Chapter003: LIES Part1

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Chapter003: LIES Part1 


(At the private plane of Eunnah and Hiroto.) 

Eunnah: “Do you think Mao already figured it out?” *sitting beside the window* 

Hiroto: “Huh? What about Hon?” *hands over a champagne* 

Eunnah: “Oh thank you, uhmm…about the rescue thing…I hand him over Len’s cell phone yesterday. And on what I have observed, Mao really is one who’s full of curiosity…I’m sure at this point he already knew.” *drinks champagne* 

Hiroto: “Hmm…then it’ll be a really big problem if he knew. You think its ok for us to leave Len in that situation?” *sits beside Eunnah* 

Eunnah: “Yeah, she’ll be fine…don’t worry. And besides she’s the one who got her own self in that kind of situation, so she might already know this day will come soon.” 

Hiroto: “Yes you’re right.” *sudden change of mood* “So would you like me to serve you something to pair with that champagne?” <3 *with a manly sweet voice* 

Eunnah: “Aww my Ponpon-kun…I would loved you to!! And I shall have you for my desert!! Rawr!” <3 *lovey-dovey* 

Hiroto: “I’m all yours Eunnah.” <3 

*cuddles each other* 

*and then touching each other’s hands* 


(Oook that’s enough…can we skip this part now? Yes? Thank you! Now to the next scene. XD) 


(At the hospital from the cafeteria, Mao is talking to his self while returning to Len’s room.) 

Mao: “Hhmm…what should I do now? Should I tell her that I messed with her cell phone and then called the guy that called her “Young Master”?? And what’s with that? Ohh! Maybe she is once a boy then had a surgery to be a girl!!” *over react* (<-idiot =.=”) “Ohh wait..noo, that’s impossible right?" (Of course it's impossible! What kind of thinking is that?! XD) "Who’s the guy anyway??” *thinks hard* *mumble mumble*

(Got hit by someone who’s rushing to walk out from Len’s room.) 

Mao: “Ugh…hey watch it will ya’!” *pissed* 

Mysterious guy: “I-I’m sorry.” *quickly turn away and leave* 

Mao: “What’s up with that guy? And he comes out from Len’s room??” *thinks for a moment* “Ehh! Len’s room??” *quickly enters the room* 

Len: “Mao-kun!! <3 What took you so long? I missed you already.” <3 <3 *smile* 

Mao: “Huh? Ohh I just…uhh…was that guy just came from here? Who is he?”

Len: “Ehh? Ohh…uhh..that guy?? He’s uhmm…uhh…” *sweating like answering a math equation*

Mao: “He’s what?” *stares at Len suspiciously* 

Len: “Well uhh…he just mistook my room from the other…” *scratches head* “Haha...yeah..that was it…” *nervous* 

Mao: “Really…?” *keeps on staring with a doubting look* 

Len: “Hehe…y-ye-ah…” *gulp* 

Mao: “If you say so… here's your food.” *hands over the food he bought in a not so nice way* 

Len: “Wa-a-h!” *catches the food properly* *whew* “Hey what’s with you?!!” *pissed* 

Mao: *sits on the chair beside Len’s bed* “That rescue team that saved us…I wonder who called for them…do you know who could call them?” 

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