Austin Mahone Imagines.

By CookieMonster101010

209K 3.3K 413

Just loads of Austin Mahone Imagines that I made for all you beautiful people. Read to get the feels :') All... More

Imagine 1# - Movies
Imagine 2# - Interview
Imagine 3# -Joker
Imagine 4# - Music
Imagine 5# - Cinema Date?
Imagine 6# - Concert
Imagine 7# -Possesive?
Imagine 8# -Meeting him
Imagine 9# - Unexpected
Imagine 10# - Not a bad boy?
Imagine 11# - Hanging out
Imagine 12# -Caught on camera
Imagine 13# -Blind date
Imagine 14# - Singing to you
Imagine 15# - Meet & Greet
Imagine 16# - Bad Boy
Imagine 17# - Prom
Authors Note ***Important***
Imagine 18# -Fighting
Imagine 19# -Awkward
Imagine 20# -Knew it
Imagine 21# - Special
Imagine 22#-Embarrassed
Imagine 23# - Oops
Imagine 25# - Winner
Imagine 26# - Relationship Goals
Imagine 27# - Christmas Spirit
Imagine 28# - Classic
Imagine 29# - Wedding
Imagine 30# - Cute
Imagine 31# - Sorry
Imagine 32# - Surprise
Imagine 33# - Brother
Imagine 34# - Proposal
Imagine 35# - Sign Language
Imagine 36# - Theme Park
Preference 1# How Austin Asks You To Prom
Preference 2# Your Names In Eachother's Phones
Preference 3# The TV Show You Both Watch
Preference 4# - Him As Your Brother
Preference 5# Fall By Justin Bieber
Imagine 37# - Jealousy

Imagine 24# - Problems

2.9K 71 6
By CookieMonster101010

Imagine being Anorexic and self harming.Then meeting Austin:

You just found out that your so called 'friends' are fake. You can't take it anymore. You stop eating as you normally would engulf all your food now you just eat a quarter and then say you aren't hungry anymore. Your parents sent you to the doctors and you got told you are Anorexic....

Your parents take you home and there is silence for the whole day. You go to your room and see the videos people sent you and one was with all your fake friends saying what they really thought of you....Let's just say they aren't using the nicest words...

You run to the bathroom and do the thing that you have never thought about cut. The pain calmed you down and blood was coming out your wrists.

Anorexic and Cutting....

You put the knife away and wash your wrists so your parents won't notice. You put Austin Mahone music since he always makes you feel better when you are upset. Your parents knocked on your door and you stopped the music to let them in.

{your mums name}: Hey honey we know you are having many problems and so we decided on giving you a present to try and make you feel better...

You: what ???? what is it?!?!? *you asked curiously and excitingly*

{your dads name}: Well we know that what normally cheers you up is Austin Mahone so we decided..

{your mums name}: to take you to a meet and greet !!!!!!

You: oh my gosh really?!?! thank you thank you mum and dad!!!!!!!!! *you hugged your parents*

Your parents smiled at you and told you to wake up early tomorrow to be able to go to the meet and greet. You couldn't help but do a victory dance and the smash your fist in the air thing.

-The Next Day-

"Sweetheart get up! Today is the meet and greet!!" your mum yelled from downstairs. You suddenly got out of bed excited about the meet and greet. You got dressed in black jeggings and a top with a smiley face which matched your yellow vans.

You let your hair naturally flow and ran downstairs to get breakfast."Honey you look wonderful! want some toast and a hot chocolate?"your mum asked you nicely. "thank you mum and yes please" you replied thankfully.

Your dad walked in and smiled at the site of you. " how are you darling? slept well? " your dad asked whilst giving you a friendly smile.

" Hey dad and I actually slept well" you replied happily. Your mum layed the plates for you,your dad and herself. Then she gave you two toasts with Nutella spread on top juat how you like it and gave you your hot chocolate which was topped up with cream and marshmallows.

After you had breakfast you went straight to your bedroom toilet to brush your teeth then you look down at your wrists which had scars which weren't fully healed since yesterday.

You hide it while putting your hands in your pockets hoping no one will notice it.

"Darling are you ready??" your dad asked whilst waiting for you downstairs. You ran downstairs and joined your mum and dad. "okay I'm done" you replied with the biggest smile ever.

Your parents drove to the mall where the meet and greet was going to take place . The three of you joined the queue which was very long but at least you weren't the last ones queued.

