Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Drake's P.O.V*

I woke up to Brandon's crying and groaned. I'm keeping Brandon while Hayden is in the hospital. It's been three days and she has two days left. I don't know if I can take it. Darren bought ear plugs so that he wouldn't be woken by the noise. I would get some, but I need to tend to him when he cries.

I picked up Brandon and noticed he needed his diaper changed. I quickly changed his diaper and laid him down again. I gave him a toy to play with, hoping he'd go back to sleep.

"Dada." Brandon said.

"What?" I asked, still half asleep. But then it hit me. Brandon just said his first word. His first word is 'dada'. "Brandon, you just said your first word! Say it again."

"Dada." He said once more.

This is great! I thought he was a little behind because he's one and hasn't talked. But now he knows at least one word. I'm so proud of him. Too bad Hayden missed it. I know she's going to be upset about it, but it's not my fault that she's in the hospital.

After a while, I had gotten back to sleep. I woke again to my alarm clock. My probation officer is supposed to be coming by today. I have to make sure Darren smokes absolutely nothing while he's here. Even if I explained that it wasn't mine, they wouldn't believe me.

I got Brandon and sat him on the floor. I heated up a bottle for Brandon and gave it to him. I went to take a quick shower and get dressed. After, I walked into the living room and saw Brandon playing with the strap of his baby bag. I went over and picked him, placing him on the couch and giving him a toy to play with. I sat beside him and switched on the TV.

Not long after, there was a buzz. I got up and went to answer it. This must be Sharon, my parole officer.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Sharon." I buzzed her in and in a few minutes she was walking through my door. "Hi Drake." She greeted me. My parole officer is a very skinny woman with short blonde hair and light freckles on her face. She looks like she's in her mid 20s. I admit I had the hots for her when we first met, but now I don't feel anything. I'm glad because she's a complete b***h most of the time.


"How are you?"

"I'm doing okay I guess."

"I see you have Brandon today. I thought it was only on weekends."

"His mother is in the hospital right now so I'm watching him until she's out."

"Alright. You've been away from all drugs haven't you?"


"I'm going to take a look around."


I stayed in the living room while she looked around. I checked before she came over for Darren's stash. Luckily I was able to find it. She shouldn't find anything else in here.

"Alright, you're clean." She said, coming back into the room. "Do you need anything?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Alright, then I'll be leaving. I'll be back in two weeks."

"See you."

After she left, I called Darren. He may live here now, but so do I. I'm not going to let him jeopardize my freedom because he wants to sell drugs.

"What's up?" He answered.

"Do you mind not keeping a stash in my apartment?"

"You mean 'our' apartment. And what are you talking about? What's wrong with having a stash?"

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