My Baby's Daddy

By SimplyAmber96

633K 10K 919

Hayden Barnes is a 17-year-old girl who made a mistake when she was 16. She had a baby boy named Brandon with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Part 1)
Chapter 12 (Part 2)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 23

14.6K 235 21
By SimplyAmber96

Chapter 23



The day was long. I felt it would never end. I ran into Ashton a few times but he didn't say anything to me. He would give me a small smile and I wouldn't respond in any way.

I picked up Brandon from daycare and decided to visit Darren. I haven't talked to him in a while I feel like hanging out with him. I think we're going to be good friends. If Drake isn't going to appreciate him, then I will.

I parked in Darren's driveway since I saw his car there. I got Brandon out the back and went to ring the doorbell. A moment passed and the door swung open.

"Oh. Hey Hayden." He seemed especially shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd stop by and pay a visit. Is that okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Come on in."
I went inside and set Brandon on the floor. He walked off and I hoped he wouldn't get into something he's not supposed to.

"So how was school?" He asked me.

"It went by too slow. But I did blackmail Marcie today. I think I'm finally free of her."

"What did you blackmail her with?"

"There's something she doesn't want anyone to know and I threatened to expose it to everyone."

"Nice. I didn't think you'd ever do something like that."
"Well she happened to catch me at a moment when I was really pissed off."

"Was it Ashton?"
"Yeah. Can you believe he actually wants us to get back together? I think that's insane. After the way he acted we're never getting together. He screwed up and now he has to pay for it."
He stared at the ground, looking like he wasn't really listening to me. I guess I'm not wanted here.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked him.

His head jerked up and he stared at me. "I'm just expecting my boss to be here any minute and he's not exactly the type of guy you want to meet. Especially with Brandon here."
"I'll leave then. You could've just said so. I wouldn't have been upset."
I went into the living room to get Brandon and saw him with a cigarette box in his hand. Luckily it was empty. I took the box from him and sat it on Darren's coffee table. I then picked up Brandon and headed for the door.

"I'll talk to you later." I said.

I reached for the doorknob and jumped when it turned and opened before I could touch it. A big man with short curly dark hair and sea green eyes walked in and stared at me. I had a feeling that he was dangerous and to be cautious.

"Darren, who is this?" He asked.

"This is a friend of mine. She was just leaving." I was surprised at how level his voice was. He didn't sound afraid at all.

"What's your name?" The man asked me.

"Hayden Barnes. This is my son Brandon Burton."


I stared at him. Does the name sound familiar? Maybe he knows Drake in some way.

"Are you Drake's girl?" He asked me.

"No." I quickly responded. "I'm nobody's girl. Drake is just the father of my baby."
"Ah, I see. I'm Duke, Drake's old boss."
I then remembered. Duke is the one that Drake sold drugs for. I never knew what he looked like but I knew his name.

"I'll be leaving now." I muttered. I went for the door knob but Duke moved to stand in my way.

"No, please stay for a while."

"I have to get Brandon home."
"I'm sure little Brandon can wait. Please. All I'm asking is for you to stay for a little while."

I sighed and turned and walked into the living room. I really want to go but I now Duke isn't going to move out of my way and that's the only exit there is. I sat on the couch and sat Brandon beside me.

Duke and Darren entered. Darren gave me an apologetic look as Duke took a seat on my opposite side. Darren sat in an armchair.

"So Hayden." Duke started. "Have you ever considered selling drugs?"
I scoffed. Is he being serious right now? I have a child and I'm in high school Also, selling drugs is illegal.

"No. I'm leaving. I don't want my son taking in all of this nonsense."

I was about to pick up Brandon but Duke's hand on my thigh stopped me. I stared at it and I moved my thigh.

"Sorry." He apologized, quickly moving his hand. "Stay. I just want to talk. I apologize if I crossed a line."

I reluctantly sat back down. I kept Brandon close to me, not trusting Duke. He folded his hands in his lap and smiled at me.

"So when was the last time you spoke to Drake?" Duke asked me.

