
By ShaylaDavies

3.8K 122 31

Bloodlust - meaning in this book = the period of when a vampire or any other supernatural being hunts. ~~~~~~... More

The Mist
Sussex Coast College
Ghost Girl
Stolen Soul
Normal Couples
Vampire Virginity
Criminal In Disguise
Knock Out
Hot chocolate
Half human / pt. 1
Half human / pt.2
Half human pt. 3
Half human pt.4
Miniature Army
Black is the new Black
Grey Wonderland
Sad but Smart

Surgery Date

106 3 0
By ShaylaDavies

Chapter 9

Adela swarmed through the wood, it was getting lighter by the second and mist was starting to rise simultaneously with the sun. Her loose top was being torn by the twigs that stuck out of the trees like grabbing hands. Her hair was messy and knotty and the white top she wore soon ripped completely and turned brown with dirt. Her whole image must of looked terrible and obvious and bold...she thought, and as Damien evidently knows that Kate isn't Kate...she needed to find a way to be unrecognised so no one can give them clues of where she went. Because all she ever wanted really was that sweet feeling of being part of this world. Adela would no longer have to go un invited to this huge party everyone is constantly attending. That huge party that is, life and everything that comes with it, she craved it ever since her short life ended and she became a spirit that here and there wondered the earth hopelessly in search for a chance. For an escape.


"What...where- am- I?" Taylor woke in complete confusion. On Damien's bed in the exact position he had left her.

She looked around the room that no one was present. The light was off but a hint of morning was seeping through the open window so she could just about see. But she shivered from the cold breeze that the window also occupied. The room was big, and black. The walls, bed, wardrobe...everything. Was just plain, black. The only non-black thing was the floor. It was wood floorboards.

"Hello?!" She asked. Raising her voice in the process.

No one answered.

So she dragged her now, seemingly heavy, body up off the bed and to the door. A flood of light-bulb light invited itself in and her eyes burned at the sudden unnatural, bright light. She dared walk in to it and closed the door behind her. As she slowing walked down the huge hallway of the house she heard a few mutters from downstairs, she recognised some of them, it was Fabien and Damien and... A women.

"Fa-Fabien," she shouted silently, thinking no on could hear and so she would have to go to them but surprisingly she heard footsteps coming up stairs and,

"Taylor, silly sweet sweetheart..." Damien soothingly whispered.

And she welled up and started crying for her parents.


Oh, great, Damien thought in annoyance, I just killed a demon with bare hands, he lied to himself, and now I've got to deal with a crying girl...

"Shhh, don't worry, let's go then." Damien said, sounding friendly but in fact couldn't stand the girl.

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, then walked down the stairs, out the front door and to his car he never used. And he didn't run run because he couldn't unfold the cast over Taylor's mind. Like the supernatural thoughts were the cut and the plaster was Damien's control and possession. He could of bit her and she would be completely ignorant to the situation after the side affect that is sleep. But no, Fabien would go ballistic if he found out he had fed on his little friend...

He snapped out of his thoughts when Taylor started screaming louder for no bloody reason.

Oh, damn it.

And he slid his two front canines into her throat. Yeah, now you have something to scream about. He thought whilst he aggressively ripped at her throat in complete anger where there was no room for empathy or sympathy.

After a short time of sucking, he took himself to a hard stop and pulled quickly away from her before the smell of her addictive blood took advantage of him, again. Damien sat back on his drivers seat and without looking, he ran his fingers down the gash in her throat. And then, he could look. As it was totally gone. She lay in the seat beside him and dropped her head to the side as she slept.

It wasn't that much of long journey across town to Taylor's house so she was still sleeping by the time he had drove up out front. Therefore he used the power that her blood created to wake her up. And she did. Quietly and nicely. Thank God, he though to himself. Weirdly though, as he was a creature of the dark world where religion was unknown. But living with humans and his brother had mixed up his vocabulary.

"Uh, thanks for the ride," she hummed and then freaking kissed him.

"Uh, no thanks," Damien snapped. She must think... Oh god. No.

"What?" She laughed. "Fun night." She winked and got out.

He was so close to running her over but Fabien caught his mind. Ugh. He wondered why she woke up with a thought like that anyway. She woke up fine from the one he had put her in with mind control.


Damien got home several minutes afterwards. The sky was a subtle light blue with a few dense clouds and the air was cool and refreshing. But mist was swarming rapidly. He walked up to his house ready to tell and laugh over the incident with Taylor...but then he remembered... He should keep his mouth shut about feeding on her.

"Was she ok?" His mum said as he walked into the main living room where she and Fabien were.

"Yeah, fine." He said quietly.

"Hm, aha, oh ok," his mum read his mind and he smiled. Luckily Fabien didn't have the power to do the same.

Don't tell him, he sent the thought towards his mum, deliberately avoiding Fabien as it flew through the air.

Ok ok, she replied and walked out. Laughing.

"Tell me." He squinted his eyes in suspicion.

"It's" Damien fidgeted in the awkward that manifested through his stone cold body.

"What about Kate?" Fabien reminisced, "is she home now or..."

"Uh, yeah." He wasn't lying but was un sure. He hadn't even checked to see if she was still in his room but couldn't sense anything so he guessed not.

"You're acting so suspicious oh my god!" Fabien sounded sinister and stern now. Like a teacher telling a student off.

