Chapter 3

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I was taken to a room with no windows and a locking door from the outside. The space was nice and roomy, but the color once more was silver, black and/or white.  Such deadness in a room was like a bitter taste in my mouth. I watched with curiosity as Freyr began to go through my wardrobe and pull out clothing in large heaps. I looked to them all sadly and realized it was all black and white. Just like Freyr’s clothes.

Freyr was unusually quiet. His face didn’t seem to change expression from the vague emotionless state it was in.

“Shouldn’t servants be doing this job?” I asked suddenly? I watched Freyr suddenly stop pulling clothes from the closet and begin to stare into nothingness as if he were trying to process the right words.

“They should but since my father commands I simply comply. It’s easier that way.” Freyr mumbled as he threw my new clothes on the top of my new bed.  Black leather pants and a white dress shirt were apparently the new order of my style. Freyr turned from shutting the wardrobe to look at me. “My father asked me to explain to you our protocol but I simply will give you the only advice you will need here when under my father’s control.” He gave me a sympathetic look that reminded me of Thor’s. My heart ached and jaw clenched.

“Advice?” I whispered coarsely.

“The rules are simply set. Be respectful and you will be respected. If you stay by me and do as I do you’ll be fine.” Freyr smiled kindly and I rolled my eyes.

“Why should I? I can do well enough on my own.” My voice was sure and confident, cold and distant but Freyr just bowed to me and turned to the door.

“The collar you wear is not unknown to me Loki. I’m giving you a choice, believe it or not. You can learn the easy way, as my friend. Or you can learn the hard way, as a guest no doubt will. Now I will be outside your door waiting to escort you to the dining room. If you’re not out in 10 minutes, I’ll assume my offer was declined and I gladly find the guards to escort you instead.” Freyr then walked out the door without another word.

This place made no sense at all. It was too ordered and yet I could sense corruption and chaos within its walls. I didn’t understand any of what was going on here.  I was personally on my edge of patience; waiting for a whip to crack or my chains put on me once more.

Tired of thinking, I undressed and put my new clothes on. I would take Freyr’s offer only to have an ally and learn all I could about the area around me. He was my only source of escape at the moment. And to be quite frank, I did not want to have another run in with Trevor.

I walked over to a mirror when I was dressed and looked at myself in shame. My complexion was even paler than before because of the contrasting black and white I wore. My cheeks looked like emaciated hollow spots and my eyes those pale blue, sported heavy dark circles underneath them. My long and narrow face was outlined by my long dark black wavy tresses.

It was then that my eyes found their way to the silver collar around my neck. It wasn’t thick and grossly heavy. It was just a shiny bit of metal that did not belong around my neck, controlling and deciding my fate.

Deciding I looked good enough, I walked back over to the door and opened it to find Freyr leaning against the wall casually, arms crossed, with a small smile on his face. He looked up at me and grinned like a Cheshire cat. A grin I could have been proud to call my own.

“Well, let us go meet the rest of the family, shall we?” I sighed as I followed Freyr down the hall, the way he had come. He seemed as thrilled as I to be joining the little dinner party.

He was strange, that was all I knew. Different.  But now wasn’t the time to think about that.

I had a dinner party to attend and impress.

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