The Risk To Love

By KeziahFerguson

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⚫ A Wattpad Featured Story ⚫ Ever since the stranger in school A.K.A - notorious bad boy from the city arrive... More

CH 1: Unhappy & Undecided
CH 2: New beginnings & Hot Strangers
CH 3: Window Gods & Wondering
CH 4: News & Nudity
CH 5: All Nighters & Acquaintances
CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions
CH 7: Surfs & Silent Bonding
CH 8: Slaps & Soberness
CH 9: Realizations & Reality
CH 10: Healings & Hideouts
CH 11: Carelessness & Confessions
CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna
CH 13: Fumes & Fiestiness
CH:14 Paranormal & Paranoia
CH 15: Reunions & Rapists
CH 16: Fast & Furious
CH 17: Raiders & Resolution
CH 18: Promises & Probability
CH 19: Stalkers & Sentiment
CH 20: Neurotic & Nuggets
CH 21: Almost Firsts & Awakenings
CH 22: Spooky Mansion & Speculation
CH 23: Clashes & Clouded Judgement
CH 24: Broken Boundaries & Party Poopers
CH 25: Misdeeds & Hostages
CH 26: Manning up & Catching Feelings
CH 27: Impetuous Behavior & Confrontations
CH 28: Spilling The Beans & Trust Issues
CH 29: Forgive & Forget
CH 30: Night Owls & Not So Chaste Kisses
CH 31: Unwanted Feminism & Buried Secrets
CH 32: Maze Runners & Walking Corpses
CH 33: White Lies & Wild Thoughts
CH 34: Pettiness & Meditation Gone Wrong
CH 35: Glitter Mermaids & Revenge Plans
CH 36: The Boys & Pathetic Comebacks
CH 37: Sneaking Around & Party Plans
CH 38: Threats & Medication
CH 39: Orange Vodka & Spin The Bottle
CH 40: Tears by the Lake & Watchers in the Woods
CH 42: Intruder Alert & Late Night Cuddles
CH 43: Suicidal Prisoners & Calling Truce
CH 44: Left Raw & Reeling
CH 45: The Love Triangle & Queen Bee Collison
CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues
CH 47: Pageant Pony & The Missing Pendant

CH 41: Knights in Shining Armor & Mending Relationships

33 5 0
By KeziahFerguson

Listen to Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato

Chapter 41

My eyes fluttered open when the smell of antiseptic hit my nostrils waking me up instantly.

I was greeted with a throbbing migraine and a paramedic looming over me with an oxygen mask slowly removing it realizing I gained consciousness.

Sitting up on my elbows, I took in my surroundings. I was still at the lake house but there were a few police cars with their red and blue lights flashing against the trees.The paramedic's lips were moving slowly but I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying.

Zoning in on her, she stood infront of me with a calmed expression placing antibiotic pills in my hand with a glass of water which I chugged eagerly.

"Ms Taylor, you're fine for now but I'd recommend that we take you to the hospital for a regular check up-"

I rubbed my temples as my headache slowly ebbed away. "No, no that's fine. I'll go with my parents instead."

She nodded her head reluctantly moving out of my view. Standing a few feet infront of me was a distraught Jay who was balling her eyes out, crying onto Marcus's shoulder.

"Who died?" I asked drowsily, sitting up straight and tossing the blanket aside.

She turned her head before her face filled with pure relief. "SHAY, HONEY I'M SO SORRY, I'M A TERRIBLE BEST FRIEND FOR NOT LOOKING OUT FOR YOU-" she sobbed incoherently, pulling me into a bear crushing hug.

"Yes, you are," I agreed just to make her feel bad. Wincing at my sore muscles she pulled away.

"Hey, at least we got matching bruises?" She laughed nervously.

I gave her a dry look. "Too soon?" She chuckled awkwardly.

Marcus and I nodded our heads making her look down in embarrassment.

"The plan didn't work out how we wanted it to...." I scrunched my face in thought realizing how my life could have ended tonight.

"As opposed to you getting sliced to bits? I prefer this outcome," Jay said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, they caught the guy so it's all gonna be alright now," he said embracing me from the side trying to be comforting.

"They've taken him down to the station for further questioning and to find out where he'd gotten that mask," he explained while we watched a police car drive off and I could only catch a glimpse of the back of his head.

"Thank you," I told him with sincerity.

"It wasn't just me. If Ryder and Ian hadn't made it in time, who knows what would have happened to you..." he trailed off looking back.

Standing up, I saw crowds of kids from school who were scattering or being charged for underage drinking and use of drugs. Bryce held fistfuls of his hair in frustration while a cop scolded him. The party was a whirlwind of fun and games before it came to an abrupt and crazy end.

Then I saw my knight's in shining armor. The brothers stood side by side giving in their full report to a policewoman who was scribing down all the details.

Ryder's green eyes caught my own. I excused myself from Jay and Marcus and approached the two of them after the cop walked off.