-Three hours later-

" oh my goah we are nearly there! " you exclaimed. "well honey we will wait over at that cafe so afterwards meet us there." your mum said. "okay bye love you both thanks for this" you thanked them as they left. "young lady you're next" the guard said to you.

You could see Austin. He looked beautiful. You could notice he cared for all of his fans. A girl that met him already gave you a dirty look as it was your turn to meet Austin. You couldn't take it but tried to put up with it and not cry."Hey what's your name?" Austin asked you. You saw the girl again and noticed that she gave you another dirty look and mouthed the word ugly.

That's it you couldn't hold it in. You hugged Austin all of a sudden and cried."wow hey what's wrong? " Austin whispered in your ear. " I can't t-take it anymore" you said while sobbing. Austin hugged you tightly. Austin took hold of your hands and then noticed the cuts on your wrists.

Austin looked at you and there was sadness in his face. He hugged you tightly. "you're the only person that makes me feel better" you cried. " but why do you do this to yourself?" Austin whispered to you. " I can't ..... I can't" you sobbed. "everything will be alright don't worry.Here wait for me until I finish this meet and greet and you can hang with me and tell me what's happened" Austin said while wiping your tears away with his thumb. He called his friends Alex,Robert and Zach to take you out and get you something to eat.

" Hey I'm Alex thats Robert and Zach but since you are a Mahomie you probably know" Alex said while smiling. " yeah I know you all" you said while wiping the final tears that left your eyes and giving them a small smile.

" You seem to be very special to Austin since he never really told us to hang out with a Mahomie before just to get extra time with her at the end" Robert says whilst smiling.

" Did you guys see what happened when I met Austin?" you asked nervously hoping they'd say no. "no..... should we have seen it??" Zach asked in confusion. " nononono it's fine" you replied avoiding any further questions. "so wanna go Subway and eat something?" Robert asked breaking the awkwardness. "sure" you replied.

You all went to Subway and ordered your food. Then when you all got your food you guys sat at a round table.You sat in between Alex and Robert and opposite Zach who was already eating just like the other two so you did the same. There was not much of a conversation as you all ate.

" so did you come alone?" Alex asked. " nope I came with my parents " you replied. " I used to get embarrassed in front of my friends thanks to my parents...." Robert comented as he sighed.

You laughed and Robert smiled and Alex joined you and laughed aswell. Zach was confused and couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Alex was dying of laughter like you.

" we should head back to Austin since he just texted me that he's finished this meet and greet. " Alex said as he calmed himself down. You gave him a smile and got up.

The three boys walked you towards where the meet and greet was held and you could see Austin packing up. "ayye Austin!!!" Robert exclaimed whilst giving Austin a bro hug and Zach did the same as well as Alex and you just stood there. "hey I didn't get your name" Austin said while looking at you. "my name is {y/n}" you replied shyly. " hmm what a beautiful name" Austin said while smiling. You gave him a small smile back. "so you came alone?" Austin asked. "nope she came with her parents" Robert bumped in and answered for you.

"so where are your parents? " Austin asked you. " they said to meet them in that restaurant after the meet and greet had finished" you replied shyly. "okay then let's go see them shall we?" Austin said while putting his arm around you as friends do. Zach,Robert and Alex decided to wait for you both in the car. "please don't tell them about me cutting please." you whispered to Austin begging him not to. Just the the thought of your parents knowing made a tear fall out of your eyes. Austin wiped the tear off with his thumb. "dont worry this will be between us only" Austin whispered to you while giving you a heartwarming hug.

Austin went with you to meet your parents. "Honey!!! We were worried about where you were!!!" your mum exclaimed while giving you a hug. "Hey you're Austin Mahone right?" your dad asked Austin. Austin just nodded whilst giving a shy smile.

"did you get to meet that Austin Mahone boy you like??" your mum asked taking no notice that Austin was right there. "mum this is Austin Mahone" you chuckled while presenting Austin to your mum.

"oh sorry I didn't notice you or else I would have recognised you" your mum apologised whilst sticking her hand out for Austin to shake and gladly Austin did. "it's fine not many adults recognise me" Austin said while smiling.

"so what are you doing now?" your dad asked whilst giving Austin a smile. " well I was wondering if you would allow {y/n} to hang out with me and my mates at the hotel nearby" Austin replied with a hopeful smile.

"yeah sure just please bring her home safely and not too late" your mum replied. You gave your parents a goodbye hug and kiss before you left with Austin.

Austin led you to his car were you could see his friends were waiting for both of you.

