
By libra_babe101

1.3M 55.4K 6.2K

She was lonely She wanted someone to calm the storm inside. She had waited for him for over 300 years. And... More

40- Epilogue
Covers 2
New Book and Social Media


24.5K 1.1K 74
By libra_babe101

I didn't arrive back home until almost dawn. Taking off my clothes, I thought back to the very eventful night I had.

We spent the night at Dynasti's, talking and joking, after Alexei stopped being a spoilt brat because his sister got to take me home.

I found out that Dyny, as I call her, was a very powerful succubus that was still waiting for her mate. She was completely open-minded about everything and hated her younger brother a lot. When I asked her why she hated him so much, she pursed her lips and said that story was for another day. I wanted to stress it, but I made it stay. We ate and drank and had lots if fun conversation about her and Alexei's adventures as a child.
The two were very found of each other. I was envious of their relationship in a way because I wanted that close bond with my siblings. I made myself a promise to work on that.

The night took a weird turn, however, when Dyny started to talk about some of her demon friends.

"Amarillo is the sketchiest demon ever. I'd rather be his friend than his enemy. The information that he has in his head can get a person killed" Dyny said, a small shiver running through her body.

Alexei nodded his head in agreement.

"I've heard of him but I've never had the pleasure to meet him. I hear he's real evil. Do things for his gain. Some say that it was him who pushed the rogues and our brother to begin this war"

I was intrigued by this for some reason. My subconscious was telling me to get information on this demon. I felt that he had a big role to play in our lives.

"If he's so powerful, why doesn't he lead the war. Why have pawns do it for him?" I asked.

"Amarillo is a real bastard. He doesn't want world dominance. He may be just bored and is looking for entertainment. I've seen him orchestrate riots for his sick pleasure" Dyny said, shaking her head. She tossed back her drink, pouring another.

"How does he look exactly?" I asked.. I didn't know how to explain it, but something was pushing me to know about this man.

"I've heard that he's tall and dark. He doesn't show is true face and that he has a mark on his wrist to show that he's a powerful demon" Alexei said, stroking my palm. Sweet tingles ran throughout my body, but I didn't focus on that.

Dyny laughed.

"That's partly true. Amarillo is a real asshole that has a weird fashion sense. Right now, he's obsessed with cowboys, so that's his latest look. Hr doesn't shoe his true demon form, but he's handsome: tall, dark. Makes it easier to control people with his beauty. And his mark is not on his wrist alone. It's on his entire arm. Hr can cloak his scent making him seem normal. "

My breathe went still in my body. The description matched the guy a diner perfectly.

Why the hell would a great demon come visit me? And give me a warning?

Alexei was watching me with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you so interested in this demon anyway?"

Dyny was nodding, wanting to know too.

So I told them everything about what happened at the diner. Dyny went pale; very pale, and Alexei looked confused.

"This is not good" Dyny said, jumping up. "If Amarillo knows who and what you are, then the other great demons will too. And unlike him, they want to see the fall of the entire world. If he's given you a message, that means it's not safe, and the war is going to begin soon"

Dyny was pacing, a seriously deathly look on her face. Alexei was leaning back in the seatee a frown on his face. For some weird reason, I wasn't as freaked out or troubled as them. In fact, I knew exactly what to do.

"We have to find him" I said.

Alexei and Dynasti looked at me with "are you crazy looks" on their faces.
I tried hard not to laugh, but I couldn't contain it.

"Relax guys. I'm going to be OK, but we need to find Amarillo"

It took me a couple minutes to convince Dyny to help me find Amarillo, but it took a couple hours to convince Alexei that I had to do this. It was cute that he wanted me safe and all, but I was perfectly fine by myself. I was starting to get annoyed that he was babying me, but I tried to be patient, reminding myself that he was my mate. He finally agreed when I promised to take him with me.

Laying in my bed back home, I was starting to drift off when a loud explosion outside shook the entire house.


I hopped out the bed and made my way out the door. Kass was at the staircase looking down, and Jace was already rushing down the stairs. Jacqueline and Alberto were back from the trip and was standing outside when Kass and I raced out the door.

It the middle of our driving way was a car. Above it was a big mass of purplish smoke. It was swirling in patterns. I began making my way towards it.

"Katrina stop! Don't go near that thing!" Alberto called out.

I ignored him, walking closer. The haze was calling to me. The smoke was beginning to form words now. I stopped a few feet away from it. The smoke spread out, surrounding me in its haze. My breathe hitched. The smoke was sickly sweet. Using my powers, I made a ice bubble around myself. I could hear my family's screams, but I couldn't see them.
A pinkish screen appeared in front of me. The words I saw made fear, something I haven't felt in a long long time, rest in the pit of my stomach.

We have the sword of the Dark Lord. You know what to do Katrina Dblanc, Daughter of Fire and Ice.

A/N: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh......... What could thee sword of the Dark Lord be???? Hope you guys liked it. And a big thank you to those you who like and comment on this. I appreciate it so much😳😍💖. Remember my lovelies:

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