"Yesterday I had dinner with him and his girlfriend."

"He has a girlfriend? What happened to the two of you getting back together?"
"That's never going to happen. Drake and I simply get along for the sake of Brandon."

"Oh. Well I guess my source was wrong. I'd heard that Drake was falling for you again. But I guess I was wrong."
Who could've thought that Drake and I were getting back together? There were no signs of that anywhere. What does it matter? Drake is happy with his girlfriend now.

"You're very wrong. Now can I please leave?"

I stood up and grabbed Brandon. I headed to the door. I was in the kitchen when Duke stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

"What are you doing? Move." I said.

"No. You're staying here." He said, looking hostile.

"Duke, let her go." Darren said, coming into the room. "Don't bring her and Brandon into this."

"I'll bring in anyone I want. I'm the boss." He looked at me. "Call Drake and tell him you're coming to pick him up. If he refuses, I want you to drag him out."


"Just do it!"
Darren gave me an apologetic look before leaving. Now I'm here alone with Duke. I feel even more unsafe without Darren here. What is Duke going to do to me?

"Please, take a seat." Duke ordered. I sat at the dining room table and sat Brandon on my lap. "Now tell me. How old are you?"
"17." I quickly answered.

"So young." His eyes traveled my body and I felt very uncomfortable.

His eyes stopped on Brandon and I held him close to me, not knowing what Duke was going to do.

"And how old is your son, Brandon?"
"He's 15 months."

"So just over a year old." I nodded. "Wow. I don't know how Drake can handle that kid. He looks like a handful."
Did he really just say that? It was like he was saying that only Brandon is a handful. Any child is a handful. They require constant attention. How dare he say that about Brandon?

Drake's P.O.V*

I got to the front of my apartment and was about to head up when Darren walked up with an urgent look on his face.

"Hey Darren. What's up?" I asked him.

"Come to my place, now." He ordered.

"No. I have better things to do that sit around at your place."
"Hayden and Brandon are there with Duke."

I stared at him. Did he just say that Hayden and Brandon are alone with Duke at his place? What is Hayden and Brandon doing there? Her and Darren can't possibly be seeing each other. She's in love with Ashton. And why is Duke there? He doesn't usually make house visits unless it's something really important.

"You left them there alone with him?" I asked.

"I had no choice. You know how Duke is. Let's go."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I fixed Brandon a bottle as fast as I could since I could tell his crying was bugging Duke. I don't want to piss him off and have him do something to us.

"Shut him up!" Duke ordered.

"I'm going as fast as I can." I took the bottle from the microwave and tested it on the back of my hand . Since the temperature was fine, I gave it to Brandon making him quiet instantly.
I sat in the chair beside Brandon's and stared at duke. What could have happened to him when he was younger? What made him sell drugs in the first place? What made him feel like he has to be in control all of the time? He's so scary and for what reason? He seems to only be in his mid or late 30s. He's still quite young.

The front door opened making me jump. I stood up when Drake and Darren came in. The room grew cold as I studied the glare they were giving each other.

"Hey Duke. What are you doing here?" Drake asked.

"I thought I'd come here to speak to you rather than go to your apartment. Too many cops lurk around."

"What are you planning on doing?"
"I'm planning on persuading you to join our small business again. We need you. People aren't buying like they used to."

"That's not my problem. I guess people are coming to their senses."

"You have to help."
"Or what?"

Duke reached out and grabbed a fistful of my shirt and pulled me to him. I became extremely nervous.

"This is what." He held a small blade up to my cheek. I could feel the cold steel biting into my cheek. I looked at Drake for some help.

"Leave her alone, alright? This is between you and me." Drake said, a worried look on his face.

"No. I want you back on my team. I won't think twice about slicing her up piece by piece, and you know that."

I felt the blade cut into my cheek and I cried out. It was hardly deep but it still hurt like hell.

"Stop! Stop!" Darren and Drake both yelled.

"That's what I like to hear."

"Now, do we have an agreement?"
"Yes." Drake reluctantly gave in. "Now let her go."