"ayye they finally decided to join us!" Zach exclaimed to the others in the car. You and Austin let out a chuckle. Austin opened the door for you and you got in the passengers seat as Austin closed the door and got in the drivers seat.

The car journey wasn't awkward since music was playing and Robert kept on making dumb comments which made everyone laugh. When you all arrived at the hotel and were in the living room. Austin took hold of your hand and took you to a bedroom which looked like it was Austin's.

"so wanna tell me what's been happening? "Austin asked while putting his arm around you. You stayed silent and broke eye contact with Austin. Austin noticed you weren't really comfortable. "look I will go get us some drinks and I'll come back don't worry" Austin said whilst he got up and left the room.

You started to remember all of those bad memories as you looked at the text someone just sent you which read:

Hey ugly fat ball. Just wanted to remind you of how everyone hates you and when the holidays are over it won't be the end of it. hahaha bye loser.

You couldn't deal with this and you went to what you assumed was Austin's bathroom. As you walked in the bathroom you closed the door and started to search for a razor or something sharp. You finally found a razor and you started to do the unstoppable.


You don't know why you can't stop but as the razor scrapes your skin, blood slowly pours out. The pain was unbearable but you didn't care.

" {y/n}???..." Austin said while trying to think where you could be. His face started to drop,he saw your phone and read the text you got. He then looked up and suddenly knew where you were. "{y/n}!!!!" Austin exclaimed whilst running to the bathroom. He bargged the door open and saw you sat on the floor in the corner of the room with a bloody wrist. Beside you he could see a razor with blood on it.

He ran towards you. "no no no why {y/n}?!?!? why do you listen to them!!!!" Austin said while a tear left his eye and slowly rolled down his cheek to land on his now pale lips.

You sobbed on to Austin's shirt whilst he hugged you. "they're just opinions not facts..." Austin whispered whilst trying to comfort you in his arms.

He pulled you up not detaching his arms from you at any moment.

" Don't listen to them. You are wonderful just the way you are and if they can't see that then they must be blind" Austin whispered in your ear. He wiped your tears away with his thumb and lifted your face up so he could see you properly. "you are a beautiful person who shouldn't let stupid people like that bring you down.You have a family that loves you and I love you too " Austin whispered whilst giving you a heartwarming hug.

You stopped crying and detached yourself from Austin. "come on let's get you cleaned up. "Austin said whilst taking your wrists into the sink to wash out the blood off you. When your wrists were clean Austin started to disinfect them. "this may hurt but it's just to disinfect the cuts" Austin whispered to you. You yelped a bit as the disinfecting stung and hurt but you knew Austin meant no harm so you stayed as calm as you could.

" there we go now I'm going to cover the cuts with a bandage." Austin said while giving you a friendly smile.

"thanks" you whispered to Austin while he wrapped up each wrist with a clean white fresh bandage.

" no problem" Austin replied whilst smiling and locking his eyes with yours.

" you really didn't have to do all this" you said whilst using hand gestures. " Hey, if someone needs me I will do everything to make them happy" Austin said while smiling as he also finished bandaging both of your wrists.

Austin drove you home and when you arrived Austin walked you to your door step. You both stopped to look at eachother."{y/n} if you ever get lonley or sad heres my phone number just call me and I will be right beside you and I will lend you my shoulder to cry on" Austin said whilst smiling and then giving you a hug. You added him to your contacts and took a picture with him to put as his display image.

Austin gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Remember, haters gonna hate Mahomies gonna love." Austin said while smiling.

"Haters gonna hate Mahomies gonna love" you repeated while smiling back at Austin.

___In the future___

You started to eat more and you were no longer Anorexic.You stopped cutting thanks to Austin. He helped you,everytime you felt sad you called him and he picked up as soon as you called. As time passed you got to know Austin and you both developed feelings for each other. He asked you to be his girlfriend and you gladly accepted.

You both were called 'The Cutest Couple' and for your birthday Austin bought you a charm bracelet with 4 charms one to represent each member of the crew. One was a love-heart with an A engraved which was Austin's. Another was a black and white microphone which was probably Robert's since he loves to rap. Then there was a diamond charm which was Zach's since he loves lots of bling. The last one was a teddy bear charm which was Alex's since he is the sweetest.

You and Ausitn were together forever.

Hope you all liked it :)

vote for it if you enjoyed it and comment your opinion about it.

it may not be as good at end but my original ending got deleted and I don't know how.

24 votes and 2 comments for next imagine ;) I got it planned which means a faster update :p

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