The Hunger Games Kids

By BaronDiamond22

444 44 1

What if the Hunger Games only reaped 12-year-old kids? Would things be any different? Find out. Meet Alec, a... More

The Hunger Games Kids
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Author's note
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8

Part 6

32 4 0
By BaronDiamond22

Snow was testing our skills. He put us into a simulation one by one to see what we would do. He wanted to see what the serum did to us. The ones that President Snow injected with the serum were:

District 1. The male tribute named Axell who was masterful with a sword.

District 2. Both tributes. The girl named Clover who is deadly with throwing knives. The male tribute Brent which is a serial killer with a spear.

District 3. The male tribute with a sledgehammer named Gelo.

District 4. The boy named Audney who uses a trident.

District 5. Emmet with a hatchet.

No one from District 6 is here.

District 7. The female tribute Penelope with an axe.

District 8. The female tribute Taylor who can kill you with a whip.

No one from District 9 is here.

District 10. Liam with a Cleaver.

District 11. Both Tributes. Gitrie who can kill you with a katana, and Toni who is good at throwing a chakram that can slice you.

District 12. Me, Gian with a bow.

I watch the tributes do their work. They inject them with a drug that gives you hallucinations and they have a screen that makes us see what the person was hallucinating. It was Penelope's turn. She lay down on the seat and injected the drug on her neck. Her hallucination starts.

Even though her body was asleep, her figure was on the screen which looks like she's dreaming. It starts with her on the forest. She wasn't panicking or anything until the forest burns. She noticed that she was tied to a tree and the flames were spreading. And she was struggling to get off.

I didn't want to watch so I just waited for my turn.

A few minutes later, I found myself being called already for the test. I laid down at the seat and they inject me with the drug. I fell asleep very fast and the next thing I know, I woke up in the jungle.

I didn't recognize I had a bow in my hand and a quiver of arrows in a bag at my back. And the next thing I know, tigers were surrounding me. I panicked but refusing to show my fear. One of my worst fears were getting eaten by wild animals. I grab an arrow and load it on my bow, aiming it to anyone who dares to attack.

At my right is a beach. Not that far enough. Just a quarter of kilometer to get there. In my logic, cats are afraid of water. And since tigers are part of the cat family, they should be afraid of water. If they are not, I'm a meal to them.

The oversized cats were growling at me, showing off their sharp teeth. I did not see it coming and a tiger pounces at me, I quickly ducked it and shot an arrow to silence it. And I ran to the beach, with the tigers at my tail. I continue to load and shoot at them away from me. 

I reached the beach and dove to the water, loaded my bow to shoot those who come close. They stopped at their tracks just when they felt the wet sand. I was taking deep breaths due to the fact that I was sprinting to get away.

Once the oversized cats were gone, I hit an invisible wall. And with a blink of an eye, I was trapped in a water tank that was fastly filling with water. And my bow and quiver of arrows vanished with the wind.

I start to panic. What am I going to do? The whole tank is ¾ filled with water already. Wow! It is filled quickly. With everything, I hold my breath and dived into the water. I start to think of what to do. I brainblast and did what I thought. From the pipe, there is a wheel that tightens the pipe to the water tank. I start to turn it clockwise and the pipe was removed from the tank. And then the tank explode in shards of glass.

I am still holding my breath with my eyes open. Right now I might be in the ocean. Weird! As far as I know, I am not afraid of the sea. This might possibly mean something, or am I really secretly afraid of water? I see a white figure in front of me. It’s just a couple of yards away from me. I look harder at the figure and I realized it was a Great White Shark! Shoot! Now how am I going to deal with this?

I reacted quickly and I grab one of the shards from the water tank that just blew up. The shark swam very fast towards me. When I was now face to face with it, before it bites me, I managed to stab it in the eye with the shard. Blood drips from the shark’s eye. While it lost focus on its prey (which was me) I swam upright to gasp for air. It’s impressive that I held my breath for 40 seconds.

I woke up from the simulation and everyone was looking at me, glaring daggers. Even Snow's look on his face looked impressed like I did the best: One thing is for sure: I did awesome.

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