For Worse,For Better,and Fore...

By lovesickyuno

117K 3.8K 390

"Shit.", she cursed as she got out of the car, "Ya!!! Did you not see??!!", Jisoo said as she checked the bac... More

Chapter 1 : The Beginning Of Us
Chapter 2 : You Again?
Chapter 3 : I'm Taking You Out
Chapter 4 : Who Do You Love?
Chapter 5 : Day Out
Chapter 6 : Take Her Home
Chapter 7 : Wedding Nerves
Chapter 8 : The First Day
Chapter 9 : First Arguments
Chapter 10 : Honeymoon Things
Chapter 11 : Post-Honeymoon
Chapter 12 : How much do you love each other?
Chapter 13 : I promised I'd take care of you
Chapter 15 : I Hope We Find Love
Chapter 16 : He Likes Me Not
Chapter 17 : Secrets
Chapter 18 : What Are We?
Chapter 19 : Trouble
Chapter 20 : No Boundary
Chapter 21 : Almost
Chapter 22 : Fooled
Chapter 23 : Cold
Chapter 24 : He doesn't love you
Chapter 25 : Let Me Go
Chapter 26 : The First
Chapter 27 : Nightmare
Chapter 28 : I'm Here
Chapter 29 : Better Late Than Never
Chapter 30 : May I?
Chapter 31 : Crazy About You
Chapter 32 : Insane
Chapter 33 : First Honeymoon
Chapter 34 : Childhood Reunion
Chapter 35 : Miracles
Chapter 36 : The Possible End
Chapter 37 : Regrets
Chapter 38 (Last Chapter) : Forever
update!!! πŸ—£πŸ—£
πŸ’Ÿ U P D A T E πŸ’Ÿ
Update 😌
UPDATE !!!!!1!1!1!1!!!!
A's Announcement! ❀️
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK.
maybe, just maybe. SNEAK PEEK 2

Chapter 14 : Meant For You

2.6K 95 19
By lovesickyuno

P/ s : for this chapter please listen to these songs :

Some by Bolbbagan4
Some by Soyou, Junggigo ft Geeks Lil Boi
If by Got7


Hyeri was out at some furniture store, getting new furnitures for her client's new house, she loved being an interior designer. She was holding a file and also a pen and a notebook, while looking around.

As she was looking around, a guy approached her suddenly.

"Hi miss, do you work here? Because if you do, I was wondering if you could help me choose what furnitures go with a new house, I'm bad at it, but it's urgent, we just lost our interior designer, can you help me? Since you work at this store, you probably know at least some stuff about interior designing, right? Just show me what's nice, I have no exact budget at all, please I'm really-"

"Woah woah, stop there for a minute.", Hyeri laughed, cutting him off.

"Yes?", the guy asked.

"I don't work here.", she said with a small laugh, "I fact an interior designer, a bit more upgraded.", she smiled.

"Oh-god sorry.", the guy chuckled nervously.

"It's fine.", Hyeri said with a small laugh, "I'm Hyeri by the way.", she said as she reached her hand out.

"Jackson.", he smiled as he shook her hand and stared at her, "You're really cute.", he thought out loud, until he realised that he said that out loud.

"Why thank you.", Hyeri laughed.

"O-oh sorry, I mean you are cute but I didn't mean to say it out loud but you know..", he rambled.

"Yes I think I know what you mean.", Hyeri smiled, he was adorable indeed, suddenly she realised that he seemed familiar, "Wait, I think we've met before...OH!!! You were the best man at Jisoo and Jinyoung's wedding right??", Hyeri beamed.

"Y-yes, OH WAIT, you were the maid of honour...right?", he asked back.

"Yes!! Oh wow, what a small world.", she said in awe.

"It is.", Jackson chuckled, "Wait, did you mention you were an interior designer earlier?", he said.

"Yes, I am.", Hyeri responded.

"Oh great, can you help me? How about we go to lunch?", he suggested.

