Little Bird

By treetree126

207 19 0

|| Imagine a place where all the celebrities we know and love today aren't celebrities but a part of a gang... More

|| Intro ||
|| Chapter 1 ||
|| Chapter 2 ||
|| Chapter 3 ||
|| Chapter 4 ||
|| Chapter 5 ||
|| Chapter 6 ||
|| Chapter 7 ||
|| Chapter 9 ||
|| Chapter 10 ||
|| Chapter 11 ||

|| Chapter 8 ||

11 2 0
By treetree126

I had been in my bed for days. 

I lost count of what day it was. I even lost count of what month it was. There came a day where I forgot my name for a while because I had lacked to wake up the day before I was asleep the whole day and I didn't want any disturbance. 

Grossly enough,I didn't even shower for the time being. I didn't brush my mane or brush my teeth but at least something good came out of my depressing stage because I didn't get up to look at my mane once. I honestly felt bad for the people who lived here,who came in and out,making sure I didn't do anything harsh. I felt so gross to the point where it added my heavy heart. 

While I was sitting here,I had been introduced to a couple new people. Almost all of them had given me a warm smile to make me feel welcome,all of which I scoffed at. 

There was Ashton,who was a hurling ball of energy. I felt as though the moment he came in to the moment he walked out,his mouth wouldn't close. He nearly got me to smile. Something I wanted to do so badly. Something I wanted to genuinely do. 

Then came Luke. He had a manly bravado going for him. He stared and he stared until I thought he was trying to steal my soul. To which I reacted by pulling up my bed sheets. 

Michael was next. He had this weird aura thing about him. He seemed so intimidating,I thought he was going to harm me until he offered me some pokemon ball shaped cookies. To which he proceeded to tell me that he had baked them himself. I cautiously took one, worried that they had poisoned it or drugged it with some sort of sleeping medicine. 

The last one to visit me was Sofia. She was tall,slender and of course,gorgeous. She reminded me of the stereotypical gang member . Dark features,tight leather suit,perfect body,piercing eyes. But that was all a show. I found out she was one of the kindest people here,maybe on the planet. If I wasn't locked here,I would've proceeded to become friends with her. 

On one of my sulking days, someone burst in my room. My immediate reaction was to scream. It was until they got closer that I noticed it was Lilah. She looked me up and down,scrunching her nose in disgust. Normally I would've cared. But now, all I could do was stare. 

"Get up. We have stuff to do." she notified me. 

I stayed in my bed. Her look hardened. 

"I said, Get up." She said again.  I crossed my arms and a small smirk played on my lips. I was finally thankful for some small emotion that flashed through. Even if it was negative. 

She suddenly stepped forward and pulled my bedspread off in one swift tug. She pointed to the restrooms. 

"Hit the showers. You smell like a frog." I decided to take advantage of her small piece of anger. It was the least I could do. 

"Wow, You're strong. All that shooting must've really helped with that." She scowled and looked at me wondering what I was digging at. Now I was happy. I was happy that I was showing them some sort pain and anger they inflicted on me and my family. The thought of them drove me further. I stood up. 

"You know all that murdering. All those lives you must've killed to get all that lovely money. But you don't care, Do you ?" I looked at her and stepped forward. Innocently putting my hands behind my back. She clenched her fist. Bingo. I hit a nerve. 

"It's the money that makes you feel good isn't it ? All that money,all those drugs. Makes it all worth while. " I paused and looked at her with wide eyes and mock shock . "You look like you came from a rich family." I said pointing to her golden earrings and ring. I don't know what made me think that but I'm guessing it was spot on. Because she turned from her usual tan tone to a deep red. 

I took a final leap. Not caring about my outcome.Enjoying my random accusations to much to stop. I leaned in near her ear. 

"You killed them,to get their money didn't you ?" I whispered and stood back to look at the monster I had created with just a couple of sentences. 

She had seemed like the type that cared about their families,from the moment we met and I begged them to take me home,the group I was with had guilt and hurt flashing through their eyes. She was apart of that group. Guilt and hurt usually came from being in a person's perspective. They have felt what I was going through. They had families that loved them and they in return did as well.  That was how I knew Lilah would be so affected by my words and ,boy,was I enjoying it. 

She turned a crimson color and fumed. I could almost see smoke coming from her nose and ears. I chuckled. She looked like a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid. I turned to strut away but she grabbed the back of my overall shorts and dragged me by the back of them. I fell to the floor and it skinned my thighs as she pulled me against the floor,down the stairs. I clawed at her hand behind me. I kicked my feet and tried to grab on every grab able object I came near. 

"What are you doing ?" I growled. She didn't reply instead she kept dragging me. 

Down some stairs,across some tile and more carpet until she stopped. I stopped screaming for a second. I looked behind me and she was near a door. It looked like a door to a basement. 

"Help ! Hello ? Anyone ? Help,she's crazy!" I yelled and clawed. If it wasn't for the  vibrations I felt through her hand holding my overalls. I might not have heard or felt it but I could've sworn I heard her chuckle. 

