Forever sequel to our love Do...

By MyAngelAliza

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Dom and Emily's relationship has gotten better they both love each other Emily has gotten her memory back and... More

Emily toretto
Dominic toretto
Their children
The betrayal
Hobbs goes to prison
Why dom????!!!!!
Dom finds out
Off to New York
New York
The case
Elenas death
The guy in the alley
"Were going to russia baby!"
"Were going to die, or maybe not. Dont know yet"
Kicking some ass
No one hurts my women!
Baby rescue
Your mine you asshole
Michelle and brian

The race and the surprise

718 11 0
By MyAngelAliza

Emily's point of view three weeks later morning I woke up to an arm around my body I opened my eyes and immediately saw the love of my life's face he was looking at me I smiled at him he smiled at me he gently kissed my lips I kissed back and then snuggled into his chest he rapped his arms around me "I love you princess". He said. I laughed "I remembered when we were kids you would call me that". I said. "It's because I knew you would be mine that you were mine that you were my princess". He said.  I smiled and looked at him I cupped his face and rubbed my thumb over his cheek "and I always knew you were going to be my prince one way or any other I knew I was going to have you even if I had to kick someone's ass I would do it for you". I said. He kissed my head "I'll always be yours". He said. "And I'll always be yours as well Papì". I said. I then felt something come up oh no not again I got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat up and threw up I've been feeling sick for a few weeks I think I'm going down with something I haven't told Dom he doesn't know yet and I'm going to keep it that way I don't need him to worry this was our vacation. I heard the door open I felt his hands gently grab my hair back so no throw up would get in it he rubbed my back "baby what's wrong". He said. I got up without telling him anything "Emily?". He said. "It's nothing Dom it's nothing to worry about". I said. He turned me around he cupped my cheek "sickness and in health remember I have to worry". He said. I smiled at him and hugged him "so tell me what's wrong". He said. "I think i ate something that didn't agree with my stomach". I said. He made me look at him "are you sure". He said. I giggled "of course Dom you worry to much now let me brush my teeth so I can give you your morning kiss". I said. I turned back to brush my teeth. When I was done I was grabbed and turned back around "now for that morning kiss you promised". He said. I smiled and brought my lips to his he rapped his arms around my body I brought my hands around his neck and cradled his head after a few minutes we parted for air "I love you so much husband so much". I said. "I love you just as much my beautiful wife". He said. "Now come on theirs going to be races later I want to go". I said. Walking out of the bathroom "just have to love women that love cars". I heard him mumble. I laughed to myself. At least I get a man who understands cars and not one that's all sensitive and shit. I got ready in this

