Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Hayden's P.O.V*

I can't talk to Drake while I'm driving. Especially with Brandon in the car. But I know he won't let me go until he gets an explanation. I simply hung up on him and turned my phone off. He's going to be so pissed at me for doing this.

Once home, I reluctantly turned my phone back on. Two minutes past and my phone rang again. I sighed and answered it.

"Hi Drake."

"You f**king hung up on me!"

"I was driving and I know how you get. I'm sorry."

"So is it true? You went out on a date with someone?"

"Yes it's true. Why does it matter to you?"

"I want to know who's around my son."

"Oh and you don't bring sluts home when Brandon is over?"

"That's not the same."

"You're right. Because Ashton is actually boyfriend material, and your sluts only want you for one night."

"You're about to cross a line." He sounded angry, but I ignored it.

"I mean, who would want you around anyway? You only cause bad things to happen. You're mother and sister wanted you gone because you kept screwing up their lives."

"Damn it Hayden! You know none of that is true. I left because I had to and you know it. I don't like talking about my mother and sister and you know better than to bring them up. I haven't talked to either of them in two years. Can't you have some regard to my feelings for once?"

"Your feelings? You don't have any feelings, you never have."

"You're a b***h, you know that?"

"Yeah well, you're an a**hole."

I hung up and threw my phone across the room. I plopped down on the couch and buried my face in a pillow, letting out a scream. Why is he so frustrating? I hate his guts! I wish I'd never gotten involved with him. But how could I not have with the way he was so nice to me?

*3 Years Ago*

Kristie and I walked through the mall looking for another store to go into. I'm pretty sure we've been in every single one today, but Kristie denies it.

"Hey, isn't that Drake Burton from our History class?" Kristie asked. I looked over to where she was looking and saw Drake. He had dark, spiky hair and brown eyes. He was really muscular, which made him stand out from the rest of the Sophomore guys (Hayden is a Freshman and Drake is a Sophomore).He was looking directly at me, a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, that's him. Why is he staring at me?"

He began walking over to us, making me start to panic. He's coming to talk to us! I can't believe this.

"How do I look?" I asked Kristie, last minute.

"Hot like always." She responded.

I took a deep breath to try and calm myself. I've never talked to him before, or really paid him any attention, but he's really hot and he's coming to talk to us.

"Hey." He greeted in a husky voice.

"Hi." Kristie and I greeted back.

"I'm Drake."

"Should we care?" I responded, trying to play hard to get.

Drake simply smiled and let out a low chuckle. He thinks I'm funny? Is he not buying it? He moved closer to me, our noses almost touching.

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