"I would love to, but I have a meeting with my client later.", Hyeri said apologetically, "But, I'd be happy to help you, wait.", she said as she reached inside her purse and handed him a card, "This is my card, call me anytime.", she smiled as he took it from her hand.

"Thank you, I will, you'll be a big help.", he smiled.

"Your welcome and I'm honoured to help.", she said, then she glanced at her watch, "I'll get going first, call me.", she said to him with a smile as she walked away, and Jackson just waved at her.


Jinyoung and Jisoo's days went on normally, they had misunderstandings here and there, but they ended up alright. Without realising it has already been 2 months since they got married, and they were still not sleeping in the same room, but after spending 2 months, living together, things were starting to get better despite the fights they have sometimes.

Jisoo woke up one morning with a massive headache, and a sore throat, she was feeling weak, after washing up she made her way to the kitchen, attempting to make breakfast, but she gave up and lied down on the living room couch, Jinyoung came downstairs after that and saw her lying down liflessly on the couch, Jinyoung could tell that she wasn't feeling well, after seeing how pale she looked.

"Are you okay?", he asked kneeling down by the couch. Jisoo opened her eyes and saw Jinyoung right infront of her.

"Of course I am.", she said nonchalantly. Jinyoung placed his hand on her forehead.

"You're burning up, let's go to the doctor.", he said, concerned.

"No, I'm fine, I just need to sleep.", she said, closing her eyes.

Jinyoung went upstairs and got ready to bring her to the doctor, he came back downstairs and Jisoo was still lying down on the couch.

"Jisoo, get up.", Jinyoung lightly shook her.

"I'm fine, Jinyoung.", she whined, still closing her eyes.

"Come on, you're literally burning up, we have to get you to the doctor.", he said, folding his arms, Jisoo slowly sat up and scowled at him.

"But I'm lazy to walk.", she sighed as she leaned back onto the couch. Jinyoung went over to the couch and lifted her up bridal style, Jisoo was caught off guard, "W-what are you doing?", she asked, flustered.

"You said you were lazy to walk, didn't you?", he asked, "I'm just trying to get you to go to the doctors.", he said as he made his way to the car, still with her in his arms.


He spent the whole day monitoring her, Jisoo was confused at why he was doing all of this for her. She spent the whole day in her room, sleeping, Jinyoung came into her room to check on her every once in awhile, and also to remind her to eat her medicine.

Jisoo sat up on her bed, and felt like taking a bath, just to refresh herself but she felt super weak. Jinyoung knocked on her door and came in.

"You feeling better?", he asked.

"Yes, a bit.", she said with a small smile.

"Good, which reminds me, it's time for your medicine.", he said as he took her medicine on the bedside table and gave it to her with the glass of water that was already there. Jisoo took it and swallowed her medicine, "Is there anything else you need?", he asked.

Jisoo opened her mouth to ask for a favour but figured that it'd be too much, instead she just shook her head.

"You were about to say something, come on..what is it?", Jinyoung smiled.

"Nothing..", Jisoo said.

"Come on Jisoo..", Jinyoung pestered.

"Alright, I want to wash my hair, but I'm too lazy to even get up and do it myself, I just wanna feel refreshed..", Jisoo trailed.

"So you're want me to bathe you?", Jinyoung smirked jokingly.

"No you perv!!!", Jisoo exclaimed, "I want you to just wash my hair for me, there's a difference..", Jisoo said as she narrowed her eyes and Jinyoung laughed at her reaction.

"Can you...?", Jisoo asked cautiously.

"Of course.". Jinyoung said with a small smile.

"Thank you.", she smiled as she got up from her bed with Jinyoung helping her.

They went into the bathroom and Jisoo sat on the toilet while Jinyoung got her towel and shampoo.

"Where's your shampoo?", Jinyoung asked, her bathroom smelled of roses, just like her.

"It's in the shower, its a pink bottle.", Jisoo said, Jinyoung got it and started to rinse her hair with cold water.

"Why is the water cold??", Jisoo said as she flinched.

