Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part5

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Chapter004: Our First Summer Vacation Part5


(Len immediately dressed up and goes out the room…and as she opens the door she saw Eunnah also leaving their room.)

Len: “Hey Eunnah-san.”

Eunnah: “Ohh, good morning Len.”

Len: *looks around* “ehh…where’s Hiroto-san?”

Eunnah: “hmm? Well Ponpon-kun is still sleeping…might be really tired from yesterday’s errand.”

Len: “Ohh right…” *aware that it was only Hiroto’s lie* “where are you going then?”

Eunnah: “Uhmm…somewhere…just going to walk around…”

Len: “Great! Can I come?”

Eunnah: “Uhh…uhmm you know…for now…I kinda…uhmm…like…to be alone…for a moment…so…”

Len: “Ahh, got it. It’s ok…go ahead.” *smiles*

Eunnah: “Aww thank you! I’m so happy you’re my friend.” *hugs Len and then quickly left*

(Len knows that it was so not normal for Eunnah to go alone without her Hiroto somewhere…not even the type of person who’s going to be EMO-like when there’s a problem…so Len suspected that Eunnah has some business going on that they don’t know…The two now walk on separated ways.) 


Hiroto: *yawn and stretched* “Huh? Where’s Eunnah?” *looks around the room* “Argh! Is she really trying to be parted from me now?!” *mood changes <-doomed*

(Hiroto quickly dressed up and goes out to look for Eunnah and as he opens the door he saw Mao also leaving their room.)

Hiroto: “Ohh hey Mao.”

Mao: “Huh? ohh hey.”

Hiroto: *looks around* “You alone?”

Mao: “Yeah…well…how about you? that’s new…Eunnah is not with you now? Haha…she’s improving!”

Hiroto: *did not get the humor* “Uhmm…yeah she’s already gone when I woke up…”

Mao: “Hmm…maybe she’s with Len.” *looks at his watch* “Ohh hey got to go now! See you later!” *runs fast*

Hiroto: “Ahh…ok…” *was a moment stunned by Mao’s speed* “Ohh yeah got to find Eunnah too!”


(Hiroto search the whole area but instead of finding Eunnah it was Len who he found.)

Hiroto: “Len!” *pant pant*

Len: “ohh Hiroto-san…what’s up?”

Hiroto: *looks behind Len* “Uhmm…is Eunnah with you?”

Len: “Nope…but I saw her when she left your room. She said she’s just going to walk around the area.”

Hiroto: “Really? Hmm…where might she be right now? I’m almost done searching the whole area.”

Len: “If you’re trying to look for her…maybe it’s better if you just wait for her to return.”

Hiroto: “ehh? Why?”

Len: “Well…because she said…she wants to be alone for a moment.”

Hiroto: “To be what? but she never want to be alone. NEVER.”

Len: “Yep…I know, right?”

Hiroto: “Argh! must be that three guys I saw with her yesterday! She just said that she wants to be alone but maybe now she’s already playing again with them!! Ohh I’m so gonna kill those three!“ *temper rising*

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