Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part2

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Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part2


Eunnah: *surprised by the noise outside* “ohh, it’s here? I miss-calculated it…sorry Len-imouto-chan no time for you to pack up! I’ll just go get you some stuff later ok?” <3 *patted Len’s head* “Let’s go!” *excitedly exits the house*

Len: “Hey! Wait! What do you mean it’s here?! *follows Eunnah outside*

(As the two got out the house a huge private helicopter was waiting for them with Hiroto.)

Eunnah: “Ponpon-kun!” <3 *waves at Hiroto* “Looks like you didn’t have any problem at flying this thing.” *taps the side of the helicopter*

Hiroto: “Ahh, yes. We have a great weather too, a perfect time for us to get going now and have our great time together Hon.” <3 <3 *wraps his arms around Eunnah and hugs her tightly*

Len: “uhh, guys…I’m here…” *gives them a weird look*

Hiroto: “Errmm, yes sorry.” *lets go of Eunnah*

Eunnah: “ohh, c’mon Len don’t be jealous…Mao will someday do this to you too.” <3 

Len: “ahh! Shaaadddaapp! And I’m not jealous! No way.” *turns away*

Eunnah: “Hmm…if you say so…anyways let’s go!”

Len: “Argh, fine…ohh wait! What about…”

Eunnah: *before Len finished her sentence* Mao? Ohh we’ll get him.

(And so Hiroto, Eunnah and Len gets in the helicopter and quickly went to Mao’s place to pick him up.)


(While waiting for Len to return, Mao got bored and sleepy since Len wakes him up early. He is now lying on his bench and taking a nice nap when suddenly the helicopter of Hiroto, Eunnah and Len landed near the bench his sleeping at resulting for the bench to fall over because of the force the helicopter lets out and made Mao falls off the bench that wakes him up.)

Mao: “what the…!” *surprised*

Len: “Ohh, are you alright?” *stepped out of the helicopter*

Hiroto: “ohh my…sorry ‘bout that.” *scratches head*

Eunnah: “You guys, don’t worry too much he’s fine.” *without any concern*

Mao: *pissed* “You…what are you doing here?! And with that thing!”

Eunnah: “I believe Len already told you, now let’s go.” *turn away*

Mao: “heh, like I will listen to you. Do you think you can make me ride that helicopter of yours? I don’t think…”

(And before Mao had the chance to finish his sentence Eunnah emotionlessly walk towards Mao, grab him and throws him inside the helicopter then they quickly left the place.)


(After several minutes of flying they now arrived at the place where their FIVE STAR-LIKE private transport to the beach resort is waiting for them. The ship can hold 5,000 people, obviously too big for the four of them but it can’t be helped because it is already the smallest ship Eunnah and Hiroto have; It also had a professional personal chefs and loyal servants. So as they landed, Eunnah distributed all their room keys and their trip in the sea started.)

Mao: *looks around the ship* “ohh men! What a ship you got here.” *amaze*

Eunnah: “Yeah, I know right?!” *with pride*

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