Don't Judge a Book By It's co...

By Cocoa_bunny_girl

7.5K 119 22

Survival their second year of high school was hard. But now it's even worst. Their Cousins the Perfect Perky... More

The Performance
What a Beautiful Morning
Classes together + Glares = PPGZ RRBZ
Music Class
Dinner With A Side Of Secrets
Secrets unfold
Taken away
Something happening
Finding Out
Getting A Plan And Ground Rules The Power Puff Way
Part 1 Of The Date: The Photoshoot
Part 2 of the Date: What do we do
Part 3 of the date: You sure?
Part 4 of the Date (Final):
Houses and Ages
Back to school
The Music Class
Music Battle
They Have Chemistry or something
Boomer Shouldn't Name Things
Tagged But Super Late
Tags, Price Tags, Name Tags, All tags
Brick's Problem
Date/Hangout Plan
The Date
A couple months later
Our Past
The New Guys
The Two Weeks
The 16th Birthday Party Part 1: Changing
The 16th Birthday Party Part 2: Red Zone

Blossom's Problem

122 2 0
By Cocoa_bunny_girl

Butterfly POV

I'm just in my room practicing some beat mixing (DJ ing). I do my homework. Just kidding. Our School doesn't give us homework. It more like unfinished class work. I so bored. "Bored?" Bloss asks standing in the doorway. "Yeah" I say falling back on my bed. "Good cause I wanted to tell you something. Something I haven't told anyone and wasn't planning for a while." She said. "What is it" I say sitting up. "Well, you know how I'm usually boy crazy but I stopped 2 months ago." She says. "Go on" I say. Blossom gulped, "I'm dating someone." She says. "REALLY?!?! WHO?" I frantly ask. I know I know I have Blake. But in my defense everyone of Blossom love tales are super intresting. LIke one time their was a kid named Dexter that loved her, but Blossom didn't feel the same way. Some guys are just to pushy for her. "I'm in love" She starts. "He has red hair and red eyes" She stats. "Brick" I guess. "YES" She shouts. "Wow..." I say in shock. "Yeah. While theirs a reason why I told you." Blossom says walking more in my room and sitting at on my bed. "What is it" I ask. "I'M LOVESTRUCK" Blossom whines. "What do you mean" I ask. "It's hard to be in a relationship, with someone you love but you can be with them" Blossom continues complaining. I haven't really thought about it. Me and Blake are really well together. Maybe Blossom is just boy crazy. That's very like her. Oh well. "I don't what to tell you" I say. "It's okay I really just needed someone to rant to." She says before leaving. I continue to be bored.

I wonder if this blow up in our face. I start to get sleepy. Probably from staying up late. I try and fight it. I guess one little nap wouldn't hurt.


I running through a forest. It's everlasting. How am I running so far, last time I checked I was very good at gym. or running. I run straight into a tree. It hurt. Just kidding! It's just a dream. So I climb the tree. I struggle a bit I look down and realized that I was in a dress. Well can't do anything about it now. Sit a the top and rest. I also realized how much it seemed like a room connecting to the other trees. Then suddenly a guy appears. He's back is turn and he's wear a jacket. The jacket says 'Master is Mischievous'. As he walks away on branches. "Wait come back" I shout. He just walks away (on branches). That was odd.

I suddenly in a treehouse in what seems like white overalls, with a black jumbo pocket, and a orange shirt. I saw a random rock. I looked underneath to see my broken earrings. "Sorry we thought your earrings were garbage" says Britney (another oc). "Why?" I asks. "It's clear. You weak and weak people don't deserve nice things." Say Bee from behind. "And I thought you were smarter than that" Brittney says. The left over pieces were getting stomped on by Brittney and Bee. No. Nooooooooo. I cry. Just cry

~Nightmare over

I woke up in a cold sweat. Now I don't know what to say.

Blossom POV

I take a sit in the living room. Butterfly was no help. I would talk to Buttercup or Bubbles but they seem busy. "Hey Bloss" says a voice a the doorway. It was Bloom ratting apple. "Heey" I slightly groan. "What's wrong?" Bloom asks sitting down next to me. "Like you would care" I say. "Hey, I may not like you trying to date Brick but I still have working feelings" Bloom says. "Let's just say you love someone, but your so busy, you can't have a conversation with them and when you do see them your with your friends" I explain. She won't know who I talking about. "Let's see that's hard to figure out" Bloom thinks. " I would set up private dates with them at night." She says smiling. "That's actually a good idea. Thanks" I say walking out the room.

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