What's this?" she asks him before taking it.
"It's for Shannara," he tells her.
"You can give it to Peter! He'll make sure she gets it!" she tells him.
"Shaylynn..." Severide says.
"The court ruled in favor of the biological father! I lost her, Kelly!" Shaylynn tells him with tears running down her face, "I have to go! I'm depressed enough about losing her and being here with you is depressing me more!" she says turning around and walks away.
Severide stands there and watches her walk away from him.
Possibly for the last time. 

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