Genie In A Bottle.

By Maroon1479

256K 7.6K 740

Becoming eighteen was exciting for most girls but for Andria it means giving up her freedom. Well, at least... More

Genie In A Bottle. Prologue.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter One.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Two.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Three.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Four.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Five.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Six.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Seven.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Eight.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Ten.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Eleven.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Twelve.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Thirteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Fourteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Fifteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Sixteen.
Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Seventeen.
Genie In A Bottle. Epilogue.

Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Nine.

12.7K 432 27
By Maroon1479

I slapped Jesse hands away from my hair when we walked into the high school auditorium, "Stop playing with it.", I hissed at her.

"Sorry but it's pretty windy out.", she said. "Nothing wrong with fixing your hair.", she said, running her hand threw her straighten hair.

"How does Kaden live with you? You take hours just to get ready for a little meeting.", I commented.

"It's also your birthday.", she said. "There is nothing wrong with looking pretty for your birthday.", she said, looking at me up and down. I was wearing a purple soft halter dress that went around my neck and the shirt went a little above my knees. A charm like necklace and white strappy sandals. My hair was styled in nice big curls and my face had soft touching makeup.

I looked and felt like a girl.

"I feel expose.", I complained.

"Compares to the stuff you use to wear? Crop jeans and cut jeans?", she said in a very 'duh' way.

"How is this suppose to help me get Levi to forgive me?", I questioned.

"You'll be amazed at the power a girl has in a cute dress.", she said, wrapping her arms around mine and we made our way at the stage where people were joining for the cause to save the forest. I got Jesse to sign up and of course, Kaden.

I wonder where Kaden and Levi are anyways. Angelo was already here.

"He wont be able to take his eyes off you.", she said, giggling. "He'll be drooling like a dog.",

Jesse, Angelo, and I were all talking with the other for a few moments. I got lots of happy birthdays, but I was plan bored of hearing it. Ever since I was fifteen, I never wanted to turn eighteen cause today would mean I was his, I belong to him. But I guess I took overboard with the meaning of being his.

Now that I realized how much I feel for Levi now that I lost him, I miss him. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Jesse went off about this good Greek cake with fruit my Yiayia makes, "I can't wait till this meeting is over so I can have a piece when we get back. Helene makes the best deserts ever and—",


Jesse looked bored as her eyes rolled around, "Didn't scare me Kaden.", Jesse said. We turned around and I saw Kaden looking the same as he did when I met him, just with an after shave stubble. "I smelt your cologne, you should try a new one.".

He leaned down and pecked her, "Maybe I will.".

I felt someone eyes on me and I turned my head to see Levi staring at me as if I was some expensive toy. His eyes were big as he stared at me and my cheeks blushed up, but I gave him a one side smile, "Hi Levi.",

He blinked at the sound of my voice and shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something but Luce, the lady that in charge of this meeting spoke up, "Okay, can we join up on the stage so we can start.".

We all walked up to the stage and sat down—well, I was trying. I was trying to figure out how I should sit down without having my underwear shows since when I sit on the ground, I sit cross legged. Jesse cleared her throat and pointed at her legs where were laying on the side as she leaned a little on the floor. Like a lady.

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Angelo on my right and Levi on my left.

"Okay, does anyone have idea on how we could earn money?", Luce asked. "Cause I'm sure most of you don't want to stand in the middle of a busy rode with a can asking for money.",

People started telling their idea like a fun razor and 5k mile run.

I could feel Levi's gaze on me everyone here and now. I had to press my lips together roughly to stop from grinning. This is probably one of the smartest plans Jesse has ever came up with.

Moments passed when I felt Levi lean closer to me and his breathing, "I didn't get to chance to tell you happy birthday.", he said. Luckily we were in the back and not really much people were paying attention to us.

I turned my head to face him and smiled, "Thanks,".

He gave me a small smile back and turned his head back to Luce. I frowned, but face back to Luce also.

I felt one of Levi's strong hand go my calf of my leg and rubbed slowly up and down. A balled formed in my throat and I stayed still. His hand was big and strong like always and I didn't mess the way his hand was sliding up my leg slowly to the side and button of my thigh.

I nervously licked my dry lips and tried to keep my attention clear on Luce but Levi was distracting me from feeling me up.