"You're sick, we need to cool your temperature down, not increase it, no way I'm washing your hair with warm water..", Jinyoung said.

"But Jinyoung..", Jisoo whined.

"You'll feel better, trust me,", Jinyoung said.

"I'll feel better if its warm water.", Jisoo sassed.

"If you're going to complain about the cold water then I'll bathe you instead..", Jinyoung said, and Jisoo smirked.

"I'd like to see you try..", Jisoo tried and Jinyoung let out a hollow chuckle. He reached for the hem of her shirt and she jumped a bit, stopping him and Jinyoung laughed at her reaction which resulted in her scowling at him.

"Fine..cold water it is then..", she huffed.

"That's what I thought.", he said smugly.

After 30 minutes, Jinyoung dried her hair with a towel, and also with a hairdryer, so it wouldn't be too wet to the point it'll worsen her cold. Jisoo felt refreshed and even changed into a pair of fresh pj's, and not long after she was already back in bed and under the covers.

"Feeling better?", Jinyoung asked.

"Yep, thank you Jinyoung.", she smiled.

"Your welcome, is there anything else you need?", he asked.

"Nope.", Jisoo shook her head while chewing on her lip.

"Okay, I guess I'll head out, I'll be in my room if you need me.", he said and stood up from her bed. He was about to head out until Jisoo called him.

"Jinyoung.", she called.

"Yeah?", he said, turning around to face her.

"You take care of me better than I take care of myself.", she blurt out, she was reminded of the fight the both had earlier in their marriage. Jinyoung gave her a small smile and went out of the room.

Jisoo smiled to herself as she lied down and rolled over, she felt refreshed alright and she was also feeling something tingly in her stomach, but shrugged it off as she felt her medicine finally working its magic, a few minutes later, she fell back to sleep.

Jisoo woke up the next morning, feeling better, although she still feels a little awful, she made breakfast that morning, Jinyoung came downstairs, all ready for work.

"You feeling better? Have you taken your medicine?", he asked when he saw Jisoo at the dining table.

"I am feeling better, and of course I have taken my medicine.", she said. Jinyoung placed his hand on her forehead and it caught her off guard, but she managed to contain herself.

"You're still kinda hot, but it's better than yesterday.", Jinyoung said.

"Look at you being all caring about me.", she teased him.

"N-no, I'm just-", Jinyoung stumbled, "what did you cook for breakfast?", he asked, changing the topic. Jisoo just laughed and they had breakfast.

"Can I go to work later? Just for a few hours.", she shrugged.

"Work? No, you're just getting better, I don't wanna be that type know what..but just stay home.", Jinyoung said.

"Alright.", she sighed. Jinyoung got up from the chair and was about to head to work.

"I have to get going, but Jiyeon will drop by soon, to check on you.", he said as he made his way out.

"What? I'll be fine.", Jisoo shrugged.

"I know you'll be but at least if anything happens, she's there.", he said nonchalantly, "I'll get going first.", he said.

"Okay, bye.", Jisoo said as she walked him to the door. After Jinyoung's car drove off, she smiled to herself.


A few days later, Jisoo woke up and prepared breakfast, since it was a day off, there was no rush in preparing breakfast. As she was busy in the kitchen, Jinyoung walked in the kitchen and nonchalantly greeted her goodmorning.

"Goodmorning to you too.", she replied without even looking at him.

"Hey, I have something to tell you.", Jinyoung said.

"What is it?", Jisoo said as she walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food, Jinyoung followed after her.

"I have this company event tonight, and you're coming with me.", Jinyoung said.

Jisoo placed the tray on the dining table and turned to Jinyoung with a look.

"No.", she said.

"I don't think I gave you a choice.", Jinyoung said.

"And you have absolutely no right to decide whether I should come with you or not, and no I'm not going.", Jisoo sassed.

"What? No right?", Jinyoung scoffed, "I'm your husband, and you're my wife.", Jinyoung said as he directed his index finger to her.

"Ohhh...", Jisoo laughed sarcastically, "Suddenly, now you're my husband?", Jisoo scoffed and Jinyoung glared at her.

