The Lover (18+) [Completed]

By AnonymousBlueInk

1.1M 49K 4.4K

"I've wanted you my whole life, Scar, and when I'm finally here with you, you're married..." Scarlett Knightw... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chaper XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII

Chapter X

47.4K 1.8K 223
By AnonymousBlueInk


Waking up next to Nate was incredibly gratifying. I thought I would wake up regretting everything, scared to death, or in pain at the very least, but I was surprised when I woke up in his arms, warm and the most comfortable I've been in my life. I was wide awake, but he was passed out, his arm around my body and pressing me against his warm body. I took that time to really look at the man I had been with. His thick hair was disheveled, perfect straight nose, a natural tanned skin, and thick full lashes that would make anybody jealous. As he was sleeping naked under the covers, I was also able to admire his body. No defined abs, but lean enough to know he wasn't a couch potato either. Looking a little bit lower I tilted my head to look at his ink work. They were roman numbers, thick and full, and I tried to remember what I had learned in school, trying to define the numbers. I knew X were tens and the I before was like subs tracing a number, and the ones after were adding, I think. V were fives....hmmm

Slowly I started to define the numbers, until I came up with a date.


Why did he have a date on his rib cage?

"You know it's rude to stare at someone when they're sleeping, right?" I heard his husky voice and I looked up, my eyes meeting his beautiful green ones. A small smile spread on my lips and settled back down, close to his body, trying to look for warmth. He pressed me against him, his face laid on top of mine

"Good morning" I mumbled, placing my hand on his chest.

"Morning. How did you sleep?" he asked mumbling sleepily.

"Perfect" I answered and he 'hmm'ed me.

"You must be starving. Let's go out to eat" he said, sitting up slowly. At the mention of food my stomach made an inhuman noise and I pouted, making him laugh.

"Do you think being out in public is wise?" I asked in a mumble and he turned his face in my direction as he was starting to climb out of bed.

"Why do you say that?" he asked before getting out and my eyes just devoured his naked figure walking away and towards his bathroom.

That ass...

But my attention was called to the slight reddish bumps on his back. I frowned but opted for shutting up.

"Because I may have escaped out the window back at The Hamptons to come here" I said, and I heard a loud cling coming from the bathroom, making me frown.

Nates head came into view, a deep frown wrinkling his forehead.

"You did what?" he asked but I saw a tiny smile about to break out. I bit my lip.

"Jumped out the window and escaped the hamptons?" I said more like a question than an actual statement. He chuckled and went back to doing whatever it is he was doing in that bathroom.

"I'm in deep trouble" I said, standing up from the bed and wrapping my body with a white blanket. Walking towards the bathroom I found that Nate had pulled some sweatpants on and was brushing his teeth. When he was done, he turned around and kissed me deeply, making my toes curl.

"You're not in trouble. You're a grown up, you make decisions, and I'm glad you came to me. I'm trying to protect you, Scarlett" he said, looking down at me, his arms around me. I thought about it for moment and nodded quietly.

"Thank you" I said and pecked his lips.

About twenty minutes later I had taken a quick shower, and was in the process of brushing my hair when I heard a shout from downstairs.

"Nate! Where are you!"


My ears perked up and my heart started racing. Nate had been laying down on the bed, waiting for me to finish getting ready, but when he heard his sister's voice booming from downstairs, he frowned and got out of bed, a silent question in his expression

"She doesn't know" I rushed the words out. He nodded once and came to me to kiss me quickly.

"Stay here. I'll deal with her" he said quietly and exited the room, closing the door behind him.


What was she doing here? She knew where I lived because I had just moved in and gave the address to my family but she's never been here.

God, Alex...

Walking down the stairs barefoot, my mind kept going back to the woman upstairs. Scarlett. My Scar, the same woman I've dreamed of for many years, was actually here. And she was mine.

Or at least as mine as she could be for now. Until I get her out of that marriage that was ruining her life.

