
By lenmaonyan

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This is a story about a delinquent, an epically rich kid with a greedy face mother, some stupid lovey-dovey c... More

Chapter001: The Beginning Part1
Chapter001: The Beginning Part2
Chapter002: Her FRIENDS Part1
Chapter002: Her FRIENDS Part2
Chapter003: LIES Part1
Chapter003: LIES Part2
Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part2
Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part3
Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part4
Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part5
Chapter005: Happy? Part1
Chapter005: Happy? Part2
Chapter005: Happy? Part3

Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part1

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By lenmaonyan

Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part1


(Because of all the dramas that happened, without them even noticing it’s now already SUMMER!! YAY! A time for a vacation on a beach…with just you and your love one, walking on a white sand while holding each other tight…sigh…such a grea…*slaps narrator* oh! Ermm…)


(At Len’s room…)

Eunnah: *came out from nowhere* *jumps up and down on Len’s bed* “Len! Len! Leeeennnnn!!!!” *trying to wake Len up* “Hey! Len!” *continues to jumps on Len’s bed*

Len: “Argh…wh..at…what is it?” *still sleeping*

Eunnah: “Len!!” *she shouted at Len’s ear and stopped jumping*

Len: “ahh, GAWD! What?!!” *she finally awakes then after about 3 seconds she comes to her senses* “whoa! What…where…how…..Eunnah-san?!! What are you doing here?!! How did you...??” *pointing at Eunnah’s face with a so-shocked look at her face*

Eunnah: “what’s with that reaction? As if like you have seen a ghost…how rude…” *she seats at the bed and gives Len a pout*

Hiroto: “hehe…I’m sorry to interrupt your sleep and to just barge in your house Len.” *with a kind-of-embarrass look on his face* 

Len: *gets her attention on Hiroto who was standing near her room’s door* “waahh!! You too Hiroto-san?!” *points on Hiroto*

Hiroto: “heh...Y..e..ah…I tried to stop her you know.” *tries to explain what’s happening* (note: Hiroto is weak when it comes to his love one. XD)

Eunnah: “huh, so it’s my fault now?” *gives Hiroto a scary look*

Hiroto: “ahh no, I didn’t say that.” *tries to make Eunnah calm*

Eunnah: “you did! Not exactly…but you did!” *looks away with a pout*

Hiroto: “aww…c’mon…” *puts his left hand on his head covering his face*

Len: “hey! Anyway…what are you doing here?? And since when did you two come back from your meeting trip?” *still shocked*

Eunnah: *changes mood* “Oh yeah! I’m here to invite you to a vacation trip!! YAY!!” *claps hands with an excited look*

Len: “what? Why me? Go grab someone else…” *tries to get back to sleep*

Eunnah: “aww c’mon!! Don’t be like that…it’s already summer y’know! Don’t tell me you’re just going to spend your whole summer here doing nothing.” *insisting while pulling Len’s blanket*

Len: “go away…” *hides in her blanket*

Eunnah: “c’mon!! You can spend this good time with Mao too; it’s an opportunity for you to get closer to him.” *while pulling hard Len’s blanket*

Len: *as fast as lightning Len stood up resulting the blanket to gives in that made Eunnah falls out of the bed* “Oh my gawd! Your right! I shall come to this vacation trip with you!!” *determined*

Eunnah: *being assist by Hiroto* “o..h.h…y.a..y…” *was in pain ‘cause of the fall from the bed*

Len: *realizes what happens to Eunnah and quickly helped her* “ohh...hehe sorry ‘bout that…” *scratches head*

(As she was done helping Eunnah to stand up Len rushed to the bathroom washed and dressed up. In just 20 minutes she was already done preparing which normally takes her 1 hour or sometimes more than that. Len was so excited that she forgot to ask where and when they are going, she just suddenly ran to Mao’s place. Please note that it was only 6:00am at this time. )


(Mao’s place…)

Len: *running towards Mao’s tent shouting* “Mao-san!! Mao-san!!” <3 *excitedly*

Mao: *being bothered by that noise coming from outside which becomes louder and louder making him covers his ears with a pillow*

Len: *continues shouting* “Mao-saaaaannnnn!!” <3

Mao: *annoyed* “what in the world?!! *by the weird tone of the voice calling him, he already knows it’s Len who’s shouting*”ahh, gawd! Dammit!! At this hour?!! Damn!!” *as he opens his tent and goes outside* “what?!!” *giving Len a so-annoyed look*

Len: *gets annoyed but she don’t want to spoil her excitement that she just smiled at him* “Let’s go on a vacation trip together!!” <3 *without any further introduction*

Mao: *stares at Len for about 5 seconds with a you’re-weird-go-away look* “Leave me alone.” *as he tries to return inside his tent.

