The Crown of Vanaheim (Loki a...

By SlaveToMischief

4.1K 132 21

Sold as a slave to the Court of Vanahiem, Loki is feeling more on edge than ever before. After all, the fall... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

482 18 3
By SlaveToMischief

I was taken to a room with no windows and a locking door from the outside. The space was nice and roomy, but the color once more was silver, black and/or white.  Such deadness in a room was like a bitter taste in my mouth. I watched with curiosity as Freyr began to go through my wardrobe and pull out clothing in large heaps. I looked to them all sadly and realized it was all black and white. Just like Freyr’s clothes.

Freyr was unusually quiet. His face didn’t seem to change expression from the vague emotionless state it was in.

“Shouldn’t servants be doing this job?” I asked suddenly? I watched Freyr suddenly stop pulling clothes from the closet and begin to stare into nothingness as if he were trying to process the right words.

“They should but since my father commands I simply comply. It’s easier that way.” Freyr mumbled as he threw my new clothes on the top of my new bed.  Black leather pants and a white dress shirt were apparently the new order of my style. Freyr turned from shutting the wardrobe to look at me. “My father asked me to explain to you our protocol but I simply will give you the only advice you will need here when under my father’s control.” He gave me a sympathetic look that reminded me of Thor’s. My heart ached and jaw clenched.

“Advice?” I whispered coarsely.

“The rules are simply set. Be respectful and you will be respected. If you stay by me and do as I do you’ll be fine.” Freyr smiled kindly and I rolled my eyes.

“Why should I? I can do well enough on my own.” My voice was sure and confident, cold and distant but Freyr just bowed to me and turned to the door.

“The collar you wear is not unknown to me Loki. I’m giving you a choice, believe it or not. You can learn the easy way, as my friend. Or you can learn the hard way, as a guest no doubt will. Now I will be outside your door waiting to escort you to the dining room. If you’re not out in 10 minutes, I’ll assume my offer was declined and I gladly find the guards to escort you instead.” Freyr then walked out the door without another word.

This place made no sense at all. It was too ordered and yet I could sense corruption and chaos within its walls. I didn’t understand any of what was going on here.  I was personally on my edge of patience; waiting for a whip to crack or my chains put on me once more.

Tired of thinking, I undressed and put my new clothes on. I would take Freyr’s offer only to have an ally and learn all I could about the area around me. He was my only source of escape at the moment. And to be quite frank, I did not want to have another run in with Trevor.

I walked over to a mirror when I was dressed and looked at myself in shame. My complexion was even paler than before because of the contrasting black and white I wore. My cheeks looked like emaciated hollow spots and my eyes those pale blue, sported heavy dark circles underneath them. My long and narrow face was outlined by my long dark black wavy tresses.

It was then that my eyes found their way to the silver collar around my neck. It wasn’t thick and grossly heavy. It was just a shiny bit of metal that did not belong around my neck, controlling and deciding my fate.

Deciding I looked good enough, I walked back over to the door and opened it to find Freyr leaning against the wall casually, arms crossed, with a small smile on his face. He looked up at me and grinned like a Cheshire cat. A grin I could have been proud to call my own.

“Well, let us go meet the rest of the family, shall we?” I sighed as I followed Freyr down the hall, the way he had come. He seemed as thrilled as I to be joining the little dinner party.

He was strange, that was all I knew. Different.  But now wasn’t the time to think about that.

I had a dinner party to attend and impress.


Vanahiem was built quite similarly to Asgard in many ways. The pillars that surrounded the halls were craved with a familiar design of home. The archways, the molding even the doors themselves made my mind and heart miss home. I never realized how much I had memorized Asgard. How much I considered it home

Freyr continued to lead me though the palace at a lazy pace, letting me drink up the sight of his illustrious home. But I could not find the warmth that Asgard had contained. The black, white and silver interior or all around me seemed to suck the joy and even the life out of the surroundings around me.

We stopped in front of a large door I could have only assumed to be the dining room door and Freyr looked to me with a gleam in his eyes that I swore I’ve seen before.

“Follow me and do as I do.” She spoke firmly. I nodded and confirmed his words and with that he swung open the doors.

It was an impressive dining hall to be sure. At least 20 people of nobility sat at the table, looking at me expectantly as food of every type was placed at the tables. The room itself was grand as a silver chandelier hung from the ceiling, just like the one in the throne room. But once more there was no real color other than from the food, which was a nice change of pace. But it wasn’t enough.

I watched Freyr motion for me to follow him as he walked towards his father. We traveled down to the other end of the table wear he sat along with his wife. Freyr made a low bow and then looked to me. I took a deep breath as I made a slow low bow to the man and took my seat, beside Freyr.

“Where are they?” I heard the King whisper to the Queen. Their worried faces softened however as all turned to hear racing pattering footsteps coming from the entrance.