"There you are" I heard my sister murmur from the foyer. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a quick hug.

"What brings you here, Alex?" I asked.

"Is everything okay? You left the Hamptons in a hurry yesterday, and didn't even say bye. Mom told me you had to go to the office" she said with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I had meetings I had to take care of" I said nonchalantly, but Alex stared at me.

"Yeah? That's very interesting, because your assistant said you hadn't been there all day when I showed up. What's going on?" she asked, and I groaned internally. My PA and I were going to have a serious conversation about releasing personal information to people.

Did she really have to get involved in the things that don't concern her?

"I was taking care of some business, Alex, and no I'm not telling you what kind of business" I grumbled, walking towards the kitchen. Right before Alex entered the kitchen I saw our clothes, as in Scarlett and I's, were still scattered on the floor and I snatched them faster than you can say 'go', and pushed them inside the only place that I could reach right now.

The fridge.

And then I shut the thing up, and leaned against it, looking at Alex.

"Have you talked to Scar? She's missing. Everybody is looking for her" she said, looking around the apartment. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"Not really. I have been very busy" I said, and Alex hummed.

"Andrew said they got into an argument because of you" she said, and she was biting her lip.

"How so?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"He thinks you're taking an interest in Scarlett" she said, her eyes wandering around. I almost choked on my own saliva as I was swallowing the tension.

"That's...hilarious" I said, and Alex looked at me and shrugged.

"Did anything happen when you guys went out?" she asked, and she seemed to be genuinely worried.

"Like...what?" I asked, trying to fish for information.

"I don't know, Andrew didn't say anything in specific so I'm asking you. I know you guys were best friends before everything happen..." she said in a low tone and I clenched my jaw.

"Alex, please, don't bring this up. It's done, and over with" I murmured, a bitter taste in my mouth just remembering.

"I'm just saying...she's...she's like my sister now. And I know you don't want her to know, but maybe she needs to so she understands everything a bit better" Alex said, and I shook my head.

"Absolutely not, Alex. That's not your business to be telling around. Just stop. If I see Scarlett, I'll tell her to call you" I said forcefully, and then regretted it when I saw her hurt face look into my eyes.

"I love you, Nate, but you need to back off. Andrew is a really jealous person, and they seemed happy. They argue but I'm sure she'd like to keep her marriage intact" Alex said, and I had to keep myself from chuckling humorlessly.

"Noted. Is there anything else?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. After a moment of silence Alex rolled her eyes and turned around to leave. But before she jumped in the elevator she turned and looked at me in the eye.

"You're gonna have to tell her. Don't let her find out through someone else, she would want to be there to support you as a friend, you know"



"I can't believe she actually came to your place looking for me" I mumbled, munching on a piece of toast. Nate grumbled something, and I raised my eyebrow

"What was that?"

"I said that she's always getting her nose in everything" he mumbled louder, and I chuckled.

"Eh...nothing new" I said and sat back, my eyes wandering around. We had come to a small bistro, and Nate had found us a nice table in the back, so we wouldn't attract much attention.

"Is anybody going to talk about the big elephant in the room?" he asked suddenly, and my eyes went back to his.

"What elephant?" I asked nervously.

"About us. About last night" he said, his eyes greener than ever. I took a deep breath and looked down at my food.

"There's nothing to talk about" I said, and Nate chuckled humorlessly.

"Scarlett, you said you wanted me to help you, that you wanted out of this marriage but because of that prenup you can't" he said, repeating my words.

"Exactly, so why would we talk about the things we can't change. He knows I don't love him and that I'll never be his. And in reality, you have nothing to do with that. I didn't want to go through with it since the beginning" I mumbled the last part and Nate kept his eyes on mine. After a moment of silence, he spoke

"What made you make the decision to finally start looking into getting a divorce?" he asked quietly, and I looked down to my hands.


Well, that should be obvious, Nate.

