One Direction One Shots / flu...

By kidfanfics

127K 1.2K 295

Kinda shooting myself in the foot here. Don't know if I have time for yet another book, but I want to do this... More

Requests !
Don't like the crowd
Moody bum
The biggest adventure of your life
Don't like me anymore
Don't be a brat
Little poorly
Just a normal day
BBQ disaster
What if I don't get to say goodbye
Rough night

Not quite big enough

12.8K 118 41
By kidfanfics

Louis 19
Liam 18
Niall 18
Harry 15

- - -

"Why Mummy?" Harry whined. "Why can't I have a sleepover like the boys?" The boy pouted, crossing his arms to show his mother he was not happy. The other boys didn't need their mother's to be with them at all times, so why did he? 

"You're not old enough, baby. I promise when you're sixteen, I'll leave you alone." She chuckled, knowing well that when the time comes, Harry will want nothing more than to have her with him. He was a big Mumma's boy. 

They were on the X-factor tour, it was nearing the end with just two shows left, one tonight and one tomorrow, meaning it was their last night before going home for a bit. Harry was fed up with the fact that the other boys got to share a room and stay up late and he had to share a room with his Mummy and go to bed right after each show. It wasn't his fault that he got grumpy if he didn't get enough sleep. 

"B-but I wanna be a big boy too." He whined as Anne scooped him off the bed to help him get ready for breakfast. 

"I can do it Mummy!" Harry fussed, struggling in his mother's grip until she let him go. He of course did not prove his point, getting his head stuck as he took off his pyjama shirt, and after a lot of struggle putting his shirt on, only to put it on backwards. He just huffed as Anne helped him get it on right, and helped him tie his shoes as the boy hadn't really figured that out yet. He was close though, he just couldn't figure out how to tie them as tight as other people did. 

"Alright, head downstairs darling, Mummy's just going to get ready." 

"Y-you're not coming?" Harry gulped at the thought of going down to the breakfast by himself. "I can wait for you." 

"I need to shower and everything baby. The boys are downstairs, and I'll be there soon. You're a big boy, aren't you darling?" 

"Y-yea." The boy mumbled, he had just tried to point that out earlier, so going downstairs on his own shouldn't be scary. "You'll come soon, though?" 

"I'll be there soon." Anne chuckled, watching as the boy left the room. 

Harry nervously nibbled on his lip as he made his way towards the lift, having never taken it on his own before. He jumped slightly back when it dinged loudly before the doors opened. He managed to figure out which button to press, thankfully, but his mind wasn't at ease until the doors opened, revealing the hotel lobby. 

He nervously played with the sleeves of his sweater as he scanned the place, noticing other people that were also on tour with him but he was looking for specific three boys. Smiling widely as the oldest waved to him, he spared no time running towards them, running straight into Louis' arms for a snuggle. 

"Hey there, where's your Mummy?" Louis cooed, letting the boy sit on his lap. 

"Upstairs." The boy shrugged as if it was nothing, "Came down all by myself." He stated proudly, like it hadn't been the most stressful thing he had done in a while. 

"Loulou?" Harry mumbled after a moment, getting a bit nervous when all three boys looked up from their phones to look at him. 

"Yeah? What, darling?" 

"When can I have a sleepover with you guys?" He nervously chewed on the collar of his shirt but Liam tugged it out of his mouth. 

"Well, we were actually talking." Louis happily explained. "Since tonight is our last night, we were thinking about watching movies and eating a lot of sweets." He whispered as if it were a secret. "But we need someone to help us since we bought a little too much sweets." 

"Can I help?" Harry nearly shouted, starting to wriggle in excitement. 

"Well, we're gonna have to ask your Mummy, won't we?" As if on que the woman walked into the room, instantly noticing the boys. 

"Harry, come here baby. Let Louis eat his breakfast." She held her hand out. "We'll have to feed your tummy too." Harry pouted but got off Louis' lap to grab his mother's hand so she could guide him to the buffet and help him get a plate. 


"Yes baby?" 

"The boy's said I could have a sleepover with them tonight since it's the last night." He said excitedly, but his mother's expression didn't match his. 

"Baby, we're travelling after the show tonight. There's an hour to the next city and I don't think you'll be able to stay up so late." 

"I can Mummy! Please, they said they had lots of sweets!" 

"If you're still awake when we get to the next city, then you can, yes." Harry squealed as he let go of his mother's hand, ditching her to plate up his food so he could run and tell the boys the news.

- - -

Harry was struggling, to say the least. They were on the way to the next city and he was doing his absolute best to try and keep his eyes open. He did fall asleep though, but woke up after his half hour snooze when they were making their way into the hotel. 

"Down, Mummy." He mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, suddenly wide awake. Anne put the boy down so he could walk by himself but grabbed his hand when he was about to walk away. "The sleepover, remember." 

"You're half asleep, darling. You'll have to do it another time." 

