Raddish Boy

By koropokurru

148K 8.1K 1.5K

I saw a series in youtube called 2 moons. I watched it and instantly fell in love with the character of Beam... More

Beam in the city
I Missed the Fridge
The Boy from the Alley
Raddish Boy
The New Tutor
The Wolf Brothers
Nim, Dim, Beam
Beam is mine
Here Take a Bite
Meet the Parents
The Bakers Daughter
Nothing Compares to You
The Love Potion
Stupid Forth
My Heart Not Ready
The Doctor Gang
The Engineering Moon
Under the Rain
Beam's Raddish Keychain
What Really Matters
The Jealousy Game
First Kiss?
Out and Proud
Us Against the World
The Masked Maniac
At My Limit
The Most Embarrassing Moment
The Only Exception
Welcome to the Family
Nightmare in Broad Daylight
The Young Master
Strike Two
Strike Three: Game Over
My Love Rival
Turning Tables
Only if it Fits
The Mating
Trust No One
Battle to Live
Innocent Tears
Wolf Cry
Safe and Sound
Not One But Two
Thanks for the Support

Strike one

2.4K 168 28
By koropokurru

“Forth’s POV”

This is a wasted moment for me and Beam. I should have done something to make him stay with me in one room. It ends up that I will be staying with Phana.

We got to our shared room and unpacked our stuffs. Phana went in for a quick shower while I prepared my clothes for the photoshoot. I was still worried about Beam. I wish they got a decent place to stay and hoped that it was somewhere nearby. While rummaging my things, I opened the insulated container that I brought. It was full of Beam’s favorite food that I diligently prepared. I woke up earlier this morning not only because I was excited, but also it will be my first time in the beach with Beam. I was imagining us enjoying our lunch on a picnic mat by the shore under a giant umbrella. I bet he’s hungry right now. I can’t wait to tell him about the foods I packed for him and so I called his phone.

“Beam. Where are you? Have you found a place to stay? Let’s have lunch together.”

“Uhhh.. Forth. I’ll have lunch with Kit. We still have to unpack our things. I’ll catch up later.” He answered then ended the call instantly.

What was that? Was he in a hurry? I was not expecting that answer. I thought he would be thrilled. I haven’t detailed to him yet the food that I cooked but then I was already rejected.

This is such a bum day! I dropped dead on my bed and sighed heavily. I wanted to curse so badly. Everything I planned for this day with Beam was ruined.

“What’s with the long face?” Phana came out fresh from his shower.

“Uhhh.. It’s nothing.” I answered in complete defeat.

“Then hurry up and take your shower so we can still have time to eat something before we start the shoot.”

I looked at him boringly then passed the meals I brought for Beam.

“Here you can have this all. I’m not hungry.” I passed him the food and slumped back to bed.

“Wow! Everything here looks delicious. I bet you made all these for Beam. Isn’t he joining us for lunch?”

Phana is so nosy. I wish he just stuff everything in his mouth. I was not in the mood for a conversation right now.

"Hey Forth? Speaking of Beam. I think I should tell you something that I have been noticing." Phana spoke.

"What's this about Pha?" Now he's got my attention.

"Guys! We have less than an hour. Hurry up and meet everyone at the beach front." A voice came from outside our door.

"Don't mind me. It's nothing important. We can talk about it tonight. For now, we need to get going." Phana shrug off his toughts.

I grabbed my towel and locked myself in the bathroom. Better plan something before this day ends.

We came to the beach on our trunks. The stars were on their two piece bikinis. The sun was scorching hot. Good thing there were huts near the beach where we can shade while waiting for the photographers to finish the set up. My eyes where roaming around looking for a pale cute guy. The girls were all staring straight back at me but I do not care an inch. Phana however greeted each and every one like a flirt. One star approached me and asked me to put sunscreen lotion on his back. There was nothing I could do, she already handed me the bottle even before she requested such thing.

I was putting a small amount on her back and spreading it evenly when I heard someone intentionally coughed behind me. It sounded like a jealous brat. I smiled to myself for I know who it was. I turned around and saw Beam glaring at me with his arms crossed.

“Beam! You’re here. Do you want me to put some too on your back?” I greeted him innocently while adding some more sunscreen on the star’s back.

“You seem to be enjoying what you’re doing. Why don’t you complete that and apply on her legs too.” Beam’s eyebrows knitted.

“Can you do that too?” The star giggled after hearing Beam’s comment.

Beam’s face was like a ripped tomato. I bet he’s furious right now. This is what I like most when he gets possessive. This may lead to a love quarrel later but I do like it when he gets jealous over me. He stormed off and went back with Kit. He’s so cute and adorable when he pouts. Well, I better make a move now to coax him or he might not talk to me ever again.
I left the star unsatisfied and went after Beam.

From afar I can see him with Kit but who’s that other guy with them? And why is he laughing while taking pictures of Beam? He looks harmless but still suspicious, I better get close. Once I approached them, Beam’s face was still scowling. I toyed with him and rubbed my oily hands on his face to remove that frown.

“A-aahh!! Forth! What you did that for?” He punched me in the arm.

“Because you look like my grandma. Quit that ugly face now. I’m here. Don’t get jealous now.” I pinched those beet cheeks.

“Die!” He mouthed without voice.

I smiled at Beam and hugged him to stop him from his tantrums. Kit acted like puking over our sweetness while the other guy was blankly staring at us. I eyed the stranger from head to foot and glared at him while caressing my Beam. He was shocked to see me looking back at him with displease.

“Oh! Hi.. Nice to meet you.” Suspicious guy cracked.

“I’ve never seen you before. Who the hell are you?” I answered monotonously.

“ Forth! What’s with the language. He’s our friend from the Fine arts department.” Beam answered for the guy.