"I'm getting you out of it. I promise you" he vowed and, I looked up and gave him a grateful smile.

Then his phone started ringing

"I have to take this. Stay here" he said, and after squeezing my hand slightly, he disappeared down the hall that led to the bathroom. I sighed slightly and got busy with my phone. I had a total of twenty-seven calls. A couple from Andrew and my mother, but most of them from Alex, accompanied by multiple text messages that increased in hostility by the hours. The very last couple were accompanied with threats.

Nate had been gone for a couple of minutes now and I was starting to get antsy, trying to figure out how I was going to deal with this. Obviously, I couldn't stay with Nate, and most definitely not with Alex as that would call too much attention. If I had any chance of getting out of this marriage, I had to do it right and without too much commotion. Andrew can't see this coming or he will be ready to take me on and take this company away from my family.

"Love, we have to go. I have a meeting at the office, and I want you to come. It's important" Nate appeared and helped me stand up from the chair, tossing a hundred-dollar bill on the table and walking us out. The driver picked us up front and then we were on our way.

"Who's the meeting with?" I asked, completely distracted by the rushed way we exited the bistro.

"You'll see" he said, smiling.

Once we reached his building, we did a bee line for his office and locked ourselves in there.

"He will be here very soon, but I wanted to tell you that no matter what happens, I'm going to help you get out of this. I meant what I said, even if we have to buy your name off, if you want out, I'm getting you out. But please, you have to work with me in this" he was saying, sitting down on his chair while I took the seat across from his desk. Knowing that Nate was behind me in this was the best feeling in the world. The fact that I had someone else that knew what was really happening between Andrew and I made it all better. I finally didn't feel alone and like I had to suck it up ad sulk in a corner.

"This means a lot to me, Nate" I whispered, trying to keep my nerves at bay.

"And you mean a lot to me, Scarlett. We may have gotten separated when we were younger, but I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere" he said in a low voice and I gave him a small smile.

"You know something, my father asking me to take over the company was not the only reason I came back to the states" he was saying.

I couldn't believe this was happening. The years I spent wishing for Nate to come back. I never thought I'd be doing this with him. I never thought I would admit to myself I had feelings for this man, and n ow that he was here, it was all real. I felt like I was suspended in cloud nine and I sure did not want to come down.

Then in the silence the office usually carried, we heard some people talking outside, most likely at the reception desk. The voices kept getting louder and louder and Nate frowned, his eyes going to the door.

"You can't go in there!" I heard Nate's receptionist shout and the next thing I know the door is swinging open.

There stood a tall, long legged woman. The first thing I noticed was her long and shiny black hair. Then the bright blue eyes that set straight on Nate's. She had a perfect sculptured body, with tanned skin and I could recognize the designer clothes. She didn't seem to notice me for a moment, or maybe she was deciding to ignore me, but in my peripheric vison I saw Nate stand up from his chair quickly.

"Kate?" he said in a low voice. The woman, Kate, looked down and her eyes settled on mine and then back up to Nate's, and I saw her clench her jaw.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, not moving from his spot. Kate pushed the door closed with a loud smack, but her eyes never left his.

"What do you think I'm doing here?" she said and there was an European accent. British? No, wait..

Nate seemed to wake up from his daze, when his eyes cut to mine.

"Scarlett, would you please give us a moment?" he asked, and my stomach dropped, making me frown in the process.

"Um..." I stood up slowly, my eyes going back to the gorgeous woman at the door looking at Nate like he had some explaining to do


"Who am I?" Kate asked from the door, then scoffed slightly, her eyes going to Nate.

"Kate, don't do this" Nate mumbled. She ignored him, and her eyes cut back to mine.

"I'm Kate Muciano. I'm Nathaniel's fiancé"


Lemme hear it people! 'It's about to get good I'm telling y'all

Anyways! Don't forget to vote and comment!!
Until next time, my lovers ;)

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