"Nooo." The boy whined, "'M awake!" he stomped his feet, earning a glare from his mother. "Sorry, but 'm awake, Mummy." He pouted as he followed Anne to their hotel room. 

"Okay, but no staying up too late." Anne chuckled when the boy started jumping in excitement. "Go potty then." She instructed, and the boy didn't need to be told twice and ran into the bathroom as his mother went through his suitcase to find his pyjamas and things. 

Harry was jumping by his mother's side when they walked through the hotel, going two floors up to find the room the boys were staying in. Niall nearly fell backwards when the small boy ran forcefully into his embrace when he opened the door. 

Anne handed Louis the small bag she was carrying, Niall being too busy with the excited boy. "If all goes wrong, our room is number three-twelve." She sighed, and Louis assured that everything would be fine. 

Liam helped the boy get dressed in pyjamas as Louis worked on hooking his laptop to the TV so they could watch movies. 

"Why can you all stay here on your own, without your Mummy?" Harry pouted, really liking the night so far. Endless amount of sweets and cuddles were his favourite things. "Why can you stay up so late?" 

"Well, we're just a little bit older than you, darling, but soon you'll be able to do it too." Louis assured the boy who was sat on his lap, fiddling with his shirt. 

Harry fell asleep just minutes later, not even making it to the halfway mark of Nemo, and the boy's really thought they had it in the bag. No fuss, no tears, it just seemed too good to be true. Of course the boy just had to wake up when Louis tried to carefully place the boy on the bed, at first Louis just thought the boy had stirred, but he was proved wrong when the boy's eyes shot open. 

"Mummy?" He mumbled sleepily, taking in his surroundings and getting slightly upset. 

"Just me." Louis smiled, tucking the boy's curls behind his ears. "Go to sleep, it's really late." 

"Nooo." Harry whined, climbing onto Louis to latch onto him. 

"No, don't cry. We had so much fun tonight, yeah?" He cooed when he heard the boy sniffle. "You're just tired, so you should go to sleep." He gently patted the boy's bottom, but it wasn't calming him down. "What's got you so upset, darling?" 

"M-mummy-y-y." The boy hiccupped, nearly suffocating Louis with the tight hold he's got on him. "Wan' mummy-y." He wailed. Louis tried to soothe the boy before handing him to Liam when nothing was working. It was quite late so he didn't exactly want to take the boy downstairs as Anne was most likely asleep. It would be a last resort. 

He rummaged through the boy's bag, finding the item he was looking for, the item the boy barely let go off whilst they were on the show. "See Harry. Look who's here." Louis cooed, standing behind Liam who was lightly bouncing the boy. Harry peeked over Liam's shoulder, his teary eyes lighting up when he noticed his bear. 

"B-barney!" He hiccupped, grabbing towards the item until Louis handed it to him, feeling significantly calmer. 

"Yeah." Louis cooed. "And he makes you feel better, yeah? Think you could lay down now?"
"You too Loulou." Harry sniffled as Liam carefully put the boy down on the bed, placing a kiss on his forehead. Louis just smiled and climbed into the bed, pulling Harry closer into his embrace. 

"Did you like tonight, babe?" 

"M-huh." Harry rubbed his eyes tiredly, clutching his teddy tightly. "Liked the sweets." 

"Oh, was that all you liked?" Louis teased, tickling the boy's stomach. "What about my cuddles?" 

"And your cuddles." Harry giggled, but it was short lived as his bottom lip started to wobble soon after, and Louis could see his eyes filling with tears. 

"No babe, why are you so sad?" Louis pouted, but propped himself up on the bed so he could comfort the crying boy. "I thought we were good." He wiped Harry's cheeks but the boy just started sobbing. 

"Still wan' my Mummy." 

"Oh babe. I know." Louis shushed him, sending a glare to Niall who was groaning as he tried to place a pillow over his head. 

"Maybe it's the best Lou." Liam stated, "We'll just try again soon, huh?" He turned to Harry, gently rubbing his back. 

"Yeah." Louis sighed, getting up with the boy still latching onto him. "Shh babe, we'll go find your mum, okay. Just calm down buddy." 

"My Mummy?" 

"Yeah." Louis chuckled, gathering the boy's bag and assuring Liam that he would manage on his own. "Maybe you're just not quite ready, huh?" 

"Still love you Loulou." Harry sniffled as he rested his head on Louis' shoulder. "Jus' miss my Mummy." He yawned, now significantly calmer as he knew he was on the way to his mother. 

"I know, and that's okay." Louis assured, kissing the top of the boy's head before gently knocking on the door. Anne was luckily a light sleeper so Harry was soon transferred onto her hip, where he inhaled her comforting scent before waving shyly to Louis. 

"I'm sure he'll be big enough soon." Anne apologized. Harry made sure to protest when Anne tried to place him on his bed, stating he wanted to sleep in her bed and who was she to deny him? 

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