"You are going. End. Of. Story.", Jinyoung said.

"I'm not.", Jisoo replied.

"Why are you so stubborn? God.", Jinyoung said, annoyed.

"Deal with it. Why do you want me to go so much anyway, that's not like you.", Jisoo said as she looked at him weirdly.

" parents asked me to bring you.", Jinyoung lied as he rubbed the back of his neck.

The truth is, he was afraid that he'd bump into his ex-girlfriend and would have had nothing to prove to her.

"Ugh...", Jisoo groaned, "..fine, I'll go only for the sake of your parents.", Jisoo said, giving in. Jinyoung was relieved and mentally did a happy dance.


Jisoo stared at her reflection in the mirror and exhaled. She was kind of nervous to be going to her first formal event as someone's wife—as Jinyoung's wife.

Suddenly, a knock on her door snapped her out of her thoughts. She opened it and saw Jinyoung in a suit with his unbuttoned white dress shirt. She could tell how broad he actually was.

"You ready?", Jinyoung asked, he almost found himself speechless as he saw Jisoo in that black cocktail dress with her hair in a neat half up-do.

"Yeah, let me go get my purse.", Jisoo said with a tight smile.

They arrived, and the first thing Jinyoung did was hold Jisoo's hand.

"What are you doing?", Jisoo spat.

"Holding your hand you idiot, you're coming to this event as my wife.", Jinyoung retorted.

"I get that..but we're still in the parking lot, let me go.", Jisoo said as she took her hand out of his, "You're really taking advantage of this situation aren't you?", Jisoo said as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oh my god..You're really gonna-You know what..think what you want, I don't care.", Jinyoung said, annoyed.

They walked into the event, finally hand in hand, and many people came to greet them, some even complimented how beautiful Jisoo was, and Jisoo thanked them.

Jackson looked at his bestfriend and Jisoo acting like a couple and chuckled to himself thinking that they could win an oscar for being so good at acting like a couple.

When they got to their respective table which was also Jackson's table, they immediately let go of each other's hand.

"Ugh, that was the longest I had to hold your hand.", Jinyoung said.

"You think I enjoyed that?", Jisoo spat.

"Whatever, but listen, whatever it is, you better stay close to me the whole time.", Jinyoung said firmly.

"What? And act all lovey dovey? No!!", Jisoo whined.

"Shut up and just listen to me.", Jinyoung said, annoyed.

"Ugh..", Jisoo groaned as she rolled her eyes.

" guys better not act so obvious, everyone here thinks you're the sweetest couple.", Jackson reminded them and Jisoo cringed inside upon hearing that.

The whole night, Jisoo had stayed close to Jinyoung until Jinyoung was getting so into a conversation she decided to take this chance to escape and explore.

She was walking around and smiling at every person who greeted her along the way. Suddenly, someone bumped into her, and the person immediately apologised.

"No,no it's alright.", Jisoo said politely with a smile.

"Ahh you're Jisoo right?", the person said.

"Yes? How did you know..", Jisoo said laughing a little.

"Well, I think everyone here knows you're Jinyoung's wife, you're more beautiful upclose.", he complimented and Jisoo thanked him, "I'm Yongguk by the way.", he introduced himself.

"Oh, nice to meet you.", Jisoo smiled.

"Where's Jinyoung?", he asked.

"Oh you know, he's talking business over there so I decided I'll wander around for a bit.", Jisoo said.

Jisoo and Yongguk talked for awhile and they got even more friendlier. Meanwhile, Jinyoung was halfway through a conversation until Jisoo and Yongguk caught his eye, and his blood boiled seeing the sight.

Yongguk had been his rival eversince highschool, and he was the same guy Taera had cheated on him with, and seeing him with Jisoo only made Jinyoung angry.

Jinyoung excused himself and walked towards Jisoo and Yongguk who were deep in conversation.

"Babe, didn't I tell you to stay close?", Jinyoung said, and Jisoo looked up at him, confused but she immediately played along.

