Dark Times

By musicnotes

345K 13.5K 5.4K

[complete]When agent Katerina Wild is hired to kill the most vicious criminal of the time, she meets the noto... More

Character Aesthetics
I: Angioletto
II: Cretino
III: Trapped
IV: Birds
V: Chamber
VI: Hand, Head, Heart
VII: Stuck
VIII: Scissors
IX: Eloise
X: Fuckarella
XI: Hallucinate
XII: Kiss with a Fist
XIII: Stockholm
XIV: Red Light
XV: The Orphanage
XVI: Forest
XVII: Unspoken
XIX: Niall
XIX(ii): Heat
XX: Noon
XXI: Two Ghosts
XXII: Stella
XXIII: Dinner
XXIV: Wonderland
XXV: Walk Alone
XXVI: Ready
XXVIII: Arrival
XXIX: Arthur
XXX: Katerina
XXXI: Nervous
XXXII: Amore
XXXIII: Before the Storm
XXXIV: Sì, Yes
XXXV: Silence
XXXVI: Crash
XXXVII: Control
Epilogue: Bright Times

XXVII: Gasoline

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By musicnotes

Dark Times

Chapter 27

Song: Gasoline — Halsey

I watched from my window as the Jet where Liam was arriving began to descend, my eyes scanning for any signs of boundaries I might have to cross; but I knew the men would all meet outside five minutes after Liam was brought in, and when I saw him come out of the Jet, supported by a couple of other men in each arm, I knew I had to run.

   I saw the magnitude of men start to leave in a long line, and I began to wonder where they had all come from since they had not been with us on the ride here, or if they had been here, prepared for an emergency like this before.

    Once on the first floor, I hid behind a wall facing the door. I couldn't been seen by Paul, and when the line of men reached the end I simply joined in, keeping my head down.

I only looked up when I heard the engine of yet another plane. This one was huge, I figured they would need bigger transportation for the amount of men they were trying to fly out. But as the rest of the men did, I pretended to ignore the sound and kept looking straight ahead.

We marched straight out, following Paul's voice closely. "As you all know, the attack on us was completely unexpected, and we've been informed that the enemy has a large amount of men. First order of business is getting Mr. Styles to a safe place. We have not heard from him since he twentieth hour and we fear he might be in danger."

   I heard the beating of my heart ring through my body, the whisper of the thought of losing him taking my breath away.

   "When we arrive, I want the soldiers from A1-A3 to around up to the back of the mansion, and try to find an entryway through there, while the soldiers from A4-A6 will take the front. From what I know, the first flood of attacks is over, but the second will be arriving soon, and we need to be there before they are. Understood?" His voice boomed with authority, and anger. He was worried about Harry too. I could tell.

  And when I get there, I will kill everyone in my way to make sure he's okay.

   "Yes sir!" All the soldiers, excluding myself, yelled back.

  "Clear out!"

And we began to march again, in a very organized manner towards the planes. When we reached the entrance, I looked around for where I figured the cargo would be entering, and ran in that direction before I was seen.

  Once inside, I hid behind a huge box of weapons, and kept my breathing low, a few workers kept bringing in more boxes, and I kept having to duck lower and lower. I soon realized Harry must have kept the weapons in this island, because the amount of heavy boxes they were bringing in was surely stocked away for an emergency like this one.

  Once I heard the doors bang shut, I knew I was safe, and sat in between two boxes. I had no plan, no idea where exactly I was headed, but I knew I was ready.

   I kept dozing off as the hours passed, and would suddenly wake when I felt my head began to lower itself. At some point, I must have fallen asleep; when I felt the wheels of the Jet hit the floor I jolted again, this time getting up in alarm.

    After grabbing as many weapons as I could, I stood by the door, waiting for it to open. I knew that when I did, I didn't exactly have much time before they would come unload the packages. Unfortunately for me, when the door opened I knew I was caught the minute I saw Paul standing in front of the door, waiting. 

   "Ms. Wild." He began, a disapproving look in his aging features.

    "Paul." I replied, trying to imitate his tone.

I walked down the stairs to meet him, the other soldiers began to line up. I noticed we were back in his London mansion, and it was almost sunset here. I sighed, stood in front of Paul, ready to be scolded.

He looked at me for a second, before sighing and nodding at me to listen, "Okay, so you'll be with me the whole time, I'm in the central team. Don't mess this up."

   I was a little shocked, but either way nodded with a smile. "Yes, sir!" And moved to join the rest of the soldiers.

  "Oh and Wild!" He called out, I turned.

"Don't get yourself killed." He chuckled, and I nodded and ran toward my group.

   We ended up taking a bus to where Paul was informed Harry was, since they had moved the fight from the mansion to another place. The whole time in the bus, Paul kept telling me his plan. He really did believe with me in his team they'd be able to get somewhere, he claimed he had seen me fight and he had never seen a more resilient soldier before. Which is why when he was told there was a woman hiding in the storage room of the Jet he knew it was me, and he had decided he had no choice but to let me stay.

   As the darkness approached us, we got closer and closer to a different place. It was another huge mansion, just like Harry's and although we were just looking at the back entrance I could tell it was more luxurious.

   "Alright, I need you all to be very careful. You know what to do."

  And then it began.

We exited the bus quickly, and broke through the doors even faster. But as we had suspected before, they were already expecting us to arrive, so as soon as we crossed the gate men from the opposing side came out from their hiding place, all armed.

  It only took a millisecond, in which we all grabbed and loaded our weapons before the firing started. I was like a woman possessed, the speed in which I fired my machine gun defined why my last name was Wild. As the men dropped ahead of me I moved forward, ahead of my team.

"Katerina! I changed my mind! I want you to go inside and try to find Harry, we'll keep them busy!" I heard Paul yell through the chaos, and I nodded, while grabbing a handgun from my belt.