Duke let me go and I immediately went over to Brandon who was completely oblivious as to what just happened.

"I got what I wanted and so now I'll leave. I'll see you tomorrow Drake. Our usual place."
Duke left and we all stood in silence for a moment. We heard Duke's car start and slowly fade as he drove off into the distance.

"Are you okay?" Drake asked me, taking me into a tight hug.

I pushed him away, not liking him touching me. I picked up Brandon and left the house without a word. I went to my car and buckled Brandon in. I got in the car and drove off.

Drake's P.O.V*

I watched Hayden walk out the door with Brandon. Is she upset with me? I just saved her life and she's going to be pissed at me?

"Why was Hayden here in the first place?" I asked Darren.

"She came here to talk to me."

"You two are talking now? She doesn't like you."
"Now she does. She has no one else to talk to so I figured I'd stop acting like a creep and listen for once. Who knew it would have a positive effect?"

"Ashton isn't going to like the two of you being close."

"Ashton can get over it. Besides, him and Hayden broke up. I'm pretty sure it's final this time."
They broke up? That explains why she's been in such a bad mood a lot lately.

Why didn't she tell me?

"If you're thinking about making a move you'd better not hurt her, alright?"
"Last I checked, you have a girlfriend. Quit worrying about Hayden."

"She's the mother of my child. I'll always be worried about her."
"Whatever. Make all the excuses you want."

Darren smirked. Why can't he believe me when I say I have no romantic feelings towards Hayden? Hayden and I are done, for good. She made that clear a long time ago.

*1 Year ago*

I looked around the school parking lot before reaching into my pocket and handing John the bag of Coke. He slipped the money to me and walked away. I leaned against my car and stuck my hands in my pocket as I waited for Hayden to come out of the school building.

I finally spotted her long blonde hair and her extremely round belly. She was charging towards me, moving awfully fast for a pregnant chick. She got to me and I could tell she had been crying. Now the only thing left was anger.

"What's..." I started but she cut me off.

"You manipulative lying b***h!" She yelled, getting in my face. "You had me fooled. What kind of boyfriend and father to be, lies to their girlfriend? I'll tell you what kind. An a**hole!" People had stopped to look. I have no idea why she's so upset. Is this another one of her mood swings? It's best not to say anything and just let her get everything off her chest. "All these years you've been selling drugs behind my back." She whispered. "I don't know you anymore. Dropping out of school is one thing, but this? This is a whole 'nother level. You know I hate being lied to but you did it anyway. I hate you so much right now I can hardly think straight."

How did she find out about the drug dealing? I didn't want to tell her about it because I didn't want to lose her. It's not so easy to get out so I just continued after Hayden and I started seeing each other. I didn't think it'd be a big deal.

"Are you using them too?" She glared. "It would explain the way you act most of the time. I can't believe I let you manipulate me into trusting you. How could I not notice something before? Well I know now and I'm not making that mistake again. We're done Drake, forever. We're never getting back together and that's final. I will never trust you, or love you again. You're dead to me."
With that, she walked away leaving me speechless. I can't believe that just happened. The one girl I've ever loved just broke up with me. We'd been dating for 2 whole years without a single breakup. Now this seems absolutely final. I don't think there's anything that can be said to change her mind.

The crowd of people that had gathered began to disperse. I got into my car and rest my forehead against the steering wheel. I felt this overwhelming feeling of emptiness. I wanted to cry but I refuse to. There's no need to cry over a girl, even if I love her to death. If Hayden wants to be broken up, then fine. I'll go along with her decision, but only because it's what she wants. I'll always love Hayden, there's no doubt about that. But I'm just going to have to put up with life without her.


There's the chapter!! Sorry it's so late. I haven't had time to write. Schools almost out and school work is getting backed up.

Anyway, what did you think? Duke is vey unfriendly. And I feel a little sorry for what happened to Drake. What about you??

Picture of Darren ->

Please comment, vote, and/or fan. Thanks!! ;-)

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