I heard the door open and I saw this

I love when he wears his wife beater it's hot!! I was basically drooling yes I can stare because he's my husband. He smirks "like what you see?". He says. "Of course i do I always do". I said. He walks over to me and grabs my hand "let's go". He said. We walked out of the hotel and to where they were doing races. Time skip by Dominic torettos hottness we were listening to a guy talk about his car he was talking in Spanish "we swap in parts from ford Plymouth and Cadillac my grandfather bought it in 1957 when he died it passed to my father then my brother now to me". The guy said in Spanish. Dom pointed at the car engine "look at this this is a engine to a boat". Dom told me in Spanish. My eyes lit up no way "no way". I said. Dom had his arm around me. "Yeah whatever it takes to keep it running". The guy said in Spanish. "This is a Cuban spirit". Dom said. I smiled I loved how my man made people feel happy. "Your spirit keep it up never ever lose it". Dom said in Spanish. "Dom it's your cousin he's in trouble come quickly". A lady said in Spanish. We walked over to where doms cousin was "please don't don't do this understand my problem". Doms cousin said. "You know how I make a living in my car". Doms cousin said. "Not my problem bro". A guy said. Right now I wanted to punch him in the face. "Dominic toretto I heard about you welcome to my island". The guy said. Yea right his island. "Why are you booking up my cousins car "in the morning I gave it to him he can't pay I take the car". The guy said. "I just need two more days". Doms cousin said. "Few days wasn't part of the deal". The guy said. "You make a deal you gotta give up to it". Dom said. The guy repeated the same thing Dom said I knew Dom didn't like that he was getting annoying. "Gonna give up to it?". Dom said. "So you are one of those types take everyone's ride and ship it back to the states". Dom said. "You should show your people some respect". I said to the guy in Spanish. "You watch your mouth". The guy told me while pointing at me. I laughed I knew Dom wouldn't like what the guy said. I saw Dom clench his jaw "now you got a problem". I said. Dom turned to the guy "I'm going to keep it about the cars". Dom said. He pointed at the guy Dom was being protective I loved it. "You scared me their". The guy said in Spanish. "You Want a car get it the right way". Dom said. "How". The guy said. "Race war". Dom said. Oh shit shits about to go down I knew Dom never loses unless its with me it's always a tie. "I already own it bro". The guy said. "Not that car mine". Dom said pointing to his car. "Dom his car is the fastest car on the island do you know what he has under that hood". Doms cousin said. "Do you know it doesn't matter what's under a hood the only thing that matters is who's behind the wheels". Dom said. "You think so". The guy said. "I know so". Dom said. "Then race his car". The guy said. "We ain't racing a quarter mile here we race the Cuban mile here". The guy said. "Done". Dom said getting in the guys face. Everyone was cheering now I felt a bad feeling about this one. We went over to doms cousins car and took off the hood he looked over to the guys car it was nice and slick but not my type. " I appreciate what your trying to do but my car is the slowest car on the island". Doms cousin said. Dom took parts off of the car "what else pull the seats the doors the battery leave the motor take it off". Dom said. I picked up the nos and held it on the car doms cousin pointed at it "laughing gas". He said. "Nah fed this is Cuban nos". I said. "You guys are crazy". Doms cousin said. He went to drink his soda when Dom grabbed it and took of the top of it and put it on one of the wires to the engine "what are you doing". Doms cousin said. "Why you messing with the west-gate". I said. What's he doing "used to play its in emergencies". Dom said. "You know that's way to much booze for that engine". I said. "It's going to be fast". Dom said. "It's going to be a bomb". I said worriedly. Dom looked at me "only needs to go a mile". He said smiling at me. Dom got in the car I got on one of the motorcycles and was beside him he first looked at the guy than at me "be careful I want you back in one piece papì". I said. "I'll be back I'll come back in one piece mamì". He said winking at me. I put my mask around my mouth and winked at him. Then a women came with a flag and started to say stuff and then it was time for them to drive they both sped off we were right behind them we then went another way to catch up with them on the other side. We flagged people off so they wouldn't be in the way. We started to drive when we saw the guys goons going a different way "where are we going". Doms cousin said. "I don't know lets go". I said. We took off in the same direction as the two goons. I saw the beginning of the race I saw doms car on fire oh no Dom get out of their I saw Dom jump out of the car barley saving himself shit I'm going to have a talk with him later. The car flipped over the edge of the cliff and went into the water. I was in the crowd watching people crowd around Dom I saw Dom holding a little girl I smiled to myself I knew he wanted kids some how I kinda knew my children were his but why can't I remember what if their aren't he looked at me with eyes basically saying I want a child with you. The man got out of his car Dom put the little girl down. Dom walked over to the guy "a deals a deal you own my car and you earn my respect". The guy said. The guy tried to give Dom his keys Dom looked at me I smiled at him " keep your car your respect is good enough for me". Dom said smiling. The guy smiled I walked over to Dom he put a arm around my neck and I put one around his back "cousin sorry about your car". Dom said. He turned to his cousin he threw the keys to his car "yours was to slow for a toretto anyway". Dom said. "Your impala are you serious". His cousin said. He started to show off the keys I smiled and shook my head. We started to walk back to the hotel "you know you scared the crap out me when you did that right". I said. "I know I'm sorry but I came back in one piece didn't I". He said. I rolled my eyes "you were just lucky Dom and that was a nice thing to do for your cousin". I said. "He's my family just like you I would do the same thing for you mamì". He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek "I love you papì". I said. "I love you more then the moon loves the stars". He said. He kissed my head. The next day Dom was out at the garage working. I woke up feeling sick I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet I was tired of this this is not something I ate then I remembered when was the last time I had my period I ran to my bag and looked into it the box wasn't open I missed my period my eyes widened this can't be happening I can't