Back To You ( taekook X reade...

By churroooooooo

35.6K 982 413

falling for a stranger, good gracious -wayv More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

766 22 19
By churroooooooo

JungKook: Will you, Park Y/n marry me Jeon Jeong Guk?

The room grew intense as everyone waited for my answer. I took a deep breath.

Y/n: Ok, Yes. Yes. I would love to. Yes!

JungKook slip the ring on me and hug me real tight while everyone cheered!



JungKook: Sorry!

He let go but then quickly hug me again.

JungKook: I'm so happy!!!

He kissed me all over my face.

Jennie & TaeHyung: Congratulation!

Y/n & JungKook: Thank You.

TaeKwon: Eomma, Appa!

JungKook picked him up and carried him.

???: Excuse me?

We turned around to see a man standing behind us.

Y/n: Yes?

The Man: Can we take your picture? We want to hang it up on your wall over there.

He pointed to a wall filled with newly engaged couples.

Y/n: Sure!

Jungkook held onto my waist. I looked at Jungkook who couldn't stop smiling. He looked like a little kid in a candy store. I smiled!



Jennie: I'm so nervous! Do I look ok? How the makeup? What if Taehyung gets cold feet?

Y/n: Don't worry you look GREAT!and Taehyung really loves you. He wouldn't marry you if he didn't.

Jennie: Really?

Y/n: Of course.

Jennie: Right you should go get ready.

Y/n: Ok. I'll be right back.

I walked to the dresser room and changed into my dress.

I sat and started on my makeup. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to cover it with foundation. Why was I sad? Shouldn't I be happy? I should be happy for Jennie and Taehyung. What kind of a friend am I?

???: Are you ready yet?

I looked up to see Jungkook.

Y/n: Just a few more moments.

JungKook: Were you crying?

He sat next to me.

Y/n: No...I...

JungKook: It's ok. Here let me help you. The ceremony is about to start.

He held onto my hands and we stood in our places. 


Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

Taehyung pulled Jennie closer and kissed her cheeks. Everyone cheered except me.


Taehyung: How are you enjoying yourself?

Y/n: It's great!

JungKook: It's getting late though, we should go home, TaeKwon is very tired and sleepy.

Y/n: Yea, we should go. We had a great time and Congratulation once again. We are so happy for you guys.

Taehyung pulled me into a hug. I was quite surprised.

TaeHyung: Thank you for coming. You're a great friend.

I was a bit hesitant about what to do. Should I hug him back? I slowly lifted my hands and hugged him. After all these years it's my first time being in his arms again. I felt so comfortable and warm.  I miss his warmth and his scent. The hug lasted longer than it should have. I pulled away.

Y/n: I should go. Bye.


As I was about to leave from work my dad called.


Y/n: Good Morning dad.

Mr.Park: Good morning honey.

Y/n: Is there anything you need?

Mr.Park: Y/n, I think you're going to need to take a break from your coffee shop.

Y/n: Why? is something wrong? Are you and mom ok?

Mr.Park: Don't worry, your mom and I are fine. It's just the company is not doing well and I need your skills.

Y/n: My skills?

Mr.Park: Honey, I'm sorry I know that you don't want to sit behind a desk all day but it's just for a few months. Please?

Y/n: Ok. I'll try my best.

Mr.Park: Thank You, you are the best daughter anyone can have. 

Y/n: It's no big deal. When do I start?

Mr.Park: As soon as you can, can you come today?

Y/n: sure, no problem.

Mr.Park: Oh and honey, we have a new CEO. You will be his secretary.

Y/n: Ok. Tell mom I said "hi". 

Mr.Park: Ok, We love you.

Y/n: Love you too dad.


Well, I should get ready. I'll just call one of my employees to take over the shop for now. She deserves it anyway. She's been working hard.



I got in my car and drove off. I finally arrived and walked into the building. 

Worker1: Good Morning Ms.Park. The president said to go to his office right away.

Y/n: Thank You. 

I walked to where my dad's office was and was about to walk in when I heard voices and laughter. I softly knocked on the door.

Mr.Park: Come in.

I opened the door and walked in.

Y/n: Dad, I'm here.

Mr.Park: That was fast. You usually take years to get ready.( he laughed) Come on in. Good timing. Here, let me introduce you to our new CEO, Mr.Kim.

I looked up to see Taehyung.

Y/n & TaeHyung: You!

Mr.Park: You guys know each other?

Y/n: Yes, we're friends.

Mr.Park: That's good. I guess everything worked out. I was a bit scared you guys might not get along.

TaeHyung: Why not?

Mr.Park: My daughter can be a bit petty sometime and hard to get along with. 

Y/n: Dad...( I whined).

Mr.Park: Look at my cute little baby. You guys should get to work.

Y/n: Ok. See you around.

We walked out and I followed Taehyung to his office.

TaeHyung: So, It seems like we will be seeing each other quite a bit.

Y/n: Seem like it. Why? You don't want to see me?

TaeHyung: It's not that. It's just, nevermind. Let's get to work.

Y/n: Where's my office?

TaeHyung: This is your office.

Y/n: What? Isn't this yours? 

TaeHyung: It's ours. You see that work desk over there. That's yours and this is mine.

Y/n: So, You get a big comfortable desk while I have to sit all day in that small corner with that small desk.

TaeHyung: Pretty much.

Y/n: You're not serious.

TaeHyung: I am. I'm about as serious as a heart attack.

 This is why I don't like working in an office. Whatever. It can't be too bad. I walked over to my area. As I was working I could feel someone staring intensely at me. I mean there was only the two of us in the room. I looked up to see Taehyung eyes on me. He didn't even look away. What's wrong with him? I waved my hands.

Y/n: Are you ok?

TaeHyung: Are you sure we were just friends?

Hii Guys,

Sorry for not updating in a while. I was a bit busy. 

Hope you enjoy.

Byee for now.

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