The Blackmail® [Complete]

By Redstiletos

51K 1.6K 82

"I could pay you much more." He said quietly, his piercing blue eyes saying the opposite. "Oh yes you will... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four (Ovian's POV)
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thrity
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Thirty-two

989 35 2
By Redstiletos

Happy new year everyone! ❤❤❤

Ovian's POV

I love watching her sleep. There is this little frown on her forehead that makes her look so cute. I smiled. Even while asleep, she was still thinking. I lean back into my pillow, and I can't help but think about how lucky I am. She may not have forgiven me yet but she's getting there. There is hope that eventually she would realise that I would never intentionally hurt her. I have always thought I would never fall in love. That no woman will turn me to mush but here I am grinning like a fool.

My thoughts wondered back to my fight with Lahran. I sighed, if Tania had not stopped me, I would have broken something in his body. Ever since we were younger, Lahran always wanted what I had. If father got me anything, Lahran would want exactly the same thing. Being the quiet, gentle, older brother, I had always allowed him take whatever he wanted.  But Tania was off limits.

When I came in and found him forcing himself on her, I became so furious, I felt like ripping him apart. I wanted to hurt him, deeply. And to think he abducted Alex so he could use her as evidence... Lahran was indeed crazy and if something was not done soon, we would have a big problem when he becomes king.

Tania turned in her sleep. As she turned, the sheet pulled down slightly exposing the soft swell of her breasts. I was tempted to caress it but I decided to allow her sleep. So I pulled the sheet back up to cover her. A few seconds later, she turned onto her side, backing me and her buttocks jutted out from under sheet. Now, this I couldn't resist.

I pulled the sheet further away from her body, exposing her delectable behind. Then I reached down and caressed her softly. I slipped a finger into her heat. She moaned and pushed back on my hand. I knew she was still asleep. I continued my assault, until she was panting, a bit out of breath.

Then her eyes shot open. She turned slightly towards me and smiled. "I could get used to waking up like this." Then she gasped, because there were now two fingers in her.

Suddenly, she pulled away and climbed on top of me. I laughed. "What are you doing?"

"Making love to you," she smirked. Then she proceeded to kiss me all the way down. I groaned out loud. "Tania," I said, lifting her and turning her so she was under me again. I spread her legs urgently, I needed to bury myself inside her.

I entered her and waited a bit to savour her warmth. I could stay like this forever, I thought.

"Ovian..." She moaned, nudging her hips against mine. "Please..."

Then I began to move. I looked deep into her eyes, my desire for her palpable. Damn! She was meeting me thrust for thrust. Then she wrapped her legs around my waist and I tipped over, taking her with me.

I allowed us to catch our breaths first before I pulled out and gathered her softness against my hard body.

Tania' s POV

"Good morning." He murmured against my mouth.

I beamed at him. "Morning. What a way to wake up."

He chuckled as he began kissing my neck. I stretched my body and he took advantage by molding my exposed breasts in his hand. I moaned. "Ovian, we just-"

He lifted his head and looked into my eyes. "I am not doing anything. It's just that, I can't seem to get enough of you. I love you with everything in me."

Then he asked softly, "Why didn't you agree to Lahran's plan?"

I caressed his face, his stubble tickling my fingers. I reached up and kissed his nose. "Ovian, even if Lahran were an angel, I wouldn't look at him twice. I have eyes for you alone." That much was true.

Ovian had lied when he said we were not going another round. Because, he did so many things to me while we were in the shower, that had me jerking against the bathroom wall with desire. I could barely stand, he had to carry me into our bedroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down beside me on the bed.

"Funny you should ask, after all that you had me do in there."

"That's why I am asking," he was looking genuinely concerned.

I decided to pity him. "I am fine. Just a bit sore. Ovian please no more."

He laughed. "Really?" He got up to take off his towel and stood before me in his glorious birthday suit and I couldn't help but think, this man was all mine! I knew what he was doing. I bit my lips, longing to run my hands all over his body.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I won't be responsible for what happens." He grinned and walked into the closet.

There was a knock on the door, "Who is it?"


I roll my eyes and shout, "I'm coming." Putting on my robe, I went into the sitting area. I was hungry. I felt like I hadn't eaten for days.

"Why is your face so sour?" She asked as soon as I came out of the room. I roll my eyes again.

"You don't want to know. What did you want that couldn't wait?"

Taylor laughed. "Oh, I am sorry. I walked in at the wrong time."

I smiled as I went to the mini kitchenette to help myself to some toast and tea. "Oh yes you did. But its all good. So what's up?"

"Well, I need your help."

"Okay?" I said, watching her fidget. Taylor was nervous about something, this is new.