Len: *pull Mao’s right hand to stop him from getting away* “aww c’mon! Please!! Don’t worry Eunnah-san and Hiroto-san will be there too.” *insisting*

Mao: *looks back at Len* “ No.” *a quick reply* *tries to get back inside his tent again*

Len: “ooohh please!! It’ll be fun!!” *still trying to pull him back*

Mao: *faces Len* “what in the word NO you don’t understand huh? Still want me to define it for you?? Ok then…it means that I don’t want to, I refuse, I reject your invitation so leave me alone! Got it?!!” *poke Len’s forehead*

Len: *really annoyed that she now can’t hide it* “grr...” *grab Mao’s hand that pokes her and bites it*

Mao: “Ouch! For gawd’s sake!! What’s that for?!!” *pulls his hand back from Len*

Len: “You deserve it! Giving me that rudeness…I’m just trying to be nice to you y’know.” *looks away and still annoyed*

Mao: *still suffers from pain* “What do you expect?!! Coming here at this early hour with that annoying shouting voice that obviously destroyed my sleep! Then suddenly asking me to go to a vacation trip with you?!! What the hell’s that!? oohh…o..u.ch…”

Len: *sigh* *turns around and faced Mao* “Fine, I’m sorry! I just got so excited…I didn’t mean to…” *pout*

Mao: “huh, sorry? Like it’s going to make the pain from your bite go away.” *saying it on Len’s face*

Len: “hmph…I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!!” *quickly runs away*

Mao: “ehh? What?? And now she’s the one who’s mad at me even she’s the one who started it.” *mumbles to his self*

(As Mao turns around going back inside his tent…Len suddenly goes back to his place.)

Len: “ok! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!! Please come with me on the vacation trip!” *bows down really low begging*

Mao: *a little shocked* “you’re really weird aren’t you? But is really not surprising for me by now. If you really want me to go with you there that badly then I have a deal for you.”

Len: “what, a deal?” *stood up from bowing down*

Mao: “Yes, a deal.”

Len: “ok…then what is it?”

Mao: “You have to leave me alone after this vacation trip for 1 week or longer.”

Len: “what?! why? You hate me that much??”

Mao: “Yes…now you accept the deal or you just leave me alone now.” *serious*

Len: “that’s soo…argh…how ‘bout 3 days?”

Mao: “1 week.” *seems like nothing can change his mind*

Len: “uhmm…5 days??”

Mao: *stares at Len seriously*

Len: “aww…ok ok…I’ll leave you alone for 1 week…”

Mao: “or longer.” *he added on Len’s sentence*

Len: “yeah, or longer…whenever you want.” *with bad feelings*

Mao: “Promise?”

Len: “Yes, promise.” *she just forced herself to say so.*

Mao: “ohh wait, just to be sure…” *he quickly gets some paper and a ball pen then writes something* “there sign it.” *hands over the paper to Len*

Len: “huh…what is this??” *looking at the paper*

Mao: “It’s a contract.”

Len: “a contract? For what??”

Mao: “For our deal…just in case you forget.”

Len: “That’s so stupid of you…don’t worry I keep my words.”

Mao: “I don’t trust you…so just sign it.”

Len: “Fine! Whatever.” *signs the paper also called as contract by Mao and hands it to him* 

Mao: *keeps the contract somewhere* “Well then it’s settled…so where is that vacation trip of yours?”

Len: *realizes that she forgot to ask* “ohh, uhmm…uhh…” *thinks really hard*

Mao: “what?! You ask me to go with you without even knowing where we’re going?”

Len: “uhh…ehh…” *scratches head*

Mao: “argh...fine just tell me when it is.”

Len: *realizes that she also forgot to ask about it* “uhh…that too…uhmm…” *looks down*

Mao: “ahh, c’mon! Seriously?!! What the…damn!”

Len: “e.h..eh..e…” *embarrass*

Mao: “for real?!” *annoyed*

Len: “ohh! Wait a second I’m going to ask Eunnah-san!!” *quickly runs to her place where she left Eunnah and Hiroto*

Mao: “what a stupid kid…really…” *put’s his hand that Len bites on his head resulting for it to hurts again* “o.h..h…o..o..hh...ouch…dammit!” *in pain*


(At Len’s place…)

Len: *slams open the door rushing* “Eunnah-san!!” *no one’s in the house*”…huh? Where are they? Eunnah-san?? Hiroto-san??” *walks around the house to find them* “Eunnah-san where are you?!”

Eunnah: “ohh here Len at the kitchen!!” *shouts from the kitchen*

Len: *quickly runs to the kitchen* “Eunnah-san!! Where are we going and when?!!” *losing her breath* 

Eunnah: “huh? What happened to you?? You look all worked up. Ohh, let me guess…does it have something to do with Mao?”

Len: *nods*

Eunnah: “Hah! I knew it…he doesn’t want to come am I right?” *sigh* “Yeah, I always knew that.”

Len: “whatever! Just tell me where and when that vacation trip.”

Eunnah: “Ohh you mean he already accepted your invitation?? Wow! That was fast…I thought it’ll take you for like forever to make him go with us!” *laughs*

Len: *annoyed* “That’s not even funny.”

Eunnah: “hehe yeah yeah…I’m sorry. Ohh by the way the room…”

Len: *did not let Eunnah finish her sentence* “argh, stop talking to me already! I’m in a hurry now y’know, just answer my question now and we’ll talk later.”

Eunnah: “Ok ok, relax…for now ‘where it is’ is still a secret and ‘when it is’…” *looks at her so-dang-expensive-watch* “hhmmm…after 5 minutes, so better pack up now.” *smiles*

Len: *was shocked* “what?!! but…you just…” 

(And before Len had finished her sentence, suddenly there’s a loud noise came out from outside the house...)



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