"Are you okay?" Ian worriedly asked, stepping ahead before I could reach Ryder. Peaking behind his shoulder, he tossed me a small smile before looking down and walking off to his car.

"Yeah," I lied. "Thank you for finding me after I left..." I told him looking up at his kind brown eyes. I bit my lip, tapping my foot impatiently to go to Ryder but was too late when his car sped past.

"Ryder came out of the closet straight after you walked out. He was frantic and looking for you, I followed thinking he'd be giving you some kind of trouble. But I was wrong....and I'm so sorry I didn't come after you earlier..." he said with a worried look, his eyes lingering on the red marks on my neckline.

I rubbed at them self consciously making him turn his eyes away. "Its fine. I'll see you later," I said, he nodded understandingly.

My parents stepped out of their car, waving away Sheriff Fields who was wanting to speak to them.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, running towards her. They both embraced me in a tight hug and surprisedly I didn't have the energy to shrug them off.

"Let's go home," my dad spoke gently placing a kiss on my forehead. I nodded in response a few tears streaming down my face. I was exhausted and finding solace in their embrace brought me sanity.

"Mom? Dad?" Morgan's voice interrupted from the back. Swirling around, I saw him standing next to Amber who clung to his bicep.

Mom walked up to him with a furious expression, grabbing him by the collar in a threatening manner. "Where were you? She could've died tonight! You were meant to be protecting her!"

He reeled back, shocked, after my father managed to release her harsh grip on him. People were watching earnestly and it was unlike my family to cause a public sybatical which made it more endearing to watch.

I felt kind of guilty inside because Morgan did try to tell me to go home.

"I-I passed out earlier...and I don't remember how-" he stuttered, scratching his chin trying to explain himself. It must've been true cause I didn't see him after he went upstairs with Amber.

"Lying to us about where you were actually going tonight. This is unlike you, son," my dad shook his head. Amber left but was standing a few feet back listening intently.

"It's not his fault-" I tried to intervene but my parents wouldn't hear of it.

"You don't come back home till you've thought long and hard about how much you've disappointed us," mom spat at him turning on her heels. He looked hurt, glancing down since my mother and him were always the closest. I couldn't do much to defend him after my dad pulled me to leave.

"She has gone through enough tonight Sheriff. It can wait," my mother explained after I was seated in the car. They discussed me going down to the station tomorrow with them from what I could gather, trying to read their lips from inside the car.

The drive back home was deadly silent. We made a pitstop at the hospital, having to face the hushed murmurs of the town folks. I was fine. On the outside. But I felt battered and brutally beaten,emotionally.

Parking the car at home, I got out wearily. Entering the front door, Franny showered me with kisses on my cheek speaking in Spanish with a relieved look.

"Miha! I was so worried. Let me fix you your favorite snack and I'll bring it up," she kissed my hand like a child who just got hurt and needed the pain to subside.

No one really knew what to say which is why none of us spoke most of the night. Besides Franny who was always a natural comforter.

My mother helped me up the marble stairs even though I didn't need assistance. But I liked how affectionate and attentive she was being. We hadn't been this way in a while.

"I don't know what I would've done if I'd lost you tonight," she said sniffling.

I was surprised at that statement. "Wow, mom, I was expecting something like; this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't snuck out Shay," I imitated my mother's stern voice trying to lighten the mood.

She let out a small smile. "You're so brave, just like your Aunt Tessa."

I smiled back looking down at my feet.

"And...your dad and I are sorry we didn't believe you the first time all this sick pranks started," she squeezed my hand.

This was a first. My mother never apologized for her faults. Nor admit that she was in the wrong.

Risk #23: Giving In

"I forgive you, mom," we hugged again both of us sobbing.

Just as I turned she grabbed my wrist. "I swear to you, that man will pay heavily for what he tried to do."

I nodded not wanting to think about any of it anymore. Closing my door slowly, I sunk to the ground crying uncontrollably.

Nothing was making sense. A random guy played all those tormenting little games just to give me a quick sudden death. Unless, he never planned on killing me and meant to get caught. Was he just a puppet? Or was I just wrong? Was this some kind of warning?

Taking a long bath to contemplate, I scrubbed and washed my hair and body twice to get rid of all the dirt and marks. Stepping out of the shower, I heard a noise in my bedroom. Drying and wrapping myself in a big fluffy towel, the paranoia kicked in.

I couldn't be afraid of every single noise that I heard.

Creaking the door open, I tip toed into the dark room that was occasionally lit up by the lightening that was raging outside along with the heavy rainfall and strong winds making the branches scrape against my window.

My snack was placed on my study desk. The cookies were crispy and my mango smoothie was icy cold just how I liked it. Which must've explained the noise I heard earlier making me relax.

Just then, my window was flung open by a person in a hoodie. Grabbing the first thing from the desk, I hauled it at the intruder, before charging to attack.

No more hiding. No more games. Time to end this charade.

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