I turned to watched two women bolting towards their seats within the dining room. One was a lovely golden haired girl with beautiful green eyes, no doubt from that of her mother, the Queen. But the other is what called to my attention. Flaming red waves were a shot of color in this bleak and dismal place. And her eyes were bluer than the ocean, electrifying and vivid.

They both stopped in front of their father and bowed, giggling and huffing breathlessly all the while.

“Where have you two been?” their mother asked them strictly. They looked at each other and erupted into giggles again.

“Sigyn and I were out in town today and we just lost track of time. You know how forgetful she is.” The blonde smiled at her sister. The red-haired woman, Sigyn shoved the blonde playful and brushed a stray curl from her face.

“Well we would have been here sooner but I practically had to detach Freya from the guardsmen patrolling the streets. The poor dear has no self-control when it comes to her men.” Their playful banter seemed to only amuse the king slightly nut when he cleared his throat their giggles subsided and their faces became serious.

“Whatever your reasons, you’re here now and that is what matters.” He smiled and gestured to me. Freyr leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“When he refers to you, stand up and bow to them.” I was grateful for the warning. I personally had no desire to be rolling on the ground in pain because of my ignorance in front of all these people.

“Daughters, I’d like to introduce to you our new guest, Prince Loki of Asgard.” I stood slowly from my chair and bowed to them respectfully. Freya and Sigyn looked at me in awe for several moments before bowing back. “This is Princess Freya and Princess Sigyn.”

After all introductions were dealt with the meal began accordingly. I personally wasn’t hungry but Freyr explained to at least put food on my plate. It was a sign of rudness or it implied that fare was not adequate. But Vanahiem certainly spared no expense on their wine. I had no doubt drank several bottles myself.

“So it seems your brother has done a fine job securing our borderlands, Loki.” The king spoke to me casually. If this was his idea of a pleasant conversation he was sadly mistaken. I took a long drink of my wine, prolonging the inevitable.

“So it would seem.” I blandly spoke. Thor wasn’t not a topic of discussion to my liking. But the King continued on without delay.

“But what of Muspelhiem?” I looked up to the King in confusion. His edged and outlined face with slight wrinkles at his eyes was fearful and worried.

“What of it?” I replied honestly. What was he getting at?

“Several scouts have reported there is an army massing for an attack. But we do not know where as of yet. The fire giants have no way to get to Vanahiem or Asgard, so there is not real threat but I’m more concerned your brother has not seem to them.”

“My brother has his own matters to see to. If you are so concerned, you should send him word. Asgard is no longer my problem.” I spoke coldly as I took another long drink of my wine. What concern was it of mine if there is slaughter in the other realms? The fact is that it wasn’t.

“But is Asgard not your home?” I looked over my wine glass to Freya, who wore a concerned and puzzled look. I sat down my glass lightly before looking back to her.

“My lady, a Jotun has no home.” I smiled wickedly and I willed my skin and eyes to change to their natural state. I watched her eyes widen in fear, a delightful response that I hoped for. “For all I care, Asgard can burn.”

Freyr nudged me in my side and I reverted back to my Aesir form. I watched him shake his head and cast his eyes downward.

“Not here.” was all he mumbled. I looked over to the king and queen who seemed to have brushed if off completely. I then turned my head back to the daughters and found to my surprise both women staring at me in wonder. Freya’s eyes were still wide and fearful, but Sigyn’s, who had said not a word, were full of life and wonderment.

I couldn’t find my way out of those eyes.

“That was beautiful…” she whispered in amazement. I thought I could feel my heart stop and a rush went to my head. Beautiful? No one had ever said that. No one had ever brushed off his monstrous form in such a way. No one had ever given a positive reaction to him. Ever

“I’m sorry to inform you that your sensibilities must be severely impaired, my lady.” I said coldly. “There is no beauty to be found in a monster.” To my surprise she shrugged off my words and continued eating.

“So you say, but I simply speak how I feel. Far be it from me to change your mind and sight as to who and what you are.” She began to eat her meal like nothing had happened. So very odd…

“So, My Lord Loki.” Freya began with a sly smile on her face. “For what reason do you now grace our presence?” I wanted to answer her in the cruelest way possible, but I looked to Freyr to see his eyes pleading with me to keep it a secret. I chose a more diplomatic answer.

“Asgard had no room for me anymore.” I spoke solemnly. I went for my wine cup to avoid conversation but to my disappointment I found it empty.

“Is that so?” Freya looked down at my neck and wickedly smiled at the collar around my neck. I gave her a dark look but she ignored it or simply didn’t understand what it meant. “Well it certainly is their loss isn’t it?” The look she fixed me made me feel odd. Maybe it was something I was supposed to be attracted to, but it made my lip curl back in disgust.

This was not how I was going to live. I was going to escape tonight, one way or another.

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