"Oh..r-right, sorry I got bored waiting for you.", Jisoo said.

"Let's go.", Jinyoung said, as he nodded towards the opposite direction and pulled Jisoo with him, leaving Yongguk behind just like that.

"What are you doing? That was rude!!", Jisoo whisper-shouted.

"It doesn't matter! Why were you even talking to him, didn't I tell you to stay close?!!", Jinyoung replied back, "Stay with me.", Jinyoung said sternly and Jisoo rolled her eyes in response.

"Jisoo I'm-"

"Yes, I get it.", Jisoo said cutting him off.

The night went normally after that, and Jisoo was at the table while Jinyoung went to the restroom. Suddenly, a voice startled her.

"Oh god, Yongguk you scared me.", Jisoo said and he chuckled.

"Sorry, just dropping by to say hi, you alright?", he asked and she nodded.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?", Jisoo said with a small laugh.

Jinyoung was making his way back to the event room when once again he saw his wife with his rival. He put his hands in his pockets and made his way towards them.

"Oh, you're back.", Jisoo said looking up at him, and Yongguk did the same with an evil smirk.

"Jisoo, I think we should go home now.", Jinyoung said and she could tell that he was angry.


"No buts babe, you can't stay up this long anyway, it's not good for our baby.", Jinyoung said looking directly at Jisoo who looked lost.

"Oh you're pregnant I see.", Yongguk said.

"Yes she is.", Jinyoung lied, "So stop talking to her and get out of her sight before she gags.", he spat and Yongguk scoffed as he got up to leave.

After he left Jisoo was about to say something but Jinyoung cut her off.

"We're going home, now.", he said as he walked off. Jisoo grabbed her belongings and followed after him, now she was angry.

"Why are you getting so mad at me suddenly?! And why did you say I was pregnant?!! What the hell was that?!", Jisoo argued when they got in the car.

"Because you never listen, that's why and somehow it seemed like you forgot that you're someone's wife.", he spat as he drove.

"Excuse me? Just because I talked to that one guy?!", Jisoo spat, "And Jinyoung I don't even want to be your wife for god's sake.", Jisoo said angrily as she took off the ring she has on and threw it into his dashboard.

Jinyoung clenched his jaw and just kept quiet as he drove, suddenly, he pulled over near a park.

"What are we doing here this late?", Jisoo said as she sighed.

They ended up sitting on the bench nearby until Jinyoung broke the silence.

"Listen, sorry for acting all worked up, it's just that the guy that talked to you earlier was the same guy my ex cheated on me with, so I got worried, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel so suffocated.", Jinyoung said apologetically and Jisoo's face softened.

"Oh... Jinyoung...You should've let me know, I'm sorry I didn't stay close.", Jisoo said.

"It's alright, so are we even now?", Jinyoung asked and Jisoo nodded with a small smile.

"Can we go home now?", she asked as she got up.

"Yeah.", he responded.

Jisoo was about to walk away until Jinyoung remembered something and pulled her hand, spinning her around, Jisoo glanced down at their hands and frowned at him.

"What are you doing? Don't play with me Jinyoung or I'll scream.", Jisoo said as she tried to pull away from him but he only held on her hand tighter.

"I'm not playing with you, if I wanted to I would've done it at home where no one could hear you.", Jinyoung shot.

"Jinyoung!", she said as she smacked his chest with her free hand.

"Just..I want you to put this back on.", he said as he took out the ring she threw earlier, he put it back on her finger and his touch made her heart skip a beat, "I want you to keep this, it's yours, it was meant for you, so please.", he said and she didn't know what to respond, "Keep it okay?", he said with a tender look on his face as he let her hand go and immediately walked to his car, leaving her dumbfounded.

It made Jisoo wonder why she has been having all these mixed feelings for him eversince he took care of her a few days ago, what's going to happen with us? She thought.


Hey guys!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this long ass chapter!!! Comment on what you think of Jackson and Hyeri heh 😜

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