Damien was getting bored and had nothing else to say so he walked out.

"Rude!" Fabien shouted back whilst he did.


It was probably around 7 o'clock now and Adela realised that shops were opening and 3 types of people were up; the joggers, the commuter and the mums hanging sheets up on clothing lines. So there wasn't many to realise or interpret her. Unless someone like Kate's parents or someone were to drive by. But everything should really be fine because it's hard to believe Kate's soul had been stolen...

Adela walked casually down the streets looking a state. And it definitely turned heads as the early birds widened their eyes as she walked past. Now... Either it was the coffee or her but still the point is, she looked like a homeless, drop our college student. And even she winced at her appearance when she glimpsed at her reflection in the cafe windows. What was she going to do? She had no money for clothes or anything, plus, now that she's human she would have to eat and drink! After centuries of being a ghost, it was going to be very difficult getting back into the human routine.

Then, she heard three honks from a car. She turned around to find it was pulling over and out came a man. He was quite old, about 50 and wore a suit.

"Kate! Everyone has been worried sick! Where have you been all night? What happened! Oh my..." He hugged her tight and carried on, "you're a state! What happened! Don't worry everything will be fine!"

She guessed this man was her dad...?

"Um, dad, I-" he looked confused and upset so she realised he must not be her dad then. She tried something else, "uncle-" and he recoiled, "uncle yes, sorry, I'm ok I, I just please I need some money please, please," she begged and widened her eyes cunningly.

"What? What for?" He let go of her.

"clothes and some food and drink, I have uh, school soon and I have no time to go back home now."

"No, Kate you skip the rest of school today, you look tired and hurt!"

"No! Please I'm ok I'm just hungry and thirsty," she rephrased, "please I need some money please, please,"

"Oh, ok but promise me you go home at lunch break! Your mum is worried sick!"

"I promise." She said whilst he handed her a few twenty pound notes and a kiss on the forehead.

"Stay safe kid." He said and got back into his silver Citroen.


Adela thought whilst walking into a shop called 'new look' and she knew it was a clothing store because of all the mannequins dressed up In ridiculous clothes. She was looking for something like a floral dress and pumps not all these trainer and ripped jeans and crop tops. Ew.

She came out with exactly what she was looking for; a peach floral dress, white thick tights and velvet pumps.

She spent another note on a 'Starbucks' muffin and coffee. Then went on search for accommodation.


Fabien had been lounging around in his bedroom studying for about half an hour and now he was sure he was going to fail History and the term had only just started. It's hard to have to learn events in a different perceptive. The angle of which a human sees it anyway. And he was bought up with supernatural.

After thinking, he thought about someone who was just hiding in the back of his mind this entire time, someone who he had planned to meet ages ago for the second time, someone who he would like to have a relationship with just because of that first time they met. That someone was Madi. She was still in that surgery and...opening times were 7-4. So, he decided. He would go on a little visit before college.


He walked through the lobby and discussed his link with Madi with the receptionist and walked though the corridors to her room. Surgeries and hospitals always had that smell, he thought, whilst wondering through, that smell of anti-bacterial jelly soap that evaporates at the touch of skin...

"Fabien!" Madi jumped out of her bed, spilling her ice-cream as she did.

"Hey, hey!" He wrapped his arms around her. She wore a blue hospital, gown.

"I can't believe it's you! It's you!" And she kissed him. And he, of course, kissed back.

"So how have you been?" He said as they sat back down on the bed.

"Mmm, bored. The only good things are visitors, like half the school have been here! People I have never even talked too! But... You are the best one yet!" She said, twirling her wavy, brown hair as she did.

"Why thank you," he said and leaned his head forward again to kiss her.

"Damien came too." She said in between breaths.

"He woke you didn't he? My brother, you understand don't you?"

"No, he said about vampires and other supernatural things and the hausse but no how am I suppose to understand that?" She gently pushed back and looked down.

"Ok, let me explain little love..." He looked at her. She was beautiful and just all round attractive. Even her voice, not as high as Taylor's, not as husky as Kate's but just in between. Her wavy locks relished around her light, coco skin. Even her flaws were perfect.

"Vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, faeries...just anything you can think of, all those supernatural myths, they're all true. They all exist. And I'm half supernatural, my mum is a vampire but my dad was human and weirdly I was born half vampire and half human unlike Damien, he is entirely vampire and well. Just like Britain, we have a monarchy. And the rulers at the moment are the witches and beside them, are the demons. This Monarchy is located in France and it's in a valley, Sombre valley. But, just like England, it's separated into counties. And so the royalty is in monarchie county and sacrificing is in tuer county etc. so...the witches are evil and stupid, they don't deserve the monarchy but the vampires do. Believe it or not the vampires are the nicest supernatural race, and we... or they... want to rein. So there will be a Great War and that is called the hausse aka the rise for the rise of the vampires. But it isn't as simple as that. Apparently there is something else we are missing in the plan, I have a clue but it isn't definite." Fabien finished finally. He thought back and wondered wether any of that made sense judging by the look on Madi's face.

"What's you're idea?" She said, looking up at last.


Thanks for reading! :) remember to vote if you liked this chapter and comment your opinion! I want to see what y'all think!

Also... The ending is weird again but, if I were to carry on any further I don't think I would stop oops!

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