"Don't you think, Andria?", I heard Jesse and Levi's hand quickly disappeared, making me frown.

I snapped my head to her and gave her a confused look, "Huh?".

She raised an eyebrow, but had an amused look, "I said how about we set up some of the booth at this year festival next week since we can still sign up by Friday. People from different towns come and we certainly earn money from that.".

"Yeah, sounds like an awesome idea.", I said. "Set up one booth that mostly focus on the cause.".

"Good.", Luce said and they all began to talk about going to sign up for a both and join other free booths that still need to be filled.

A moment gone by and Levi placed his hand back on my thigh, but more far up. Not wanting to take chances of people seeing, I placed mine over his, "Stop.", I whispered, barely moving my lip.

I felt him lean in, "Come with me.".

I turned my head a little, my eyebrows coming together, "Where?".

"Just come on.", he said. "No one will notice we're gone for a while.".

Being the bad girl I am, it was easy to sneak away since we were right at the edge of the stage and Levi was practically tall enough to jump down and not make a slightest sound. I hung my legs over the edge and turned my head to see if anyone was watching.

Jesse rose an eyebrow at me with more of an amused look who was leaning on Kaden was wasn't watching. I mouthed "Cover for me' and she nodded, waving more to go. I turned my head back to Levi. I scooted my body and Levi held his arms out to catch me for when I slid off.

To my bad lucky, the stupid dress slid up past over my underwear and I whispered a curse, flatten it back down. Levi chuckled, taking my hand with him and we went throw the exits that was near that stage. He opened the door a little enough for me to slide threw and he was next. He closed the door without making a sound and we grabbed my hand.

"Where are exactly going?", I asked. "You don't know Hayden High that well.", I pointed out.

"Still a smart ass, I see.", he chuckled, leading us to the dimmed gym. "You do remember I have gone to everything that evolved you and school here, right?".

He opened the door and pushed me in, "Heey!", I hissed out.

He closed the door and locked it. He turned around and he surprised me by placing his hands on my cheeks and slammed his lips down on mine. I lost my balance and stumbled backwards until my back hit the wall.

He pulled back, "Jesse dressed you up, didn't she?", he asked.

Still shocked from the kiss, I woke up by shaking my head. "Huh?",

He chuckled, "Nothing.". He looked me in the eyes and brushed his right finger tips across my cheek, "I missed you,Andria.".

"You should have forgiven me then, idiot.", I pointed out.

He sighed heavily, "I was hurt, I didn't just want to make everything seem better when it wasn't.".

I placed my hands on his chest, "Well I guess you had the right. I am a total bitch, I just don't tend to realize."

"You're not a bitch.", he said. "Your just reeeaaally stubborn.".

"Well do you forgive me now?", I asked. "Don't see why you really would, I'm a horrible person. I guess not actually being around you and you being mad at me was like a smack in the face. I do like you Levi, a lot. Maybe even," I paused, feeling my cheeks blush up and he rose an eyebrow.

He has said those three words before, but I never had. "Maybe I even just love you. Now, lets not get all mushy because I said that. I know that I had bugged you through out the year, but it's not like we really could be anymore than friend since you are four years old than me. But now that I'm eighteen, Levi—Levi, stop looking at my chest!", I barked out and slapped the side of his head when I realized his eyes weren't on me but my chest. My chest was being held up by the strings that were tied around my neck, making them a little noticeable and bigger.

He shook his head, rubbing the side where I hit, "I'm sorry.", he said. He quickly grinned, his eyes glowing bright blue, "I forgive you, Andria." He brought his hand up to my face and caressed my cheek. I smiled at him and I felt so weird letting him pushing him away but I control my arms. "How about I really show you how much you mean to me.", he said, lowering his head down to me and when I thought he was going to kiss me, he placed his lips down on my neck and kissed around my collar bones, making my legs turn to mush that I had to hold onto him.

I couldn't help but exhale his strong cologne and feel more turned on by it. I pressed myself closer to his warm body, wanting our bare skin to touch instead.

Knock, knock, knock.

There was a loud banging knocks on the doors and I pushed Levi away, afraid a teacher that stay late at night saw us.

Instead I saw massive grins from Jesse, Kaden, and Angelo. My cheeks probably look red as a fire truck right now.

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