  I began firing both forward and backwards as I moved closer to the inside, and before I knew it, someone had knocked my machine gun down. I don't know how, but the minute my gun was down my hand was on my knife, and in some guy's carotid artery.

Grabbing my gun, I ran inside, killing whoever stepped in my way. I aimed for the head and the heart always, and just heard the bodies thud to the floor as I ran by.

   Now, if I was a psychotic killer and had prisoners, where would I keep them? The chambers. A little page off of Harry's book.

I was in the clear by the time I had reached one of the hallways, but I could hear more men begin to approach. I knew the chambers were kept in the basement, I just had no idea where the one for this house was. I checked every room, and when I was about to reach a new corner I noticed around 8 soldier right across, standing in front of a door. This had to be it.

  My guns were out of ammo, and I knew I had to make as less noise as possible. I couldn't let anything go wrong.

   I shut my eyes, took a deep breath, and ran out from the corner.

They immediately noticed me, but my knife was inside someone's chest before he could grab his gun, my foot in someone's mouth. I felt the bullet before I heard it, it barely grazed my left cheek, and the attacker was on the floor before he could breathe. My cheek burned, and so did my leg, so far I had dodged all the bullets, four men on the floor.

    I grabbed one of the men before the others could shoot, and pressed my knife to his throat, he stopped moving.

   "Fucking shoot and he's death!"

    The men looked worried, hesitant. I smirked. "Drop your fucking guns."

I could feel their hesitation. I pressed my knife further into the fucker's throat.

  "Do it! She'll kill me, please!" The guy begged, I could see his alarmed eyes meet mine, I pressed harder, and a droplet of blood fell on my finger. Two of the guns dropped to the floor, but the third guy wasn't giving up so easily.

"Fuck it!" He yelled, and began to shoot, but before he could hit my head, I ducked, letting the multiple shots fall on the fucker I was holding.

  "Max!" One of the men yelled, and I grabbed his gun as he kept getting hit by bullets, shooting straight into the shooter's eye, and the other two in the head while they bent down to grab their guns.

  Once their bodies fell, I pushed the motherfucker off of me, and grabbed all of their guns, placing them on my belt.

I knew the door would be locked for sure, so before even trying to open it, I searched through the bodies quickly. I could hear more people coming this way, so I knew I had to be quick. And once I found it on the idiot who had tried to shoot me, I unlocked it and made sure it was locked before I closed it again.

   I knew I wasn't wrong when I mentioned chamber, because this one seemed even darker than Harry's as I descended down the stairs. I winced with every step. It seemed like the bullet did a little more than graze my leg, but I had to find Harry and get him out of here before I worried about that.

I kept my gun in front of me as I moved through the main dark hallway; at the end of it there was another door.

   This one wasn't locked.

When I opened the door I braced myself for the worst, and kept my gun in front of me. There was a spotlight in the middle of the room, which was filled with different holding cells, most of them held a lot of prisoners in one; Harry's men I assumed, while a few were empty.

   I had to squint to realize there was a person standing in the spotlight. A shadow, hanging by chains that came from the ceiling.


A strange noise left my lips while I ran towards him, and as I approached I felt my eyes water in disgust. He was beyond bruised and covered in sweat, his head was down, and his hair covered his eyes. Part of me was too scared to check his pulse, but the other part of me knew I had to be strong even though it felt as though my world was crumbling apart.

   "Harry.." I croaked, my voice was a mere broken whisper.

He looked up when I touched his face, and I sighed in relief. "Harry oh god," I cried, throwing my arms around him, but my hands were on his face again, his sweaty, bloody face.

  "Kat..." He whispered weakly... "You shouldn't be here."

I laughed through the terrible, ugly tears, and touched his face again. He had finally opened his eyes, and I never realized how much I loved his eyes. How much I loved him. A small sob left my lips before I could hold back, and I looked through the keys for whichever I could use to free him. I tried every one, every little key. None of them worked.

  "I'm getting you out of here, I swear, don't worry." I cried, touching his face egain, he felt unreal. Without a single thought I leaned in closer and pressed my lips to his swollen, dry ones. "I'm getting you out."

"I think you're gonna need this if you plan on breaking him out." A voice behind me spoke, and I was on my feet, gun pointed at the stranger before I could take a breath.

"There's no need, darling. We weren't planning on killing him... or you.. Anyway." He said, he was hidden behind the shadows, but I was beginning to recognize his voice. "I am curious though, since this is perhaps the first case of Stockholm I see... How does it work? How can you love someone who's held you captive."

  I moved to stand in front of Harry, my gun still pointed at the man.

   "Come into the light." I commanded, my voice sounded so weak from all the crying.

He chuckled, "... how weak do you have to be.."

"If you think I'm weak then why are you afraid to be seen, coward." I replied angrily. I should just shoot, but something about him made me want to see him.

   He shuffled closer with another dark laugh. "I think it's funny how you can go from hating your abductor, to loving him.... Just as funny as you can go from loving someone... to almost killing them." He kept moving in, until he was too in the spotlight.

And I stepped back in shock at the person in front of me... the person who had never once left my thoughts for years...

   "Don't you think it's funny... Kitty Kat..?" Damien smiled, before hurling himself at me.


And the truth is finally out. If you read the note I posted yesterday, you know why I haven't been updating. But long story short, school is hard, school comes first.

Updates will become regular, maybe even in doubles when my winter break starts (December 20th)

Posting next chapter tomorrow, since I'm currently writing it. Also I found out that one of my classmates reads this book, how cool, how creepy. Shout out to my gal Cassandra.

Please please please make sure to share this book, let it spread, also

comment, let me know your thoughts, and of course vote.

love love,


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