14 And Pregnant ( A Princeton...

By ErBourne

566K 8.3K 1.1K

Kimari Randall had a great life. HAD. Boys and school were all she had to worry about but all that changed wh... More

Family Values
Mindless What?
The Meet And Greet
Work, Work And More Work
Trapped In My Own Mind
Hospitals Part I
Hospitals Part II
Special Visitations
The Birthday Boy
On The Plane
Doctor, Doctor
Girl Talk
He's Such A Douche
The Girl With The Gun
A New Decision
The Beginning Of A New Life
Personality Changes
Mean Girls
Not One...But Two Jobs!
Oblivious To My Problems
Not Again


16.2K 261 34
By ErBourne

I'm pacing back and forth and back and forth and back and...well you get it. It's been over a week and Jacob hasn't called me, talked me or even emailed me! What the hell is his problem? He was supposed to babysit with me and Cindy this past Sunday and he didn't! He got me and my baby standin' in the fa-reezin' cold waitin' for his a*s and he ain't even come! I can't wait to see him and tell his as* off!

Close enough to start a war,
All that I have is on the floor
God only knows what we're fighting for
All that I say you always say more
I can't keep up with your turning tables...

That stupid a*s phone. I would answer but I'm too pissed to talk to anyone right now. I took the battery out and threw it up against a wall. He said he would babysit with us! He promised! Well, he didn't actually promise...but so what, he was still supposed to be there! I had to call Cindy's mom and have her take me, Cindy and Leda. Cindy's mom! And she hates me! The only reason me and Cindy are able to hang is because of her dad. Speaking of Leda...what time is it?

I finally found a babysitter for her. She's one of those family members that you've never met but 'claim' they've changed your diapers when you were little. Or at least that's what she said. Whatever. I really don't care...she's cheap and if she changed my dirty diapers, then she can change my daughters'.

 Her name's Danielle and she's looks like she's about 40, 42. Somethin' like that. She's family so why should I care about her age. I met her while at the free clinic. Hey, the bible says don't judge! Anyway she knew my name, my parents name and my birthday. She even had a picture of her holding me when I was little. She was Leda's nurse and gave her a check-up. After that we exchanged numbers and she asked if I needed any help with her, to just call. So I did, and now she's my babysitter. Anyway I looked at the clock on the microwave.

Damn it. I was supposed to pick up Leda at like 4. I grabbed coat off the rack and headed out the door. I don't have time to get my phone, besides...what's the worst that could happen? Danielle lives in one of those boojy, uppity suburbs where people stare at you if they've never seen you before. This is the 3rd time she's babysat and I guess she's pretty good. Leda comes home clean, full and sleepy. The walk there is long but I got used to it.

I quietly opened my door and took Leda out of the stroller. The amazing pink and black stroller Jacob bought. It was beautiful. I walked down the hall and put Leda in her playpen. Then I walked back to the livingroom and stared at my cell-phone for a few seconds. Maybe I shouldn't be that mad. I mean he did say not to get too attached to him... and... well... I got too attached to him.Already though? I barely know him. But still, maybe I should call him. No he's supposed to call me. But maybe he's busy. Celebrities are always busy...right? I picked up my phone and put the battery back in. As soon as I turned it on, I saw blinking in black letters

12 new text messages.
14 missed calls.
8 new voice messages.

Damn. I looked through my text messages...all from Cindy. What did she want? She is my BFF and all but even she gets annoying. I'd never tell this to her face...but sometimes she acts like such a child.  Whatever though, I really don't care. I looked through my text messages.

Call mee!
From: Cindy Trawick
Time: 4:42pm

Pik up ya fone!
From: Cindy Trawick

U need ta answer yo fone!!!
From: Cindy Trawick
Time: 2:42pm

Important news 4 u!
From: Cindy Trawick
Time: 12:04pm

Hav u heard frum jacob???
From: Cindy Trawick
Time: 10:44am

I stopped there. I don't feel like reading the rest of the texts. I guess I should call her. Or maybe I should just be a total b*tch and block everyone out. I sighed. I might as well call her since Leda's playing quietly by her self. That comes as often as a solar eclipse.

Her phone rang once.

Then twice.

Then three times.


Your phone's not supposed to go to voicemail till like the 6th ring. So she blows up my phone...then sends me to voicemail when I try to call her back? I'm pissed off at everyone right now.  So f*ck Jacob. F*ck Cindy. F*ck Leda. And F*ck Marcus for getting me into this mess. I am wayy more than pissed. I'm like..super... ultra pissed?

Close enough to start a war,
All that I have is on the floor
God only knows what we're fighting for

I looked at my caller I.D. and guess who it is?

" Omigod Kimari where have you been!!!", Cindy screamed. It sounded like she was crying.

" Cindy what's wrong, why are you crying?"

All I could hear was her crying.

"Cynthia Michelle Trawick what the hell is going on?!", I yelled.

" It's Jacob...", she said in between sobs. "He's...he's in the hospital...and it's not looking good...at all."

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