Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Ten.

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I had a bandanna around my head, covering my eyes as Levi led me into his apartment. "So tell me why my eyes are covered again?", I questioned.

"Just wait here.", he said and I heard his footsteps jog towards near his room.

I crossed my arms and sighed heavily, waiting. I wonder what he has to do to blind fold me. After the meeting at the school and deciding to hold up booths at the festival next Friday, he said we he wanted to come back here and when we got to his apartment door, he took the bandanna he always carries in his back pocket and put it around my eyes.

A moment later I heard his footsteps come back, "Hold your hands out.", he said and I did what he said. I felt something placed in my hands, "Okay, open them.".

I opened my eyes and looked down to see the new Canon camera I wanted and my mouth dropped. I forgot he told me he got this for me and was holding it until my birthday. I've been so busy beating myself up about how I treated Levi that I forgot the thing I most wanted.

I smiled down at the camera before wrapping my arms around Levi's neck, hugging him, "Thank you so much, Levi. It's amazing.".

His arms went around my waist, lifting me up from the ground, "Now your going to be playing with that thing for a few weeks, ignoring me like the last time.".

He put my back down on my feet and I pulled my head away from his chest, "Well of course, but I'll find time to make for my boyfr...", suddenly I blushed at the words. I never used that words before to described him and I never actually had a boyfriend before either the boys thought I was a freak and then there was Levi coming into the picture. I've been on dates, but they would get ruin since Levi would find me.

He grinned, leaning down closer to me as I blushed harder, "Come on, say it.".

"Boyfriend.", I said, rolling my eyes and I hit his chest. "Not don't get such a big head cause I finally called you that now and another thing, don't think I'm going to be calling you 'babe' or shit like that—", he cut me off by placing his lips on mine and I quickly forgot what I was saying.

He pulled back a moment later, "I'll think about it.", he said and I opened my mouth to protest about couple nicknames but he blocked my lips before I could talk.

He stepped forward and I began to walk backwards towards the couch and not realizing how far I got, the back of my legs hit the couch and I fell down onto the couch, bring Levi onto of me.

We chuckled and I reached out to put the camera down on the couch table, but since I wasn't paying much attention to the new expensive and new love camera, I couldn't find the table.

Levi chuckled, reached out and took the camera out of my hands, placing it on the table without even looking.

I couldn't help but smile into the making out and before I knew it, my hands began to pull his white t-shirt up.

Levi groaned and to my surprise, he leaned up away from me and gave me a uncomfortable look.

"What?", I questioned.

"I don't feel right about this—",

My mouth dropped, "Your joking, right? You have been waiting for this day for how long and now you don't?", I questioned. I prepared myself to embarrass myself, "Okay, so I know you have been with other girls before you met me and they probably are going to be much better than me but—",

He started chuckling, cutting me off and I glared at him as my cheeks burnt up. He shook his head, "No, Andria, you need to start letting me finish. I really want it to happen since—god, how long? About four years? But one, I didn't by any condoms since I was so pissed at you. Second, I seriously thought you wouldn't talk to me for a long time. And third, I don't want to take anything away from you if I know her parents hate me still. I don't know why I care so much, but it's something inside me that feel weird about having my Bounder parents despises me just because I'm older and not Greek.".

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