"I don't know what to wear!" She exclaimed. "I have gone through all my clothes, I don't know which one suits the occasion."

I smiled. "The age old problem every girl goes through. Are you dressing up for Lahran's Chapel opening or for your man?"

"I don't have a man. Yet." She smiled. "But seriously, Tania. I am not this kind of person. Dressing up for a man, looking good for a man. I can't be that person!"

"Its not so big a deal, you know. Just be yourself and he will accept you the way you are, that's if he's a great guy. You have many, many dresses to choose from. Just pick one that you like and be yourself."

"Hmmm. You make it sound so easy. What if he doesn't like it?"

"Do you mean the dress or you?"

She rolled her eyes.

"Taylor stop getting all worked up for nothing. You will be fine. Okay give me a few minutes, I will come with you and help you choose. Is that okay?"

She nodded.

A few hours later, we were all ready to attend Lahran's chapel opening. I haven't told Taylor what Lahran tried to do last night. If I did, she would be the one going to jail.

It was Ovian who said we needed to be there. If we didn't, it would look very bad for us. People will think he was jealous of Lahran becoming king. And when he eventually becomes king, we were not sure what he would do or what kind of king he would be. So for appearances sake, we have to play along until we know what his game was.

That's why I am in this dress, which by the way, I wore to impress my husband. It's a white blazer style dress that reached my knees. I paired it with a pair of nude sandals and silver jewelry. I swept my hair into a messy bun and applied my smoky eye make up.

Ovian had been surprised at my outfit but he said he liked it. We had both agreed to avoid Lahran as much as possible. So while Ovian mingled and greeted some of the guests, I went to look for Taylor and her new beau.

Taylor's back was to me as I slipped up behind her and say "boo!" She jumped and laughed at me nervously but her eyes were saying, "If I didn't have to pretend that I'm your lady in waiting, I would throttle you!" I just laughed along with her and waited for her to introduce her man. But the man had to introduce himself since Taylor couldn't seem to find her voice.

"My Princess," he greeted and bowed. "I am awed to meet you in person. I have heard and read so much about you." I could understand why my best friend was tongue tied. Lord Preston Shattonham was indeed a handsome man and very suave. Two things that would make my friend suddenly become putty.

"I hope they are good things?" I asked, enjoying Taylor squirm beside me.

"Of course My princess. I am exceptionally interested in your cause as I am one who would like my female children not be limited in any way."

"Really? That's refreshing. Many men would care less.

"I have traveled to many other kingdoms and most have evolved beyond such limiting laws. And I have met many women who are very educated and using it to help their communities. So when I found out that someone who was part of the monarch was finally speaking up, I was pleased."

"It has been challenging but with people like you, we can make it work. And your money of course will go a long way." I smiled coyly.

"Of course my lady, I am at your service." He smiled and bowed.

"Let me leave you two to talk. I want to go see inside the Chapel. It was a pleasure to meet you Lord Shattonham."

"Same here my Princess."

As I walked past my friend, I whispered in her ear, "I like him, he's a keeper." And I moved away.

Lahran had not allowed me see the Chapel the other day he brought me here. Now I can do my own tour. I thought as I slipped inside. I roamed around, touching the gold and wine chairs, marvelling at the painted glass windows and ceilings. The Chapel was beautiful and serene. Just the right place to meditate. I climbed unto the altar and spotted a small door not far from it. I hesitated and thought maybe it was the minister's office. I was about to leave but then I heard voices.

I got closer and opened the door quietly. I slipped inside and realised that some people were actually having sex inside the Chapel! Oh my! My first thought was that it was probably Lahran because nobody would dare do this to his 'achievement'. But then I heard the voice, one particular voice. I would know that voice anywhere.

"Oh Frederick, you never cease to amaze me. I wish you could live with me in the palace."

"Soon my love, soon." Frederick crooned.

"I can't wait for him to die so our son can be king. Then we can rule together."

My eyes widen. Oh my! I tried to breathe. What is going on?!

"Its only a matter of days now. Don't worry, the poison is deadly but it has to be slow else his doctors will find out." The other voice was saying.

Oh my! Oh my! I couldn't bear to listen anymore. I slipped out quietly and walked swiftly out the door, looking back to make sure no one saw me. I got outside and begin to search for Ovian.

As soon as he saw me, he came running towards me. "What is it?" He asked as I collapsed into his arms.

"I... I..." How do I tell him Lahran isn't his brother and his stepmother had poisoned the his father? The words just lodged itself in my throat. I turned around to look towards the entrance of the Chapel and I find the Queen coming out, followed by a man with golden hair and golden eyes.

The blood drained from my face.

Lahran's real father.

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