Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Four.

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Levi nudged at my thigh with his nose and I groaned, "Stop moving, Levi! I need this for my art class and if I don't finish it, I'll fail.", I told him as I tried to sketch him. So many things to do before the end of the year and thanks to my procrastinating life style, I had to rush.

I know drawing a giant wolf is strange, but I couldn't think of anything else. I needed someone who would do it and since he didn't want me to sketch him in human form cause he doesn't want to look stupid, he said he'll do it in his wolf form.

After finishing his fur with the pastels, I spread it a little with my thumb. I turned it around then to pat the dust off and blew the rest off that didn't come off. I smiled, liking how I did. I turned the picture to Levi, showing him, "So, you think I'll get an A?", I asked.

He raised his head and looked at it, then breathed out his nose heavily. I pressed my lips together angrily at him and his eyes showed amusement. He turned back into his human form and I kept my eyes on his top half.

He was chuckling when he moved over next to me, "No, I'm just joking. I love it, I'm keeping it when she hands it back to you. It's worth an A plus.",

I looked down at the picture again. It was of Levi laying in the woods with tree's behind him and the sun purring down at him, all in black pastels. I'm kind of proud of how I did.

"I like it.", I said and didn't even realize Levi was put his arm around my shoulder until he pulled me closer to him. My cheeks blushed up and I pushed myself away a little, "Hey, I'm still mad at you for what you did to Angelo."

He looked annoyed and moved his arm, his comfortable warmth leaving with him, "I didn't know, okay? I'm sorry.", he said, looking across the woods, his expression showing me he was not happy. "So, why didn't you ask him? Why'd you want to sketch me, not him?"

"Cause I already have him being my model for my photography club." I said and his head snapped to me.

"What?" he asked. "You asked him before me? I could have done it."

I shrugged, "Sorry, but I wasn't sure if you would do it or not."

"Are you saying I'm not model material?" he asked. "Cause I have an amazing body and hair."

I couldn't stop myself from giggling, "Well I just thought you were to manly to do it and object."

"You always seem to make the decision for me.", he said. He took a second before saying, "I'll do it to."

"Huh?", I asked, confused.

"I'll be your model also for your photography group.", he said.

I stared at him, seeing if he was serious or not. He was. Oh jeez. "Uh...okay. I got my camera right here. But this is school, so put on your cloths.", I told him and he made a bummed out look, making my chuckle as I grabbed my bag to dig out my camera as he got dressed.

I set my camera up and when I felt like it was safe to look, I turned my head to see Levi throwing his button shirt on, but left it open. His golden six pack was showing and I couldn't help but stare.

The guy like a blonde hair Greek god. Apollo or Hermes I would say. Why does he have to be stunningly gorgeous? Why can't he have some flaws like a normal person?

I heard him clear his throat and my head snapped up at him, my cheeks burned when I saw his amused face, "See something you like, Andia?", he asked.

Completely embarrassed, I got up and cleared my throat, "Have no idea what your talking about. Lean back against the tree, please.", I told him.

He did and leaned back on it, looking terribly hot. I had to force myself not to stare and look down at my camera instead. I hate having passionate feelings towards him. I need to stop acting like some bimbo in front of him.

Genie In A Bottle.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin