Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Thirteen.

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I was hugging Angelo really tight around the waist, trying my best to hold back my tears, "I want you to stay, Angelo.", I told him.

He was petting my hair, "I'll be back, Lexi. Why do you always think we'll never see each other again? That is why they invented Skype for, you do know?".

I forced a smile and took a step back, "Tell your mom and sisters I said hey.", I said, then hit his arm. "And tell me next time your coming!"

"Oh yes, I sure will. I don't need another black eye.", he said.

"I think Levi will just hug you, you two grown to be good friends now.", I said, smiling cause of Angelo and Levi are friends now.

Angelo smiled and then turned to my yiayia—who I will say is better then ever—talking—to each in Greek and how he'll miss her. She patted his cheek and smiled at him, "I will miss you Angelo and your humor. But remember, not all of my people back home likes gorgers, so be careful. If you can only remember what happen to the last family that they didn't like.", she said and I gave her an amused look, since I knew she was talking about Levi's family but Angelo just thought she was probably just trying to scare him.

Angelo chuckled, "I will, Helene.".

Soon Angelo plane was called and I frowned but I put a smile on my face as I give him one last hug. I wont see Angelo probably for another year, so it was very sad for me. But he was right, there's always Facebook and Skype.

I got in a taxi with my yiayia and the taxi drove me to the library where the yard sale was already happening, but they knew I would be a little late cause I wanted to see Angelo go off. My yiayia stayed in the taxi to go home cause she didn't want to stay out in the sun and I understand. It is very hot and bright out.

I pushed my sunglasses up my face as I walked over to a table where Jesse was and she was handed a little girl her old easy bake oven. "Thank you, have a good day.", she told the little girl who smiled and hugged the oven as she turned away. "I think I should have warned her when she bakes, it's going to smell a little like burnt play-doh.", she said

My right eyebrow rose and she chuckled, "It was Kaden. When we were little and when I threw my ice cream cone at him cause he was making fun of me, he put play-doh in the oven and it made the whole thing smelt like burnt play doe and believe me, that does not smell good.", she said, making a disgust look.

"Jeez, you two were horrible as children to each other.", I said, chuckling.

            She shrugged, "Well, Kaden could be sweet sometime also. After he did that, I broke down crying cause I thought he broke it and he hugged me, telling me he was sorry. And it's way better then cursing at each other in front of the whole family—and I mean whole family like you and Levi did when you first met.", she chuckled and I rolled my eyes, chuckling with her.

 It's just like Levi and I to make some kind of scene, we like attention, it had to be on us. "It was not the 'whole' family, just the ones that were close enough to each other. There are way more out there.", I said

I walked over the table, I had dropped the stuff I didn't need anymore before going to the air port and Jesse had unpacked it all for me. She counted all the money she had made so far, "So we only made about sixty dollars. Maybe if you had brought some of those camera you don't use, we could have gotten a little more.".

"No way.", I said, looking at her like she was crazy. "Those camera's have memories and one day, their going to be vintage and I'm going to give them to my children and they'll give them to their children. It'll be a collection one day."

"I guess so.", she said

"And we still got two more hours, we can make more. I'm sure someone these days still own a VCR.", I said, putting my hand on the stack of old VCR tapes of old movie

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