miss my period I have to be sure about this I can't tell Dom that I'm pregnant and I just had a late period I had to make sure. I got dressed and walked to the store I got some pregnancy tests and paid for them and walked back home I went to the bathroom and peed on five sticks just to make sure I waited five minutes then I looked at them test one said "positive". Test two said "positive". Test three said "positive". Test four said "positive". Test five said "positive". Oh my god I was so happy I was going to be a mommy again yay! Dom was going to be so excited he was going to be a daddy. I smiled till my face hurt I couldn't wait till he found out. Later that night when Dom got home he made sweet slow love to me. Then we laid in bed we were kissing in bed he was smiling I smiled "look at that smile I love when you smile". I said. "You make me happy". He said. "I think this place makes you happy". I said. He smiled bigger. "Like it speaks to you". I said. "You remember that guy the racer and his dad". I said. "The one with the boat engine". Dom said. "Yeah". I said. "Of course". He said. "I was looking at them and I and I couldn't help but imagine what you'd be like if you were a dad". I said. (Changing it a little bit) he looked under my blanket their wasn't a bump yet but their soon would be. I looked into his eyes I got up in all my naked glory I felt him hit my butt I giggled I walked to the bathroom and grabbed the box and walked back out to the room I got back in bed and placed the rapped up box on his lap I wanted it to be special for him. He looked at me with his eyebrows lifted "come on open it". I said. He started to open it their was rapping paper he took out the rapping paper and took the onesie out and held it out he read it it said "my daddy's a badass". It said. I bit on the knuckle of my pointer finger would he like it how would he react he put the onesie down oh no he's not happy he looked at me with tears in his eyes "really?". He said. "I didn't have my period so I took a few tests are you okay with this". I said. He smiled widely he cupped my face "of course I am I going to be dad oh baby this is the best thing you can give me". He said. He kissed my lips gently "I'm so happy". He said against my lips. I was so relieved that he was okay with this he kissed my cheek and then kissed me on my neck he went lower to my stomach he put a hand on my stomach and started to rub it "hey little one in their this is your papa speaking I'm so happy to know your their you and mama have really surprised me I love you already I can't wait to see you". Dom said speaking to my belly. I giggled he kissed my stomach he then came back up and kissed me again "thank you". He said against my lips. "I'm not the only one who made them silly". I said. I then yawned I was getting tired "come on let's go to sleep". He said. I nodded and laid down my head on his chest his arm around me and the other rubbing my stomach "I love you both so much". He said. "We love you to Dom". I said closing my eyes. The next day doms point of view I was walking home from the store I got food I couldn't believe it my wife was pregnant the love of my life was having my child I was so happy I couldn't wait to meet our little one. Then I heard someone having trouble with their car I saw it was a blonde women "can I help you with that". I said in Cuban. "What?". She said. "Do you need a hand". I said in English. (I hate this women you'll find out why later) "yeah I think I do". She said. "It sounds like your not getting any fuel". I said. "Yeah". The women said. "Have a look inside the solenoid see if we can get some power into it". I said. I looked at the engine "what brings you to Cuba". The lady said. Nosy aren't we. "The same thing that brings everyone else to Cuba culture people beauty what brings you to Cuba". I said. "Work". She said. "Must be causal Friday". I said. "How's the honeymoon going Dom the wife getting any bigger". The lady said. Wait how'd she know my name and that me and Emily were on our honeymoon and that Emily was pregnant. I turned to the lady she took off her glasses "your fuel relay is missing". I said. "I know". She said holding it up. "I'd love to play games beaten the best alone I'm kinda in a rush so if you got something to say...". I said. "Oh this is a different game that I can assure you this there is is something more greater at work here this is fate". The lady said. "I choose to make my own fate". I said. "Not today this is the road you take to your apartment every morning what else is different Dom the santiagos closed did you have to cross two blocks to go get your Cuban coffee so what is it black with no sugar yeah I put in a lot of work to get you here today". She said. "Now that I'm here what do you want". I said. "I want you to work for me". She said. Work for her I don't work for anyone and I don't do that stuff anymore I have a kid on the way. "Work for you I could have saved you a lot of time then see I don't work for anyone". I said. "You can't walk away from this Dom we're going to have this conversation one way or the other see that's the funny thing about fate it's cunning it can bring you beautiful things and it can bring you horrible things just as can horrible things happen to your wife and unborn child and also this". She said. She held up here phone I took it from her I saw the video of my wife in our apartment rubbing her stomach I was angry how could this bitch threaten my wife and unborn child I clenched my hand into a fist. "I will hear that you want to work for me". She said. I swiped the picture it was hard to I couldn't stop looking at her I didn't want the bitch close to either of them. I then saw something else that also added to my anger "oh and also that it's your choice Dom work for me or horrible things happen to your wife and unborn child". She said. "Your going to betray your brother abandon your code and shatter your family see your team is about to go against something the one thing they can't handle". She said. "What's that?". I said. "You". She said. I turned to her "you better not hurt them". I said angry. "Only if you work for me". She said. "Oh and Dom I wouldn't mention this to anyone". She said. She then left I knew I was going to regret this but I didn't have a choice either this or let my wife and unborn child die and I wasn't going to let that happen I'll protect them both that bitch won't lay a hand on either of them I won't let her. I started to walk home I needed time with my wife and child before I do this I needed to be in her arms before this before she hates me. I loved this women I always will forever this is to protect them both and I was ready to protect my family no matter what the cost was I wasn't going to let anything hurt my family nothing.

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