She opened the door and dragged me near the end of something. I looked behind me and caught sight of stairs and light near the end. Lovely. I screamed louder hoping anyone would hear me . 

At this rate I was desperate. She was crazy and she could do anything to me. She seemed almost possessed. But she showed no signs of that. But I did think she was some sort of crazy. But I couldn't continue my thought because she suddenly chucked me over the edge of stairs and I tumbled. I felt the concrete stairs scratch my thighs,my arms anything they could reach. 

I tried to get ahold of anything to stop my tumbling but all I got was broken nail which bled. I screamed and closed my eyes. 

This is it. 

I told myself and shut my eyes tighter. The concrete yipped at any skin it could reach and I felt each scratch and burn. Which only worsened my cries and screams. 

How long are these stairs ?

I suddenly felt myself to a halt. I slowly opened my eyes,it was blurry and threatening to turn black I was exhausted ,but before I could close my eyes. I felt hands pull me up again by my overalls. 

"Stop !" I yelled. And she did. I looked to my left in shock to see her smirking. 

"I was being nice because Boss wanted me to brand you. But you took advantage of that. So this will hurt." She admitted.  She proceeded to throw me on the ground. I yelped again. I could barley lift my head of the ground. I tried to get up and run but she grabbed my overalls again and pulled me closer to the shining orange light. 

Every time I pulled to run away she tugged me and made me fall once again. Eventually I gave up and trudged next to her like a guilty puppy. I snuck a peek through my tired eyes at my arms and legs. 

Any visible skin was covered in cuts and deep scrapes. I touched one to see if it was deep enough for me to get stitches and hissed in pain. 

She chuckled once again. 

 I spent so much time looking at my injuries that I hadn't noticed that we had arrived at the glowing area. It was actually just a bed with walls surrounding it. Next to it was a single torch. My eyes got wide.

Was she punishing me again ? What had I done ?

I tugged hardly at my overalls in hopes she would let go. She lurched forward with me again. 

"No ! No ! I'm sorry ! Please! " I yelled over and over. Tugging her along. She smiled and pulled me along. She pushed my face against a wall and put my hands behind my back in a cop like fashion. I continued my pleas. She put on the handcuffs back on and I whimpered even more. She then pushed me on the bed. And told me to face the wall. I pleaded once more hoping that she had some change of heart. 

She brought out item that looked a lot like gun, except it had  wide mouth. She aimed it at me and told me to face the wall once more. 

"No,please....please." I sobbed. 

This is it. And all I can do is beg for my life.

She came closer and looked at me down the bridge of her nose. I sobbed humiliatingly. My face was so swollen and my I could barely make anything out. I could feel my tears running down the side of my face. 

"Please...I'm sorry." I said one last time quiet enough for only us to hear. 

"Too late." 

She brought up her hand with the gun look alike and brought the butt down on my head. It's force knocked me to the side and I continued to sob. 

She pulled me up and turned me around to face the wall. 

"Don't move." 

I heard a door opening.This got my attention. I looked at Lilah , she wore a panicked expression. Which meant that she wasn't supposed to be doing this.Which can only mean that they could save me.

"Help ! I'm down here ! Help ! She's hurting m-" I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence because I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck right below my hair line. I fell on the bed , missing the dirty pillow they  had supplied them with. 

I heard feet running towards me and I heard faint yelling. My world had gone dizzy and blurry.  A long incoherent beep played in the back of my mind and all I wanted was to stop it. I tried yelling but I could barely make out my own screams. 

I saw a figure crouch down in front of me. They were yelling my name. They were close enough that I could almost make out their yelling. I held my hands up to try and feel something. To hold anything,to remind me that I was ok. That I wasn't going to die in the cellar of some strangers. That my hatred for Lilah had been magnified. 

I noticed my lungs were feeling tighter and tighter but this wasn't from the bullet,this was from all the panicking I did. All the pain I felt from the cuts Lilah had given me and it was getting worse.

 Then someone touched my hands. I clung onto them for dear life. Hoping,praying screaming for them to save me. That there was a mad woman hurting me. 

The last thing I felt was dizziness and pain. Pain from my throat and all the yelling I had done. Pain from the cuts Lilah had inflicted upon me. Pain from the distance between me and my family and finally anger and fear. Anger because they had done all this to me. That they had taken me in the first place and that Lilah had done this to me. 

And fear because above all,I was scared,scared that they would do much worse to me. And fear because I was living my worst nightmare. I was alone and the ones I loved were getting hurt. And even if I wasn't physically in the dark,I was in the dark. I didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen. I was scared for my life. 

The last thing I felt were the stranger's rough hand slipping out of mine and I was rushed into darkness. 

Author's Note: 

This isn't the end. Let me know what you think. Any improvements or constructive criticism. Also make sure to check out the little GIF and song of the chapter I usually put at the top. Thanks for reading ! 

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