“I’ve never met him before. When did you became friends?” I asked.

“Torn, by the way, this is Forth. He’s a freshman like us and the moon from Engineering.” Beam spoke to him while he flip me in the forehead.

“And I’m Beam’s boyfriend.” I gave my hand to greet him.

When he shook my hand, I made sure to squeeze his tightly. I saw him whimper from the pain. Now you know what I think of you. Better know your boundaries and try not to do anything against my back.

The photoshoot lasted until dusk. By night time, the temperature dropped inversely. Now the cold chilling breeze from the sea shakes the hell out of everybody. I looked for Beam and saw him shivering while patiently waiting on the bench. I’ve anticipated this. He must not have taught of the beach to be this cold by night time.

I went back to the room to get the spare jacket that I brought for him but by the time I went back, that Torn guy has his black jacket worn by my Beam. Kit was with them. They were laughing while browsing over some photos of the stars taken by Torn himself. I was on my way towards them when I noted that troublesome guy’s left hand went on Beam’s shoulder. Beam being unaware just let that guy do that to him. It was fucking irritating to see.

“Beam!” I shouted.

He turns around and run towards me when he saw me.

“Hey Forth. Are you done for today? Check this out. Torn had captured funny poses by the girls. I can’t stop laughing. Hahaha!!”

“Sorry Beam. I’m not in the mood. I’m tired and stressed by the photoshoot under the sun this afternoon.”

“Oh.. Is that so? Then you should rest.”

“Yeah.. I think I’d better. Can I rest at your place tonight?”

Beam suddenly looked shocked. Is there something wrong with what I said?

“Hell no! Uhmmm… I mean.. Kit and I are tired too. We want to rest early as well. And.. and.. uhmm... Why don’t you go back to your hotel for now. Let's explore this place early tomorrow.” Beam answered without looking at me in the eyes.

This is how he lies to me. It’s pretty obvious. What is he hiding? I got bothered.

“Well. I can’t wait for tomorrow. See you then. Have a good rest.” I answered slyly.

They went back the other way while I hid behind the huts. I followed them closely without them noticing. Torn was still with them. Don’t tell me he is also staying on the same hotel as Beam. The three of them raced until they reach a luxurious hotel not far from where I was staying. I was surprised when Torn turned around, good thing my reflexes were fast and I was able to hide behind a car. Oh my god. That was close. Did he see me? I hope not.

They got in the elevator while I spy them from the reception desk. Once the door closed I approached and noted the floor where it would stop. It went straight to the penthouse.

Suddenly two big guys and an old tall man approached me.

“Excuse me sir. Are you a guest here at the hotel?”

“Uhh.. Nope. But my friends are.” I answered corteously.

“Friends? You mean those three that went in the elevator?” the old man asked curiously.

“Yeah. Beam, Kit and… uhmm.. Torn.”

“Oh my.. my apologies dear sir. I did not know you’re an acquaintance of young master.”

“Huh?" Was this old guy pertaining to Torn.

“For a moment sir.” He excused himself and went to the reception desk.

The old man called from hotel phone. Oh my god! They can't know about me tailing them. Is old man going to call their room?

“Young master. You have an acquaintance down the lobby. Should we let him to the penthouse?” I can see him nodding his head.

“Oh.. Okay.. Have a great night.”

Old man came to me and bowed respectfully. It was a bit strange to be respected politely by someone older. It should be the other way around.

“Sir. Would you like me to lead you the way. The young master is expecting you there.”

“No. No. It’s fine. I can manage.” I shook my hands and head.

While on the elevator. I can't stop my wild imagination. Is Beam living with that young master Torn guy? What if they are sharing the same bed? This is freaking me out. I kept punching the elevator door.

Once I got on the top most floor my jaw dropped instantly. This place is stunning. It was an architectural marvel. It has the view of the whole beach with it. The place is landscaped with a European garden and intricate wooden structures. I went close to the house and saw how big it was. There’s even a pool inside it. What the hell? A pool inside a house and seated on top of a luxurious building; this is insane.

Not far from where I was standing about 6-8 chefs were preparing dinner like a grilled feast. I saw Beam and Kit jumped into the pool and tried drowning each other happily. They were enjoying the moment. Then I saw Torn smiling who came in bringing towels for the two kids. He spotted me from a far. He winked and smirked at me at the same time. Jerk!What the hell is with that guy? I was so infuriated that I wanted to punch him in the face.

I felt defeated after I realized the current situation. So Beam did not want me to know where he is staying because he is having such a great time living with some other guys fucking place. Glad he is enjoying the company of that god damn Torn. I closed my fist and ran back to the lobby. I was already seeing black. I stormed off before I can start wrecking things in that place.

I went back to my hotel and cursed loudly while at the beach on my way back. Some people got scared that they gave way from where I am heading. I did not even know how I got back. My head was steaming hot when I arrived the room. Phana noted my reaction.

“Seriously Forth, what is wrong with you? Just tell me if you don’t want me as a roommate. I can change place with other moons.” Phana commented.

“No, it’s not that Pha. It's huh... Beam and.. that fuck off new guy!"

"Oh.. Yeah. Speaking of Beam... Uhmm.. I want to talk about him." Phana did not know how to open up the topic.

"Spit it out. What should I know?" I was already furious to care about whatever was in Phana's mind.

"Forth sorry to add to your burden but.. uhh.. do you think Beam is really in love with you?" Phana finally was able to say what's in his mind since this morning.

Chapter 32 😟😟😟

Hi guys.. I'm back with the updates. Sorry if I can't reply to everyone who message me. A bit of hectic with my sched. I'll make it up this week. 😗😗
A bit boring chapter though.. 😑😑😑

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